@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
// to include color styling in the output
// so the CLI looks nice
const { Command , Help } = require ( 'commander' ) ;
const { Command } = require ( 'commander' ) ;
const chalk = require ( 'chalk' ) ;
const colors = [
// depth = 0, top-level command
@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ function humanReadableArgName(arg) {
return arg . required ? ` < ${ nameOutput } > ` : ` [ ${ nameOutput } ] ` ;
function getControlCharacterSpaces ( term ) {
const matches = term . match ( /.\[\d+m/g ) ;
return matches ? matches . length * 5 : 0 ;
// get depth of command
// 0 = top, 1 = subcommand of top, etc
Command . prototype . depth = function ( ) {
@ -49,38 +55,50 @@ module.exports = {
let parentCmd = cmd . parent ;
let parentDepth = depth - 1 ;
while ( parentCmd ) {
parentCmdNames = ` ${ parentCmd. name ( ) [ colors [ parentDepth ] . command ] } ${ parentCmdNames } ` ;
parentCmdNames = ` ${ chalk [ colors [ parentDepth ] . command ] ( parentCmd . name ( ) ) } ${ parentCmdNames } ` ;
parentCmd = parentCmd . parent ;
parentDepth -= 1 ;
// from Command.prototype.usage()
const args = cmd . _args . map ( arg => humanReadableArgName( arg ) [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ) ;
const args = cmd . _args . map ( arg => chalk [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ( humanReadableArgName ( arg ) ) ) ;
const cmdUsage = [ ] . concat (
( cmd . options . length || cmd . _hasHelpOption ? '[options]' [ colors [ depth ] . option ] : [ ] ) ,
( cmd . commands . length ? '[command]' [ colors [ depth + 1 ] . command ] : [ ] ) ,
( cmd . options . length || cmd . _hasHelpOption ? chalk [ colors [ depth ] . option ] ( '[options]' ) : [ ] ) ,
( cmd . commands . length ? chalk [ colors [ depth + 1 ] . command ] ( '[command]' ) : [ ] ) ,
( cmd . _args . length ? args : [ ] )
) . join ( ' ' ) ;
return ` ${ parentCmdNames } ${ c mdName [ colors [ depth ] . command ] } ${ cmdUsage } ` ;
return ` ${ parentCmdNames } ${ c halk [ colors [ depth ] . command ] ( cmdName ) } ${ cmdUsage } ` ;
} ,
subcommandTerm ( cmd ) {
const depth = cmd . depth ( ) ;
// Legacy. Ignores custom usage string, and nested commands.
const args = cmd . _args . map ( arg => humanReadableArgName ( arg ) ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
return ( cmd . _name + (
return chalk [ colors [ depth ] . command ] ( cmd . _name + (
cmd . _aliases [ 0 ] ? ` | ${ cmd . _aliases [ 0 ] } ` : ''
) ) [ colors [ depth ] . command ] +
( cmd . options . length ? ' [options]' : '' ) [ colors [ depth ] . option ] + // simplistic check for non-help option
( args ? ` ${ args } ` : '' ) [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ;
) ) +
chalk [ colors [ depth ] . option ] ( cmd . options . length ? ' [options]' : '' ) + // simplistic check for non-help option
chalk [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ( args ? ` ${ args } ` : '' ) ;
} ,
longestOptionTermLength ( cmd , helper ) {
return Help . prototype . longestOptionTermLength . call ( this , cmd , helper ) + '' . red . length ;
return helper . visibleOptions ( cmd ) . reduce ( ( max , option ) => Math . max (
max ,
helper . optionTerm ( option ) . length - getControlCharacterSpaces ( helper . optionTerm ( option ) )
) , 0 ) ;
} ,
longestSubcommandTermLength ( cmd , helper ) {
return helper . visibleCommands ( cmd ) . reduce ( ( max , command ) => Math . max (
max ,
helper . subcommandTerm ( command ) . length - getControlCharacterSpaces ( helper . subcommandTerm ( command ) )
) , 0 ) ;
} ,
longestArgumentTermLength ( cmd , helper ) {
return Help . prototype . longestArgumentTermLength . call ( this , cmd , helper ) + '' . red . length ;
return helper . visibleArguments ( cmd ) . reduce ( ( max , argument ) => Math . max (
max ,
helper . argumentTerm ( argument ) . length - getControlCharacterSpaces ( helper . argumentTerm ( argument ) )
) , 0 ) ;
} ,
formatHelp ( cmd , helper ) {
const depth = cmd . depth ( ) ;
@ -90,8 +108,9 @@ module.exports = {
const itemIndentWidth = 2 ;
const itemSeparatorWidth = 2 ; // between term and description
function formatItem ( term , description ) {
const padding = ' ' . repeat ( ( termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth ) - ( term . length - getControlCharacterSpaces ( term ) ) ) ;
if ( description ) {
const fullText = ` ${ term . padEnd ( termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth ) } ${ description } ` ;
const fullText = ` ${ term } ${ padding } ${ description } ` ;
return helper . wrap ( fullText , helpWidth - itemIndentWidth , termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth ) ;
return term ;
@ -111,7 +130,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Arguments
const argumentList = helper . visibleArguments ( cmd ) . map ( argument => formatItem (
argument. term [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ,
chalk [ colors [ depth ] . arg ] ( argument . term ) ,
argument . description
) ) ;
if ( argumentList . length > 0 ) {
@ -120,7 +139,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Options
const optionList = helper . visibleOptions ( cmd ) . map ( option => formatItem (
helper. optionTerm ( option ) [ colors [ depth ] . option ] ,
chalk[ colors [ depth ] . option ] ( helper . optionTerm ( option ) ) ,
helper . optionDescription ( option )
) ) ;
if ( optionList . length > 0 ) {