"too-many-posts-newbie":"Като нов потребител, Вие можете да публикувате веднъж на %1 секунди, докато не натрупате %2 репутация – моля, изчакайте малко, преди да опитате да публикувате отново",
"tag-too-short":"Моля, въведете по-дълъг етикет. Етикетите трябва да съдържат поне %1 символа",
"tag-too-long":"Моля, въведете по-кратък етикет. Етикетите трябва да съдържат не повече от %1 символа",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kb - please upload a smaller file",
"file-too-big":"Максималният разрешен размер на файл е %1 КБ – моля, качете по-малък файл",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Не можете да гласувате за собствената си публикация",
"already-favourited":"Вече сте отбелязали тази публикация като любима",
"already-unfavourited":"Вече сте премахнали тази публикация от любимите си",
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"post-already-restored":"Тази публикация вече е възстановена",
"topic-already-deleted":"Тази тема вече е изтрита",
"topic-already-restored":"Тази тема вече е възстановена",
"cant-purge-main-post":"You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
"cant-purge-main-post":"Не можете да изчистите първоначалната публикация. Моля, вместо това изтрийте темата.",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Иконките на темите са изключени.",
"invalid-file":"Грешен файл",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Качването не е разрешено",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Този потребител не е наблюдавал нито една тема все още.",
"email_hidden":"Е-пощата е скрита",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Разделяне на темите и публикациите на страници, вместо да се превърта безкрайно",
"topics_per_page":"Теми на страница",
"posts_per_page":"Публикации на страница",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notification_sounds":"Изпълняване на звук, когато получите известие",
"browsing":"Настройки за страниците",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Отваряне на външните връзки в нов подпрозорец",
"enable_topic_searching":"Включване на търсенето в темите",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"topic_search_help":"Ако е включено, търсенето в темата ще замени стандартното поведение на браузъра при търсене в страницата и ще Ви позволи да претърсвате цялата тема, а не само това, което се вижда на екрана",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Следване на темите, на които отговаряте",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Следване на темите, които създавате",
"grouptitle":"Изберете заглавието на групата, което искате да се показва",
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Als neuer Benutzer kannst du nur alle %1 Sekunden einen Beitrag verfassen, bis du %2 Reputationspunkte hast - Bitte warte etwas, bevor du erneut einen Beitrag verfasst",
"tag-too-short":"Bitte gib ein längeres Stichwort an. Stichwörter sollten aus mindestens %1 Zeichen bestehen.",
"tag-too-long":"Bitte gib ein kürzeres Stichwort ein. Stichwörter können nicht länger als %1 Zeichen sein.",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kb - please upload a smaller file",
"file-too-big":"Maximal erlaubte Dateigröße ist %1 kb - lade bitte eine kleinere Datei hoch",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Du kannst deinen eigenen Beitrag nicht bewerten",
"already-favourited":"Dieser Beitrag ist bereits in deinen Favoriten enthalten",
"already-unfavourited":"Du hast diesen Beitrag bereits aus deinen Favoriten entfernt",
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"post-already-restored":"Dieser Beitrag ist bereits wiederhergestellt worden",
"topic-already-deleted":"Dieses Thema ist bereits gelöscht worden",
"topic-already-restored":"Dieses Thema ist bereits wiederhergestellt worden",
"cant-purge-main-post":"You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
"cant-purge-main-post":"Du kannst den Hauptbeitrag nicht löschen, bitte lösche stattdessen das Thema",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Vorschaubilder für Themen sind deaktiviert",
"invalid-file":"Datei ungültig",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Uploads sind deaktiviert",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Diese Person beobachtet keine Themen",
"email_hidden":"E-Mail Adresse versteckt",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Themen und Beiträge in Seiten aufteilen, anstelle unendlich zu scrollen",
"topics_per_page":"Themen pro Seite",
"posts_per_page":"Beiträge pro Seite",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"browsing":"Browser Einstellungen",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"notification_sounds":"Ton abspielen, wenn du eine Benachrichtigung erhältst",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Ausgehende Links in neuem Tab öffnen",
"enable_topic_searching":"Suchen innerhalb von Themen aktivieren",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Themen folgen, in denen auf dich geantwortet wird",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Themen folgen, die du erstellst",
"grouptitle":"Wähle den anzuzeigenden Gruppen Titel aus",
"invalid-username-or-password":"S'il vous plait, veuillez entrer un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe",
"invalid-username-or-password":"Veuillez entrer un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe",
"invalid-search-term":"Données de recherche invalides",
"invalid-pagination-value":"Valeur de pagination invalide",
