Latest translations and fallbacks
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"home-page": "Sākumlapa",
"description": "Izvēlies, kāda lapa tiek rādīta, kad lietotāji izvēlas foruma saknes URL.",
"home-page": "Sākums",
"description": "Izvēlies, kādu lapu rādīt, kad lietotājs izvēlas foruma saknes URL.",
"home-page-route": "Sākumlapas ceļš",
"custom-route": "Pielāgots ceļš",
"custom-route": "Pielāgotais ceļš",
"allow-user-home-pages": "Atļaut lietotāju mājaslapas",
"home-page-title": "Sākumlapas virsraksts (pēc noklusējuma \"Sākumlapa\")"
"home-page-title": "Sākumlapas virsraksts (pēc noklusējuma \"Sākums\")"
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"icon": "Icon:",
"icon": "Ikona:",
"change-icon": "izmaiņa",
"route": "Ceļš:",
"tooltip": "Tooltip:",
"text": "Text:",
"text-class": "Text Class: <small>optional</small>",
"id": "ID: <small>optional</small>",
"text": "Teksts:",
"text-class": "Teksta klase: <small>neobligāts</small>",
"id": "ID: <small>neobligāts</small>",
"properties": "Īpašības:",
"only-admins": "Only display to Admins",
"only-global-mods-and-admins": "Only display to Global Moderators and Admins",
"only-admins": "Rādīt tikai administratoriem",
"only-global-mods-and-admins": "Rādīt tikai globāliem moderatoriem un administratoriem",
"only-logged-in": "Rādīt tikai ielogojušiem lietotājiem",
"only-guest": "Only display to guests",
"only-guest": "Rādīt tikai viesiem",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"btn.delete": "Izdzēst",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
"btn.disable": "Atspējot",
"btn.enable": "Iespējot",
"available-menu-items": "Available Menu Items",
"custom-route": "Pielāgots ceļš",
"available-menu-items": "Pieejamās izvēlnes iespējas",
"custom-route": "Pielāgotais ceļš",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "spraudnis"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"post-sharing": "Post Sharing",
"info-plugins-additional": "Plugins can add additional networks for sharing posts.",
"save-success": "Successfully saved Post Sharing Networks!"
"post-sharing": "Rakstu kopīgošana",
"info-plugins-additional": "Spraudņi var pievienot papildu rakstu kopīgošanas tīklus.",
"save-success": "Rakstu kopīgošanas tīkli veiksmi saglabāti!"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"administrators": "Administrators",
"global-moderators": "Global Moderators",
"no-global-moderators": "No Global Moderators",
"moderators-of-category": "%1 Moderators",
"no-moderators": "No Moderators",
"global-moderators": "Globālie moderatori",
"no-global-moderators": "Nav globālo moderatoru",
"moderators-of-category": "\"%1\" moderatori",
"no-moderators": "Nav moderatoru",
"add-administrator": "Add Administrator",
"add-global-moderator": "Add Global Moderator",
"add-moderator": "Add Moderator"
"add-global-moderator": "Pievienot globālo moderatoru",
"add-moderator": "Pievienot moderatoru"
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
"global": "Global",
"": "No user-specific global privileges.",
"global": "Globālie",
"": "Nav lietotājiem īpašo globālo privilēģiju.",
"chat": "Sarunāties",
"upload-images": "Augšupielādēt bildes",
"upload-files": "Augšupielādēt failus",
"signature": "Signature",
"signature": "Parakstīties",
"ban": "Bloķēt",
"search-content": "Meklēt saturā",
"search-users": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"search-users": "Meklēt lietotājos",
"search-tags": "Meklēt birkās",
"allow-local-login": "Local Login",
"find-category": "Find Category",
"access-category": "Access Category",
"access-topics": "Access Topics",
"find-category": "Meklēt kategorijās",
"access-category": "Piekļūt kategorijai",
"access-topics": "Piekļūt tematiem",
"create-topics": "Izveidot tematus",
"reply-to-topics": "Reply to Topics",
"tag-topics": "Tag Topics",
"reply-to-topics": "Atbildēt tematos",
"tag-topics": "Pievienot birku",
"edit-posts": "Rediģēt rakstus",
"view-edit-history": "Iespējot rediģēšanas vēsturi",
"view-edit-history": "Skatīt rediģēšanas vēsturi",
"delete-posts": "Izdzēst rakstus",
"view_deleted": "Skatīt izdzēstos rakstus",
"upvote-posts": "Raksti, kuriem ir balsis \"par\"",
"downvote-posts": "Raksti, kuriem ir balsis \"pret\"",
"upvote-posts": "Balsot \"par\"",
"downvote-posts": "Balsot \"pret\"",
"delete-topics": "Izdzēst tematus",
"purge": "Purge",
"moderate": "Moderate"
"purge": "Iztīrīt",
"moderate": "Moderēt"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"none": "Your forum does not have any topics with tags yet.",
"bg-color": "Fona krāsa",
"text-color": "Text Colour",
"text-color": "Teksta krāsa",
"create-modify": "Izveidot & rediģēt birkas",
"description": "Select tags via clicking and/or dragging, use shift to select multiple.",
"create": "Izveidot birku",
"modify": "Rediģēt birkas",
"rename": "Pārdēvēt birkas",
"delete": "Izdzēst atlasītās birkas",
"search": "Meklēt birkas...",
"settings": "Click <a href=\"%1\">here</a> to visit the tag settings page.",
"name": "Tag Name",
"search": "Meklēt birkās...",
"settings": "<a href=\"%1\">Noklikšķini,</a> lai apmeklētu birku iestatījumu lapu.",
"name": "Birkas nosaukums",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Rediģē vairākas birkas",
"alerts.editing-x": "Rediģē \"%1\" birku",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Vai vēlies izdzēst šīs birkas?",
"alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!"
