diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 2c5dcba8ba..401006c4cd 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,498 @@
+#### 1.14.0 (2020-07-02)
+##### Chores
+*  incrementing version number - v1.14.0 (bb73d6a4)
+*  update changelog for v1.14.0 (cffae0f1)
+*  bump persona (19f9af94)
+*  latest translations and fallbacks (22879633)
+*  incrementing version number - v1.13.3 (ee583e80)
+*  bump persona (d2bd746c)
+*  incrementing version number - v1.13.2 (beafd613)
+* **deps:**
+  *  update dependency smtp-server to v3.7.0 (e80100b5)
+  *  update dependency eslint to v7.3.1 (#8417) (33492744)
+  *  update commitlint monorepo to v9 (569b7664)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.11 (157e7444)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.10 (102a6004)
+  *  update dependency mocha to v8 (#8393) (f4bace03)
+  *  update dependency eslint to v7.2.0 (cd1375cb)
+  *  update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.21.1 (4b577a52)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.9 (#8369) (124125f7)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.8 (331b1a85)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.7 (d1df0826)
+  *  update dependency mocha to v7.2.0 (ecaa9b76)
+  *  update dependency eslint to v7.1.0 (e62d892a)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.6 (78d562b3)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.2.4 (a26011e7)
+  *  update dependency eslint to v7 (28df9aba)
+  *  update dependency coveralls to v3.1.0 (5ed4a108)
+  *  pin dependency @apidevtools/swagger-parser to 9.0.1 (51eccef5)
+  *  update dependency husky to v4.2.5 (30a25983)
+  *  update dependency husky to v4.2.4 (0a650118)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.1.3 (a9e68639)
+  *  update dependency nyc to v15.0.1 (#8231) (a3789e28)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.1.2 (#8235) (e1919c90)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.1.1 (944a6f58)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.1.0 (30bd233b)
+  *  update dependency eslint-config-airbnb-base to v14.1.0 (811c3aee)
+  *  update dependency jsdom to v16.2.2 (c5a7242d)
+  *  update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.20.2 (b92c1600)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.0.10 (0ad4b556)
+  *  update dependency coveralls to v3.0.11 (14458087)
+  *  update dependency smtp-server to v3.6.0 (22681945)
+  *  update dependency mocha to v7.1.1 (#8215) (c5356541)
+  *  update dependency grunt to v1.1.0 (#8214) (b0864e7c)
+  *  update dependency husky to v4.2.3 (#8162) (776fe9d2)
+  *  update dependency lint-staged to v10.0.8 (#8180) (13d8f6f1)
+  *  update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.20.1 (#8081) (4cdb3131)
+  *  update dependency jsdom to v16.2.1 (#8165) (fbd95a50)
+  *  update dependency husky to v4.2.2 (#8160) (f4ed35c9)
+  *  update dependency jsdom to v16 (#8114) (1037de02)
+##### Documentation Changes
+*  updated changelog (146388aa)
+##### New Features
+*  polish for user blocks UX (6cb31791)
+*  #8450, next/prev link tags on /unread /recent (eb9704f8)
+*  allow flagging of user acounts from post tools menu (6931f29d)
+*  closes #8440, allow configuring max topic count (e09ab3dc)
+*  add missing translation key (bffb830d)
+*  #3783, min/max tags per category (c718b729)
+*  use tags partial instead of post_bar (0482fb29)
+*  hide elements if search element is a direct child of dropdown (4f6b6c56)
+*  increase wait (6aecc177)
+*  move export functions into child processes (8383992d)
+*  display stack trace on winston.error (e80379dc)
+*  show more relevant snippets (f70d1648)
+*  #8412 breadcrumbs for ip-blacklist/post queue/flags (35a06a84)
+*  show editor in post diffs if available (f909ed25)
+*  #8408 flags' quick assignment (d5af9769)
+*  bump themes, closes #8406 (cb5ba76b)
+*  allow post diffs to be restored, #8406 (58b3d608)
+*  add missing translation (3a80a165)
+*  up composer (96cb94dc)
+*  more search changes (6349fa03)
+*  more merge/search fixes (4b38533b)
+*  merge changes (bb3aa540)
+*  more search & merge fixes (5fd05dc9)
+*  merge improvements wip (c4bdeae0)
