diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/cache.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/cache.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d54740eb9..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/cache.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get system cache info
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  postCache:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      length:
-                        type: number
-                      max:
-                        type: number
-                        nullable: true
-                      itemCount:
-                        type: number
-                      percentFull:
-                        type: number
-                      avgPostSize:
-                        type: number
-                      hits:
-                        type: string
-                      misses:
-                        type: string
-                      hitRatio:
-                        type: string
-                  groupCache:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      length:
-                        type: number
-                      max:
-                        type: number
-                      itemCount:
-                        type: number
-                      percentFull:
-                        type: number
-                      hits:
-                        type: string
-                      misses:
-                        type: string
-                      hitRatio:
-                        type: string
-                  localCache:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      length:
-                        type: number
-                      max:
-                        type: number
-                      itemCount:
-                        type: number
-                      percentFull:
-                        type: number
-                      dump:
-                        type: boolean
-                      hits:
-                        type: string
-                      misses:
-                        type: string
-                      hitRatio:
-                        type: string
-                  objectCache:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      length:
-                        type: number
-                      max:
-                        type: number
-                      itemCount:
-                        type: number
-                      percentFull:
-                        type: number
-                      hits:
-                        type: string
-                      misses:
-                        type: string
-                      hitRatio:
-                        type: string
-                required:
-                  - postCache
-                  - groupCache
-                  - localCache
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/database.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/database.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae2676b369..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/database.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get database information
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object with database status information"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            properties: {}
-            additionalProperties:
-              type: object
-              description: Each database configured will have an entry here with information about its runtime status
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a409e47723..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get server-side errors
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing server-side errors"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  not-found:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Path to the requested URL that returned a 404
-                        score:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The number of times that URL was requested
-                  analytics:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      not-found:
-                        type: array
-                        description: 404 responses groups by day, from 6 days ago, to present day
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-                      toobusy:
-                        type: array
-                        description: 503 responses groups by day, from 6 days ago, to present day
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors/export.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors/export.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb6a3febd..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/errors/export.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Export errors (.csv)
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A CSV file containing server-side errors"
-      content:
-        text/csv:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/events.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/events.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ce4be7e2..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/events.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get event log
-  parameters:
-    - in: query
-      name: type
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      description: Event name to filter by
-      example: config-change
-    - in: query
-      name: start
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      description: Start date to filter by
-      example: ''
-    - in: query
-      name: end
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      description: End date to filter by
-      example: ''
-    - in: query
-      name: perPage
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      description: Limit the number of events returned per page
-      example: 20
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing "
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  events:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        type:
-                          type: string
-                      additionalProperties:
-                        description: Each individual event as added by core/plugins can append their own metadata related to the event
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  types:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  query:
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      description: An object containing the query string parameters, if any
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/hooks.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/hooks.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d43da54603..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/hooks.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get active plugin hooks
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing all hooks with active listeners"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  hooks:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        hookName:
-                          type: string
-                          description: The name of the hook (also the name used in code)
-                        methods:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              id:
-                                type: string
-                                description: Plugin listening to this hook
-                              priority:
-                                type: number
-                                description: Priority level, lower priorities are executed earlier
-                              method:
-                                type: string
-                                description: Stringified method for examination
-                              index:
-                                type: string
-                                description: Internal counter used for DOM element ids
-                        index:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Internal counter used for DOM element ids
-                        count:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The number of listeners subscribed to this hook
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/logs.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/logs.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c1245a34..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/advanced/logs.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get server-side log output
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing the server-side log"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  data:
-                    type: string
-                    description: Output of the server-side log file
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/analytics.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/analytics.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 508325aace..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/analytics.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get site analytics
-  parameters:
-    - in: query
-      name: units
-      schema:
-        type: string
-        enum: [hours, days]
-      description: Whether to display dashboard data segmented daily or hourly
-      example: days
-    - in: query
-      name: until
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      description: A UNIX timestamp denoting the end of the analytics reporting period
-      example: ''
-    - in: query
-      name: count
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      description: The number of entries to return (e.g. if `units` is `hourly`, and `count` is `24`, the result set will contain 24 hours' worth of analytics)
-      example: 20
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing analytics data"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              query:
-                additionalProperties:
-                  description: The query string passed in
-              result:
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  uniquevisitors:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  pageviews:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  pageviews:registered:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  pageviews:bot:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  pageviews:guest:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/appearance.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/appearance.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 37313c66a6..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/appearance.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get appearance settings
-  parameters:
-    - name: term
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: themes
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/category/uploadpicture.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/category/uploadpicture.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ca5c1a71..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/category/uploadpicture.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Update category picture (via image upload)
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            cid:
-              type: number
-              description: Category identifier whose picture will be set after successful upload
-              example: 1
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - cid
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/dashboard.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/dashboard.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 296a8c6b61..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/dashboard.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get administrative dashboard
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: A JSON object containing dashboard data
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  version:
-                    type: string
-                  lookupFailed:
-                    type: boolean
-                  latestVersion:
-                    type: string
-                    nullable: true
-                  upgradeAvailable:
-                    type: boolean
-                    nullable: true
-                  currentPrerelease:
-                    type: boolean
-                  notices:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        done:
-                          type: boolean
-                        doneText:
-                          type: string
-                        notDoneText:
-                          type: string
-                        tooltip:
-                          type: string
-                        link:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - done
-                  stats:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        yesterday:
-                          type: number
-                        today:
-                          type: number
-                        lastweek:
-                          type: number
-                        thisweek:
-                          type: number
-                        lastmonth:
-                          type: number
-                        thismonth:
-                          type: number
-                        alltime:
-                          type: number
-                        dayIncrease:
-                          type: string
-                        dayTextClass:
-                          type: string
-                        weekIncrease:
-                          type: string
-                        weekTextClass:
-                          type: string
-                        monthIncrease:
-                          type: string
-                        monthTextClass:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                  canRestart:
-                    type: boolean
-                  lastrestart:
-                    nullable: true
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      uid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A user identifier
-                      ip:
-                        type: string
-                      timestamp:
-                        type: number
-                      user:
-                        $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-                      timestampISO:
-                        type: string
-                        description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                  showSystemControls:
-                    type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/development/info.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/development/info.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e576561e30..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/development/info.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get process/system information
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing process and system information"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  info:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        process:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            port:
-                              description: An array containing the port numbers configured to be used by NodeBB processes
-                              oneOf:
-                                - type: array
-                                  items:
-                                    oneOf:
-                                      - type: string
-                                      - type: number
-                                - type: string
-                                - type: number
-                            pid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: Process id
-                            title:
-                              type: number
-                              description: Executable
-                            version:
-                              type: number
-                              description: NodeBB version
-                            memoryUsage:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                rss:
-                                  type: number
-                                heapTotal:
-                                  type: number
-                                heapUsed:
-                                  type: number
-                                external:
-                                  type: number
-                                arrayBuffers:
-                                  type: number
-                                humanReadable:
-                                  type: number
-                              required:
-                                - rss
-                                - heapTotal
-                                - heapUsed
-                                - external
-                                - humanReadable
-                            uptime:
-                              type: number
-                            cpuUsage:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                user:
-                                  type: string
-                                system:
-                                  type: string
-                        os:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            hostname:
-                              type: string
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                            platform:
-                              type: string
-                            arch:
-                              type: string
-                            release:
-                              type: string
-                            load:
-                              type: string
-                              description: CPU load
-                        nodebb:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            isPrimary:
-                              type: boolean
-                            isCluster:
-                              type: boolean
-                            runJobs:
-                              type: boolean
-                            jobsDisabled:
-                              type: boolean
-                        git:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            hash:
-                              type: string
-                            hashShort:
-                              type: string
-                            branch:
-                              type: string
-                        stats:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            onlineGuestCount:
-                              type: number
-                            onlineRegisteredCount:
-                              type: number
-                            socketCount:
-                              type: number
-                            users:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                categories:
-                                  type: number
-                                recent:
-                                  type: number
-                                unread:
-                                  type: number
-                                topics:
-                                  type: number
-                                category:
-                                  type: number
-                            topics:
-                              type: array
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                  infoJSON:
-                    type: string
-                    description: "`info`, but stringified"
-                  host:
-                    type: string
-                    description: Server hostname
-                  port:
-                    description: An array containing the port numbers configured to be used by NodeBB processes
-                    oneOf:
-                      - type: array
-                        items:
-                          oneOf:
-                            - type: string
-                            - type: number
-                      - type: string
-                      - type: number
-                  nodeCount:
-                    type: number
-                    description: The number of NodeBB application processes currently running
-                  timeout:
-                    type: number
-                  ip:
-                    type: string
-                  loggedIn:
-                    type: boolean
-                  relative_path:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/development/logger.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/development/logger.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc02dc6faf..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/development/logger.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get system logger settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/plugins.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/plugins.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa4bd39b8..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/plugins.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get system plugin settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  installed:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        latest:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        updated:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        numInstalls:
-                          type: number
-                        isCompatible:
-                          type: boolean
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        installed:
-                          type: boolean
-                        active:
-                          type: boolean
-                        isTheme:
-                          type: boolean
-                        error:
-                          type: boolean
-                        version:
-                          type: string
-                        license:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            text:
-                              type: string
-                          nullable: true
-                        outdated:
-                          type: boolean
-                        settingsRoute:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - latest
-                        - description
-                        - name
-                        - id
-                        - installed
-                        - active
-                        - isTheme
-                        - error
-                        - version
-                        - license
-                        - outdated
-                  installedCount:
-                    type: number
-                  activeCount:
-                    type: number
-                  inactiveCount:
-                    type: number
-                  upgradeCount:
-                    type: number
-                  download:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        updated:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        latest:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        numInstalls:
-                          type: number
-                        isCompatible:
-                          type: boolean
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        installed:
-                          type: boolean
-                        active:
-                          type: boolean
-                      required:
-                        - name
-                        - updated
-                        - latest
-                        - url
-                        - numInstalls
-                        - isCompatible
-                        - id
-                        - installed
-                        - active
-                  incompatible:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        latest:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        updated:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        numInstalls:
-                          type: number
-                        isCompatible:
-                          type: boolean
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        installed:
-                          type: boolean
-                        active:
-                          type: boolean
-                      required:
-                        - name
-                        - updated
-                        - latest
-                        - url
-                        - numInstalls
-                        - isCompatible
-                        - id
-                        - installed
-                        - active
-                  trending:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        latest:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        updated:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        numInstalls:
-                          type: number
-                        isCompatible:
-                          type: boolean
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        installed:
-                          type: boolean
-                        active:
-                          type: boolean
-                        isTheme:
-                          type: boolean
-                        error:
-                          type: boolean
-                        version:
-                          type: string
-                        license:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            text:
-                              type: string
-                          nullable: true
-                        outdated:
-                          type: boolean
-                        settingsRoute:
-                          type: string
-                        downloads:
-                          type: number
-                      required:
