"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"تغيير حجم الصور إلى عرض محدد (بالبكسل)",
"max-image-width-help":"(بالبكسل، الافتراضي: 760 بكسل، ضع إلى 0 لتعطيل الخاصية)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"Файлови разширения, които да бъдат частни",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Въведете списък от файлови разширения, разделени със запетаи, които искате да бъдат частни (например <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Ако оставите това поле празно, всички файлове ще бъдат частни.",
"max-image-width":"Намаляване на размера на изображенията до определена ширина (в пиксели)",
"max-image-width-help":"(в пиксели; по подразбиране: 760 пиксела. 0 = изключено)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Преоразмеряване на изображенията, ако са по-широки от определената ширина",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(в пиксели; по подразбиране: 1520 пиксела. 0 = изключено)",
"resize-image-width":"Намаляване на размера на изображенията до определена ширина",
"resize-image-width-help":"(в пиксели; по подразбиране: 760 пиксела. 0 = изключено)",
"resize-image-quality":"Качество при преоразмеряване на изображенията",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Използване на по-ниско качество за намаляване на размера на файловете за преоразмерените изображения.",
"max-file-size":"Максимален размер на файловете (в КиБ)",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"Přípona souborů je soukromá",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Pro nastavení soukromí, zde zadejte seznam souborů oddělený čárkou (tj. <code>pdf, xls,doc</code>). prázdný seznam znamená, že všechny soubory jsou soukromé.",
"max-image-width":"Zmenšit velikost obrázků na potřebné rozlišení (v pixelech)",
"max-image-width-help":"(v pixelech, výchozí: 760 pixelů, pro zákaz nastavte 0)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Kvalita při změně velikosti obrázků",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Pro snížení velikosti zmenšených obrázků použijte nižší nastavení kvality.",
"max-file-size":"Maximální velikost souboru (v KiB)",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Gib eine Komma-Separierte Liste mit Dateiendungen an, die privatisiert werden sollen (z.B. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Eine leere Liste bedeutet, dass alle Dateien privat sind.",
"max-image-width":"Bilder zu einer bestimmten Breite runterskalieren",
"max-image-width-help":"(in Pixeln, standard 760 pixel, auf 0 setzen um zu deaktivieren)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Zu benutzende Qualität beim verändern von Bildauflösungen",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Benutze eine niedrigere Qualitätseinstellung um die Dateigröße der gespeicherten Bilder zu minimieren.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private":"Hacer las subidas de archivos privadas",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Redimensionar las imágenes a la anchura especificada (en píxeles)",
"max-image-width-help":"(en píxeles, por defecto: 760 píxeles, poner a 0 para desactivar)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Calidad a utlizar cuando se redimensionen imágenes",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Usar una calidad inferior para reducir el tamaño de archivo de las imágenes redimensionadas.",
"max-file-size":"Tamaño Máximo de Archivo (en KiB)",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private":"Rendre privés les fichiers téléchargés",
"private-extensions":"Rendre privé des extensions de fichier.",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Renseignez ici une liste d'extensions de fichiers séparées par des virgules pour les rendre privées (par exemple : <code>pdf, xls, doc</code>). Une liste vide signifie que tous les fichiers sont privés.",
"max-image-width":"Redimensionner les images à une largeur spécifique (en pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(En pixels, par défaut : 760 pixels, définir à 0 si désactivé)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Redimensionner les images si elles sont plus larges que la largeur spécifiée",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(En pixels, valeur par défaut: 1520 pixels, mettez 0 pour désactiver)",
"resize-image-width":"Redimensionner les images à la largeur spécifiée",
"resize-image-width-help":"(En pixels, valeur par défaut: 760 pixels, mettez 0 pour désactiver)",
"resize-image-quality":"Qualité utilisée des images redimensionnées",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Diminuer la qualité des images redimensionnées pour réduire leur taille.",
"max-file-size":"Taille maximum d'un fichier (en Ko)",
"gdpr_enabled_help":"When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://eugdpr.org/the-regulation/gdpr-faqs/\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",
"gdpr_enabled":"Activer le consentement GRPD",