"username-taken":"Nom d’utilisateur déjà utilisé",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"too-many-posts-newbie":"En tant que nouvel utilisateur, vous ne pouvez poster que toutes les %1 secondes jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez une réputation de %2 - patientez avant de publier de nouveau. ",
"tag-too-short":"Veuillez entrer un mot-clé plus long. Les mots-clés devraient contenir au moins %1 caractères.",
"tag-too-long":"Veuillez entrer un mot-clé plus court. Les mot-clés ne peuvent faire plus de %1 caractères.",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kb - please upload a smaller file",
"file-too-big":"La taille maximale autorisée pour un fichier est de %1 kb. Veuillez envoyer un fichier plus petit.",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Vous ne pouvez pas voter pour vos propres messages",
"already-favourited":"Vous avez déjà mis ce message en favoris",
"already-unfavourited":"Vous avez déjà retiré ce message des favoris",
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"post-already-restored":"Message déjà restauré",
"topic-already-deleted":"Sujet déjà supprimé",
"topic-already-restored":"Sujet déjà restauré",
"cant-purge-main-post":"You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
"cant-purge-main-post":"Il n'est pas possible d'effacer le message principal, veuillez supprimer le sujet entier à la place.",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled":"Les miniatures de sujet sont désactivés",
"invalid-file":"Fichier invalide",
"uploads-are-disabled":"Les envois sont désactivés",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Cet utilisateur ne suis encore aucun sujet.",
"email_hidden":"Email masqué",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Utiliser la pagination des sujets et des messages à la place du défilement infini.",
"topics_per_page":"Sujets par page",
"posts_per_page":"Messages par page",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notification_sounds":"Émettre un son lors de la réception de notifications.",
"browsing":"Paramètres de navigation",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Ouvrir les liens externes dans un nouvel onglet",
"enable_topic_searching":"Activer la recherche dans les sujets",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"topic_search_help":"Une fois activé, la recherche dans les sujets va remplacer la recherche de page du navigateur et vous permettra de rechercher dans l'intégralité d'un sujet au lieu des seuls posts affichés à l'écran.",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Suivre les sujets auxquels vous répondez",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Suivre les sujets que vous créez",
"grouptitle":"Sélectionnez le titre de groupe que vous souhaitez afficher",
"email-not-confirmed-chat":"E-postanız onaylanana kadar sohbet edemezsiniz, onaylamak için lütfen buraya tıklayın.",
"no-email-to-confirm":"Bu forum e-posta doğrulaması gerektirir, lütfen buraya bir e-posta adresi girin",
"email-confirm-failed":"E-posta adresinizi doğrulayamıyoruz. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.",
"confirm-email-already-sent":"Confirmation email already sent, please wait %1 minutes to send another one.",
"confirm-email-already-sent":"E-mail onayı zaten gönderilmiş, yeni bir onay göndermek için lütfen 1 dakika bekleyin.",
"username-too-short":"Kullanıcı ismi çok kısa",
"username-too-long":"Kullanıcı ismi çok uzun.",
"user-banned":"Kullanıcı Yasaklı",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"too-many-posts-newbie":"Yeni bir kullanıcı olarak, %2 saygınlığınız olana kadar sadece %1 saniyede bir mesaj gönderebilirsiniz. Lütfen tekrar ileti göndermeden önce bekleyin.",
"tag-too-short":"Lütfen daha uzun bir etiket giriniz. Etiketler en az %1 karakter uzunluğunda olmalı",
"tag-too-long":"Lütfen daha kısa bir etiket girin. Etiketler %1 karakterden daha uzun olamaz",
"file-too-big":"Maximum allowed file size is %1 kb - please upload a smaller file",
"file-too-big":"İzin verilen en büyük dosya boyutu %1 kb - lütfen daha küçük bir dosya yükleyin",
"cant-vote-self-post":"Kendi iletinize oy veremezsiniz",
"already-favourited":"Bu iletiyi zaten favorilerinize eklediniz",
"already-unfavourited":"Bu iletiyi zaten favorilerinizden çıkardınız",
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"post-already-restored":"İleti zaten geri getirilmiş",
"topic-already-deleted":"Başlık zaten silinmiş",
"topic-already-restored":"Başlık zaten geri getirilmiş",
"cant-purge-main-post":"You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
"cant-purge-main-post":"İlk iletiyi silemezsiniz, bunun yerine konuyu silin",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Bu kullanıcı henüz hiçbir konuyu izlemedi.",
"email_hidden":"E-posta gizli",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Sonsuz yükleme yerine konu ve iletileri sayfalara böl",
"topics_per_page":"Sayfa başına Konular",
"posts_per_page":"Sayfa başına İletiler",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notification_sounds":"Uyarı alındığında ses çal",
"browsing":"Tarayıcı Ayaları",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Dışarı giden bağlantıları yeni sekmede aç",
"enable_topic_searching":"Konu içi aramayı aktive et",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"topic_search_help":"Aktive edilirse, konu içi arama tarayıcının normal arama davranışını değiştirerek tüm konuyu aramanızı sağlar",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Cevap verdiğim konuları takip et",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Kendi konularımı takip et",