diff --git a/public/language/ar/global.json b/public/language/ar/global.json
index a4da1cb2fd..0f8d263c4c 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/global.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/global.json
@@ -10,67 +10,67 @@
"500.message": "عفوا! يبدو وكأنه شيء ذهب على نحو خاطئ!",
"register": "تسجيل",
"login": "دخول",
- "please_log_in": "Please Log In",
+ "please_log_in": "المرجو تسجيل الدخول",
"logout": "تسجيل الخروج",
- "posting_restriction_info": "Posting is currently restricted to registered members only, click here to log in.",
- "welcome_back": "Welcome Back",
- "you_have_successfully_logged_in": "You have successfully logged in",
+ "posting_restriction_info": "إضافة مشاركات جديد حكر على الأعضاء المسجلين، انقر هنا لتسجيل الدخول.",
+ "welcome_back": "مرحبًا بعودتك",
+ "you_have_successfully_logged_in": "تم سجيل الدخول بنجاح",
"save_changes": "حفظ التغييرات",
"close": "أغلق",
- "pagination": "Pagination",
- "pagination.out_of": "%1 out of %2",
- "pagination.enter_index": "Enter index",
- "header.admin": "مشرف",
+ "pagination": "الصفحات",
+ "pagination.out_of": "%1 من %2",
+ "pagination.enter_index": "أدخل الرقم التسلسلي",
+ "header.admin": "مدبر نظام",
"header.recent": "حديث",
"header.unread": "غير مقروء",
- "header.tags": "Tags",
- "header.popular": "Popular",
+ "header.tags": "وسم",
+ "header.popular": "الأكثر شهرة",
"header.users": "المستخدمين",
- "header.chats": "Chats",
- "header.notifications": "Notifications",
+ "header.chats": "المحادثات",
+ "header.notifications": "التنبيهات",
"header.search": "بحث",
"header.profile": "ملف",
"notifications.loading": "تحميل التبليغات",
"chats.loading": "تحميل الدردشات",
"motd.welcome": "مرحبا بكم NodeBB، منصة مناقشة المستقبل",
- "previouspage": "Previous Page",
- "nextpage": "Next Page",
- "alert.success": "Success",
- "alert.error": "Error",
- "alert.banned": "Banned",
- "alert.banned.message": "You have just been banned, you will now be logged out.",
- "alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
- "alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
- "online": "Online",
- "users": "Users",
- "topics": "Topics",
- "posts": "Posts",
- "views": "Views",
- "reputation": "Reputation",
- "read_more": "read more",
- "posted_ago_by_guest": "posted %1 by Guest",
- "posted_ago_by": "posted %1 by %2",
- "posted_ago": "posted %1",
- "posted_in_ago_by_guest": "posted in %1 %2 by Guest",
- "posted_in_ago_by": "posted in %1 %2 by %3",
- "posted_in_ago": "posted in %1 %2",
- "replied_ago": "replied %1",
- "user_posted_ago": "%1 posted %2",
- "guest_posted_ago": "Guest posted %1",
- "last_edited_by_ago": "last edited by %1 %2",
- "norecentposts": "No Recent Posts",
- "norecenttopics": "No Recent Topics",
- "recentposts": "Recent Posts",
- "recentips": "Recently Logged In IPs",
- "away": "Away",
- "dnd": "Do not Disturb",
- "invisible": "Invisible",
- "offline": "Offline",
- "email": "Email",
- "language": "Language",
- "guest": "Guest",
- "guests": "Guests",
- "updated.title": "Forum Updated",
- "updated.message": "This forum has just been updated to the latest version. Click here to refresh the page.",
- "privacy": "Privacy"
+ "previouspage": "الصفحة السابقة",
+ "nextpage": "الصفحة التالية",
+ "alert.success": "نجاح",
+ "alert.error": "خطأ",
+ "alert.banned": "محظور",
+ "alert.banned.message": "لقد تم حظر حسابك. سيتم تسجيل الخروج.",
+ "alert.unfollow": "أنت لا تتابع %1 بعد الآن!",
+ "alert.follow": "أنت الآن تتابع %1!",
+ "online": "المتواجدون حاليًّا",
+ "users": "الأعضاء",
+ "topics": "المواضيع",
+ "posts": "المشاركات",
+ "views": "المشاهدات",
+ "reputation": "السمعة",
+ "read_more": "اقرأ المزيد",
+ "posted_ago_by_guest": "كتب %1 من طرف زائر",
+ "posted_ago_by": "كتب %1 من طرف %2",
+ "posted_ago": "كتب %1",
+ "posted_in_ago_by_guest": "كتب في %1 %2 من طرف زائر",
+ "posted_in_ago_by": "كتب في %1 %2 من طرف %3",
+ "posted_in_ago": "كتب في %1 %2",
+ "replied_ago": "رد %1",
+ "user_posted_ago": "%1 كتب %2",
+ "guest_posted_ago": "كتب زائر %1",
+ "last_edited_by_ago": "آخر تعديل من طرف %1 %2",
+ "norecentposts": "لاوجود لمشاركات جديدة",
+ "norecenttopics": "لاوجود لمواضيع جديدة",
+ "recentposts": "آخر المشاركات",
+ "recentips": "آخر عناوين ال IP التي سجلت الدخول",
+ "away": "غير متواجد",
+ "dnd": "المرجو عدم الإزعاج",
+ "invisible": "مخفي",
+ "offline": "غير متصل",
+ "email": "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "language": "اللغة",
+ "guest": "زائر",
+ "guests": "الزوار",
+ "updated.title": "تم تحديث المنتدى",
+ "updated.message": "لقد تم تحديث المنتدى إلى آخر نسخة للتو. المرجو إعادة تحميل الصفحة.",