-                        - latest
-                        - description
-                        - name
-                        - id
-                        - installed
-                        - active
-                        - downloads
-                  submitPluginUsage:
-                    type: number
-                  version:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/rewards.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/rewards.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd9b4b04f..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/rewards.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get rewards settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing rewards and their settings"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  active:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        condition:
-                          type: string
-                        conditional:
-                          type: string
-                        value:
-                          type: number
-                        rid:
-                          type: string
-                        claimable:
-                          type: string
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        disabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        rewards:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            additionalProperties: {}
-                            description: Reward-specific properties
-                  conditions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        condition:
-                          type: string
-                  conditionals:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        conditional:
-                          type: string
-                  rewards:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        rid:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        inputs:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              type:
-                                type: string
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              label:
-                                type: string
-                              values:
-                                type: array
-                                items:
-                                  type: object
-                                  properties:
-                                    name:
-                                      type: string
-                                    value:
-                                      type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/widgets.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/widgets.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 90527bf8f0..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/extend/widgets.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get widget settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  templates:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        template:
-                          type: string
-                        areas:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              location:
-                                type: string
-                  areas:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        template:
-                          type: string
-                        location:
-                          type: string
-                        data:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              widget:
-                                type: string
-                              data:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  html:
-                                    type: string
-                                  cid:
-                                    type: string
-                                  title:
-                                    type: string
-                                  container:
-                                    type: string
-                                  groups:
-                                    type: array
-                                    items: {}
-                                  groupsHideFrom:
-                                    type: array
-                                    items: {}
-                                  hide-mobile:
-                                    type: string
-                                  numTags:
-                                    type: string
-                                  numUsers:
-                                    type: string
-                                  text:
-                                    type: string
-                                  parseAsPost:
-                                    type: string
-                                  numTopics:
-                                    type: string
-                  availableWidgets:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        widget:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        content:
-                          type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/groups/csv.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/groups/csv.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a5bf8e59..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/groups/csv.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get members of a group (.csv)
-  parameters:
-    - in: header
-      name: referer
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      required: true
-      example: /admin/manage/groups
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A CSV file containing all users in the group"
-      content:
-        text/csv:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/admins-mods.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/admins-mods.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fdffb309..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/admins-mods.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get administrators and moderators
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing administrators and moderators globally and per-category"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  admins:
-                    $ref: ../../../components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
-                  globalMods:
-                    $ref: ../../../components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: number
-                          example: 0
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A FontAwesome icon string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The parent category's identifier
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                        depth:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The depth of the category relative to the forum root (`0` is root level)
-                        moderators:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            $ref: ../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectSlim
-                  allPrivileges:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                      description: A simple array containing user privilege names (used client-side when giving mod privilege)
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a13374c929..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get category settings
-  parameters:
-    - name: category_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  category:
-                    allOf:
-                      - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                      - type: object
-                        properties:
-                          tagWhitelist:
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          unread-class:
-                            type: string
-                          parent:
-                            $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - cid
-                        - name
-                        - icon
-                  selectedCategory:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      cid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A category identifier
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      level:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                      parentCid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                          ancestor of the current category
-                      color:
-                        type: string
-                      bgColor:
-                        type: string
-                      imageClass:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                  customClasses:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories/analytics.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories/analytics.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ce87ad8e..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/categories/analytics.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get category anayltics
-  parameters:
-    - name: category_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  name:
-                    type: string
-                  analytics:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      pageviews:hourly:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-                      pageviews:daily:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-                      topics:daily:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-                      posts:daily:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: number
-              - $ref: ../../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/digest.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/digest.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ddfc471e2..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/digest.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get system digest info/settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing recent digest sends and settings"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  delivery:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                        picture:
-                          nullable: true
-                          type: string
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        icon:text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                            auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                            avatar
-                        icon:bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                            value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
-                            for the user's auto-generated icon
-                          example: "#f44336"
-                        lastDelivery:
-                          type: string
-                        setting:
-                          type: boolean
-                  default:
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                  - title
-                  - delivery
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/groups.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/groups.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a53336b2..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/groups.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get user group details
-  parameters:
-    - name: name
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: administrators
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  group:
-                    $ref: ../../../components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
-                  groupNames:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        encodedName:
-                          type: string
-                        displayName:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - cid
-                        - name
-                        - icon
-                  allowPrivateGroups:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumGroupNameLength:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumGroupTitleLength:
-                    type: number
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/privileges.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/privileges.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c533453912..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/privileges.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get category privileges
-  parameters:
-    - name: cid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  privileges:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      labels:
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          users:
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                          groups:
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                name:
-                                  type: string
-                      keys:
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          users:
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          groups:
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                      users:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            nameEscaped:
-                              type: string
-                            privileges:
-                              type: object
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                type: boolean
-                                description: Each privilege will have a key in this object
-                      groups:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            nameEscaped:
-                              type: string
-                            privileges:
-                              type: object
-                              additionalProperties:
-                                type: boolean
-                                description: Each privilege will have a key in this object
-                            isPrivate:
-                              type: boolean
-                      columnCountUser:
-                        type: number
-                      columnCountUserOther:
-                        type: number
-                      columnCountGroup:
-                        type: number
-                      columnCountGroupOther:
-                        type: number
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - cid
-                        - name
-                        - icon
-                        - selected
-                  selectedCategory:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      cid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A category identifier
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      level:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                      parentCid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                          ancestor of the current category
-                      color:
-                        type: string
-                      bgColor:
-                        type: string
-                      imageClass:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                  cid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: A category identifier
-                  group:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/registration.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/registration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7fad4487..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/registration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get registration queue/invites
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing the registration queue and invites"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  registrationQueueCount:
-                    type: number
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                        email:
-                          type: string
-                        ip:
-                          type: string
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                        usernameEscaped:
-                          type: string
-                        ipMatch:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              username:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                              userslug:
-                                type: string
-                                description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                  removed, etc.)
-                              picture:
-                                type: string
-                              uid:
-                                type: number
-                                description: A user identifier
-                              icon:text:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                  auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                  an avatar
-                              icon:bgColor:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                  value is used in conjunction with
-                                  `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                  icon
-                                example: "#f44336"
-                        customActions:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              title:
-                                type: string
-                              id:
-                                type: string
-                              class:
-                                type: string
-                              icon:
-                                type: string
-                  customHeaders:
-                    type: array
-                  invites:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                        invitations:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              email:
-                                type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/tags.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/tags.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d0415b29fb..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/tags.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get tag settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing tag settings"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  tags:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                          description: The tag name
-                        score:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The number of topics containing this tag
-                        valueEscaped:
-                          type: string
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Six-character hexadecimal string (with `#` prepended)
-                          example: "#ff0000"
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Six-character hexadecimal string (with `#` prepended)
-                          example: "#ff0000"
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/uploads.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/uploads.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85949a2ddd..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/uploads.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get uploaded files
-  parameters:
-    - in: query
-      name: dir
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      description: Path of the folder, relative to `public/uploads/`
-      example: /
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing uploaded files"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  currentFolder:
-                    type: string
-                    description: Path of the folder, relative to `public/uploads/`
-                  showPids:
-                    type: boolean
-                    description: Whether or not the post identifiers should be shown (this is `true` only for `public/uploads/files/`, as that is where post uploads go)
-                  files:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        path:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Path relative to `currentFolder`
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Relative URL ready to be combined with `config.relative_path` on the client-side or templates
-                        fileCount:
-                          type: number
-                          description: For directories, the number of files inside
-                        size:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The size of the file/directory
-                        sizeHumanReadable:
-                          type: string
-                        isDirectory:
-                          type: boolean
-                        isFile:
-                          type: boolean
-                        mtime:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Last modified time of the file, down to the microsecond (expressed as a UNIX timestamp)
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5248bb4d52..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectACP
-                  page:
-                    type: number
-                  pageCount:
-                    type: number
-                  resultsPerPage:
-                    type: number
-                  latest:
-                    type: boolean
-                  search_display:
-                    type: string
-                  requireEmailConfirmation:
-                    type: number
-                  inviteOnly:
-                    type: boolean
-                  adminInviteOnly:
-                    type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/banned.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/banned.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c0d42a954..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/banned.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get banned users
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/flagged.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/flagged.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 058e9f480e..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/flagged.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get flagged users
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/inactive.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/inactive.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60c01f8eb9..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/inactive.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get inactive users
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/latest.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/latest.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b965d0c4c2..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/latest.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get latest users
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/most-reputation.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/most-reputation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 81758e8d60..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/most-reputation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users with the most reputation
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/no-posts.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/no-posts.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0e85b337..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/no-posts.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users with no posts
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/not-validated.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/not-validated.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a2e6fd29a..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/not-validated.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get non-verified users
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/search.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/search.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bb5c8d7eaa..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/search.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users via search term
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  search_display:
-                    type: string
-                  matchCount:
-                    type: number
-                  query:
-                    type: string
-                  uidQuery:
-                    type: string
-                  usernameQuery:
-                    type: string
-                  emailQuery:
-                    type: string
-                  ipQuery:
-                    type: string
-                  pageCount:
-                    type: number
-                  resultsPerPage:
-                    type: number
-                  timing:
-                    type: number
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectACP
-              - $ref: ../../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-              - $ref: ../../../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/top-posters.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/top-posters.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41c11599d5..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/manage/users/top-posters.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users with the most posts
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/settings.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b8016a349..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get system settings
-  parameters:
-    - name: term
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: general
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties: {}
-                additionalProperties:
-                  type: object
-                  description: Most of the settings pages have their values loaded on the client-side, so the settings are not exposed server-side.