"alerts.update-success": "Birka atjaunināta!"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"tag": "Birku iestatījumi",
"min-per-topic": "Maksimālais birku skaits tematā",
"min-per-topic": "Minimālais birku skaits tematā",
"max-per-topic": "Maksimālais birku skaits tematā",
"min-length": "Minimum Tag Length",
"min-length": "Minimālais birkas garums",
"max-length": "Maksimālais birkas nosaukuma garums",
"goto-manage": "Click here to visit the tag management page.",
"goto-manage": "Noklikšķini, lai apmeklētu birku vadības lapu.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"list-private": "Make the tags list private",
"list-private": "Iestatīt birku sarakstu kā privātu",
"related-topics": "Related Topics",
"max-related-topics": "Maximum related topics to display (if supported by theme)"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"no_tag_topics": "Nav nevieni temati ar šo birku",
"no_tag_topics": "Nav neviena temata ar šo birku",
"tags": "Birkas",
"enter_tags_here": "Ievadi birkas šeit, starp %1 un %2 rakstzīmēm katrai",
"enter_tags_here_short": "Ievadi birkas...",
"no_tags": "Birku vēl nav"
"no_tags": "Nav birku."
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"alert.confirm-rebuild-and-restart": "Are you sure you wish to rebuild and restart NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-rebuild-and-restart": "Tens a certeza que queres reconstruir e reiniciar o NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-restart": "Tens a certeza que pretendes reiniciar NodeBB?",
"acp-title": "%1 | NodeBB Admin Control Panel",
"acp-title": "%1 | Painel de Administração NodeBB",
"settings-header-contents": "Conteúdo"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"figure-x": "Figure %1",
"error-events-per-day": "<code>%1</code> events per day",
"error.404": "404 Not Found",
"error.503": "503 Service Unavailable",
"manage-error-log": "Manage Error Log",
"export-error-log": "Export Error Log (CSV)",
"clear-error-log": "Clear Error Log",
"error-events-per-day": "<code>%1</code> eventos por dia",
"error.404": "404 Não Encontrado",
"error.503": "503 Serviço Indisponível ",
"manage-error-log": "Gerir Registo de Erros",
"export-error-log": "Exportar Registo de Erros (CSV)",
"clear-error-log": "Limpar Registo de Erros",
"route": "Route",
"count": "Count",
"no-routes-not-found": "Hooray! No 404 errors!",
"clear404-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to clear the 404 error logs?",
"clear404-success": "\"404 Not Found\" errors cleared"
"no-routes-not-found": "Boa! Não existem erros 404!",
"clear404-confirm": "Tens a certeza que pretendes limpar o registo de erros 404?",
"clear404-success": "Erros \"404 Não Encontrado\" limpos"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"events": "Events",
"no-events": "There are no events",
"control-panel": "Events Control Panel",
"delete-events": "Delete Events"
"events": "Eventos",
"no-events": "Não existem eventos",
"control-panel": "Painel de Controlo de Eventos",
"delete-events": "Apagar Eventos"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"logs": "Logs",
"control-panel": "Logs Control Panel",
"reload": "Reload Logs",
"clear": "Clear Logs",
"clear-success": "Logs Cleared!"
"logs": "Registos",
"control-panel": "Painel de Controlo de Registos",
"reload": "Recarregar Registos",
"clear": "Limpar Registos",
"clear-success": "Registos Limpos!"
