@ -88,17 +88,13 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
it('should NOT allow messages to be sent to a restricted user', (done) => {
User.setSetting(mocks.users.baz.uid, 'restrictChat', '1', (err) => {
Messaging.canMessageUser(mocks.users.herp.uid, mocks.users.baz.uid, (err) => {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:chat-restricted]]');
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.herp.uid }, { roomId: 1, username: 'baz' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:chat-restricted]]');
it('should NOT allow messages to be sent to a restricted user', async () => {
await User.setSetting(mocks.users.baz.uid, 'restrictChat', '1');
try {
await Messaging.canMessageUser(mocks.users.herp.uid, mocks.users.baz.uid);
} catch (err) {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:chat-restricted]]');
it('should always allow admins through', (done) => {
@ -169,35 +165,26 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
assert.equal(body2.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:cant-edit-chat-message]]'));
it('should fail to add user to room with invalid data', (done) => {
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, null, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: null }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: null }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should fail to add user to room with invalid data', async () => {
let { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, {}, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:required-parameters-missing, uids]]'));
({ statusCode, body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [null] }, 'foo'));
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:no-user]]'));
it('should add a user to room', (done) => {
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'herp' }, (err) => {
Messaging.isUserInRoom(mocks.users.herp.uid, roomId, (err, isInRoom) => {
it('should add a user to room', async () => {
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.herp.uid] }, 'foo');
const isInRoom = await Messaging.isUserInRoom(mocks.users.herp.uid, roomId);
it('should get users in room', async () => {
const { body } = await callv3API('get', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, {}, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(body.response.users.length, 3);
it('should throw error if user is not in room', async () => {
@ -206,27 +193,24 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
assert.equal(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:no-privileges]]'));
it('should fail to add users to room if max is reached', (done) => {
it('should fail to add users to room if max is reached', async () => {
meta.config.maximumUsersInChatRoom = 2;
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'test' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:cant-add-more-users-to-chat-room]]');
meta.config.maximumUsersInChatRoom = 0;
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.bar.uid] }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.equal(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:cant-add-more-users-to-chat-room]]'));
meta.config.maximumUsersInChatRoom = 0;
it('should fail to add users to room if user does not exist', (done) => {
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'doesnotexist' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-user]]');
it('should fail to add users to room if user does not exist', async () => {
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [98237498234] }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:no-user]]'));
it('should fail to add self to room', (done) => {
socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'foo' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:cant-chat-with-yourself]]');
it('should fail to add self to room', async () => {
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.foo.uid] }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:cant-chat-with-yourself]]'));
it('should fail to leave room with invalid data', (done) => {
@ -286,7 +270,7 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
uids: [mocks.users.foo.uid],
}, 'herp');
await util.promisify(socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom)({ uid: mocks.users.herp.uid }, { roomId: body.response.roomId, username: 'baz' });
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${body.response.roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.baz.uid] }, 'herp');
await util.promisify(socketModules.chats.leave)({ uid: mocks.users.herp.uid }, body.response.roomId);
const data = await Messaging.getRoomData(body.response.roomId);
@ -348,9 +332,7 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:cant-remove-last-user]]');
await util.promisify(
)({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'baz' });
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.baz.uid] }, 'foo');
await util.promisify(
)({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, uid: mocks.users.herp.uid });
@ -437,7 +419,7 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
const { roomId } = body.response;
await socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'herp' });
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.herp.uid] }, 'foo');
await db.sortedSetAdd('users:online', Date.now() - ((meta.config.onlineCutoff * 60000) + 50000), mocks.users.herp.uid);
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}`, { roomId: roomId, message: 'second chat message **bold** text' }, 'foo');
@ -626,7 +608,7 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
let mid;
let mid2;
before(async () => {
await socketModules.chats.addUserToRoom({ uid: mocks.users.foo.uid }, { roomId: roomId, username: 'baz' });
await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}/users`, { uids: [mocks.users.baz.uid] }, 'foo');
let { body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}`, { roomId: roomId, message: 'first chat message' }, 'foo');
mid = body.response.mid;
({ body } = await callv3API('post', `/chats/${roomId}`, { roomId: roomId, message: 'second chat message' }, 'baz'));