"gdpr_enabled_help":"Lorsque cette option est activée, tous les nouveaux utilisateurs devront explicitement donner leur consentement pour la collecte et l'utilisation de données en vertu du règlement <a href=\"https://eugdpr.org/the-regulation/gdpr-faqs/\">général sur la protection des données (GRPD)</a>. <strong>Remarque</strong>: l'activation du GRPD ne force pas les utilisateurs préexistants à donner leur consentement. Pour ce faire, vous devrez installer le plugin GRPD.",
"disable-username-changes":"Désactiver le changement de nom d'utilisateur",
"disable-email-changes":"Désactiver le changement d'adresse e-mail",
"disable-password-changes":"Désactiver le changement de mot de passe",
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
"lockout-duration":"Durée du blocage (minutes)",
"login-days":"Nombre de jour pendant lesquels se souvenir des sessions d'identification utilisateurs",
"password-expiry-days":"Imposer un changement de mot de passe après un certain nombre de jours",
"session-time":"Session Time",
"session-time-help":"These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no <i>seconds</i> value we fall back to <i>days</i>. If there is no <i>days</i> value we default to <i>14 days</i>.",
"online-cutoff":"Minutes after user is considered inactive",
"online-cutoff-help":"If user performs no actions for this duration, they are considered inactive and they do not receive realtime updates.",
"session-time":"Temps de session",
"session-time-help":"Ces valeurs permettent de définir la durée pendant laquelle un utilisateur reste connecté lorsqu'il consulte le lien \"Se souvenir de moi\". Notez que seulement une de ces valeurs sera utilisée. S'il n'y a pas de valeur en <i>secondes</i>, la valeur sera en <i>jours</i>. S'il n'y a pas de valeur en <i>jours</i>, la valeur sera par défaut est <i>14 jours</i>.",
"online-cutoff":"Minutes après que l'utilisateur soit considéré comme inactif",
"online-cutoff-help":"Si l'utilisateur n'effectue aucune action pendant cette durée, il est considéré comme inactif et ne reçoit pas de mises à jour en temps réel.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Promjeni veličinu slike na zadanu širinu (u pikselima)",
"max-image-width-help":"(u pixelima,zadano:760 pixela,upiši 0 za onemogućiti opciju)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"max-file-size":"Maksimalna veličina datoteka (in KiB)",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"이미지를 특정 가로 길이까지 축소 (단위: 픽셀)",
"max-image-width-help":"(단위: 픽셀, 기본값: 760 픽셀, 비활성화를 원하시면 0으로 지정하세요)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"page-views-custom-help":"Ievadi datumu diapazonu, kā lapu skatījumu skaitu vēlies redzēt. Ja datumu atlasītājs nav pieejams, derīgais formāts ir <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-help":"Ievadīt datumu diapazonu, kā lapu skatījumu skaitu vēlies redzēt. Ja datumu atlasītājs nav pieejams, lietot formātu <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"subscriptions.hour-help":"Please enter a number representing the hour to send scheduled email digests (e.g. <code>0</code> for midnight, <code>17</code> for 5:00pm). Keep in mind that this is the hour according to the server itself, and may not exactly match your system clock.<br /> The approximate server time is: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> The next daily digest is scheduled to be sent <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>"
"restrictions.min-post-length":"Minimālais raksta garums",
"restrictions.max-post-length":"Maksimālais raksta garums",
"restrictions.days-until-stale":"Days until topic is considered stale",
"restrictions.stale-help":"If a topic is considered \"stale\", then a warning will be shown to users who attempt to reply to that topic.",
"restrictions.days-until-stale":"Dienas, līdz temats tiek uzskatīts par novecojušu",
"restrictions.stale-help":"Ja temats tiek uzskatīts par novecojušu, brīdinājums tiks parādīts tiem lietotājiem, kuri mēģina uz tā atbildēt.",
"timestamp.cut-off":"Date cut-off (in days)",
"timestamp.cut-off":"Datuma formāta maiņas punkts (dienās)",
"timestamp.cut-off-help":"Dates & times will be shown in a relative manner (e.g. \"3 hours ago\" / \"5 days ago\"), and localised into various\n\t\t\t\t\tlanguages. After a certain point, this text can be switched to display the localised date itself\n\t\t\t\t\t(e.g. 5 Nov 2016 15:30).<br /><em>(Default: <code>30</code>, or one month). Set to 0 to always display dates, leave blank to always display relative times.</em>",
"teaser":"Teaser Post",
"teaser.last-post":"Last – Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply":"Last – Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser":"Ķircinājuma raksts",
"teaser.last-post":"Pēdējo – rādīt jaunāko rakstu, ieskaitot sākotnējo rakstu, ja atbildes nav",
"teaser.last-reply":"Pēdējo – rādīt jaunāko atbildi, vai \"Nav atbildes\" tekstu, ja atbildes nav",
"unread":"Nelasītie raksti",