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"custom-css": "Custom CSS/LESS",
"custom-css.description": "Enter your own CSS/LESS declarations here, which will be applied after all other styles.",
"custom-css.enable": "Enable Custom CSS/LESS",
"custom-css": "CSS/LESS Personalizado",
"custom-css.description": "Insere aqui as tuas próprias declarações de CSS/LESS, que serão aplicadas depois de todos os outros estilos.",
"custom-css.enable": "Ativar CSS/LESS Personalizado",
"custom-js": "Custom Javascript",
"custom-js.description": "Enter your own javascript here. It will be executed after the page is loaded completely.",
"custom-js.enable": "Enable Custom Javascript",
"custom-header": "Custom Header",
"custom-header.description": "Enter custom HTML here (ex. Meta Tags, etc.), which will be appended to the <code><head></code> section of your forum's markup. Script tags are allowed, but are discouraged, as the <a href=\"#custom-header\" data-toggle=\"tab\">Custom Javascript</a> tab is available.",
"custom-header.enable": "Enable Custom Header",
"custom-header": "Cabeçalho Personalizado",
"custom-header.description": "Insere aqui HTML personalizado (ex. Meta Tags, etc.), que será acrescentado à secção <code><head></code> do teu fórum. Script Tags também são permitidas, mas não recomendados usar, uma vez que já existe o separador <a href=\"#custom-header\" data-toggle=\"tab\">Custom Javascript</a> exatamente para essa função.",
"custom-header.enable": "Ativar Cabeçalho Personalizado",
"custom-css.livereload": "Enable Live Reload",
"custom-css.livereload.description": "Enable this to force all sessions on every device under your account to refresh whenever you click save"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"loading": "Loading Skins...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-skin": "Select Skin",
"current-skin": "Current Skin",
"skin-updated": "Skin Updated",
"applied-success": "%1 skin was succesfully applied",
"revert-success": "Skin reverted to base colours"
"loading": "A Carregar Máscaras...",
"homepage": "Página principal",
"select-skin": "Escolha uma Máscara",
"current-skin": "Máscara Atual",
"skin-updated": "Máscara Atualizada",
"applied-success": "Máscara %1 aplicada com sucesso",
"revert-success": "Máscara revertida para as cores base"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"checking-for-installed": "Checking for installed themes...",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"select-theme": "Select Theme",
"current-theme": "Current Theme",
"no-themes": "No installed themes found",
"checking-for-installed": "A procurar temas instalados...",
"homepage": "Página principal",
"select-theme": "Selecionar Tema",
"current-theme": "Tema Atual",
"no-themes": "Não foram encontrados temas instalados",
"revert-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to restore the default NodeBB theme?",
"theme-changed": "Theme Changed",
"theme-changed": "Tema Alterado",
"revert-success": "You have successfully reverted your NodeBB back to it's default theme.",
"restart-to-activate": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully activate this theme."
"restart-to-activate": "Por favor reconstrói e reinicia o teu NodeBB para aplicar totalmente este tema."
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"rewards": "Rewards",
"condition-if-users": "If User's",
"condition-is": "Is:",
"condition-then": "Then:",
"max-claims": "Amount of times reward is claimable",
"zero-infinite": "Enter 0 for infinite",
"delete": "Delete",
"enable": "Enable",
"disable": "Disable",
"control-panel": "Rewards Control",
"new-reward": "New Reward",
"rewards": "Recompensas",
"condition-if-users": "Se",
"condition-is": "É:",
"condition-then": "Então:",
"max-claims": "Número de vezes que a recompensa pode ser atribuída",
"zero-infinite": "Digite 0 para infinito",
"delete": "Apagar",
"enable": "Ativar",
"disable": "Desativar",
"control-panel": "Controlo de Recompensas",
"new-reward": "Nova Recompensa",
"alert.delete-success": "Successfully deleted reward",
"": "Illegal reward - no inputs found!",
"": "Successfully saved rewards"
"alert.delete-success": "Recompensa apagada com sucesso",
"": "Recompensa ilegal - não foram encontradas entradas!",
"": "Recompensas guardadas com sucesso"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"administrators": "Administrators",
"global-moderators": "Global Moderators",
"no-global-moderators": "No Global Moderators",
"moderators-of-category": "%1 Moderators",
"no-moderators": "No Moderators",
"add-administrator": "Add Administrator",
"add-global-moderator": "Add Global Moderator",
"add-moderator": "Add Moderator"
"administrators": "Administradores",
"global-moderators": "Moderadores Globais",