+*  #8387 expose global and admin privs to flags detail page (4acb3fb2)
+*  redirect /me to user profile (3be4d5f7)
+*  #8384 options to delete account, content, or both (4d60eac6)
+*  account content deletion, closes #8381 (67aca822)
+*  add missing language files for #8347 (656b391f)
+*  privileges for Admin Control Panel (#8355) (a82e9bd7)
+*  add buildHeaderAsync (#8367) (842b8abb)
+*  #8360 flag quick actions for delete/restore/purge (8ea16348)
+*  #8349, remove user posts from queue if user is deleted (5a2b5154)
+*  up plugins (5b009e07)
+*  add results into results container (9ffcb6f7)
+*  quick search changes (f12d448e)
+*  move quick search into search module (bb1a56f0)
+*  fix session mismatch errors by clearing cookie on logout (#8338) (5781a2dc)
+*  add getSortedSetMembers (0009f54e)
+*  add privilege give/rescind hooks (#8336) (ec5582b5)
+*  filter followed tids by category (f3afba61)
+*  use getSortedSetsMembers to load followed tids (1b9e8928)
+*  add batch size to cursors (a015af4a)
+*  up cache size (9600ede5)
+*  tweak intersection code, add tests (4ee3543e)
+*  change to contains to match scoped modules (6108064e)
+*  improve grunt restart/rebuild speed (cb662e15)
+*  don't overwrite req.query.lang if it exists (4263efa0)
+*  convert queries so they used indices directly (12c6bc2e)
+*  cookie SameSite property (ae2db423)
+*  if only one value is passed used faster function (2587112f)
+*  closes #8316, add more data to export profile (f0323b6c)
+*  throw error if uid is missing for update (1d3fa3bc)
+*  ignore mongodb playground file (a219285e)
+*  parse quick search tpl even if no results (765b8156)
+*  match hook property to topic property (0e58fa33)
+*  add methods for adding/removing tags from topics (bfad4572)
+*  write-api update, WIP (9fd5c439)
+*  closes #8308, edit post notif for watched topic posts (a73c755b)
+*  add null tests for sorted sets (edf9fe3b)
+*  Add hooks for user blocks (#8296) (c4545381)
+*  allow activating additional plugins for testing via config.json (a969c5ce)
+*  move plugin tests to separate file (3a23ddab)
+*  remove node14 for now (a72e4429)
+*  reduce infinite scroll area (3fcbd691)
+*  manifest.json improvements from #8126 (#8264) (6e5ebb61)
+*  show error if json is invalid (15345627)
+*  moved component specs into separate files (cd506557)
+*  added UserObject, UserObjectFull, Breadcrumb, Pagination component (64d79fe5)
+*  added some summary and descriptions (ae3e90d6)
+*  add some descriptions (442c018e)
+*  common schema (eade13f9)
+*  openapi component (1af5507a)
+*  add page query param to docs (9987813f)
+*  tag route doc (bbddaadf)
+*  local redoc view on development mode only (1136a369)
+*  added auto-generated, slimmed-down openapi 3.0 file for read api (7b155dab)
+*  add parent cids to body class (23571224)
+*  add 2 hooks for modifying privileges (d080c7b0)
+*  add user ip to admin/dev/info (5e91a67e)
+*  change option name (cba5b23e)
+*  add no-build to ./nodebb setup (476f6717)
+*  add awaitable socket.emit (4083a6e3)
+*  settings sorted list (#8170) (3c9689a5)
+*  guard against accidental ommision (79737c53)
+* **docs:**  updated changelog (87c1687d)
+* **openapi:**
+  *  merging openapi-test branch into master (8387178b)
+  *  move all commonprops out for commonprops component (65c78de6)
+  *  added template to commonprops (2425f453)
+##### Bug Fixes
+* **deps:**
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.46 (5a713d85)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-mentions to v2.8.3 (#8449) (bbd85049)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-mentions to v2.8.0 (d40720f9)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.44 (#8436) (c1991abe)
+  *  update dependency winston to v3.3.3 (#8431) (6a8f54fd)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.55 (#8434) (a860a793)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.30 (#8435) (272b4992)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.29 (#8429) (b5a68a44)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.54 (#8428) (3ffb6fde)
+  *  update dependency winston to v3.3.2 (54310d69)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone to v0.7.2 (11244348)
