diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/admin.json b/public/language/sl/admin/admin.json
index 3afbbf5ab7..c7ac493d94 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/admin.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/admin.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "alert.confirm-rebuild-and-restart": "Ste prepričani, da želite znova zagnati NodeBB?",
+ "alert.confirm-rebuild-and-restart": "Ste prepričani, da želite obnoviti in ponovno zagnati NodeBB?",
"alert.confirm-restart": "Ste prepričani, da želite znova zagnati NodeBB?",
- "acp-title": "NodeBB administracijska nadzorna plošča",
- "settings-header-contents": "Contents"
+ "acp-title": "%1 | NodeBB skrbniška nadzorna plošča",
+ "settings-header-contents": "Vsebine"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/cache.json b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/cache.json
index 2fd7984883..30f27ed4f4 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/cache.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/cache.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"post-cache": "Post Cache",
- "percent-full": "%1% Full",
+ "percent-full": "%1%Zasedeno",
"post-cache-size": "Post Cache Size",
- "items-in-cache": "Items in Cache"
+ "items-in-cache": "Elementi v predpomnilniku"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/database.json b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/database.json
index 9167b381ed..924dbbabd3 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/database.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/database.json
@@ -2,36 +2,36 @@
"x-b": "%1 b",
"x-mb": "%1 mb",
"x-gb": "%1 gb",
- "uptime-seconds": "Uptime in Seconds",
- "uptime-days": "Uptime in Days",
+ "uptime-seconds": "Čas delovanja v sekundah",
+ "uptime-days": "Čas delovanja v dneh",
"mongo": "Mongo",
- "mongo.version": "MongoDB Version",
+ "mongo.version": "MongoDB verzija",
"mongo.storage-engine": "Storage Engine",
- "mongo.collections": "Collections",
- "mongo.objects": "Objects",
- "mongo.avg-object-size": "Avg. Object Size",
- "mongo.data-size": "Data Size",
- "mongo.storage-size": "Storage Size",
- "mongo.index-size": "Index Size",
- "mongo.file-size": "File Size",
- "mongo.resident-memory": "Resident Memory",
- "mongo.virtual-memory": "Virtual Memory",
+ "mongo.collections": "Zbirke",
+ "mongo.objects": "Predmeti",
+ "mongo.avg-object-size": "Povpr. velikost predmeta",
+ "mongo.data-size": "Velikost podatkov",
+ "mongo.storage-size": "Velikost shrambe",
+ "mongo.index-size": "Velikost indeksa",
+ "mongo.file-size": "Velikost datoteke",
+ "mongo.resident-memory": "Stalni spomin",
+ "mongo.virtual-memory": "Navidezni spomin",
"mongo.mapped-memory": "Mapped Memory",
"mongo.bytes-in": "Bytes In",
"mongo.bytes-out": "Bytes Out",
- "mongo.num-requests": "Number of Requests",
+ "mongo.num-requests": "Število zahtev",
"mongo.raw-info": "MongoDB Raw Info",
"mongo.unauthorized": "NodeBB was unable to query the MongoDB database for relevant statistics. Please ensure that the user in use by NodeBB contains the "clusterMonitor" role for the "admin" database.",
"redis": "Redis",
- "redis.version": "Redis Version",
- "redis.keys": "Keys",
- "redis.expires": "Expires",
- "redis.avg-ttl": "Average TTL",
- "redis.connected-clients": "Connected Clients",
+ "redis.version": "Redis verzija",
+ "redis.keys": "Ključi",
+ "redis.expires": "Poteče",
+ "redis.avg-ttl": "Povprečni TTL",
+ "redis.connected-clients": "Povezane stranke",
"redis.connected-slaves": "Connected Slaves",
- "redis.blocked-clients": "Blocked Clients",
+ "redis.blocked-clients": "Blokirane stranke",
"redis.used-memory": "Used Memory",
"redis.memory-frag-ratio": "Memory Fragmentation Ratio",
"redis.total-connections-recieved": "Total Connections Received",
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/errors.json b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/errors.json
index 546f0f1508..e27f396d2d 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/errors.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/errors.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"figure-x": "Figure %1",
- "error-events-per-day": "%1
events per day",
+ "error-events-per-day": "%1
dogodkov na dan",
"error.404": "404 Not Found",
"error.503": "503 Service Unavailable",
"manage-error-log": "Manage Error Log",
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/events.json b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/events.json
index 56d9457971..2d24611e2b 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/events.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/advanced/events.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- "events": "Events",
- "no-events": "There are no events",
- "control-panel": "Events Control Panel",
- "delete-events": "Delete Events",
- "filters": "Filters",
- "filters-apply": "Apply Filters",
- "filter-type": "Event Type",
- "filter-start": "Start Date",
- "filter-end": "End Date",
- "filter-perPage": "Per Page"
+ "events": "Dogodki",
+ "no-events": "Ni dogodkov",
+ "control-panel": "Nadzorna plošča za dogodke",
+ "delete-events": "Izbriši dogodke",
+ "filters": "Filtri",
+ "filters-apply": "Uveljavi filtre",
+ "filter-type": "Tip dogodka",
+ "filter-start": "Začetni datum",
+ "filter-end": "Končni datum",
+ "filter-perPage": "Na stran"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/customise.json b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/customise.json
index 97abb5ede5..cea68f5b8a 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/customise.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/customise.json
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- "custom-css": "Custom CSS/LESS",
+ "custom-css": "CSS/LESS po meri",
"custom-css.description": "Enter your own CSS/LESS declarations here, which will be applied after all other styles.",
- "custom-css.enable": "Enable Custom CSS/LESS",
+ "custom-css.enable": "Omogoči CSS/LESS po meri",
- "custom-js": "Custom Javascript",
- "custom-js.description": "Enter your own javascript here. It will be executed after the page is loaded completely.",
- "custom-js.enable": "Enable Custom Javascript",
+ "custom-js": "Javascript po meri",