"no-global-moderators": "Não existem Moderadores Globais",
"moderators-of-category": "%1 Moderadores",
"no-moderators": "Não existem Moderadores",
"add-administrator": "Adicionar Administrador",
"add-global-moderator": "Adicionar Moderador Global",
"add-moderator": "Adicionar Moderador"
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
"global": "Global",
"": "No user-specific global privileges.",
"": "Não existem privilégios globais específicos para o utilizador.",
"chat": "Conversa",
"upload-images": "Upload Images",
"upload-files": "Upload Files",
"signature": "Signature",
"ban": "Ban",
"search-content": "Search Content",
"search-users": "Search Users",
"search-tags": "Search Tags",
"upload-images": "Enviar Imagens",
"upload-files": "Enviar Ficheiros",
"signature": "Assinatura",
"ban": "Banir",
"search-content": "Procurar Conteúdo",
"search-users": "Procurar Utilizadores",
"search-tags": "Procurar Marcadores",
"allow-local-login": "Local Login",
"find-category": "Find Category",
"access-category": "Access Category",
"access-topics": "Access Topics",
"create-topics": "Create Topics",
"reply-to-topics": "Reply to Topics",
"tag-topics": "Tag Topics",
"edit-posts": "Edit Posts",
"view-edit-history": "View Edit History",
"delete-posts": "Delete Posts",
"view_deleted": "View Deleted Posts",
"upvote-posts": "Upvote Posts",
"downvote-posts": "Downvote Posts",
"delete-topics": "Delete Topics",
"purge": "Purge",
"moderate": "Moderate"
"find-category": "Encontrar Categoria",
"access-category": "Aceder à Categoria",
"access-topics": "Aceder aos Tópicos",
"create-topics": "Criar Tópicos",
"reply-to-topics": "Responder a Tópicos",
"tag-topics": "Marcar Tópicos",
"edit-posts": "Editar Publicações",
"view-edit-history": "Ver Histórico de Edições",
"delete-posts": "Apagar Publicações",
"view_deleted": "Ver Publicações Eliminadas",
"upvote-posts": "Votar positivamente",
"downvote-posts": "Votar negativamente",
"delete-topics": "Apagar Tópicos",
"purge": "Eliminar",
"moderate": "Moderar"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"none": "Your forum does not have any topics with tags yet.",
"none": "O teu fórum não tem nenhum tópico com marcadores ainda.",
"bg-color": "Background Colour",
"text-color": "Text Colour",
"create-modify": "Create & Modify Tags",
"description": "Select tags via clicking and/or dragging, use shift to select multiple.",
"create-modify": "Criar e Modificar Marcadores",
"description": "Seleciona marcadores clicando ou arrastando, utiliza SHIFT para selecionar vários",
"create": "Create Tag",
"modify": "Modify Tags",
"rename": "Rename Tags",
"delete": "Delete Selected Tags",
"search": "Search for tags...",
"modify": "Modificar Marcadores",
"rename": "Renomear Marcadores",
"delete": "Apagar Marcadores Selecionados",
"search": "Procurar por marcadores...",
"settings": "Click <a href=\"%1\">here</a> to visit the tag settings page.",
"name": "Tag Name",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Editing multiple tags",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Editar múltiplos marcadores",
"alerts.editing-x": "Editing \"%1\" tag",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Do you want to delete the selected tags?",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Queres mesmo apagar os marcadores selecionados?",
"alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"tag": "Tag Settings",
"min-per-topic": "Minimum Tags per Topic",
"max-per-topic": "Maximum Tags per Topic",
"min-per-topic": "Mínimo de Marcadores por Tópico",
"max-per-topic": "Máximo de Marcadores por Tópico",
"min-length": "Minimum Tag Length",
"max-length": "Maximum Tag Length",
"goto-manage": "Click here to visit the tag management page.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"list-private": "Make the tags list private",
"list-private": "Tornar a lista de marcadores privada",
"related-topics": "Related Topics",
"max-related-topics": "Maximum related topics to display (if supported by theme)"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"uploading-file": "Carregando o ficheiro...",
"select-file-to-upload": "Seleciona um ficheiro para carregar!",
"upload-success": "Ficheiro carregador com sucesso!",
"upload-success": "Ficheiro enviado com sucesso!",
"maximum-file-size": "Máximo de %1 kb",
"no-uploads-found": "No uploads found",
"public-uploads-info": "Uploads are public, all visitors can see them.",
"private-uploads-info": "Uploads are private, only logged in users can see them."
"no-uploads-found": "Não foram encontrados carregamentos",
"public-uploads-info": "Os carregamentos estão públicos, todos os visitantes os podem ver.",
"private-uploads-info": "Os carregamentos estão privados, apenas utilizadores com sessão iniciada os vão conseguir ver."
Reference in New Issue