"unread.cutoff":"Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last":"Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",
"unread.cutoff":"Nelasīto rakstu vecumu robeža",
"unread.min-track-last":"Minimālais rakstu skaits tematā pirms izseko pēdējo lasīto",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer.show-help":"Show \"Help\" tab",
"composer.enable-plugin-help":"Allow plugins to add content to the help tab",
"composer":"Redaktora iestatījumi",
"composer-help":"Tālāk norādītie iestatījumi nosaka funkcionalitāti un izskatu no raksta redaktoru, ko lieto jaunus tematus izveidojot, vai atbildot jau eksistējošiem tematiem.",
"private":"Iestatīt augšupielādētos failus kā privātus",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(pikseļos, pēc noklusējuma: 760 pikseļi, iestatīt 0, lai atspējotu)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"private-extensions":"Failu paplašīnājumi, kurus turēt privātus",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Ievadīt ar komatu atdalītu failu paplašinājumu sarakstu, kurus turēt privātus (piemērām <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Tukšais saraksts nozīmē, ka visi faili ir privāti.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Samazināt blides izmērus, ja ir plašāka par noteikto platumu",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(pikseļos, pēc noklusējuma: 1520 pikseļi, iestatīt 0, lai atspējotu)",
"resize-image-width":"Samazināt blides izmērus līdz noteiktajam platumam",
"resize-image-width-help":"(pikseļos, pēc noklusējuma: 760 pikseļi, iestatīt 0, lai atspējotu)",
"resize-image-quality":"Kvalitāte, ko izmantot, pārveidojot bildes",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"allowed-file-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all extensions are allowed.",
"allowed-file-extensions-help":"Ievadīt ar komatu atdalītu failu paplašinājumu sarakstu (piemērām <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Tukšais saraksts nozīmē, ka visi failu paplašinājumi ir atļauti.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"private":"Oznaczaj wysyłane pliki jako prywatne",
"private-extensions":"Rozszerzenia plików, które mają być prywatne",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Tutaj wpisz oddzielone przecinkami rozszerzenia plików, które mają być prywatne (np. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Jeśli lista jest pusta, wszystkie pliki są prywatne.",
"max-image-width":"Zmniejszaj obrazy do zadanej szerokości (w pikselach)",
"max-image-width-help":"(w pikselach, domyślnie: 760px; ustaw 0, aby wyłączyć)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Poziom jakości użyty przy zmianie rozmiaru",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Użyj niższych ustawień jakości aby zredukować rozmiar pliku zmienionego obrazu.",
"max-file-size":"Maksymalny rozmiar plików (w KiB)",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Redimensionar imagens até a largura especificada (em pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(em pixels, padrão: 760 pixels, defina como 0 para desligar)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(in pixels, default: 1520 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-quality":"Quality to use when resizing images",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"max-file-size":"Tamanho Máximo de Arquivo (em KiB)",
"description":"Não há publicações para serem aprovadas. <br> Para ativar esta funcionalidade, vá a <a href=\"%1\"> Settings → Post → Posting Restrictions </a>e ative a opção <strong>Post Queue</strong>.",
"description":"There are no posts in the post queue. <br> To enable this feature, go to <a href=\"%1\">Settings → Post → Posting Restrictions</a> and enable <strong>Post Queue</strong>.",
"private":"Tornar os ficheiros enviados privados",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"max-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width (in pixels)",
"max-image-width-help":"(in pixels, default: 760 pixels, set to 0 to disable)",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"resize-image-width-threshold-help":"(em pixeis, predefinido: 1520 pixeis, definir 0 para desativar)",
"resize-image-width":"Resize images down to specified width",
"resize-image-width-help":"(em pixeis, predefinido: 760 pixeis, definir 0 para desativar)",
"resize-image-quality":"Qualidade a utilizar quando redimensionar imagens",
"resize-image-quality-help":"Use a lower quality setting to reduce the file size of resized images.",
"session-time-help":"These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no <i>seconds</i> value we fall back to <i>days</i>. If there is no <i>days</i> value we default to <i>14 days</i>.",
"online-cutoff":"Minutes after user is considered inactive",
"online-cutoff":"Minutos após o utilizador ser considerado inativo",
"online-cutoff-help":"If user performs no actions for this duration, they are considered inactive and they do not receive realtime updates.",