+ "custom-js.description": "Tukaj vnesite svoj javascript. Izveden bo, ko se stran popolnoma naloži.",
+ "custom-js.enable": "Omogoči Javascript po meri",
- "custom-header": "Custom Header",
- "custom-header.description": "Enter custom HTML here (ex. Meta Tags, etc.), which will be appended to the <head>
section of your forum's markup. Script tags are allowed, but are discouraged, as the Custom Javascript tab is available.",
- "custom-header.enable": "Enable Custom Header",
+ "custom-header": "Glava po meri",
+ "custom-header.description": "Tukaj vnesite HTML po meri (npr. meta oznake itd.), ki bo dodan v & lt; head & gt;
razdelek oznak vašega foruma. Oznake skript so dovoljene, vendar niso priporočljive, saj je na voljo zavihek Javascript po meri.",
+ "custom-header.enable": "Omogoči glavo po meri",
"custom-css.livereload": "Enable Live Reload",
- "custom-css.livereload.description": "Enable this to force all sessions on every device under your account to refresh whenever you click save"
+ "custom-css.livereload.description": "Omogočite to, da se vse seje na vsaki napravi v vašem računu osvežijo, ko kliknete shrani"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/skins.json b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/skins.json
index 4db6fbdd8a..2d29a09f0d 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/skins.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/skins.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "loading": "Loading Skins...",
- "homepage": "Homepage",
- "select-skin": "Select Skin",
- "current-skin": "Current Skin",
- "skin-updated": "Skin Updated",
- "applied-success": "%1 skin was succesfully applied",
- "revert-success": "Skin reverted to base colours"
+ "loading": "Nalagam preobleke...",
+ "homepage": "Domača stran",
+ "select-skin": "Izberi preobleko",
+ "current-skin": "Trenutna preobleka",
+ "skin-updated": "Preobleka je posodobljena",
+ "applied-success": "%1 preobleke je bilo uspešno uveljavljene",
+ "revert-success": "Preobleka je povrnjena v osnovne barve"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/themes.json b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/themes.json
index 597830f379..3942ae0820 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/themes.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/appearance/themes.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- "checking-for-installed": "Checking for installed themes...",
- "homepage": "Homepage",
- "select-theme": "Select Theme",
- "current-theme": "Current Theme",
- "no-themes": "No installed themes found",
- "revert-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to restore the default NodeBB theme?",
- "theme-changed": "Theme Changed",
- "revert-success": "You have successfully reverted your NodeBB back to it's default theme.",
- "restart-to-activate": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully activate this theme."
+ "checking-for-installed": "Iščem nameščene teme...",
+ "homepage": "Domača stran",
+ "select-theme": "Izberi temo",
+ "current-theme": "Trenutna tema",
+ "no-themes": "Ni najdenih nameščenih tem",
+ "revert-confirm": "Ste prepričani, da želite obnoviti privzeto NodeBB temo?",
+ "theme-changed": "Tema je spremenjena",
+ "revert-success": "Uspešno ste povrnili vaš NodeBB nazaj na privzeto temo.",
+ "restart-to-activate": "Za popolno aktivacijo te teme obnovite in ponovno zaženete vaš NodeB."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/dashboard.json b/public/language/sl/admin/dashboard.json
index 0de31d4917..70b5223fad 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/dashboard.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/dashboard.json
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
- "forum-traffic": "Forum Traffic",
- "page-views": "Page Views",
- "unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors",
- "logins": "Logins",
- "new-users": "New Users",
- "posts": "Posts",
- "topics": "Topics",
- "page-views-seven": "Last 7 Days",
- "page-views-thirty": "Last 30 Days",
- "page-views-last-day": "Last 24 hours",
- "page-views-custom": "Custom Date Range",
- "page-views-custom-start": "Range Start",
- "page-views-custom-end": "Range End",
- "page-views-custom-help": "Enter a date range of page views you would like to view. If no date picker is available, the accepted format is YYYY-MM-DD
- "page-views-custom-error": "Please enter a valid date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD
+ "forum-traffic": "Promet na forumu",
+ "page-views": "Ogledi strani",
+ "unique-visitors": "Edinstveni obiskovalci",
+ "logins": "Prijave",
+ "new-users": "Novi uporabniki",
+ "posts": "Objave",
+ "topics": "Teme",
+ "page-views-seven": "Zadnjih 7 dni",
+ "page-views-thirty": "Zadnjih 30 dni",
+ "page-views-last-day": "Zadnjih 24 ur",
+ "page-views-custom": "Časovno obdobje po meri",
+ "page-views-custom-start": "Začetek obdobja",
+ "page-views-custom-end": "Konec obdobja",
+ "page-views-custom-help": "Vnesite časovno obdobje ogledov strani, ki bi si jih radi ogledali. Če izbirnik datumov ni na voljo, je sprejeta oblika LLLL-MM-DD
+ "page-views-custom-error": "Vnesite veljavno časovno obdobje v obliki LLLL-MM-DD
- "stats.yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "stats.today": "Today",
- "stats.last-week": "Last Week",
- "stats.this-week": "This Week",
- "stats.last-month": "Last Month",
- "stats.this-month": "This Month",
+ "stats.yesterday": "Včeraj",
+ "stats.today": "Danes",
+ "stats.last-week": "Prejšnji teden",
+ "stats.this-week": "Ta teden",
+ "stats.last-month": "Zadnji mesec",
+ "stats.this-month": "Ta mesec",
"stats.all": "All Time",
- "updates": "Updates",
+ "updates": "Posodobitve",
"running-version": "You are running NodeBB v%1.",
- "keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.",
+ "keep-updated": "Vedno se prepričajte, da je vaš NodeBB posodobljen za najnovejše varnostne popravke in popravke napak.",
"up-to-date": "
You are up-to-date
", "upgrade-available": "A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-upgrade-available": "This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-warning": "This is a pre-release version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur.
