Commit Graph

50 Commits (7a4b68e816dff44bf050d017ecefb59e4fc65176)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Peter Jaszkowiak ba619c7ec8 style(eslint): match operator-linebreak preferences
Julian Lam 95cc27f1ff style(eslint): enforcing newline on chained calls
renovate[bot] 64b9dabff8 chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-airbnb-base to v13 ()
* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-airbnb-base to v13

* chore: , linting 😬
Ben Lubar 33228bb7fe PostgreSQL database driver ()
* [test/database/list] Fix test list 4 being used in two different tests

* [database/postgres] PostgreSQL database driver

* [database/postgres] Make transactions work based on continuation scope.

* [database/postgres] Implement nested transactions

* eslint --fix

* Add database changes from earlier this week to the PostgreSQL driver.

* Fix typo

* Fix postgres.incrObjectFieldBy returning undefined instead of null when given NaN

* [database/postgres] Fix sortedSetsCard returning an array of strings.

* Update postgres adapter

* Fix PostgreSQL erroring when multiple updates are made to the same sorted set entry in a single operation.

Add a test case to catch this error.

* Fix lint errors.

* Only prune sessions on one instance in a cluster to avoid deadlocks.

They're caught and handled by the database server, but they spam the logs.

* Fix arguments.slice.
Peter Jaszkowiak da9da8190f Bump dependencies
Bumping eslint & configs meant making some linting fixes

For future reference, the `xmlhttprequest-ssl` library must be of equal versioning to the one in ``, otherwise it won't be deduped which causes the tests to fail
barisusakli 7ce6c1d0ad closes
Peter Jaszkowiak 1ed571189c Make utils and translator easier to require
Move utils.walk to file.walk, backwards compatible
Julian Lam b5f8fc815e re-allowing pluplus in for loops
Peter Jaszkowiak b227297ef3 ESlint no-use-before-define
Peter Jaszkowiak 93f38d4f30 ESlint no-multi-assign
and max-nested-callbacks, no-mixed-requires, max-statements-per-line
Peter Jaszkowiak 4bb49a7171 ESlint no-unused-vars
Peter Jaszkowiak c18808fdeb ESlint no-useless-concat, no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
Peter Jaszkowiak fdf4f873bf ESlint eqeqeq
and require-jsdoc, no-negated-condition
Peter Jaszkowiak 144fa8698c Eslint no-lonely-if
Peter Jaszkowiak 57f89663aa ESlint radix
Peter Jaszkowiak 09e868ce5f ESlint no-useless-escape, no-else-return
Peter Jaszkowiak 11cb3a9554 ESlint operator-assignment, block-scoped-var
Peter Jaszkowiak a0a50677da ESlint n-loop-func, yoda
Peter Jaszkowiak 04bb6513b0 ESlint no-cond-assign, no-void, valid-jsdoc
Peter Jaszkowiak 5a45087fc8 ESlint no-unreachable, no-redeclare
Peter Jaszkowiak 32dc7c23ea ESlint guard-for-in, no-nested-ternary
and operator-linebreak
Peter Jaszkowiak c4bdb72941 ESlint no-unneeded-ternary
and no-extend-native, no-sequences
Peter Jaszkowiak 64a6322002 ESlint no-extra-boolean-cast
and no-shadow-restricted-names
Peter Jaszkowiak 239d7f84dd ESlint no-path-concat
Peter Jaszkowiak daa169c094 ESlint no-unused-expressions
Peter Jaszkowiak ac2f69f7af ESlint no-return-assign
and no-restricted-modules
Peter Jaszkowiak 896c8c7343 ESlint object-curly-spacing
Peter Jaszkowiak 1493afee2a ESlint indent
Peter Jaszkowiak 3b0dd2d1ef ESlint padded-blocks
Peter Jaszkowiak feb8405f95 ESlint eol-last
Peter Jaszkowiak 41896e1fc7 ESlint lines-around-directive
Peter Jaszkowiak f3a8256f35 ESlint strict
Peter Jaszkowiak a038c66549 ESlint quotes
Peter Jaszkowiak 604358ecc4 ESlint keyword-spacing, no-multi-spaces
Peter Jaszkowiak a5a3f3089a ESlint no-mixed-operators
Peter Jaszkowiak 2e031f3759 ESlint comma-spacing
Peter Jaszkowiak 277a7fb8b4 ESlint key-spacing, no-trailing-spaces
Peter Jaszkowiak 34e233fe1d ESlint spaced-comment
Peter Jaszkowiak 532951c24f ESlint space-in-parens, block-spacing
Peter Jaszkowiak b1b486f729 ESlint quote-props
Peter Jaszkowiak 3361a72725 ESlint no-plusplus
and no-empty, space-unary-ops
Peter Jaszkowiak d1101a7fb4 ESlint dot-notation
and func-call-spacing
Peter Jaszkowiak d7526b5e44 ESlint array-bracket-spacing
and object-property-newline
Peter Jaszkowiak 554075b312 ESlint no-continue
Peter Jaszkowiak d9c1f6f088 ESlint no-extra-semi
Peter Jaszkowiak 1cf25f57fc ESlint no-space-func
Peter Jaszkowiak 3d6bfa47c5 ESlint no-useless-return
Peter Jaszkowiak 879470f417 ESlint brace-style
Peter Jaszkowiak 52f2028206 ESlint no-multiple-empty-lines
Peter Jaszkowiak b09b3aef7f ESlint no-undef, remove global comments