"page-views-custom-help":"Enter a date range of page views you would like to view. If no date picker is available, the accepted format is <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-error":"Please enter a valid date range in the format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-help":"Adj meg egy dátum tartományt a kívánt oldal megtekintések megtekintéséhez. Ha nem áll rendelkezésre dátumválasztó, az elfogadott formátum <code>ÉÉÉÉ-HH-NN</code>",
"page-views-custom-error":"Kérlek, érvényes dátum tartományt adj meg <code>ÉÉÉÉ-HH-NN</code> formátumban.",
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
"running-version":"Jelenleg a <strong>NodeBB v<span id=\"version\">%1</span></strong> verzióját futtatod.",
"keep-updated":"Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.",
"keep-updated":"Mindig tégy róla, hogy a NodeBB naprakész a legfrissebb biztonsági javítások és hibajavítások végett.",
"upgrade-available":"<p>A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/upgrade/\" target=\"_blank\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.</p>",
"upgrade-available":"<p>Kiadásra került egy új verzió (v%1). Vedd fontolóra a <a href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/upgrade/\" target=\"_blank\">NodeBB frissítését</a>.</p>",
"prerelease-upgrade-available":"<p>This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/upgrade/\" target=\"_blank\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.</p>",
"prerelease-warning":"<p>This is a <strong>pre-release</strong> version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur. <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i></p>",
"running-in-development":"<span>Forum is running in development mode. The forum may be open to potential vulnerabilities; please contact your system administrator.</span>",
"description":"The default language determines the language settings for all users who are visiting your forum. <br />Individual users can override the default language on their account settings page.",
"default-language":"Default Language",
"auto-detect":"Auto Detect Language Setting for Guests"
"language-settings":"Nyelvi beállítások",
"description":"Az alapértelmezett nyelv meghatározza a nyelvi beállításokat minden fórumot látogató számára. <br />Ezt az egyes felhasználók felülírhatják fiókjuk beállításaiban.",
"privileges.description":"You can configure the access control privileges for this category in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. You can add a new user to this table by searching for them in the form below.",
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.inherit":"If the <code>registered-users</code> group is granted a specific privilege, all other groups receive an <strong>implicit privilege</strong>, even if they are not explicitly defined/checked. This implicit privilege is shown to you because all users are part of the <code>registered-users</code> user group, and so, privileges for additional groups need not be explicitly granted.",
"analytics.back":"Back to Categories List",
"analytics.title":"Analytics for \"%1\" category",
"analytics.back":"Visszatérés a kategórialistához",
"analytics.title":"Elemzés \"%1\" kategóriához",
"analytics.pageviews-hourly":"<strong>Figure 1</strong> – Hourly page views for this category</small>",
"analytics.pageviews-daily":"<strong>Figure 2</strong> – Daily page views for this category</small>",
"analytics.topics-daily":"<strong>Figure 3</strong> – Daily topics created in this category</small>",
"alert.none-active":"You have no active categories.",
"alert.create":"Create a Category",
"alert.create":"Kategória létrehozása",
"alert.confirm-moderate":"<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
"alert.confirm-purge":"<p class=\"lead\">Do you really want to purge this category \"%1\"?</p><h5><strong class=\"text-danger\">Warning!</strong> All topics and posts in this category will be purged!</h5> <p class=\"help-block\">Purging a category will remove all topics and posts, and delete the category from the database. If you want to remove a category <em>temporarily</em>, you'll want to \"disable\" the category instead.</p>",
"description":"There are no users in the registration queue. <br> To enable this feature, go to <a href=\"%1\">Settings → User → User Registration</a> and set <strong>Registration Type</strong> to \"Admin Approval\".",
"invitations.description":"Below is a complete list of invitations sent. Use ctrl-f to search through the list by email or username. <br><br>The username will be displayed to the right of the emails for users who have redeemed their invitations.",
"consent.lead":"This community forum collects and processes your personal information.",
"consent.title":"Haklarınız & İzinleriniz",
"consent.lead":"Bu topluluk forumu kişisel bilgilerinizi toplar ve işler.",
"consent.intro":"We use this information strictly to personalise your experience in this community, as well as to associate the posts you make to your user account. During the registration step you were asked to provide a username and email address, you can also optionally provide additional information to complete your user profile on this website.<br /><br />We retain this information for the life of your user account, and you are able to withdraw consent at any time by deleting your account. At any time you may request a copy of your contribution to this website, via your Rights & Consent page.<br /><br />If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to this forum's administrative team.",
"consent.email_intro":"Occasionally, we may send emails to your registered email address in order to provide updates and/or to notify you of new activity that is pertinent to you. You can customise the frequency of the community digest (including disabling it outright), as well as select which types of notifications to receive via email, via your user settings page.",
"consent.digest_frequency":"Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community delivers email digests every %1.",
@ -164,6 +164,6 @@
"consent.right_to_data_portability":"You have the Right to Data Portability",
"consent.right_to_data_portability_description":"You may request from us a machine-readable export of any collected data about you and your account. You can do so by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.export_profile":"Profili Dışarı Çıkar (.csv)",