", - "fallback-emailer-not-found": "Fallback emailer not found!", + "fallback-emailer-not-found": "Povratnega e -poštnega sporočila ni mogoče najti!", "running-in-development": "Forum is running in development mode. The forum may be open to potential vulnerabilities; please contact your system administrator.", "latest-lookup-failed": "Failed to look up latest available version of NodeBB
", "notices": "Notices", - "restart-not-required": "Restart not required", - "restart-required": "Restart required", - "search-plugin-installed": "Search Plugin installed", - "search-plugin-not-installed": "Search Plugin not installed", - "search-plugin-tooltip": "Install a search plugin from the plugin page in order to activate search functionality", + "restart-not-required": "Ponovni zagon ni potreben", + "restart-required": "Potreben je ponovni zagon", + "search-plugin-installed": "Iskalni vtičnik je nameščen", + "search-plugin-not-installed": "Iskalni vtičnik ni nameščen", + "search-plugin-tooltip": "Za aktiviranje iskalne funkcije namestite iskalni vtičnik s strani vtičnika", - "control-panel": "System Control", - "rebuild-and-restart": "Rebuild & Restart", - "restart": "Restart", - "restart-warning": "Rebuilding or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.", - "restart-disabled": "Rebuilding and Restarting your NodeBB has been disabled as you do not seem to be running it via the appropriate daemon.", - "maintenance-mode": "Maintenance Mode", + "control-panel": "Nadzor sistema", + "rebuild-and-restart": "Obnovi & ponovno zaženi", + "restart": "Ponovno zaženi", + "restart-warning": "Obnova ali ponovni zagon vašega NodeBB za nekaj sekund prekine vse obstoječe povezave.", + "restart-disabled": "Obnova in ponovni zagon vašega NodeBB sta onemogočena, saj se zdi, da ga ne izvajate prek ustreznega prikritega procesa.", + "maintenance-mode": "Način vzdrževanja", "maintenance-mode-title": "Click here to set up maintenance mode for NodeBB", "realtime-chart-updates": "Realtime Chart Updates", - "active-users": "Active Users", - "active-users.users": "Users", - "active-users.guests": "Guests", - "active-users.total": "Total", - "active-users.connections": "Connections", + "active-users": "Aktivni uporabniki", + "active-users.users": "Uporabniki", + "active-users.guests": "Gostje", + "active-users.total": "Skupaj", + "active-users.connections": "Povezave", - "anonymous-registered-users": "Anonymous vs Registered Users", - "anonymous": "Anonymous", - "registered": "Registered", + "anonymous-registered-users": "Anonimni : Registrirani uporabniki", + "anonymous": "Anonimni", + "registered": "Registrirani", - "user-presence": "User Presence", + "user-presence": "Prisotnost uporabnikov", "on-categories": "On categories list", "reading-posts": "Reading posts", "browsing-topics": "Browsing topics", - "recent": "Recent", - "unread": "Unread", + "recent": "Nedavno", + "unread": "Neprebrano", "high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics", - "graphs.page-views": "Page Views", + "graphs.page-views": "Ogledov strani", "graphs.page-views-registered": "Page Views Registered", "graphs.page-views-guest": "Page Views Guest", "graphs.page-views-bot": "Page Views Bot", - "graphs.unique-visitors": "Unique Visitors", - "graphs.registered-users": "Registered Users", - "graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonymous Users", - "last-restarted-by": "Last restarted by", - "no-users-browsing": "No users browsing", + "graphs.unique-visitors": "Edinstveni obiskovalci", + "graphs.registered-users": "Registrirani uporabniki", + "graphs.anonymous-users": "Anonimni uporabniki", + "last-restarted-by": "Nazadnje ponovno zagnal(a)", + "no-users-browsing": "Ne brska noben uporabnik", - "back-to-dashboard": "Back to Dashboard", - "details.no-users": "No users have joined within the selected timeframe", - "details.no-topics": "No topics have been posted within the selected timeframe", - "details.no-logins": "No logins have been recorded within the selected timeframe", - "details.logins-static": "NodeBB only saves session data for %1 days, and so this table below will only show the most recently active sessions", - "details.logins-login-time": "Login Time" + "back-to-dashboard": "Nazaj na nadzorno ploščo", + "details.no-users": "V izbranem časovnem okviru se ni pridružil noben uporabnik", + "details.no-topics": "V izbranem časovnem okviru ni bila objavljena nobena tema", + "details.no-logins": "V izbranem časovnem okviru ni bila zabeležena nobena prijava", + "details.logins-static": "NodeBB shranjuje samo podatke o sejah za %1 dni, zato bo ta spodnja tabela prikazala samo zadnje aktivne seje", + "details.logins-login-time": "Čas prijave" } diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/development/info.json b/public/language/sl/admin/development/info.json index 1003af1a5f..10d4238806 