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/homepage.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/homepage.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3225629c37..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/homepage.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get homepage settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  routes:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        route:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/languages.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/languages.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b1e6b54e..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/languages.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get language settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: A JSON object containing available languages and settings
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  languages:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Localised name of the language
-                        code:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A language code (similar to ISO-639)
-                        dir:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Directionality of the language
-                          enum: [ltr, rtl]
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                          description: Denotes the currently selected default system language on the forum
-                  autoDetectLang:
-                    type: integer
-                    description: Whether the forum will attempt to guess language based on browser's `Accept-Language` header
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/navigation.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/navigation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f75f9aa28..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/navigation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get navigation bar settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: A JSON object containing navigation settings
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  enabled:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        route:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Relative URL to the page the navigation item goes to
-                        title:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Tooltip text
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        iconClass:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A FontAwesome icon string
-                        textClass:
-                          type: string
-                          description: HTML class applied to the text label for this navigation item
-                        text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Label text for this navigation item
-                        order:
-                          type: integer
-                          description: Ordinality of this item, lower value appears earlier
-                        groups:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              displayName:
-                                type: string
-                              selected:
-                                type: boolean
-                        index:
-                          type: integer
-                          description: Seemingly identical to order, but an integer instead of a string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  available:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Unique ID that will be added to the navigation element's `id` property in the DOM
-                        route:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Relative URL to the page the navigation item goes to
-                        title:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Tooltip text
-                        enabled:
-                          type: boolean
-                        iconClass:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A FontAwesome icon string
-                        textClass:
-                          type: string
-                          description: HTML class applied to the text label for this navigation item
-                        text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Label text for this navigation item
-                        core:
-                          type: boolean
-                          description: Whether the navigation item is provided by core or not (a plugin)
-                        groups:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              name:
-                                type: string
-                              displayName:
-                                type: string
-                        properties:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            targetBlank:
-                              type: boolean
-                  groups:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        displayName:
-                          type: string
-                  navigation:
-                    type: array
-                    description: A clone of `enabled`
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/social.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/social.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d32a17064..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/settings/social.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get post social sharing settings
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing post social sharing settings"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        class:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A FontAwesome icon string
-                        activated:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/upload/file.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/upload/file.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d600b76c4..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/upload/file.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload a file
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            folder:
-              type: string
-              description: The folder to upload the files to (relative to `public/uploads/`)
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "File uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded file for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadDefaultAvatar.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadDefaultAvatar.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f725c8c0f..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadDefaultAvatar.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload default avatar
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadMaskableIcon.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadMaskableIcon.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94640a74fa..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadMaskableIcon.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload Maskable Icon
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded logo for the Maskable Icon entry for PWA / A2HS
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadOgImage.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadOgImage.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9561a14b52..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadOgImage.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload site-wide Open Graph Image
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadTouchIcon.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadTouchIcon.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d0c63ff107..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadTouchIcon.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload Touch Icon
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded logo for the Homescreen/Touch Icon to enable PWA
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadfavicon.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadfavicon.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d53b593fa4..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadfavicon.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload favicon
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadlogo.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadlogo.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1ddd8f71..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/uploadlogo.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Upload site logo
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/admin/users/csv.yaml b/public/openapi/api/admin/users/csv.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 244a88beea..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/admin/users/csv.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get users export (.csv)
-  parameters:
-    - in: header
-      name: referer
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      required: true
-      example: /admin/manage/users
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A CSV file containing all registered users"
-      content:
-        text/csv:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/categories.yaml b/public/openapi/api/categories.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa3cc9724..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/categories.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - categories
-  summary: Get a list of categories
-  description: >
-    This route retrieve the list of categories currently available to the
-    accessing user. It doesn't necessarily mean that the user can *enter*
-    the category, as that is a separate privilege. Specifically, this route
-    will return all categories that grant the calling user the "Find
-    Category" privilege.
-    Subcategories are also returned, nested under a category's `children` property.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: A list of category objectscurrently available to the accessing user
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    description: The page title
-                    type: string
-                  categories:
-                    description: A collection of category data objects
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      allOf:
-                        - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                        - type: object
-                          properties:
-                            tagWhitelist:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                            unread-class:
-                              type: string
-                            children:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                allOf:
-                                  - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                  - type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      tagWhitelist:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                      unread-class:
-                                        type: string
-                                      children:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                      parent:
-                                        allOf:
-                                          - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                          - type: object
-                                            properties:
-                                              tagWhitelist:
-                                                type: array
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              unread-class:
-                                                type: string
-                                      posts:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          type: object
-                                          properties:
-                                            pid:
-                                              type: number
-                                            timestamp:
-                                              type: number
-                                            content:
-                                              type: string
-                                            timestampISO:
-                                              type: string
-                                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                            user:
-                                              type: object
-                                              properties:
-                                                uid:
-                                                  type: number
-                                                  description: A user identifier
-                                                username:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                                userslug:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                                    removed, etc.)
-                                                picture:
-                                                  nullable: true
-                                                  type: string
-                                                icon:text:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                                    auto-generated icon given to
-                                                    users without an avatar
-                                                icon:bgColor:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                                    value is used in conjunction
-                                                    with `icon:text` for the user's
-                                                    auto-generated icon
-                                                  example: "#f44336"
-                                            index:
-                                              type: number
-                                            cid:
-                                              type: number
-                                              description: A category identifier
-                                            parentCid:
-                                              type: number
-                                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                                                ancestor of the current category
-                                            topic:
-                                              type: object
-                                              properties:
-                                                slug:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                title:
-                                                  type: string
-                                      imageClass:
-                                        type: string
-                                      timesClicked:
-                                        type: number
-                            posts:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  pid:
-                                    type: number
-                                  timestamp:
-                                    type: number
-                                  content:
-                                    type: string
-                                  timestampISO:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                  user:
-                                    type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      uid:
-                                        type: number
-                                        description: A user identifier
-                                      username:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                      userslug:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                          removed, etc.)
-                                      picture:
-                                        nullable: true
-                                        type: string
-                                      icon:text:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                          auto-generated icon given to users
-                                          without an avatar
-                                      icon:bgColor:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                          value is used in conjunction with
-                                          `icon:text` for the user's
-                                          auto-generated icon
-                                        example: "#f44336"
-                                  index:
-                                    type: number
-                                  cid:
-                                    type: number
-                                    description: A category identifier
-                                  parentCid:
-                                    type: number
-                                    description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                                      ancestor of the current category
-                                  topic:
-                                    type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      slug:
-                                        type: string
-                                      title:
-                                        type: string
-                            teaser:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                url:
-                                  type: string
-                                timestampISO:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                pid:
-                                  type: number
-                                topic:
-                                  type: object
-                                  properties:
-                                    slug:
-                                      type: string
-                                    title:
-                                      type: string
-                            imageClass:
-                              type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/categories/moderators.yaml b/public/openapi/api/categories/moderators.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1116115f0..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/categories/moderators.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - categories
-  summary: Get mods for a category
-  description: >
-    This route returns an array of uids that correspond to the moderators
-    for the category in question.
-  parameters:
-    - name: cid
-      description: The category identifier for the category you wish to look up
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: An array of moderators for the requested category
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              moderators:
-                type: array
-          example:
-            moderators:
-              - 1
-              - 2
-              - 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/category.yaml b/public/openapi/api/category.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dfe88aa950..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/category.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - categories
-  summary: Get a single category
-  description: This route retrieves a single category's data, along with its children and the topics created inside of the category.
-  parameters:
-    - name: category_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-    - name: slug
-      description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will be automatically redirected with the proper category slug.
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: test
-    - name: topic_index
-      description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will presume that you want the first post. The API response is largely unaffected by this parameter, it is used client-side (to send the user to the requested post), and changes the meta/link tags in the server-side generated HTML.