+  *  update dependency winston to v3.3.1 (#8421) (fd628570)
+  *  #8412 bump themes (365996e7)
+  *  bump persona/vanilla, closes #8408 (225cac18)
+  *  update dependency sharp to v0.25.4 (#8403) (3c3e1515)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.25 (#8405) (90446365)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.50 (#8404) (44273a64)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.9 (#8402) (90570660)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.43 (78b7382c)
+  *  update dependency validator to v13.1.1 (#8397) (2ae68f9b)
+  *  update dependency validator to v13.1.0 (#8391) (ad6e3634)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.24 (#8395) (eec03de8)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.49 (#8394) (90846740)
+  *  update dependency postcss to v7.0.32 (87ce31d1)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.41 (dde830db)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.40 (#8388) (cf0f8f64)
+  *  bump themes, closes #8387 (e97a2b71)
+  *  bump themes (ccac6a35)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.46 (#8382) (036e6ef5)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.21 (#8383) (7caeb273)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.39 (aeefc60b)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.37 (7f6ff0b1)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.36 (6b2ea077)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.35 (2d582df7)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.45 (#8372) (771ea194)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.20 (#8373) (f8ee981b)
+  *  update dependency socket.io-redis to v5.3.0 (#8370) (d2463bb4)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.19 (f6ad9605)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.44 (cb28e6cf)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.34 (#8357) (d7ab0894)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.33 (c4047179)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone to v0.7.1 (27ab36ac)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.43 (#8343) (dabff972)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.8 (#8342) (8224127f)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.40 (#8332) (a20af6e2)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone to v0.7.0 (cc206b4d)
+  *  bump composer-default (827d42a9)
+  *  bump composer-default (a665881b)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.29 (bf8a2c2e)
+  *  update dependency postcss to v7.0.30 (#8288) (a532e2bb)
+  *  update dependency sharp to v0.25.3 (0437ecc2)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.28 (#8309) (f246057a)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.27 (#8307) (6d57d844)
+  *  #8298 bump persona (158d9231)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.25 (89d17647)
+  *  update dependency jquery to v3.5.1 [security] (#8281) (a69f0b29)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-rewards-essentials to v0.1.3 (#8289) (919034a7)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.7 (#8279) (25d509c4)
+  *  actually, swagger-parser is a dev dependency (d09c6ae0)
+  *  missing @apidevtools/swagger-parser (f1720735)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.37 (#8258) (b0c30ceb)
+  *  update dependency archiver to v4 (28777f67)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.6 (#8256) (49236067)
+  *  bump dependencies (#8239) (e68156e1)
+  *  update dependency jsesc to v3.0.1 (#8243) (92b55ef5)
+  *  update dependency jsesc to v3 (bb70cebb)
+  *  update dependency pg to v8 (#8227) (ac98775f)
+  *  update dependency validator to v13 (f497ee62)
+  *  update dependency sharp to v0.25.2 (#8220) (dd660c87)
+  *  bump markdown (ee6cb412)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.5 (#8205) (5535c50c)
+  *  update dependency sitemap to v6 (#8198) (2052f14c)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.23 (6d98d5a1)
+  *  update dependency sharp to v0.25.1 (#8199) (21e91c91)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.3.22 (#8193) (e01f05e3)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-slick to v1.2.29 (#8177) (9daa21ff)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v11.1.16 (#8178) (7d6a983b)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v10.1.35 (#8176) (3acc24b0)