100644 --- a/public/language/sl/admin/development/info.json +++ b/public/language/sl/admin/development/info.json @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { "you-are-on": "You are on %1:%2", "ip": "IP %1", - "nodes-responded": "%1 nodes responded within %2ms!", - "host": "host", + "nodes-responded": "%1 vozlišč se je odzvalo v %2ms!", + "host": "gostitelj", "primary": "primary / run jobs", "pid": "pid", "nodejs": "nodejs", - "online": "online", + "online": "na spletu", "git": "git", - "memory": "memory", - "load": "system load", - "cpu-usage": "cpu usage", - "uptime": "uptime", + "memory": "spomin", + "load": "obremenitev sistema", + "cpu-usage": "uporaba procesorja", + "uptime": "čas delovanja", - "registered": "Registered", - "sockets": "Sockets", - "guests": "Guests", + "registered": "Registrirani", + "sockets": "Vtičnice", + "guests": "Gostje", "info": "Info" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/extend/plugins.json b/public/language/sl/admin/extend/plugins.json index f7e60c4360..a6e276dff7 100644 --- a/public/language/sl/admin/extend/plugins.json +++ b/public/language/sl/admin/extend/plugins.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "trending": "Trending", - "installed": "Installed", - "active": "Active", - "inactive": "Inactive", - "out-of-date": "Out of Date", - "none-found": "No plugins found.", - "none-active": "No Active Plugins", - "find-plugins": "Find Plugins", + "installed": "Nameščeno", + "active": "Aktivno", + "inactive": "Neaktivno", + "out-of-date": "zastarelo", + "none-found": "Vtičnikov ni bilo mogoče najti.", + "none-active": "Ni aktivnih vtičnikov.", + "find-plugins": "Najdi vtičnike", - "plugin-search": "Plugin Search", - "plugin-search-placeholder": "Search for plugin...", + "plugin-search": "Iskanje vtičnikov", + "plugin-search-placeholder": "Iskanje vtičnika...", "submit-anonymous-usage": "Submit anonymous plugin usage data.", "reorder-plugins": "Re-order Plugins", "order-active": "Order Active Plugins", @@ -19,31 +19,31 @@ "order.description": "Certain plugins work ideally when they are initialised before/after other plugins.", "order.explanation": "Plugins load in the order specified here, from top to bottom", - "plugin-item.themes": "Themes", - "plugin-item.deactivate": "Deactivate", - "plugin-item.activate": "Activate", - "plugin-item.install": "Install", - "plugin-item.uninstall": "Uninstall", - "plugin-item.settings": "Settings", - "plugin-item.installed": "Installed", - "plugin-item.latest": "Latest", - "plugin-item.upgrade": "Upgrade", - "plugin-item.more-info": "For more information:", - "plugin-item.unknown": "Unknown", + "plugin-item.themes": "Teme", + "plugin-item.deactivate": "Deaktiviraj", + "plugin-item.activate": "Aktiviraj", + "plugin-item.install": "Namesti", + "plugin-item.uninstall": "Odstrani", + "plugin-item.settings": "Nastavitve", + "plugin-item.installed": "Nameščeno", + "plugin-item.latest": "Najnovejše", + "plugin-item.upgrade": "Posodobi", + "plugin-item.more-info": "Za več informacij:", + "plugin-item.unknown": "Neznano", "plugin-item.unknown-explanation": "The state of this plugin could not be determined, possibly due to a misconfiguration error.", - "plugin-item.compatible": "This plugin works on NodeBB %1", + "plugin-item.compatible": "Ta vtičnik deluje na NodeBB %1", "plugin-item.not-compatible": "This plugin has no compatibility data, make sure it works before installing on your production environment.", - "alert.enabled": "Plugin Enabled", - "alert.disabled": "Plugin Disabled", - "alert.upgraded": "Plugin Upgraded", - "alert.installed": "Plugin Installed", - "alert.uninstalled": "Plugin Uninstalled", - "alert.activate-success": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully activate this plugin", - "alert.deactivate-success": "Plugin successfully deactivated", - "alert.upgrade-success": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully upgrade this plugin.", - "alert.install-success": "Plugin successfully installed, please activate the plugin.", - "alert.uninstall-success": "The plugin has been successfully deactivated and uninstalled.", + "alert.enabled": "Vtičnik omogočen", + "alert.disabled": "Vtičnik onemogočen", + "alert.upgraded": "Vtičnik posodobljen", + "alert.installed": "Vtičnik nameščen", + "alert.uninstalled": "Vtičnik odstranjen", + "alert.activate-success": "Za popolno aktivacijo tega vtičnika obnovite in ponovno zaženete vaš NodeB.", + "alert.deactivate-success": "Vtičnik je bil uspešno deaktiviran", + "alert.upgrade-success": "Za popolno nadgradnjo tega vtičnika obnovite in ponovno zaženete vaš NodeB.", + "alert.install-success": "Vtičnik je uspešno nameščen, aktivirajte ga.", + "alert.uninstall-success": "Vtičnik je bil uspešno deaktiviran in odstranjen.", "alert.suggest-error": "NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?
NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.
", "alert.incompatible": "Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.
", @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ "license.title": "Plugin License Information", "license.intro": "The plugin %1 is licensed under the %2. Please read and understand the license terms prior to activating this plugin.", - "license.cta": "Do you wish to continue with activating this plugin?" + "license.cta": "Ali želite nadaljevati z aktiviranjem tega vtičnika?" } diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/categories.json b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/categories.json index ed5462e9be..9d9bf08fe4 100644 --- a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/categories.json +++ b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/categories.json @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { - "settings": "Category Settings", + "settings": "Nastavitve kategorije", "privileges": "Privileges", - "name": "Category Name", - "description": "Category Description", - "bg-color": "Background Colour", - "text-color": "Text Colour", + "name": "Ime kategorije", + "description": "Opis kategorije", + "bg-color": "Barva ozadja", + "text-color": "Barva besedila", "bg-image-size": "Background Image Size", "custom-class": "Custom Class", "num-recent-replies": "# of Recent Replies", - "ext-link": "External Link", - "subcategories-per-page": "Subcategories per page", + "ext-link": "Zunanja povezava", + "subcategories-per-page": "Podkategorij na stran", "is-section": "Treat this category as a section", - "post-queue": "Post queue", + "post-queue": "Čakalna vrsta za objave", "tag-whitelist": "Tag Whitelist", - "upload-image": "Upload Image", - "delete-image": "Remove", - "category-image": "Category Image", + "upload-image": "Naloži sliko", + "delete-image": "Odstrani", + "category-image": "Slika kategorije", "parent-category": "Parent Category", "optional-parent-category": "(Optional) Parent Category", "top-level": "Top Level", @@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ "clone-children": "Clone Children Categories And Settings", "purge": "Purge Category", - "enable": "Enable", - "disable": "Disable", + "enable": "Omogoči", + "disable": "Onemogoči", "edit": "Edit", "analytics": "Analytics", - "view-category": "View category", - "set-order": "Set order", - "set-order-help": "Setting the order of the category will move this category to that order and update the order of other categories as necessary. Minimum order is 1 which puts the category at the top.", + "view-category": "Poglej kategorijo", + "set-order": "Nastavi vrstni red", + "set-order-help": "Če nastavite vrstni red kategorije, se bo ta kategorija premaknila in po potrebi posodobila vrstni red drugih kategorij. Najmanjša št. vrstnega reda je 1, kar kategorijo postavlja na vrh.", - "select-category": "Select Category", + "select-category": "Izberi kategorijo", "set-parent-category": "Set Parent Category", "privileges.description": "You can configure the access control privileges for portions of the site in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.", @@ -45,48 +45,48 @@ "privileges.section-posting": "Posting Privileges", "privileges.section-moderation": "Moderation Privileges", "privileges.section-other": "Other", - "privileges.section-user": "User", - "privileges.search-user": "Add User", + "privileges.section-user": "Uporabnik", + "privileges.search-user": "Dodaj uporabnika", "privileges.no-users": "No user-specific privileges in this category.", - "privileges.section-group": "Group", - "privileges.group-private": "This group is private", + "privileges.section-group": "Skupina", + "privileges.group-private": "Ta skupina je zasebna", "privileges.inheritance-exception": "This group does not inherit privileges from registered-users group", "privileges.banned-user-inheritance": "Banned users inherit privileges from banned-users group", - "privileges.search-group": "Add Group", + "privileges.search-group": "Dodaj skupino", "privileges.copy-to-children": "Copy to Children", - "privileges.copy-from-category": "Copy from Category", - "privileges.copy-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy to All Categories", + "privileges.copy-from-category": "Kopiraj iz kategorije", + "privileges.copy-privileges-to-all-categories": "Kopiraj v vse kategorije", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-children": "Copy this group's privileges to the children of this category.", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy this group's privileges to all categories.", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-from": "Copy this group's privileges from another category.", "privileges.inherit": "If theregistered-users
group is granted a specific privilege, all other groups receive an implicit privilege, even if they are not explicitly defined/checked. This implicit privilege is shown to you because all users are part of the registered-users
user group, and so, privileges for additional groups need not be explicitly granted.",
"privileges.copy-success": "Privileges copied!",
- "analytics.back": "Back to Categories List",
+ "analytics.back": "Nazaj na seznam kategorij",
"analytics.title": "Analytics for \"%1\" category",
"analytics.pageviews-hourly": "Figure 1 – Hourly page views for this category",
"analytics.pageviews-daily": "Figure 2 – Daily page views for this category",
"analytics.topics-daily": "Figure 3 – Daily topics created in this category",
"analytics.posts-daily": "Figure 4 – Daily posts made in this category",
- "alert.created": "Created",
- "alert.create-success": "Category successfully created!",
- "alert.none-active": "You have no active categories.",
- "alert.create": "Create a Category",
+ "alert.created": "Ustvarjeno",
+ "alert.create-success": "Kategorija je uspešno ustvarjena!",
+ "alert.none-active": "Nimate aktivnih kategorij.",
+ "alert.create": "Ustvari kategorijo",
"alert.confirm-purge": "Do you really want to purge this category \"%1\"?