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  tagWhitelist:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  unread-class:
-                    type: string
-                  children:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  isWatched:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isNotWatched:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isIgnored:
-                    type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  privileges:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      topics:create:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topics:read:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topics:tag:
-                        type: boolean
-                      read:
-                        type: boolean
-                      cid:
-                        type: string
-                      uid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A user identifier
-                      editable:
-                        type: boolean
-                      view_deleted:
-                        type: boolean
-                      isAdminOrMod:
-                        type: boolean
-                  showSelect:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showTopicTools:
-                    type: boolean
-                  topicIndex:
-                    type: number
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  feeds:disableRSS:
-                    type: number
-                  reputation:disabled:
-                    type: number
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/category/cid.yaml b/public/openapi/api/category/cid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98fd0d4e34..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/category/cid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Get category data
-  parameters:
-    - name: id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing category data"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              cid:
-                type: number
-              name:
-                type: number
-              description:
-                type: string
-              descriptionParsed:
-                type: string
-              icon:
-                type: string
-              bgColor:
-                type: string
-              color:
-                type: string
-              slug:
-                type: string
-              parentCid:
-                type: number
-              topic_count:
-                type: number
-              post_count:
-                type: number
-              disabled:
-                type: number
-              order:
-                type: number
-              link:
-                type: string
-              numRecentReplies:
-                type: number
-              class:
-                type: string
-              imageClass:
-                type: string
-              isSection:
-                type: number
-              totalPostCount:
-                type: number
-              totalTopicCount:
-                type: number
-              minTags:
-                type: number
-              maxTags:
-                type: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/chats.yaml b/public/openapi/api/chats.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0780b774cb..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/chats.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Access a chat room
-  description: Redirects a request to the proper chat page URL
-  parameters:
-    - name: roomid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Chat identifier resolved"
-      content:
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            description: A relative path to the canonical URL for that chat page
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/config.yaml b/public/openapi/api/config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e91fd759b..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - home
-  summary: Get forum settings
-  description: This route retrieves forum settings and user-specific settings for client-side options on the forum.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              relative_path:
-                type: string
-              upload_url:
-                type: string
-              assetBaseUrl:
-                type: string
-              siteTitle:
-                type: string
-              browserTitle:
-                type: string
-              titleLayout:
-                type: string
-              showSiteTitle:
-                type: boolean
-              minimumTitleLength:
-                type: number
-              maximumTitleLength:
-                type: number
-              minimumPostLength:
-                type: number
-              maximumPostLength:
-                type: number
-              minimumTagsPerTopic:
-                type: number
-              maximumTagsPerTopic:
-                type: number
-              minimumTagLength:
-                type: number
-              maximumTagLength:
-                type: number
-              useOutgoingLinksPage:
-                type: boolean
-              allowGuestHandles:
-                type: boolean
-              allowTopicsThumbnail:
-                type: boolean
-              usePagination:
-                type: boolean
-              disableChat:
-                type: boolean
-              disableChatMessageEditing:
-                type: boolean
-              maximumChatMessageLength:
-                type: number
-              socketioTransports:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: string
-              socketioOrigins:
-                type: string
-              websocketAddress:
-                type: string
-              maxReconnectionAttempts:
-                type: number
-              reconnectionDelay:
-                type: number
-              topicsPerPage:
-                type: number
-              postsPerPage:
-                type: number
-              maximumFileSize:
-                type: number
-              theme:id:
-                type: string
-              theme:src:
-                type: string
-              defaultLang:
-                type: string
-              userLang:
-                type: string
-              loggedIn:
-                type: boolean
-              uid:
-                type: number
-                description: A user identifier
-              cache-buster:
-                type: string
-              requireEmailConfirmation:
-                type: boolean
-              topicPostSort:
-                type: string
-              categoryTopicSort:
-                type: string
-              csrf_token:
-                type: string
-              searchEnabled:
-                type: boolean
-              bootswatchSkin:
-                type: string
-              enablePostHistory:
-                type: boolean
-              timeagoCutoff:
-                type: number
-              timeagoCodes:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: string
-              cookies:
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  enabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  message:
-                    type: string
-                  dismiss:
-                    type: string
-                  link:
-                    type: string
-                  link_url:
-                    type: string
-              acpLang:
-                type: string
-              openOutgoingLinksInNewTab:
-                type: boolean
-              topicSearchEnabled:
-                type: boolean
-              hideSubCategories:
-                type: boolean
-              hideCategoryLastPost:
-                type: boolean
-              enableQuickReply:
-                type: boolean
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/email/unsubscribe.yaml b/public/openapi/api/email/unsubscribe.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c02c8809..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/email/unsubscribe.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# TODO: Need GET route here as well
-  tags:
-    - emails
-  summary: Unsubscribe user from email type
-  parameters:
-    - name: token
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: testToken
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Successfully unsubscribed"
-    "500":
-      description: "Server-side error (likely token verification failure)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/flags.yaml b/public/openapi/api/flags.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa613bd88..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/flags.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - flags
-  summary: /api/flags/{flagId}
-  parameters:
-    - name: flagId
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  state:
-                    type: string
-                  flagId:
-                    type: number
-                  type:
-                    type: string
-                  targetId:
-                    type: number
-                  targetUid:
-                    type: number
-                  datetime:
-                    type: number
-                  datetimeISO:
-                    type: string
-                  target_readable:
-                    type: string
-                  target:
-                    type: object
-                    properties: {}
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      description: Properties change depending on the target type (user, post, etc.)
-                  assignee:
-                    type: number
-                    nullable: true
-                  history:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        fields:
-                          type: object
-                          additionalProperties: {}
-                        meta:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              key:
-                                type: string
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                              labelClass:
-                                type: string
-                                enum: ['default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'danger']
-                            required:
-                              - key
-                        datetime:
-                          type: number
-                        datetimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              nullable: true
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                      required:
-                        - uid
-                        - datetime
-                        - datetimeISO
-                        - user
-                  notes:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                        content:
-                          type: string
-                        datetime:
-                          type: number
-                        datetimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              type: string
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                  reports:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                        reporter:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              nullable: true
-                            reputation:
-                              type: number
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                                avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text` for
-                                the user's auto-generated icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                  type_path:
-                    type: string
-                  assignees:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-                  type_bool:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      post:
-                        type: boolean
-                      user:
-                        type: boolean
-                      empty:
-                        type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  categories:
-                    type: object
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      type: string
-                  filters:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      page:
-                        type: number
-                      perPage:
-                        type: number
-                  privileges:
-                    type: object
-                    properties: {}
-                    additionalProperties:
-                      description: "A list of global and admin privileges, and whether the calling user has (or has inherited) them"
-                      type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/groups.yaml b/public/openapi/api/groups.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f0c6a3ca18..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/groups.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - groups
-  summary: Get user group details
-  parameters:
-    - name: slug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: administrators
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  group:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  isAdmin:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isGlobalMod:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowPrivateGroups:
-                    type: number
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/groups/members.yaml b/public/openapi/api/groups/members.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 593c019284..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/groups/members.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - groups
-  summary: Get user group members
-  parameters:
-    - name: slug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: administrators
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/index.yaml b/public/openapi/api/index.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b29a1dc99..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/index.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - home
-  description: >
-    This route is used to populate the homepage of NodeBB. It is the main
-    access point of the forum, and shows a list of categories for navigation
-    purposes.
-  summary: Get forum index data
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                    description: The page title
-                  categories:
-                    description: A collection of category data objects
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      allOf:
-                        - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                        - type: object
-                          properties:
-                            tagWhitelist:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                            unread-class:
-                              type: string
-                            children:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                allOf:
-                                  - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                  - type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      tagWhitelist:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          type: string
-                                      unread-class:
-                                        type: string
-                                      children:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                      parent:
-                                        allOf:
-                                          - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                                          - type: object
-                                            properties:
-                                              tagWhitelist:
-                                                type: array
-                                                items:
-                                                  type: string
-                                              unread-class:
-                                                type: string
-                                      posts:
-                                        type: array
-                                        items:
-                                          type: object
-                                          properties:
-                                            pid:
-                                              type: number
-                                            timestamp:
-                                              type: number
-                                            content:
-                                              type: string
-                                            timestampISO:
-                                              type: string
-                                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                            user:
-                                              type: object
-                                              properties:
-                                                uid:
-                                                  type: number
-                                                  description: A user identifier
-                                                username:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                                userslug:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                                    removed, etc.)
-                                                picture:
-                                                  nullable: true
-                                                  type: string
-                                                icon:text:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                                    auto-generated icon given to
-                                                    users without an avatar
-                                                icon:bgColor:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                                    value is used in conjunction
-                                                    with `icon:text` for the user's
-                                                    auto-generated icon
-                                                  example: "#f44336"
-                                            index:
-                                              type: number
-                                            cid:
-                                              type: number
-                                              description: A category identifier
-                                            parentCid:
-                                              type: number
-                                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                                                ancestor of the current category
-                                            topic:
-                                              type: object
-                                              properties:
-                                                slug:
-                                                  type: string
-                                                title:
-                                                  type: string
-                                      imageClass:
-                                        type: string
-                                      timesClicked:
-                                        type: number
-                            posts:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  pid:
-                                    type: number
-                                  timestamp:
-                                    type: number
-                                  content:
-                                    type: string
-                                  timestampISO:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                  user:
-                                    type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      uid:
-                                        type: number
-                                        description: A user identifier
-                                      username:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                      userslug:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                          removed, etc.)