+  *  update dependency sharp to v0.24.1 (#8164) (7cc63f7d)
+  *  update dependency mongodb to v3.5.3 (#8161) (4b907137)
+  *  update dependency nodebb-widget-essentials to v4.1.0 (#8159) (a5f3c2a2)
+  *  update dependency request to v2.88.2 (#8158) (7fde180a)
+  *  update dependency redis to v3 (#8152) (ef964b11)
+  *  update dependency rimraf to v3.0.2 (#8153) (d8efc6b6)
+*  don't show in unreplied if score is null (fd400a00)
+*  lint (0d0b9513)
+*  upgrade script to unescape navigation titles (37b6b8fd)
+*  test (f0ce309d)
+*  show controls @julianlam (023de94e)
+*  #8437, #8433 (e53a18f2)
+*  copy settings showing empty category selection (ed4b5caf)
+*  don't init autocomplete if user doesn't have privs (8482a54a)
+*  only allow valid uids (00d8ce26)
+*  tests (f03ca086)
+*  vulnerability in cover and admin uploads (#8419) (48b41deb)
+*  reverse tabnabbing exploit in post images (040e6a9a)
+*  follower count going out of sync with real follower count (2bcf7f72)
+*  test lock for user create (#8415) (bef37e27)
+*  add mising timestamp (f0526bff)
+*  ban (bfd7eafe)
+*  remove use of 'hidden' class in navbar toggling (5a367ecb)
+*  bug where category privs page thought it was on admin (2515aa77)
+*  #8410 (b3115ea8)
+*  tests breaking due to #8406 (d5578c99)
+*  add missing translations (42466d3c)
+*  #8401, #8237 (7ed1a014)
+*  add timestamp to initial username history (18d89239)
+*  crash in export posts if post content is undefined (53a9517d)
+*  messaging unread (0041c024)
+*  whitespace (a024cc13)
+*  typo (0595e710)
+*  #8392, clear group member cache when group is renamed (89b01024)
+*  return false (8591f5d2)
+*  language (a255c8f6)
+*  #8386, use backgroundImage everywhere (8627bee5)
+*  prevent logout form from submitting (d92032da)
+*  missing space in ACP menu dropdown (daeceb45)
+*  #8385 (942cc4b1)
+*  acp language keys from #8347 not updated in tx config (9ae7fd3e)
+*  #8363, dont break history (50703db8)
+*  #8363, go to hash when entering topic (0c265a41)
+*  #8374, revert event delete (30cc83c0)
+*  new language tag for select_tags (09184f40)
+*  remove duplicate link to manage/tags in settings/tags (260a482c)
+*  tests (3a078f59)
+*  handle search tag permission as well (1b5d5425)
+*  checking correct permissions for user search (#8371) (f6b92d24)
+*  change event name so it doesnt trigger complete event (7786187e)
+*  clear error log before checking (75b3a81d)
+*  #8323, let admins send validation emails without timeout (e603ebc0)
+*  #8352, remove webfonts (#8354) (de7ec47f)
+*  more tests (da90fd56)
+*  tests due to 0633ad327 (98dffa3a)
+*  retry failed setObject calls (2c9e8657)
+*  acp menu items (0633ad32)
+*  re-jigged tags acp pages (a83f4259)
+*  move checks into timeout (47d73a2a)
+*  #8339, add missing translation (a9315aee)
+*  don't explode if server sends `checkSession` (84c20f91)
+*  eliminate unnecessary try..catch (f0e59c14)
+*  test breakages from 8d995d1eb609837e4e6e4c77cd855766830378fa (a66fe013)
+*  #8320, dont load moderators separately for each category (0a31e3e6)
+*  show stack trace on startup errors (11bb6abb)
+*  don't trigger quick search if val doesn't change (d6c2764f)
+*  prevent duplicate search triggers (6f78113e)
+*  user faster method if sorting by smallest set (3ec05eea)
+*  add txt to list of default allowed file extensions (01bff2ae)
+*  search post snipets incase content is plain text (ada45a34)
+*  derp includes (d484731d)
+*  another test fix (f2907908)
+*  tests (feb748a4)
+*  tests on redis (7a801aba)
+*  tests, handle no sessions (8bf980cb)
+*  #8318, clean expired sessions on login and get (a0d76ff0)
+*  tests (a032e12b)
+*  #8317 (81e33b93)
+*  #8142 invalid session warning if server-side session destroyed (526b3cd9)
+*  check privileges before exporting post/topic data (5fd81c5c)
+*  exporting posts (dfae664e)
+*  undefined uid when downloading posts (bdda0222)
+*  #8311, fix allowUserHomePage value (1ba6929c)
+*  dont crash if topic is null (e20ad5c5)
+*  if category in selector has url use it (1f992cf3)