Purging a category will remove all topics and posts, and delete the category from the database. If you want to remove a category temporarily, you'll want to \"disable\" the category instead.
", "alert.purge-success": "Category purged!", "alert.copy-success": "Settings Copied!", "alert.set-parent-category": "Set Parent Category", - "alert.updated": "Updated Categories", + "alert.updated": "Posodobljene kategorije", "alert.updated-success": "Category IDs %1 successfully updated.", - "alert.upload-image": "Upload category image", - "alert.find-user": "Find a User", + "alert.upload-image": "Naloži sliko kategorije", + "alert.find-user": "Poišči uporabnika", "alert.user-search": "Search for a user here...", - "alert.find-group": "Find a Group", + "alert.find-group": "Poišči skupino", "alert.group-search": "Search for a group here...", "alert.not-enough-whitelisted-tags": "Whitelisted tags are less than minimum tags, you need to create more whitelisted tags!", - "collapse-all": "Collapse All", - "expand-all": "Expand All", + "collapse-all": "Strni vse", + "expand-all": "Razširi vse", "disable-on-create": "Disable on create", - "no-matches": "No matches" + "no-matches": "Ni zadetkov" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/groups.json b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/groups.json index 911fcce010..f24abd0371 100644 --- a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/groups.json +++ b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/groups.json @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ { - "name": "Group Name", - "badge": "Badge", - "properties": "Properties", - "description": "Group Description", - "member-count": "Member Count", - "system": "System", - "hidden": "Hidden", - "private": "Private", - "edit": "Edit", - "delete": "Delete", + "name": "Ime skupine", + "badge": "Značka", + "properties": "Lastnosti", + "description": "Opis skupine", + "member-count": "Število članov", + "system": "Sistem", + "hidden": "Skrita", + "private": "Zasebna", + "edit": "Uredi", + "delete": "Izbriši", "privileges": "Privileges", "download-csv": "CSV", "search-placeholder": "Search", - "create": "Create Group", - "description-placeholder": "A short description about your group", - "create-button": "Create", + "create": "Ustvari skupino", + "description-placeholder": "Kratki opis vaše skupine", + "create-button": "Ustvari", "alerts.create-failure": "Uh-OhThere was a problem creating your group. Please try again later!
", - "alerts.confirm-delete": "Are you sure you wish to delete this group?", + "alerts.confirm-delete": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to skupino?", - "edit.name": "Name", - "edit.description": "Description", + "edit.name": "Ime", + "edit.description": "Opis", "edit.user-title": "Title of Members", - "edit.icon": "Group Icon", - "edit.label-color": "Group Label Color", - "edit.text-color": "Group Text Color", - "edit.show-badge": "Show Badge", - "edit.private-details": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner.", - "edit.private-override": "Warning: Private groups is disabled at system level, which overrides this option.", - "edit.disable-join": "Disable join requests", - "edit.disable-leave": "Disallow users from leaving the group", - "edit.hidden": "Hidden", - "edit.hidden-details": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually", - "edit.add-user": "Add User to Group", - "edit.add-user-search": "Search Users", - "edit.members": "Member List", - "control-panel": "Groups Control Panel", - "revert": "Revert", + "edit.icon": "Ikona skupine", + "edit.label-color": "Barva oznake skupine", + "edit.text-color": "Barva besedila skupine", + "edit.show-badge": "Prikaži značko", + "edit.private-details": "Če je omogočeno, je za pridružitev skupinam potrebna odobritev lastnika skupine.", + "edit.private-override": "Opozorilo: Zasebne skupine so onemogočene na sistemski ravni, kar preglasi to možnost.", + "edit.disable-join": "Onemogoči povabila za pridružitev", + "edit.disable-leave": "Ne dovoli uporabnikom, da zapustijo skupino", + "edit.hidden": "Skrito", + "edit.hidden-details": "Če je omogočeno, te skupine ne boste našli na seznamu skupin, uporabnike pa boste morali povabiti ročno", + "edit.add-user": "Dodaj uporabnika v skupino", + "edit.add-user-search": "Iskanje uporabnikov", + "edit.members": "Seznam članov", + "control-panel": "Nadzorna plošča skupine", + "revert": "Povrni", - "edit.no-users-found": "No Users Found", - "edit.confirm-remove-user": "Are you sure you want to remove this user?", - "edit.save-success": "Changes saved!" + "edit.no-users-found": "Uporabnikov ni bilo mogoče najti", + "edit.confirm-remove-user": "Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti tega uporabnika?", + "edit.save-success": "Spremembe so shranjene!" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/tags.json b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/tags.json index 01363dfda0..c2774f3284 100644 --- a/public/language/sl/admin/manage/tags.json +++ b/public/language/sl/admin/manage/tags.json @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ { - "none": "Your forum does not have any topics with tags yet.", - "bg-color": "Background Colour", - "text-color": "Text Colour", + "none": "Na vašem forumu še ni nobene teme z oznakami.", + "bg-color": "Barva ozadja", + "text-color": "Barva besedila", "description": "Select tags by clicking or dragging, useCTRL