-                                      picture:
-                                        nullable: true
-                                        type: string
-                                      icon:text:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                          auto-generated icon given to users
-                                          without an avatar
-                                      icon:bgColor:
-                                        type: string
-                                        description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                          value is used in conjunction with
-                                          `icon:text` for the user's
-                                          auto-generated icon
-                                        example: "#f44336"
-                                  index:
-                                    type: number
-                                  cid:
-                                    type: number
-                                    description: A category identifier
-                                  parentCid:
-                                    type: number
-                                    description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                                      ancestor of the current category
-                                  topic:
-                                    type: object
-                                    properties:
-                                      slug:
-                                        type: string
-                                      title:
-                                        type: string
-                            teaser:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                url:
-                                  type: string
-                                timestampISO:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                pid:
-                                  type: number
-                                topic:
-                                  type: object
-                                  properties:
-                                    slug:
-                                      type: string
-                                    title:
-                                      type: string
-                            imageClass:
-                              type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/ip-blacklist.yaml b/public/openapi/api/ip-blacklist.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 332d2fc1d6..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/ip-blacklist.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get IP blacklist settings
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Copy response from corresponding admin route"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/login.yaml b/public/openapi/api/login.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a480ef74b9..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/login.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - authentication
-  summary: /api/login
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  loginFormEntry:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        label:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A label for the added block
-                        html:
-                          type: string
-                          description: HTML to render on the login page
-                        styleName:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Custom identifier (value is added to `input[id]` and `label[for]`)
-                  alternate_logins:
-                    type: boolean
-                  authentication:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        callbackURL:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        scope:
-                          type: string
-                        prompt:
-                          type: string
-                  allowRegistration:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowLoginWith:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  allowPasswordReset:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowLocalLogin:
-                    type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/me.yaml b/public/openapi/api/me.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3febadfd..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/me.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Access your own profile's sub-pages
-  description: >-
-    This shorthand is useful if you want to link to pages in your own account profile, but do not want (or have) the `userslug`. It is also especially useful as a
-    means to instruct users on how to do things, as you can easily redirect them to their own profile pages.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Canonical URL to your requested profile page"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/notifications.yaml b/public/openapi/api/notifications.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d3e56c51..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/notifications.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - notifications
-  summary: Get notifications
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  notifications:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        bodyShort:
-                          type: string
-                        path:
-                          type: string
-                        nid:
-                          type: string
-                        from:
-                          type: number
-                        importance:
-                          type: number
-                        datetime:
-                          type: number
-                        datetimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              type: string
-                              nullable: true
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                        image:
-                          type: string
-                          nullable: true
-                        read:
-                          type: boolean
-                        readClass:
-                          type: string
-                  filters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      additionalProperties: {}
-                  regularFilters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                      required:
-                        - name
-                        - filter
-                  moderatorFilters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedFilter:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/popular.yaml b/public/openapi/api/popular.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e379b683..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/popular.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get popular topics
-  description: Returns a list of topics sorted by most replies. In an event of a
-    tie breaker, the topic with the most views. Can be filtered by All Time,
-    Day, Week, or Month.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: An array of topic objects sorted by most replies and views.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  topicCount:
-                    type: number
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  tids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  canPost:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showSelect:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showTopicTools:
-                    type: boolean
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  allCategoriesUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  selectedCategory:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      bgColor:
-                        type: string
-                    nullable: true
-                  selectedCids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  feeds:disableRSS:
-                    type: number
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  filters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedFilter:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                  terms:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        term:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedTerm:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      term:
-                        type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/post-queue.yaml b/public/openapi/api/post-queue.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 794f7e1f15..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/post-queue.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get flag data
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  allCategories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        disabled:
-                          type: number
-                        disabledClass:
-                          type: boolean
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        link:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                  posts:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      allOf:
-                        - type: object
-                          properties:
-                            id:
-                              type: string
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            type:
-                              type: string
-                            data:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                title:
-                                  type: string
-                                content:
-                                  type: string
-                                thumb:
-                                  type: string
-                                cid:
-                                  oneOf:
-                                    - type: number
-                                    - type: string
-                                tags:
-                                  type: array
-                                  items: {}
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                req:
-                                  type: object
-                                  properties:
-                                    uid:
-                                      type: number
-                                      description: A user identifier
-                                    ip:
-                                      type: string
-                                    host:
-                                      type: string
-                                    protocol:
-                                      type: string
-                                    secure:
-                                      type: boolean
-                                    url:
-                                      type: string
-                                    path:
-                                      type: string
-                                    headers:
-                                      type: object
-                                      properties:
-                                        x-real-ip:
-                                          type: string
-                                        x-forwarded-for:
-                                          type: string
-                                        x-forwarded-proto:
-                                          type: string
-                                        host:
-                                          type: string
-                                        x-nginx-proxy:
-                                          type: string
-                                        connection:
-                                          type: string
-                                        accept:
-                                          type: string
-                                        user-agent:
-                                          type: string
-                                        sec-fetch-site:
-                                          type: string
-                                        sec-fetch-mode:
-                                          type: string
-                                        referer:
-                                          type: string
-                                        accept-encoding:
-                                          type: string
-                                        accept-language:
-                                          type: string
-                                        cookie:
-                                          type: string
-                                timestamp:
-                                  type: number
-                                fromQueue:
-                                  type: boolean
-                                timestampISO:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                                rawContent:
-                                  type: string
-                                tid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A topic identifier
-                                toPid:
-                                  nullable: true
-                            user:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                username:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                userslug:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                    removed, etc.)
-                                picture:
-                                  nullable: true
-                                  type: string
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                icon:text:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                    an avatar
-                                icon:bgColor:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                    value is used in conjunction with
-                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                    icon
-                                  example: "#f44336"
-                            topic:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                cid:
-                                  type: number
-                                title:
-                                  type: string
-                                titleRaw:
-                                  type: string
-                        - $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/post.yaml b/public/openapi/api/post.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d294895d5..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/post.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Access a specific post
-  description: This route comes in handy when all you have is the `pid`, and you want to redirect users to the canonical URL for the topic, with the appropriate topic slug and post index.
-  parameters:
-    - name: pid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Canonical URL of topic"
-      content:
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: string
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/post/pid.yaml b/public/openapi/api/post/pid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 527ee4ec29..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/post/pid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Get post data
-  parameters:
-    - name: id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing post data"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              uid:
-                type: number
-              tid:
-                type: number
-              timestamp:
-                type: number
-              content:
-                type: string
-              pid:
-                type: number
-              downvotes:
-                type: number
-              upvotes:
-                type: number
-              bookmarks:
-                type: number
-              deleted:
-                type: number
-              deleterUid:
-                type: number
-              edited:
-                type: number
-              votes:
-                type: number
-              timestampISO:
-                type: string
-              editedISO:
-                type: string
-              upvoted:
-                type: boolean
-              downvoted:
-                type: boolean
-              flagId:
-                type: number
-                description: The flag identifier, if this particular post has been flagged before
-              replies:
-                type: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/post/upload.yaml b/public/openapi/api/post/upload.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 877160d6ad..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/post/upload.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - posts
-  summary: Upload a file to a specific post
-  description: Provided by NodeBB core and used mainly by the composer, this route allows you to upload an image or file to a post.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: array
-            items:
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                name:
-                  type: string
-                url:
-                  type: string
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: array
-            items:
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                name:
-                  type: string
-                url:
-                  type: string
-    "403":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            example: Forbidden
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            example: Forbidden
-    "500":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              path:
-                type: string
-              error:
-                type: string
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              path:
-                type: string
-              error:
-                type: string
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/recent.yaml b/public/openapi/api/recent.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 69b64c1dfd..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/recent.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get recent topics
-  description: Returns a list of topics sorted by timestamp.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: An array of topic objects sorted by timestamp.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  topicCount:
-                    type: number
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  tids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  canPost:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showSelect:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showTopicTools:
-                    type: boolean
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  allCategoriesUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  selectedCategory:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      bgColor:
-                        type: string
-                    nullable: true
-                  selectedCids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  feeds:disableRSS:
-                    type: number
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  filters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedFilter:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                  terms:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        term:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedTerm:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      term:
-                        type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/recent/posts.yaml b/public/openapi/api/recent/posts.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 617ac3a615..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/recent/posts.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - posts
-  summary: Get recent posts
-  parameters:
-    - name: term
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: daily
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/register.yaml b/public/openapi/api/register.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 199b496e03..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/register.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - authentication
-  summary: /api/register
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  register_window:spansize:
-                    type: string
-                  alternate_logins:
-                    type: boolean
-                  authentication:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        callbackURL:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        scope:
-                          type: string
-                        prompt:
-                          type: string
-                  minimumUsernameLength:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumUsernameLength:
-                    type: number
-                  minimumPasswordLength:
-                    type: number
-                  minimumPasswordStrength:
-                    type: number
-                  regFormEntry:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        label:
-                          type: string
-                        html:
-                          type: string
-                        styleName:
-                          type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-  # /api/register/complete:
-  #   get:
-  #     tags:
-  #       - authentication
-  #     summary: /api/register/complete
-  #     responses:
-  #       "200":
-  #         description: ""
-  #         content:
-  #           application/json:
-  #             schema:
-  #               allOf:
-  #                 - type: object
-  #                   properties:
-  #                     title:
-  #                       type: string
-  #                     errors:
-  #                       type: array
-  #                       items: {}
-  #                     sections:
-  #                       type: array
-  #                       items:
-  #                         type: string
-  #                 - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/registration-queue.yaml b/public/openapi/api/registration-queue.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc44e9d353..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/registration-queue.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - admin
-  summary: Get registration queue
-  responses:
-    "418":
-      description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Copy response from corresponding admin route"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/reset.yaml b/public/openapi/api/reset.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 986bf6c3aa..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/reset.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - authentication
-  summary: Get user password reset (step 2)
-  parameters:
-    - name: code
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: testCode
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing the 2nd step of the user password reset flow"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  valid:
-                    type: boolean
-                  code:
-                    type: string
-                  minimumPasswordLength:
-                    type: number
-                  minimumPasswordStrength:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/search.yaml b/public/openapi/api/search.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c7984c68..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/search.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - search
-  summary: Get search results
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  matchCount:
-                    type: number
-                  pageCount:
-                    type: number
-                  time:
-                    type: string
-                  multiplePages:
-                    type: boolean
-                  search_query:
-                    type: string
-                  term:
-                    type: string
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          oneOf:
-                            - type: string
-                            - type: number
-                        text:
-                          type: string
-                  categoriesCount:
-                    type: number
-                  expandSearch:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showAsPosts:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showAsTopics:
-                    type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  searchDefaultSortBy:
-                    type: string
-                  privileges:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      search:users:
-                        type: boolean
-                      search:content:
-                        type: boolean
-                      search:tags:
-                        type: boolean
-                required:
-                  - posts
-                  - matchCount
-                  - pageCount
-                  - time
-                  - multiplePages
-                  - search_query
-                  - categories
-                  - categoriesCount
-                  - expandSearch
-                  - showAsPosts
-                  - showAsTopics
-                  - title
-                  - searchDefaultSortBy
-                  - permissions
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/self.yaml b/public/openapi/api/self.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3979709cf..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/self.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Access your profile data
-  description: This shorthand returns the data for the logged in user, identical to the data returned at this route /user/<userslug>
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/tags.yaml b/public/openapi/api/tags.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b3ac785697..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/tags.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - tags
-  summary: Get tag data
-  description: Returns a list of topics that are tagged with {tag}
-  parameters:
-    - name: tag
-      description: The tag used to retrieve the topics
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: test
-    - name: page
-      description: Page number used in pagination
-      in: query
-      required: false
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      example: ''
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    description: An array of topics that are all tagged with {tag}
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        tid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A topic identifier
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        mainPid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
-                            "original post")
-                        title:
-                          type: string
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        lastposttime:
-                          type: number
-                        postcount:
-                          type: number
-                        viewcount:
-                          type: number
-                        teaserPid:
-                          oneOf:
-                            - type: number
-                            - type: string
-                        deleted:
-                          type: number
-                        locked:
-                          type: number
-                        pinned:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
-                            category
-                        upvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        downvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        titleRaw:
-                          type: string
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                        lastposttimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        votes:
-                          type: number
-                        category:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            cid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A category identifier
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            slug:
-                              type: string
-                            icon:
-                              type: string
-                            image:
-                              nullable: true
-                            imageClass:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                            color:
-                              type: string
-                            disabled:
-                              type: number
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            reputation:
-                              type: number
-                            postcount:
-                              type: number
-                            picture:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            signature:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            banned:
-                              type: number
-                            status:
-                              type: string
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                            banned_until_readable:
-                              type: string
-                            fullname:
-                              type: string
-                        teaser:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            pid:
-                              type: number
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            timestamp:
-                              type: number
-                            tid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A topic identifier
-                            content:
-                              type: string
-                            timestampISO:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                            user:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                username:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                userslug:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                    removed, etc.)
