	"global": "כללי",
	"admin": "מנהל",
	"group-privileges": "הרשאות קבוצתיות",
	"user-privileges": "הרשאות משתמש",
	"edit-privileges": "Edit Privileges",
	"chat": "צ'אט",
	"upload-images": "העלאת תמונות",
	"upload-files": "העלאת קבצים",
	"signature": "חתימה",
	"ban": "הרחקה",
	"search-content": "חיפוש תוכן",
	"search-users": "חיפוש משתמשים",
	"search-tags": "חיפוש תגיות",
	"view-users": "הצגת משתמשים",
	"view-tags": "צפייה בתגיות",
	"view-groups": "צפייה בקבוצות",
	"allow-local-login": "התחברות מקומית",
	"allow-group-creation": "יצרת קבוצות",
	"view-users-info": "צפיה במידע משתמש",
	"find-category": "מציאת הקטגוריה",
	"access-category": "גישה לקטגוריה",
	"access-topics": "גישה לנושאים",
	"create-topics": "יצירת נושאים",
	"reply-to-topics": "תגובה לנושאים",
	"tag-topics": "תיוג נושאים",
	"edit-posts": "עריכת פוסטים",
	"view-edit-history": "הצגת היסטוריית עריכות",
	"delete-posts": "מחיקת פוסטים",
	"view_deleted": "הצגת פוסטים מחוקים",
	"upvote-posts": "Upvote Posts",
	"downvote-posts": "Downvote Posts",
	"delete-topics": "מחיקת נושא",
	"purge": "Purge",
	"moderate": "Moderate",
	"admin-dashboard": "לוח מחוונים",
	"admin-categories": "קטגוריות",
	"admin-privileges": "הרשאות",
	"admin-users": "משתמשים",
	"admin-settings": "הגדרות",

	"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
	"alert.confirm-save": "Please confirm your intention to save these privileges",
	"alert.saved": "Privilege changes saved and applied",
	"alert.confirm-discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
	"alert.discarded": "Privilege changes discarded",
	"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
	"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
	"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
	"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
	"alert.no-undo": "<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>"