to select multiple tags.",
- "create": "Create Tag",
- "modify": "Modify Tags",
- "rename": "Rename Tags",
- "delete": "Delete Selected Tags",
- "search": "Search for tags...",
- "settings": "Tags Settings",
- "name": "Tag Name",
+ "create": "Ustvari oznako",
+ "modify": "Spremeni oznake",
+ "rename": "Preimenuj oznake",
+ "delete": "Izbriši izbrane oznake",
+ "search": "Iskanje oznak...",
+ "settings": "Nastavitve oznak",
+ "name": "Ime oznake",
- "alerts.editing": "Editing tag(s)",
- "alerts.confirm-delete": "Do you want to delete the selected tags?",
- "alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!",
- "reset-colors": "Reset colors"
+ "alerts.editing": "Urejanje oznak(e)",
+ "alerts.confirm-delete": "Ali želite izbrisati izbrane oznake?",
+ "alerts.update-success": "Oznaka je posodobljena!",
+ "reset-colors": "Ponastavi barve"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/menu.json b/public/language/sl/admin/menu.json
index 1c5ea73b4f..96cf34d005 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/menu.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/menu.json
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
"section-dashboard": "Dashboards",
"dashboard/overview": "Overview",
- "dashboard/logins": "Logins",
- "dashboard/users": "Users",
- "dashboard/topics": "Topics",
- "section-general": "General",
+ "dashboard/logins": "Prijave",
+ "dashboard/users": "Uporabniki",
+ "dashboard/topics": "Teme",
+ "section-general": "Splošno",
- "section-manage": "Manage",
- "manage/categories": "Categories",
+ "section-manage": "Upravljaj",
+ "manage/categories": "Kategorije",
"manage/privileges": "Privileges",
- "manage/tags": "Tags",
- "manage/users": "Users",
+ "manage/tags": "Oznake",
+ "manage/users": "Uporabniki",
"manage/admins-mods": "Admins & Mods",
- "manage/registration": "Registration Queue",
- "manage/post-queue": "Post Queue",
- "manage/groups": "Groups",
- "manage/ip-blacklist": "IP Blacklist",
+ "manage/registration": "Čakalna vrsta registracij",
+ "manage/post-queue": "Čakalna vrsta za objave",
+ "manage/groups": "Skupine",
+ "manage/ip-blacklist": "IP črna lista",
"manage/uploads": "Uploads",
"manage/digest": "Digests",
- "section-settings": "Settings",
- "settings/general": "General",
- "settings/homepage": "Home Page",
- "settings/navigation": "Navigation",
- "settings/reputation": "Reputation & Flags",
- "settings/email": "Email",
- "settings/user": "Users",
- "settings/group": "Groups",
- "settings/guest": "Guests",
+ "section-settings": "Nastavitve",
+ "settings/general": "Splošno",
+ "settings/homepage": "Domača stran",
+ "settings/navigation": "Krmarjenje",
+ "settings/reputation": "Ugled in zastavice",
+ "settings/email": "E-pošta",
+ "settings/user": "Uporabniki",
+ "settings/group": "Skupine",
+ "settings/guest": "Gostje",
"settings/uploads": "Uploads",
- "settings/languages": "Languages",
- "settings/post": "Posts",
- "settings/chat": "Chats",
- "settings/pagination": "Pagination",
- "settings/tags": "Tags",
- "settings/notifications": "Notifications",
+ "settings/languages": "Jeziki",
+ "settings/post": "Objave",
+ "settings/chat": "Klepeti",
+ "settings/pagination": "Številčenje strani",
+ "settings/tags": "Oznake",
+ "settings/notifications": "Obvestila",
"settings/api": "API Access",
- "settings/sounds": "Sounds",
+ "settings/sounds": "Zvoki",
"settings/social": "Social",
- "settings/cookies": "Cookies",
+ "settings/cookies": "Piškotki",
"settings/web-crawler": "Web Crawler",
- "settings/sockets": "Sockets",
- "settings/advanced": "Advanced",
+ "settings/sockets": "Vtičnice",
+ "settings/advanced": "Napredno",
- "settings.page-title": "%1 Settings",
+ "settings.page-title": "%1 nastavitve",
- "section-appearance": "Appearance",
- "appearance/themes": "Themes",
+ "section-appearance": "Videz",
+ "appearance/themes": "Teme",
"appearance/skins": "Skins",
"appearance/customise": "Custom Content (HTML/JS/CSS)",
"section-extend": "Extend",
- "extend/plugins": "Plugins",
+ "extend/plugins": "Vtičniki",
"extend/widgets": "Widgets",
- "extend/rewards": "Rewards",
+ "extend/rewards": "Nagrade",
"section-social-auth": "Social Authentication",
- "section-plugins": "Plugins",
- "extend/plugins.install": "Install Plugins",
+ "section-plugins": "Vtičniki",
+ "extend/plugins.install": "Namesti vtičnike",
- "section-advanced": "Advanced",
- "advanced/database": "Database",
- "advanced/events": "Events",
+ "section-advanced": "Napredno",
+ "advanced/database": "Podatkovna baza",
+ "advanced/events": "Dogodki",
"advanced/hooks": "Hooks",
- "advanced/logs": "Logs",
- "advanced/errors": "Errors",
+ "advanced/logs": "Prijave",
+ "advanced/errors": "Napake",
"advanced/cache": "Cache",
"development/logger": "Logger",
"development/info": "Info",
"rebuild-and-restart-forum": "Rebuild & Restart Forum",
- "restart-forum": "Restart Forum",
- "logout": "Log out",
+ "restart-forum": "Ponovno zaženi forum",
+ "logout": "Odjavi se",
"view-forum": "View Forum",
"search.placeholder": "Press "/" to search for settings",
- "search.no-results": "No results...",
