* switch to ioredis
also need this fix in redisearch:
redisClient.multi(cmds).exec(function(err, ids) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var errRes = ids[resultIndex];
if (errRes[0]) {
return callback(errRes[0]);
callback(null, errRes[1]);
* dbsearch compatible with ioredis
* fixed dbsearch?
* feat: wip categories pagination
* feat: add subCategoriesPerPage setting
* feat: add load more sub categories button to category page
* fix: openapi spec
* feat: show sub categories left on category page
hide button when no more categories left
* breaking: rename categories to allCategories on /search
categories contains the search results
* fix: spec
* refactor: remove cidsPerPage
* fix: tests
* feat: use component for subcategories
* fix: prevent negative subCategoriesLeft
* feat: new category filter/search WIP
* feat: remove categories from /tag
* fix: dont load all categories when showing move modal
* feat: allow adding custom categories to list
* breaking: dont load entire category tree on post queue
removed unused code
add hooks to filter/selector
add options to filter/selector
* feat: make selector modal work again
* feat: replace old search module
* fix: topic move selector
* feat: dont load all categories on create category modal
* fix: fix more categorySelectors
* feat: dont load entire category tree on group details page
* feat: dont load all categories on home page and user settings page
* feat: add pagination to /user/:userslug/categories
* fix: update schemas
* fix: more tests
* fix: test
* feat: flags page, dont return entire category tree
* fix: flag test
* feat: categories manage page
dont load all categories
allow changing root category
clear caches properly
* fix: spec
* feat: admins&mods page
dont load all categories
* fix: spec
* fix: dont load all children when opening dropdown
* fix: on search results dont return all children
* refactor: pass all options, rename options.cids to options.selectedCids
* fix: #9266
* fix: index 0
* fix: spec
* feat: #9265, add setObjectBulk
* refactor: shoter updateOrder
* feat: selectors on categories/category
* fix: tests and search filter
* fix: category update test
* feat: pagination on acp categories page
show order in set order modal
* fix: allow drag&drop on pages > 1 in /admin/manage/categories
* fix: teasers for deep nested categories
fix sub category display on /category page
* fix: spec
* refactor: use eslint-disable-next-line
* refactor: shorter
'node_redis: The HGET command contains a invalid argument type.\n' +
'Only strings, dates and buffers are accepted. Please update your code to use valid argument types.'
* feat: test psql without defineProperty
* feat: refactor psql
remove .bind calls, use module.pool.query directly
move requires to top of file
move promisify to bottom so .init etc are promisified
* feat: mongodb
move requires to bottom
* feat: redis
* fix: cache refactor
db.getObjectField no longer loads entire object
db.getObjectsFields only clones data once
more tests
* feat: add back cache to redis
db.getObjectField no longer loads entire object
* add cache to redis
move out cache module from mongo
* fix redis tests
* add callback noop
* fix typo
* del cache on field delete
* make redis/mongo caches separate
Groups.destroy can take an array of groupnames
Groups.leave can take an array of groupnames
db.incrObjectField/decrObjectField can take an array of keys
db.sortedSetRemove can take an array of keys and values
db.setRemove can take an array of keys