+ "privacy": "الخصوصية"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/groups.json b/public/language/ar/groups.json
index bf69c732b0..9cc78c49e8 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/groups.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/groups.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- "groups": "Groups",
- "view_group": "View Group",
- "details.title": "Group Details",
- "details.members": "Member List",
- "details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
- "details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
+ "groups": "المجموعات",
+ "view_group": "معاينة المجموعة",
+ "details.title": "تفاصيل المجموعة",
+ "details.members": "لائحة الأعضاء",
+ "details.has_no_posts": "أعضاء هذه المجموعة لم يضيفوا أية مشاركة",
+ "details.latest_posts": "آخر المشاركات"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/modules.json b/public/language/ar/modules.json
index 1f4d0509ca..3d621333ba 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/modules.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/modules.json
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
"chat.chatting_with": "الدردشة مع ",
- "chat.placeholder": "Type chat message here, press enter to send",
+ "chat.placeholder": "أكتب رسالة دردشة هنا، اضغط ENTER للإرسال",
"chat.send": "أرسل",
"chat.no_active": "لا يوجد لديك دردشات نشطة.",
- "chat.user_typing": "%1 is typing ...",
- "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 has messaged you.",
- "chat.see_all": "See all Chats",
- "chat.no-messages": "Please select a recipient to view chat message history",
- "chat.recent-chats": "Recent Chats",
- "chat.contacts": "Contacts",
- "chat.message-history": "Message History",
- "chat.pop-out": "Pop out chat",
- "chat.maximize": "Maximize",
- "chat.seven_days": "7 Days",
- "chat.thirty_days": "30 Days",
- "chat.three_months": "3 Months",
- "composer.user_said_in": "%1 said in %2:",
- "composer.user_said": "%1 said:",
- "composer.discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard this post?"
+ "chat.user_typing": "%1 يكتب رسالة...",
+ "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 أرسل لك رسالة.",
+ "chat.see_all": "معاينة كل الدردشات",
+ "chat.no-messages": "المرجو اختيار مرسل إليه لمعاينة تاريخ الدردشات",
+ "chat.recent-chats": "آخر الدردشات",
+ "chat.contacts": "الأصدقاء",
+ "chat.message-history": "تاريخ الرسائل",
+ "chat.pop-out": "افتح الدردشة في نافذة خاصة",
+ "chat.maximize": "تكبير",
+ "chat.seven_days": "7 أيام",
+ "chat.thirty_days": "30 يومًا",
+ "chat.three_months": "3 أشهر",
+ "composer.user_said_in": "%1 كتب في %2",
+ "composer.user_said": "%1 كتب:",
+ "composer.discard": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد التخلي عن التغييرات؟"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/notifications.json b/public/language/ar/notifications.json
index bc15540371..0c1f53f377 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/notifications.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/notifications.json
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- "title": "إعلام",
- "no_notifs": "You have no new notifications",
- "see_all": "See all Notifications",
- "back_to_home": "Back to %1",
+ "title": "تنبيهات",
+ "no_notifs": "ليس لديك أية تنبيهات جديدة",
+ "see_all": "معاينة كل التنبيهات",
+ "back_to_home": "عودة إلى %1",
"outgoing_link": "رابط خارجي",
- "outgoing_link_message": "You are now leaving %1.",
- "continue_to": "Continue to %1",
- "return_to": "Return to %1",
- "new_notification": "New Notification",
- "you_have_unread_notifications": "You have unread notifications.",
- "new_message_from": "New message from %1",
- "upvoted_your_post_in": "%1 has upvoted your post in %2.",
- "moved_your_post": "%1 has moved your post.",
- "moved_your_topic": "%1 has moved your topic.",
- "favourited_your_post_in": "%1 has favourited your post in %2.",
- "user_flagged_post_in": "%1 flagged a post in %2",
- "user_posted_to": "%1 has posted a reply to: %2",
- "user_posted_topic": "%1 has posted a new topic: %2",
- "user_mentioned_you_in": "%1 mentioned you in %2",
- "user_started_following_you": "%1 started following you.",
- "email-confirmed": "Email Confirmed",
- "email-confirmed-message": "Thank you for validating your email. Your account is now fully activated.",
- "email-confirm-error": "An error occurred...",
- "email-confirm-error-message": "There was a problem validating your email address. Perhaps the code was invalid or has expired.",
- "email-confirm-sent": "Confirmation email sent."