+ "search.no-results": "Ni rezultatov...",
"search.search-forum": "Search the forum for ",
"search.keep-typing": "Type more to see results...",
"search.start-typing": "Start typing to see results...",
@@ -84,5 +84,5 @@
"connection-lost": "Connection to %1 has been lost, attempting to reconnect...",
"alerts.version": "Running NodeBB v%1",
- "alerts.upgrade": "Upgrade to v%1"
+ "alerts.upgrade": "Nadgradi na v%1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/advanced.json b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/advanced.json
index ce0782be9e..791820eca6 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/advanced.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/advanced.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"maintenance-mode.help": "When the forum is in maintenance mode, all requests will be redirected to a static holding page. Administrators are exempt from this redirection, and are able to access the site normally.",
"maintenance-mode.status": "Maintenance Mode Status Code",
"maintenance-mode.message": "Maintenance Message",
- "headers": "Headers",
+ "headers": "Glave",
"headers.allow-from": "Set ALLOW-FROM to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors": "Set Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors header to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors-help": "'none', 'self'(default) or list of URIs to allow.",
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/chat.json b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/chat.json
index 67898611e7..95d7342274 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/chat.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/chat.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "chat-settings": "Chat Settings",
- "disable": "Disable chat",
- "disable-editing": "Disable chat message editing/deletion",
+ "chat-settings": "Nastavitve klepeta",
+ "disable": "Onemogoči klepet",
+ "disable-editing": "Onemogoči urejanje/brisanje sporočila klepeta",
"disable-editing-help": "Administrators and global moderators are exempt from this restriction",
- "max-length": "Maximum length of chat messages",
+ "max-length": "Največja dolžina sporočila klepeta",
"max-room-size": "Maximum number of users in chat rooms",
"delay": "Time between chat messages in milliseconds",
"notification-delay": "Notification delay for chat messages. (0 for no delay)",
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/cookies.json b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/cookies.json
index 1ffd2dced4..baea71728d 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/cookies.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/cookies.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "eu-consent": "EU Consent",
- "consent.enabled": "Enabled",
+ "eu-consent": "EU soglasje",
+ "consent.enabled": "Omogočeno",
"consent.message": "Notification message",
"consent.acceptance": "Acceptance message",
"consent.link-text": "Policy Link Text",
"consent.link-url": "Policy Link URL",
"consent.blank-localised-default": "Leave blank to use NodeBB localised defaults",
- "settings": "Settings",
+ "settings": "Nastavitve",
"cookie-domain": "Session cookie domain",
- "max-user-sessions": "Max active sessions per user",
- "blank-default": "Leave blank for default"
+ "max-user-sessions": "Največ aktivnih sej na uporabnika",
+ "blank-default": "Za privzeto pusti prazno"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/general.json b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/general.json
index be7df90870..4f48938713 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/general.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/general.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"title": "Site Title",
- "title.short": "Short Title",
+ "title.short": "Kratki naslov",
"title.short-placeholder": "If no short title is specified, the site title will be used",
"title.url": "URL",
"title.url-placeholder": "The URL of the site title",
"title.url-help": "When the title is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index.",
"title.name": "Your Community Name",
"title.show-in-header": "Show Site Title in Header",
- "browser-title": "Browser Title",
+ "browser-title": "Naslov brskalnika",
"browser-title-help": "If no browser title is specified, the site title will be used",
"title-layout": "Title Layout",
"title-layout-help": "Define how the browser title will be structured ie. {pageTitle} | {browserTitle}",
diff --git a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/group.json b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/group.json
index f13933ea7e..33c91eb310 100644
--- a/public/language/sl/admin/settings/group.json
+++ b/public/language/sl/admin/settings/group.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "general": "General",
- "private-groups": "Private Groups",
+ "general": "Splošno",
+ "private-groups": "Zasebne skupine",
"private-groups.help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires the approval of the group owner (Default: enabled)",
"private-groups.warning": "Beware! If this option is disabled and you have private groups, they automatically become public.",
"allow-multiple-badges": "Allow Multiple Badges",