+*  convert cids to string for comparison (c47a1c4d)
+*  missing await (97c086ab)
+*  add missing schema item (4e14cb57)
+*  category selector disabled categories (337be368)
+*  #8305, don't use null values (6a5e86dc)
+*  #8302, send string to writeFileSync (d09bd2cf)
+*  winston showing json object (7d081843)
+*  sortable topics even if only 1 pinned topic (6765de3d)
+*  #8298, use class name added by jQueryUI instead (dd2bc189)
+*  topic search shortcut for macs (f2c725c6)
+*  #8297, uids.length is different than topics.length (0431d75f)
+*  #8297 guest handles shown in category.tpl (fcb81cb8)
+*  only add to set if numRecentReplies>0 (16a98eaf)
+*  #8293, don't show error if there are no self messages (be305410)
+*  failing tests @julianlam (ecd622fd)
+*  #3321, run plugin tests for installed plugins (a6bb9f43)
+*  remove deprecated mocha.opts (3d0db963)
+*  spec (84383d39)
+*  #8290, if there are no filters go to ?reset=1 (9839346e)
+*  #8283, update gdpr link again (2d076344)
+*  add missing await (4f1128fd)
+*  #8287, dont readd user after deletion (9d153fd3)
+*  missing await (4d6b2ec3)
+*  #8286, rescind notif when its resolved/rejected (0391856d)
+*  #8284, parse ToS on register (0ca84bd9)
+*  #8283, point to official site (17d664e0)
+*  jquery xhtml violations (275e837b)
+* #8274 Don't escape HTML in manage users (#8275) (4855f1de)
+*  crash in topic controller (0c7c70ed)
+*  crash when res.locals.linkTags is undefined (7cab2b0f)
+*  #8272 user link in digest email (e80b8101)
+*  tag of /api/unread/total (9ffdab02)
+*  response hook logic (5a1c6ee7)
+*  remove upload picture test (avatars) (6edf02d4)
+*  remove tests related to group covers, as route is gone (442fe65f)
+*  #8269, return array of topics from hook (4eafe0f0)
+*  remove dead picture upload code #8260 (ef52461f)
+*  path.resolve to logs file (5bcaf715)
+*  only trigger infinitescroll on scroll end (ba6d3fd3)
+*  wrong data returned in available.groups (c7ea84a2)
+*  no focus on find user modal (1b425ef1)
+*  accidental fp precision on flag and acp dash graphs (bcbf98aa)
+*  #8232, unresolvable session mismatch on register cancel (f2f6fbf1)
+*  pin jquery to 3.4.1, #8252 (e440d617)
+*  #8249, don't send move notifications for deleted posts/topics (d77036db)
+*  missing descriptions for common properties (7b31fb34)
+*  some definitions in read API spec (03739b6f)
+*  tagged all routes in read api spec (455d42bc)
+*  override ACAO header for read API spec file (240d9091)
+*  throw error if topic does not exist (59cf0e80)
+*  hookname (e93578b8)
+*  #8230, add hook getUserDataByUserSlug (0d1b5a7f)
+*  ignore case for group details route (15d6975e)
+*  lint (740e598a)
+*  lint (8e23dec8)
+*  #8221, fix parent selection (08031730)
+*  invite properly (071506eb)
+*  admins not seeing invite button (8f4b99a4)
+*  #8217, add missing lang key (0b5fac75)
+*  #8206 first message in chat has false `newSet` (93acd139)
+*  #8203, fix user invites refreshing page (2f9c7c62)
+*  #8202, filter non-existing users in search by uid (f07f4f8e)
+*  notification bodyShort truncated if there is a comma in topic title (266061c3)
+*  hsts max-age missing translation (b67af70d)
+*  call next (80f1bcad)
+*  try travis fix again (05bee629)
+*  try fixing psql on travis (bc9e92a1)
+*  dont let regular users see other users watched categories (cf6eadb9)
+*  also fix updating bookmark if sorting is newest_to_oldest (6e5de39b)
+*  #8188, fix bookmark if sorting is newest_to_oldest (32ada7c4)
+*  duplicate ID + label (ac241fb8)
+*  #8184 global mods unable to revoke other user sessions (f0db240a)
+*  return null if field does not exist (e72a29b3)
+*  #8179, limit length of location/website/fullname, check grouptitle (14e78667)
+*  tag key (32636755)
+*  #8175 (bc93b567)
+*  #8168 re-allowing slashes in homePageRoute (667608a0)
+*  tweak to session validation in addHeaders (eddbd868)
+*  only call clearCookie for logged in users (630f5d5b)
+*  #6422, update deleted/restored messages (06703408)
+*  #8163, prevent account deletion (4d0636f8)
+*  register (5a0c7c14)
+*  #8157, update recent tid when post is moved (e7495440)
+*  tests (b73aa84d)
+*  move start/stop every iteration (dd3893b1)