-                                picture:
-                                  nullable: true
-                                  type: string
-                                icon:text:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                    auto-generated icon given to users
-                                    without an avatar
-                                icon:bgColor:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                    value is used in conjunction with
-                                    `icon:text` for the user's
-                                    auto-generated icon
-                                  example: "#f44336"
-                            index:
-                              type: number
-                        tags:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                              valueEscaped:
-                                type: string
-                              color:
-                                type: string
-                              bgColor:
-                                type: string
-                              score:
-                                type: number
-                        isOwner:
-                          type: boolean
-                        ignored:
-                          type: boolean
-                        unread:
-                          type: boolean
-                        bookmark:
-                          nullable: true
-                        unreplied:
-                          type: boolean
-                        icons:
-                          type: array
-                          items: {}
-                        index:
-                          type: number
-                        thumb:
-                          type: string
-                        isQuestion:
-                          nullable: true
-                          type: number
-                        isSolved:
-                          type: number
-                  tag:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                  - topics
-                  - tag
-                  - title
-                  - categories
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/top.yaml b/public/openapi/api/top.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7bce5367f..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/top.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get top topics
-  description: Returns a list of topics sorted by most upvotes.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: An array of topic objects sorted by most upvotes.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  topicCount:
-                    type: number
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  tids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  canPost:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showSelect:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showTopicTools:
-                    type: boolean
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  allCategoriesUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  selectedCategory:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      cid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A category identifier
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      level:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                      parentCid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                          ancestor of the current category
-                      color:
-                        type: string
-                      bgColor:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                    nullable: true
-                  selectedCids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  feeds:disableRSS:
-                    type: number
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  filters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedFilter:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-                  terms:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        term:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedTerm:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      term:
-                        type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/topic.yaml b/public/openapi/api/topic.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cb14ffe6a1..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/topic.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get topic data
-  parameters:
-    - name: topic_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-    - name: slug
-      description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will be automatically redirected with the proper topic slug.
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: test-topic
-    - name: post_index
-      description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will presume that you want the first post. The API response is largely unaffected by this parameter, it is used client-side (to send the user to the requested post), and changes the meta/link tags in the server-side generated HTML.
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  tid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: A topic identifier
-                  uid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: A user identifier
-                  cid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: A category identifier
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  slug:
-                    type: string
-                  timestamp:
-                    type: number
-                  lastposttime:
-                    type: number
-                  postcount:
-                    type: number
-                  viewcount:
-                    type: number
-                  posterCount:
-                    type: number
-                    description: The number of unique users who made a post in this topic
-                  mainPid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
-                      "original post")
-                  teaserPid:
-                    type: number
-                    nullable: true
-                  upvotes:
-                    type: number
-                  downvotes:
-                    type: number
-                  deleted:
-                    type: number
-                  locked:
-                    type: number
-                  pinned:
-                    type: number
-                    description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
-                      category
-                  deleterUid:
-                    type: number
-                  titleRaw:
-                    type: string
-                  timestampISO:
-                    type: string
-                    description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                  lastposttimeISO:
-                    type: string
-                  votes:
-                    type: number
-                  tags:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        valueEscaped:
-                          type: string
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        score:
-                          type: number
-                  posts:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        pid:
-                          type: number
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        tid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A topic identifier
-                        content:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        votes:
-                          type: number
-                        deleted:
-                          type: number
-                        upvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        downvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        bookmarks:
-                          type: number
-                        deleterUid:
-                          type: number
-                        edited:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                        editedISO:
-                          type: string
-                        index:
-                          type: number
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            reputation:
-                              type: number
-                            postcount:
-                              type: number
-                            topiccount:
-                              type: number
-                            picture:
-                              type: string
-                              nullable: true
-                            signature:
-                              type: string
-                            banned:
-                              type: number
-                            banned:expire:
-                              type: number
-                            status:
-                              type: string
-                            lastonline:
-                              type: number
-                            groupTitle:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            groupTitleArray:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                            lastonlineISO:
-                              type: string
-                            banned_until:
-                              type: number
-                            banned_until_readable:
-                              type: string
-                            selectedGroups:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  name:
-                                    type: string
-                                  slug:
-                                    type: string
-                                  labelColor:
-                                    type: string
-                                  textColor:
-                                    type: string
-                                  icon:
-                                    type: string
-                                  userTitle:
-                                    type: string
-                            custom_profile_info:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  content:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: HTML that is injected into `topic.tpl` of themes that support custom profile info
-                        editor:
-                          nullable: true
-                        bookmarked:
-                          type: boolean
-                        upvoted:
-                          type: boolean
-                        downvoted:
-                          type: boolean
-                        replies:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            hasMore:
-                              type: boolean
-                            users:
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: object
-                                properties:
-                                  username:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                  userslug:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                      removed, etc.)
-                                  picture:
-                                    type: string
-                                  uid:
-                                    type: number
-                                    description: A user identifier
-                                  icon:text:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                      auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                      an avatar
-                                  icon:bgColor:
-                                    type: string
-                                    description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                      value is used in conjunction with
-                                      `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                      icon
-                                    example: "#f44336"
-                                  administrator:
-                                    type: boolean
-                            text:
-                              type: string
-                            count:
-                              type: number
-                        selfPost:
-                          type: boolean
-                        display_edit_tools:
-                          type: boolean
-                        display_delete_tools:
-                          type: boolean
-                        display_moderator_tools:
-                          type: boolean
-                        display_move_tools:
-                          type: boolean
-                        display_post_menu:
-                          type: boolean
-                        flagId:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The flag identifier, if this particular post has been flagged before
-                  category:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
-                  tagWhitelist:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  minTags:
-                    type: number
-                  maxTags:
-                    type: number
-                  thread_tools:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        class:
-                          type: string
-                        title:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  isFollowing:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isNotFollowing:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isIgnoring:
-                    type: boolean
-                  bookmark:
-                    nullable: true
-                  postSharing:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        class:
-                          type: string
-                        activated:
-                          type: boolean
-                  deleter:
-                    nullable: true
-                  merger:
-                    nullable: true
-                  related:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  unreplied:
-                    type: boolean
-                  icons:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                      description: HTML that is rendered by the theme
-                  privileges:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      topics:reply:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topics:read:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topics:tag:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topics:delete:
-                        type: boolean
-                      posts:edit:
-                        type: boolean
-                      posts:history:
-                        type: boolean
-                      posts:delete:
-                        type: boolean
-                      posts:view_deleted:
-                        type: boolean
-                      read:
-                        type: boolean
-                      purge:
-                        type: boolean
-                      view_thread_tools:
-                        type: boolean
-                      editable:
-                        type: boolean
-                      deletable:
-                        type: boolean
-                      view_deleted:
-                        type: boolean
-                      isAdminOrMod:
-                        type: boolean
-                      disabled:
-                        type: number
-                      tid:
-                        type: string
-                      uid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A user identifier
-                  topicStaleDays:
-                    type: number
-                  reputation:disabled:
-                    type: number
-                  downvote:disabled:
-                    type: number
-                  feeds:disableRSS:
-                    type: number
-                  bookmarkThreshold:
-                    type: number
-                  necroThreshold:
-                    type: number
-                  postEditDuration:
-                    type: number
-                  postDeleteDuration:
-                    type: number
-                  scrollToMyPost:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowMultipleBadges:
-                    type: boolean
-                  privateUploads:
-                    type: boolean
-                  rssFeedUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  postIndex:
-                    type: number
-                  loggedInUser:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/topic/pagination.yaml b/public/openapi/api/topic/pagination.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91fc6db29c..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/topic/pagination.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get topic pagination data
-  description: This route retrieves pagination data for a given topic. It is used mainly client-side, as it return data necessary to update a pagination block client-side.