+ "outgoing_link_message": "أنت تغادر %1 حاليا.",
+ "continue_to": "استمر إلى %1",
+ "return_to": "عودة إى %1",
+ "new_notification": "تنبيه جديد",
+ "you_have_unread_notifications": "لديك تنبيهات غير مقروءة.",
+ "new_message_from": "رسالة جديدة من %1",
+ "upvoted_your_post_in": "%1 أضاف صوتًا إيجابيا إلى مشاركتك في %2.",
+ "moved_your_post": "%1 نقل مشاركتك.",
+ "moved_your_topic": "%1 نقل موضوعك.",
+ "favourited_your_post_in": "%1 أضاف مشاركتك في %2 إلى مفضلته.",
+ "user_flagged_post_in": "%1 أشعَرَ بمشاركة مخلة في %2",
+ "user_posted_to": "%1 أضاف ردا إلى: %2",
+ "user_posted_topic": "%1 أنشأ موضوعًا جديدًا: %2",
+ "user_mentioned_you_in": "%1 ذكرَ اسمك في %2",
+ "user_started_following_you": "%1 صار يتابعك.",
+ "email-confirmed": "تم التحقق من عنوان البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "email-confirmed-message": "شكرًا على إثبات صحة عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. صار حسابك مفعلًا بالكامل.",
+ "email-confirm-error": "حدث خطأ ما...",
+ "email-confirm-error-message": "حدث خطأ أثناء التحقق من عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. ربما رمز التفعيل خاطئ أو انتهت صلاحيته.",
+ "email-confirm-sent": "تم إرسال بريد التفعيل."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/search.json b/public/language/ar/search.json
index e9eef4632a..3321c45835 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/search.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/search.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
- "no-matches": "No posts found"
+ "results_matching": "%1 نتيجة (نتائج) موافقة ل \"%2\", (%3 ثواني)",
+ "no-matches": "لم يتم إيجاد أية مشاركات"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/success.json b/public/language/ar/success.json
index fde8a77044..13b63618e2 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/success.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/success.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "success": "Success",
- "topic-post": "You have successfully posted.",
- "authentication-successful": "Authentication Successful",
- "settings-saved": "Settings saved!"
+ "success": "نجاح",
+ "topic-post": "لقد تمت الإضافة بنجاح.",
+ "authentication-successful": "تم تسجيل الدخول بنجاح",
+ "settings-saved": "تم حفظ التغييرات!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/tags.json b/public/language/ar/tags.json
index d2e9a213ac..2aa28aa7c5 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/tags.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/tags.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "no_tag_topics": "There are no topics with this tag.",
- "tags": "Tags",
- "enter_tags_here": "Enter tags here. Press enter after each tag.",
- "enter_tags_here_short": "Enter tags...",
- "no_tags": "There are no tags yet."
+ "no_tag_topics": "لاوجود لمواضيع تحمل هذا الوسم.",
+ "tags": "بطاقات",
+ "enter_tags_here": "أدخل البطاقات هنا. اضغط ENTER بعد كل بطاقة.",
+ "enter_tags_here_short": "أدخل البطاقات...",
+ "no_tags": "لاتوجد هناك بطاقات بعد."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/ar/unread.json b/public/language/ar/unread.json
index 3a973748af..6495771c72 100644
--- a/public/language/ar/unread.json
+++ b/public/language/ar/unread.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- "title": "Unread",
+ "title": "غير مقروء",
"no_unread_topics": "ليس هناك أي موضوع غير مقروء",
"load_more": "حمل المزيد",
- "mark_as_read": "Mark as Read",
- "selected": "Selected",
- "all": "All",
- "topics_marked_as_read.success": "Topics marked as read!"