+*  #8154, move start/stop every iteration (300c04ce)
+*  #8154, respect stop (690bb69d)
+*  #8156 dont allow loading members from hidden groups (f23bc347)
+*  #8155, don't validate name on update if groupName didn't change (03a02e5d)
+*  return correct number of suggested topics (236e1e68)
+*  #8151, don't crash if taskbar doesn't have element (2e794801)
+*  logic for determining dailyStats hour vars (398f0120)
+*  fix daily analytics being one day off (9ecdb92f)
+*  remove debug line (0b9ad416)
+*  no decimal places for category analytics (14655f87)
+*  #8142, broken site if no server-side session (#8148) (d6e3f3f0)
+*  #8144 pluginHooks in maintenance mode middleware (0885ec68)
+* **openapi:**
+  *  tests for #8412 (4cae893f)
+  *  api change for #8387 (6a969442)
+  *  schema for new flags api (a0e243ee)
+  *  broken tests (45dfeeb0)
+  *  v14 test fix (23a0b8c5)
+  *  remove account and group upload routes (d342a28c)
+  *  more fleshing out (058a15db)
+  *  fleshed out admin routes (bae88e08)
+  *  added some descriptions (ab4bd7e1)
+  *  added PostsObject component (2395d2be)
+  *  finished moving all category objects out (23dd2727)
+  *  changed some descriptions (c939f8c6)
+  *  added CategoryObject component (55d0a9ff)
+  *  removed repeated breadcrumb blocks in favour of $ref (646fac1e)
+  *  remove all repeated pagination blocks in favour of (ac579f9d)
+  *  removed warning for category mods route (1cf62095)
+  *  normalising the file for programmatic updates (3a5c6e07)
+* **style:**
+  *  more switch..case (6b1d1acb)
+  *  switch..case (922d49be)
+  *  enforcing "better" indentation for switch..case (d135b6f7)
+* **docs:**  added titles to all routes (aa4ae78b)
+##### Other Changes
+* id, category fields (2355d9d5)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (c3c8b19a)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (0ddfb6b0)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (d1c1cb2c)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (79a7f892)
+* user.getFields to match topic/posts (a680a95e)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (b459592a)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (066b442e)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (fd6bf0c9)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (c1d8b9bb)
+* middleware.renderHeader (2727f472)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (69a87933)
+* uploadFile (7f24200c)
+*  #8142 invalid session warning if server-side session destroyed" (e327d124)
+*  ''}) (2a00b0e9)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (8c8cdc99)
+* categories.getRecentTopicReplies (aad0880f)
+*  #8298 (2e57d8ac)
+* post.updatePostVoteCount (b25b51bd)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (5e140454)
+* categories.updateRecentTid (6c59683b)
+* categories.updateRecentTid (51933c1f)
+* router.page, dep. filter variant (0053e779)
+* flags as well (5ebcdb18)
+*  crash when res.locals.linkTags is undefined" (fe03effe)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (87a6ff0d)
+*  cnpm and pnpm (#8222) (e6a1741c)
+* //github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB (7ae76477)
+*  openapi component" (683e5851)
+*  override ACAO header for read API spec file" (c82a2637)
+* password.change (00e299e9)
+* topic.tools.load (5aa76cdf)
+*  #8154, move start/stop every iteration" (4abe5eb7)
+* **deps:**  update dependency nodebb-plugin-mentions to v2.8.0" (5c7d37c0)
+##### Refactors
+*  make code climate happier? (0d112b36)
+*  shorter code (af790e3f)
+*  shorter code (e8f0da6e)
+*  change name to privileges to match other apis (2100a03c)
+*  making rendering of header and footer async functions (023942da)
+*  remove general menu from ACP (#8347) (a51fff8b)
+*  use getSortedSetMembers (7d484fc0)
+*  src/flags.js because codeclimate (cf00cda0)
+*  flags detail page (8d995d1e)
+*  move code (3b6d57e4)
+*  remove console.log (40b5cbab)
+*  shorter function (7e429884)
+*  match core field name pinned (478ed6c1)
+*  getUsersCSV to use batch lib (1efb238a)
+*  reorganized socket.io admin modules (e1c6c3b2)
+##### Reverts
+*  bad changelog (a761e31f)
 #### 1.13.3 (2020-05-08)
 ##### Chores