-  parameters:
-    - name: topic_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/topic/teaser.yaml b/public/openapi/api/topic/teaser.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0738c1ce..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/topic/teaser.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get a topic's teaser post
-  parameters:
-    - name: topic_id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing the teaser post for a topic"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/topic/thumb/upload.yaml b/public/openapi/api/topic/thumb/upload.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b096681e..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/topic/thumb/upload.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Upload topic thumb
-  requestBody:
-    required: true
-    content:
-      multipart/form-data:
-        schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            files:
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                format: binary
-          required:
-            - files
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Image uploaded"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              name:
-                type: string
-                description: The filename
-              url:
-                type: string
-                description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-              path:
-                type: string
-                description: Path to the file in the local file system
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/topic/tid.yaml b/public/openapi/api/topic/tid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c83350b37..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/topic/tid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Get topic data
-  parameters:
-    - name: id
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON object containing topic data"
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              tid:
-                type: number
-              uid:
-                type: number
-              cid:
-                type: number
-              mainPid:
-                type: number
-              teaserPid:
-                type: number
-                nullable: true
-              title:
-                type: string
-              slug:
-                type: string
-              timestamp:
-                type: number
-              lastposttime:
-                type: number
-              postcount:
-                type: number
-              viewcount:
-                type: number
-              deleted:
-                type: number
-              locked:
-                type: number
-              pinned:
-                type: number
-              upvotes:
-                type: number
-              downvotes:
-                type: number
-              deleterUid:
-                type: number
-              titleRaw:
-                type: string
-              timestampISO:
-                type: string
-              lastposttimeISO:
-                type: string
-              votes:
-                type: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/uid.yaml b/public/openapi/api/uid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6552e78b9e..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/uid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - shorthand
-  summary: Access a user's profile pages
-  description: >-
-    This particular shorthand is useful if you are looking to redirect to a user's profile (or other associated pages), but do not know or want to retrieve their userslug,
-    which is part of the canonical url.
-    For example, to go to `uid` 15's list of topics made, you can navigate to `/api/uid/15/topics`, which will send you to the appropriate canonical URL for that user's topics.
-  parameters:
-    - name: uid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Canonical URL of user profile page"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/unread.yaml b/public/openapi/api/unread.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f383633cfe..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/unread.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get unread topics
-  description: Returns a list of the current user's unread topics, sorted by the
-    last post's timestamp.
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: An array of unread topic objects sorted by the last post's timestamp.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  showSelect:
-                    type: boolean
-                  showTopicTools:
-                    type: boolean
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        tid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A topic identifier
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        mainPid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
-                            "original post")
-                        title:
-                          type: string
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        lastposttime:
-                          type: number
-                        postcount:
-                          type: number
-                        viewcount:
-                          type: number
-                        teaserPid:
-                          type: number
-                        upvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        downvotes:
-                          type: number
-                        deleted:
-                          type: number
-                        locked:
-                          type: number
-                        pinned:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
-                            category
-                        titleRaw:
-                          type: string
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                        lastposttimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        votes:
-                          type: number
-                        category:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            cid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A category identifier
-                            name:
-                              type: string
-                            slug:
-                              type: string
-                            icon:
-                              type: string
-                            image:
-                              nullable: true
-                            imageClass:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                            color:
-                              type: string
-                            disabled:
-                              type: number
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            fullname:
-                              type: string
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            reputation:
-                              type: number
-                            postcount:
-                              type: number
-                            picture:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            signature:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            banned:
-                              type: number
-                            status:
-                              type: string
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                            banned_until_readable:
-                              type: string
-                        teaser:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            pid:
-                              type: number
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            timestamp:
-                              type: number
-                            tid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A topic identifier
-                            content:
-                              type: string
-                            timestampISO:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                            user:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                username:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                userslug:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                    removed, etc.)
-                                picture:
-                                  nullable: true
-                                  type: string
-                                icon:text:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                    auto-generated icon given to users
-                                    without an avatar
-                                icon:bgColor:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                    value is used in conjunction with
-                                    `icon:text` for the user's
-                                    auto-generated icon
-                                  example: "#f44336"
-                            index:
-                              type: number
-                        tags:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              value:
-                                type: string
-                              valueEscaped:
-                                type: string
-                              color:
-                                type: string
-                              bgColor:
-                                type: string
-                              score:
-                                type: number
-                        isOwner:
-                          type: boolean
-                        ignored:
-                          type: boolean
-                        unread:
-                          type: boolean
-                        bookmark:
-                          nullable: true
-                        unreplied:
-                          type: boolean
-                        icons:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        index:
-                          type: number
-                        isQuestion:
-                          nullable: true
-                  topicCount:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  pageCount:
-                    type: number
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  allCategoriesUrl:
-                    type: string
-                  selectedCids:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: number
-                  filters:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                        filter:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  selectedFilter:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      url:
-                        type: string
-                      selected:
-                        type: boolean
-                      filter:
-                        type: string
-                      icon:
-                        type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/unread/total.yaml b/public/openapi/api/unread/total.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a5a1871f..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/unread/total.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - topics
-  summary: Get number of unread topics
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "Success"
-      content:
-        text/plain:
-          schema:
-            type: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe202da8a8..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user profile
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  latestPosts:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  bestPosts:
-                    $ref: ../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  hasPrivateChat:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  allowCoverPicture:
-                    type: boolean
-                  selectedGroup:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                        createtime:
-                          type: number
-                        userTitle:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        memberCount:
-                          type: number
-                        deleted:
-                          type: string
-                        hidden:
-                          type: number
-                        system:
-                          type: number
-                        private:
-                          type: number
-                        ownerUid:
-                          type: number
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        labelColor:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:url:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:position:
-                          type: string
-                        userTitleEnabled:
-                          type: number
-                        disableJoinRequests:
-                          type: number
-                        disableLeave:
-                          type: number
-                        nameEncoded:
-                          type: string
-                        displayName:
-                          type: string
-                        textColor:
-                          type: string
-                        createtimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:thumb:url:
-                          type: string
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/best.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/best.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e884a374..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/best.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get a user's best performing topics
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/blocks.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/blocks.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a16553be..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/blocks.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's blocks
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectSlim
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/bookmarks.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/bookmarks.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dead4c2eda..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/bookmarks.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's bookmarks
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/categories.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/categories.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 57067b4ee7..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/categories.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's watched categories
-  description: This route retrieves the list of categories and their watch states
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  categories:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        cid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A category identifier
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        level:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        parentCid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
-                            ancestor of the current category
-                        color:
-                          type: string
-                        bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                        descriptionParsed:
-                          type: string
-                        depth:
-                          type: number
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                        isIgnored:
-                          type: boolean
-                        isWatched:
-                          type: boolean
-                        isNotWatched:
-                          type: boolean
-                        imageClass:
-                          type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/chats.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/chats.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b27b7ae8..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/chats.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get chat room
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-    - name: roomid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  owner:
-                    type: number
-                  roomId:
-                    type: number
-                  roomName:
-                    type: string
-                  messages:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        content:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        fromuid:
-                          type: number
-                        roomId:
-                          type: string
-                        deleted:
-                          type: boolean
-                        system:
-                          type: boolean
-                        edited:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                        editedISO:
-                          type: string
-                        messageId:
-                          type: number
-                        fromUser:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              type: string
-                              nullable: true
-                            status:
-                              type: string
-                            banned:
-                              type: boolean
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                            banned_until_readable:
-                              type: string
-                            deleted:
-                              type: boolean
-                        self:
-                          type: number
-                        newSet:
-                          type: boolean
-                        index:
-                          type: number
-                        cleanedContent:
-                          type: string
-                        isOwner:
-                          type: boolean
-                  isOwner:
-                    type: boolean
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                        picture:
-                          type: string
-                          nullable: true
-                        status:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                            auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                            avatar
-                        icon:bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                            value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
-                            for the user's auto-generated icon
-                          example: "#f44336"
-                        isOwner:
-                          type: boolean
-                  canReply:
-                    type: boolean
-                  groupChat:
-                    type: boolean
-                  usernames:
-                    type: string
-                  maximumUsersInChatRoom:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumChatMessageLength:
-                    type: number
-                  showUserInput:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isAdminOrGlobalMod:
-                    type: boolean
-                  rooms:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        owner:
-                          oneOf:
-                            - type: number
-                            - type: string
-                        roomId:
-                          type: number
-                        roomName:
-                          type: string
-                        users:
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              uid:
-                                type: number
-                                description: A user identifier
-                              username:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                              userslug:
-                                type: string
-                                description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                  removed, etc.)
-                              picture:
-                                nullable: true
-                                type: string
-                              status:
-                                type: string
-                              lastonline:
-                                type: number
-                              icon:text:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                  auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                  an avatar
-                              icon:bgColor:
-                                type: string
-                                description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                  value is used in conjunction with
-                                  `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                  icon
-                                example: "#f44336"
-                              lastonlineISO:
-                                type: string
-                        groupChat:
-                          type: boolean
-                        unread:
-                          type: boolean
-                        teaser:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            fromuid:
-                              type: number
-                            content:
-                              type: string
-                            timestamp:
-                              type: number
-                            timestampISO:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                            user:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                username:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                userslug:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                    removed, etc.)
-                                picture:
-                                  nullable: true
-                                  type: string
-                                status:
-                                  type: string
-                                lastonline:
-                                  type: number
-                                icon:text:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                    auto-generated icon given to users
-                                    without an avatar
-                                icon:bgColor:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                    value is used in conjunction with
-                                    `icon:text` for the user's
-                                    auto-generated icon
-                                  example: "#f44336"
-                                lastonlineISO:
-                                  type: string
-                          nullable: true
-                        lastUser:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              nullable: true
-                              type: string
-                            status:
-                              type: string
-                            lastonline:
-                              type: number
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                            lastonlineISO:
-                              type: string
-                        usernames:
-                          type: string
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  uid:
-                    type: number
-                    description: A user identifier
-                  userslug:
-                    type: string
-                    description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                      removed, etc.)
