Barış Soner Uşaklı 5 years ago
commit fd6bf0c927

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"mousetrap": "^1.6.5",
"@nodebb/mubsub": "^1.6.0",
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@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
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"socket.io-adapter-postgres": "^1.2.1",
"socket.io-client": "2.3.0",
"socket.io-redis": "5.2.0",
"socket.io-redis": "5.3.0",
"socketio-wildcard": "2.0.0",
"spdx-license-list": "^6.1.0",
"spider-detector": "2.0.0",
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
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@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"title": "Site Title",
"title.short": "Short Title",
"title.short-placeholder": "If no short title is specified, the site title will be used",
"title.url": "URL",
"site-settings": "اعدادات الموقع",
"title": "عنوان الموقع",
"title.short": "عنوان قصير",
"title.short-placeholder": "ان لم تقم بكتابة عنوان مختصر, سيتم استخدام عنوان الموقع الكلي",
"title.url": "الرابط",
"title.url-placeholder": "The URL of the site title",
"title.url-help": "When the title is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index.",
"title.name": "Your Community Name",
"title.name": "اسم المنتدي",
"title.show-in-header": "Show Site Title in Header",
"browser-title": "Browser Title",
"browser-title": "عنوان المتصفح",
"browser-title-help": "If no browser title is specified, the site title will be used",
"title-layout": "Title Layout",
"title-layout-help": "Define how the browser title will be structured ie. {pageTitle} | {browserTitle}",
"description.placeholder": "A short description about your community",
"description": "Site Description",
"keywords": "Site Keywords",
"description": "وصف الموقع",
"keywords": "الكلمات الدليله للموقع",
"keywords-placeholder": "Keywords describing your community, comma-separated",
"logo": "Site Logo",
"logo.image": "Image",
"logo": "شعار الموقع",
"logo.image": "صورة",
"logo.image-placeholder": "Path to a logo to display on forum header",
"logo.upload": "Upload",
"logo.url": "URL",
"logo.upload": "رفع",
"logo.url": "الرابط",
"logo.url-placeholder": "The URL of the site logo",
"logo.url-help": "When the logo is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index.",
"logo.alt-text": "Alt Text",
"logo.alt-text": "نص بديل",
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternative text for accessibility",
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"favicon": "صورة المفضله",
"favicon.upload": "رفع",
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"touch-icon.upload": "رفع",
"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 192x192, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
"outgoing-links": "Outgoing Links",
"outgoing-links.warning-page": "Use Outgoing Links Warning Page",
"search-default-sort-by": "Search default sort by",
"search-default-sort-by": "الترتيب الافتراضي للبحث",
"outgoing-links.whitelist": "Domains to whitelist for bypassing the warning page",
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"theme-color": "لون الثيم",
"background-color": "لون الخلفية",
"background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA"

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
"state": "State",
"reporter": "Reporter",
"reported-at": "Reported At",
"description": "Description",
"state": "الحالة",
"reporter": "المُبلغ",
"reported-at": "وقت التبليغ",
"description": "الوصف",
"no-flags": "Hooray! No flags found.",
"assignee": "Assignee",
"update": "Update",
"updated": "Updated",
"assignee": "المحال إليه",
"update": "تحديث",
"updated": "تم التحديث",
"target-purged": "The content this flag referred to has been purged and is no longer available.",
"graph-label": "Daily Flags",
"quick-filters": "Quick Filters",
"filter-active": "There are one or more filters active in this list of flags",
"filter-reset": "Remove Filters",
"filters": "Filter Options",
"filter-reset": "ازالة الفلاتر",
"filters": "خيارات الفلتر",
"filter-reporterId": "Reporter UID",
"filter-targetUid": "Flagged UID",
"filter-type": "Flag Type",
"filter-type-all": "All Content",
"filter-type-post": "Post",
"filter-type-user": "User",
"filter-state": "State",
"filter-type": "عنوان العلامة",
"filter-type-all": "كل المحتوي",
"filter-type-post": "مشاركة",
"filter-type-user": "مستخدم",
"filter-state": "الحالة",
"filter-assignee": "Assignee UID",
"filter-cid": "Category",
"filter-quick-mine": "Assigned to me",
"filter-cid-all": "All categories",
"apply-filters": "Apply Filters",
"quick-actions": "Quick Actions",
"quick-actions": "اجراءات سريعه",
"flagged-user": "Flagged User",
"view-profile": "View Profile",
"start-new-chat": "Start New Chat",
"view-profile": "مشاهدة الملف الشخصي",
"start-new-chat": "بدء محادثه جديده",
"go-to-target": "View Flag Target",
"delete-post": "Delete Post",
"delete-post": "حذف المشاركة",
"purge-post": "Purge Post",
"restore-post": "Restore Post",
"restore-post": "استرجاع المشاركة",
"user-view": "View Profile",
"user-edit": "Edit Profile",
"user-view": "مشاهدة الملف الشخصي",
"user-edit": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
"notes": "Flag Notes",
"add-note": "Add Note",
"add-note": "اضافة ملاحظة",
"no-notes": "No shared notes.",
"history": "Account & Flag History",
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
"state-all": "All states",
"state-open": "New/Open",
"state-wip": "Work in Progress",
"state-resolved": "Resolved",
"state-rejected": "Rejected",
"state-resolved": "تم حلها",
"state-rejected": "تم رفضها",
"no-assignee": "Not Assigned",
"note-added": "Note Added",

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
"max-per-topic": "Maximum Tags per Topic",
"min-length": "Minimum Tag Length",
"max-length": "Maximum Tag Length",
"goto-manage": "Click here to visit the tag management page.",
"related-topics": "Related Topics",
"max-related-topics": "Maximum related topics to display (if supported by theme)"

@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
"view-profile": "Profili Gör",
"start-new-chat": "Yeni Sohbet Başlat",
"go-to-target": "Şikayet Edilen İçeriği Gör",
"delete-post": "Delete Post",
"purge-post": "Purge Post",
"restore-post": "Restore Post",
"delete-post": "İletiyi Sil",
"purge-post": "İletiyi Temizle",
"restore-post": "İletiyi Geri Getir",
"user-view": "Profili Gör",
"user-edit": "Profili Düzenle",

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
<input id="maximumTagLength" type="text" class="form-control" value="15" data-field="maximumTagLength">
<a href="{config.relative_path}/admin/manage/tags">[[admin/settings/tags:goto-manage]]</a>