+ "mark_as_read": "حدد غير مقروء",
+ "selected": "المختارة",
+ "all": "الكل",
+ "topics_marked_as_read.success": "تم تحديد المواضيع على أنها مقروءة!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/language/de/user.json b/public/language/de/user.json
index 51b4701080..4870fe3b36 100644
--- a/public/language/de/user.json
+++ b/public/language/de/user.json
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"show_email": "Zeige meine E-Mail Adresse an.",
"show_fullname": "Zeige meinen kompletten Namen an",
- "restrict_chats": "Only allow chat messages from users I follow",
+ "restrict_chats": "Nur Chatnachrichten von Benutzern, denen ich folge, erlauben",
"digest_label": "Auszug abonnieren",
"digest_description": "Abonniere E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für dieses Forum (neue Benachrichtigungen und Themen) nach einem festen Zeitplan.",
"digest_off": "Aus",
diff --git a/public/language/fr/email.json b/public/language/fr/email.json
index 4085a1eb99..58bb6ebb9c 100644
--- a/public/language/fr/email.json
+++ b/public/language/fr/email.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"welcome-to": "Bienvenue sur %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Bonjour",
"greeting_with_name": "Bonjour %1",
- "welcome.text1": "Merci de vous être inscrit avec %1!",
+ "welcome.text1": "Merci de vous être inscrit sur %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Pour activer totalement votre compte, nous devons vérifier que vous êtes bien propriétaire de l'adresse email que vous avez utilisé pour vous inscrire.",
"welcome.cta": "Cliquez ici pour confirmer votre adresse email",
"reset.text1": "Nous avons reçu une demande de réinitialisation de votre mot de passe, probablement parce que vous l'avez oublié. Si ce n'est pas le cas, veuillez ignorer cet email.",
diff --git a/public/language/fr/error.json b/public/language/fr/error.json
index 056bf3b2aa..0ea52dd2ca 100644
--- a/public/language/fr/error.json
+++ b/public/language/fr/error.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"title-too-short": "Veuillez entrer un titre plus long. %1 caractères minimum.",
"title-too-long": "Veuillez entrer un titre plus court. Les titres ne peuvent excéder %1 caractères.",
"too-many-posts": "Vous ne pouvez poster que toutes les %1 secondes.",
- "too-many-posts-newbie": "As a new user, you can only post once every %1 seconds until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
+ "too-many-posts-newbie": "En tant que nouvel utilisateur, vous ne pouvez poster que toutes les %1 secondes jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez une réputation de %2 - patientez avant de publier de nouveau. ",
"file-too-big": "La taille maximum des fichiers est de %1 kbs.",
"cant-vote-self-post": "Vous ne pouvez pas voter pour vos propres messages",
"already-favourited": "Vous avez déjà mis ce message en favoris",
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"upload-error": "Erreur d'envoi : %1",
"signature-too-long": "La signature ne peut dépasser %1 caractères !",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "Vous ne pouvez chatter avec vous même !",
- "chat-restricted": "This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
+ "chat-restricted": "Cet utilisateur a restreint les ses messages de chat. Il doit d'abord vous suivre avant de pouvoir discuter avec lui.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Le système de réputation est désactivé",
"downvoting-disabled": "Les votes négatifs ne sont pas autorisés",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Vous n'avez pas une réputation assez élevée pour noter négativement ce message",
diff --git a/public/language/fr/user.json b/public/language/fr/user.json
index 00562e1f0a..18b8453c30 100644
--- a/public/language/fr/user.json
+++ b/public/language/fr/user.json
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"settings": "Paramètres",
"show_email": "Afficher mon email",
"show_fullname": "Afficher mon nom complet",
- "restrict_chats": "Only allow chat messages from users I follow",
+ "restrict_chats": "Autoriser la réception de message uniquement au personne que je suis",
"digest_label": "S’inscrire aux comptes-rendus",
"digest_description": "S'abonner par email aux mises à jours de ce forum (nouvelles notifications et nouveaux sujets) selon le planning sélectionné.",
"digest_off": "Désactivé",