* Adds the filter:uploadStored hook which fires after the file is saved in the async waterfall and passes:
var storedFile = {
url: nconf.get('relative_path') + upload.url,
path: upload.path,
name: uploadedFile.name,
plugins.fireHook( 'filter:uploadStored', { uploadedFile: uploadedFile, storedFile: storedFile } );
* Corrections per PR. Should match style guide.
* Correction attempts take 2.
234:5 error Missing semicolon semi
235:3 error Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2 indent
235:19 error There should be no spaces inside this paren space-in-parens
235:105 error There should be no spaces inside this paren space-in-parens
236:3 error Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2 indent
* next() shouldn't fire twice, but I see no documentation suggesting that the paramaters will fire correctly.
Previous comments imply it is preferred to have fireHook fire fof the callback rather than having it happen next, so I'm wrapping next in an anonymous function to ensure it passes the parameters.
If this is not the preferred method, please provide a thorough correction.
* Meh. Figuring out this style requirement is so hit and miss.
* Corrected for proper callback? technique.
Might blow up on style. Will watch.
Now, when NodeBB needs to determine file compatibility, jimp
will attempt to open the file for reading. If it fails, file is
considered to be of an invalid type.
dont use post file upload for cover uploads
check cover upload file size against new setting
store cover uploads in profile folder
use `uid-profilecover` filename for cover uploads
Also added a number of fixes for mobile enhancements, such
as serving a manifest.json file for Android devices, and
serving proper link tags for all uploaded touch icons.
This commit also creates a new template helper for link tags.