-                  canViewInfo:
-                    type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/consent.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/consent.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10aff9d228..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/consent.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's GDPR consent settings
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  gdpr_consent:
-                    type: boolean
-                  digest:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      frequency:
-                        type: string
-                      enabled:
-                        type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/downvoted.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/downvoted.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2eb8c25b..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/downvoted.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's downvoted posts
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                    description: Translation key for message notifying user that there were no posts found
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                required:
-                  - posts
-                  - nextStart
-                  - noItemsFoundKey
-                  - title
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/edit.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/edit.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f4c6123f1..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/edit.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user profile for editing
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  maximumSignatureLength:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumAboutMeLength:
-                    type: number
-                  maximumProfileImageSize:
-                    type: number
-                  allowProfilePicture:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowCoverPicture:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowProfileImageUploads:
-                    type: number
-                  allowedProfileImageExtensios:
-                    type: string
-                  allowMultipleBadges:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowAccountDelete:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowWebsite:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowAboutMe:
-                    type: boolean
-                  allowSignature:
-                    type: boolean
-                  profileImageDimension:
-                    type: number
-                  defaultAvatar:
-                    type: string
-                  groupSelectSize:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  editButtons:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        link:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A relative path to the page linked to
-                        text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: Button label
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/email.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/edit/email.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91191496ad..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/email.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get configs for email editing
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  hasPassword:
-                    type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/password.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/edit/password.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8eaa0b22d..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/password.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get configs for password editing
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  hasPassword:
-                    type: boolean
-                  minimumPasswordLength:
-                    type: number
-                  minimumPasswordStrength:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/username.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/edit/username.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f2213d1645..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/edit/username.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get configs for username editing
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  hasPassword:
-                    type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/email.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/email.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40713c6b63..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/email.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user by email
-  description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
-  parameters:
-    - name: email
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 'test@example.org'
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/followers.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/followers.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4625c3e9b..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/followers.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get followers
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-    - name: page
-      in: query
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      example: ''
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                        userslug:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                            removed, etc.)
-                        picture:
-                          nullable: true
-                          type: string
-                        status:
-                          type: string
-                        postcount:
-                          type: number
-                        reputation:
-                          type: number
-                        email:confirmed:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
-                        lastonline:
-                          type: number
-                        flags:
-                          nullable: true
-                        banned:
-                          type: number
-                        banned:expire:
-                          type: number
-                        joindate:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
-                            created
-                        icon:text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                            auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                            avatar
-                        icon:bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                            value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
-                            for the user's auto-generated icon
-                          example: "#f44336"
-                        joindateISO:
-                          type: string
-                        lastonlineISO:
-                          type: string
-                        banned_until:
-                          type: number
-                        banned_until_readable:
-                          type: string
-                        administrator:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/following.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/following.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bea518a4f3..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/following.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get followed users
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-    - name: page
-      in: query
-      schema:
-        type: number
-      example: ''
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                        userslug:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                            removed, etc.)
-                        picture:
-                          nullable: true
-                          type: string
-                        status:
-                          type: string
-                        postcount:
-                          type: number
-                        reputation:
-                          type: number
-                        email:confirmed:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
-                        lastonline:
-                          type: number
-                        flags:
-                          nullable: true
-                        banned:
-                          type: number
-                        banned:expire:
-                          type: number
-                        joindate:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
-                            created
-                        icon:text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                            auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                            avatar
-                        icon:bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                            value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
-                            for the user's auto-generated icon
-                          example: "#f44336"
-                        joindateISO:
-                          type: string
-                        lastonlineISO:
-                          type: string
-                        banned_until:
-                          type: number
-                        banned_until_readable:
-                          type: string
-                        administrator:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/groups.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/groups.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1b3c9793..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/groups.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's groups
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  template:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      name:
-                        type: string
-                      account/groups:
-                        type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/ignored.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/ignored.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe460885a..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/ignored.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's ignored topics
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/info.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/info.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index da97500a52..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/info.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user moderation info
-  description: Administrators and Global Moderators get access to the `/info` page, which shows some backend data that is useful from a moderation point-of-view (such as IP addresses, recent bans, moderation history, etc).
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  history:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      flags:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            pid:
-                              type: number
-                            timestamp:
-                              type: number
-                            timestampISO:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                            timestampReadable:
-                              type: string
-                          additionalProperties:
-                            description: Contextual data is added to this object (such as topic data, etc.)
-                      bans:
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                            timestamp:
-                              type: number
-                            expire:
-                              type: number
-                            fromUid:
-                              type: number
-                            user:
-                              type: object
-                              properties:
-                                username:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                                userslug:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                    removed, etc.)
-                                picture:
-                                  type: string
-                                uid:
-                                  type: number
-                                  description: A user identifier
-                                icon:text:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                    an avatar
-                                icon:bgColor:
-                                  type: string
-                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                    value is used in conjunction with
-                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                    icon
-                                  example: "#f44336"
-                            until:
-                              type: number
-                            untilReadable:
-                              type: string
-                            timestampReadable:
-                              type: string
-                            timestampISO:
-                              type: string
-                            reason:
-                              type: string
-                  sessions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        ip:
-                          type: string
-                        uuid:
-                          type: string
-                        datetime:
-                          type: number
-                        platform:
-                          type: string
-                        browser:
-                          type: string
-                        version:
-                          type: string
-                        current:
-                          type: boolean
-                        datetimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                  usernames:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                  emails:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
-                  moderationNotes:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                        note:
-                          type: string
-                        timestamp:
-                          type: number
-                        timestampISO:
-                          type: string
-                        user:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            username:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                            userslug:
-                              type: string
-                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                                removed, etc.)
-                            picture:
-                              type: string
-                            uid:
-                              type: number
-                              description: A user identifier
-                            icon:text:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                                auto-generated icon given to users without
-                                an avatar
-                            icon:bgColor:
-                              type: string
-                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                                value is used in conjunction with
-                                `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
-                                icon
-                              example: "#f44336"
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/posts.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/posts.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d11ebe920..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/posts.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get a user's posts
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/session.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/session.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e75daf6bb5..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/session.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Revoke a user session
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-    - name: uuid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: testuuid
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: User session revoked
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/sessions.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/sessions.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aa719f9ea..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/sessions.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's active sessions
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  sessions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        ip:
-                          type: string
-                        uuid:
-                          type: string
-                        datetime:
-                          type: number
-                        platform:
-                          type: string
-                        browser:
-                          type: string
-                        version:
-                          type: string
-                        current:
-                          type: boolean
-                        datetimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/settings.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/settings.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4afbf0380..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/settings.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's settings
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  settings:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      showemail:
-                        type: boolean
-                      usePagination:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topicsPerPage:
-                        type: number
-                      postsPerPage:
-                        type: number
-                      topicPostSort:
-                        type: string
-                      openOutgoingLinksInNewTab:
-                        type: boolean
-                      dailyDigestFreq:
-                        type: string
-                      showfullname:
-                        type: boolean
-                      followTopicsOnCreate:
-                        type: boolean
-                      followTopicsOnReply:
-                        type: boolean
-                      restrictChat:
-                        type: boolean
-                      topicSearchEnabled:
-                        type: boolean
-                      categoryTopicSort:
-                        type: string
-                      userLang:
-                        type: string
-                      bootswatchSkin:
-                        type: string
-                      homePageRoute:
-                        type: string
-                      scrollToMyPost:
-                        type: boolean
-                      notificationType_new-chat:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_new-reply:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_post-edit:
-                        type: string
-                      sendChatNotifications:
-                        nullable: true
-                      sendPostNotifications:
-                        nullable: true
-                      notificationType_upvote:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_new-topic:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_follow:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_group-invite:
-                        type: string
-                      upvoteNotifFreq:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_mention:
-                        type: string
-                      acpLang:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_new-register:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_post-queue:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_new-post-flag:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_new-user-flag:
-                        type: string
-                      categoryWatchState:
-                        type: string
-                      notificationType_group-request-membership:
-                        type: string
-                      uid:
-                        type: number
-                        description: A user identifier
-                    required:
-                      - showemail
-                      - usePagination
-                      - topicsPerPage
-                      - postsPerPage
-                      - topicPostSort
-                      - openOutgoingLinksInNewTab
-                      - dailyDigestFreq
-                      - showfullname
-                      - followTopicsOnCreate
-                      - followTopicsOnReply
-                      - restrictChat
-                      - topicSearchEnabled
-                      - categoryTopicSort
-                      - userLang
-                      - bootswatchSkin
-                      - homePageRoute
-                      - scrollToMyPost
-                      - notificationType_new-chat
-                      - notificationType_new-reply
-                      - notificationType_upvote
-                      - notificationType_new-topic
-                      - notificationType_follow
-                      - notificationType_group-invite
-                      - upvoteNotifFreq
-                      - acpLang
-                      - notificationType_new-register
-                      - notificationType_post-queue
-                      - notificationType_new-post-flag
-                      - notificationType_new-user-flag
-                      - categoryWatchState
-                      - notificationType_group-request-membership
-                      - uid
-                  languages:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        code:
-                          type: string
-                        dir:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  acpLanguages:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        code:
-                          type: string
-                        dir:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  customSettings:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties: {}
-                      additionalProperties: {}
-                  homePageRoutes:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        route:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  notificationSettings:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        label:
-                          type: string
-                        none:
-                          type: boolean
-                        notification:
-                          type: boolean
-                        email:
-                          type: boolean
-                        notificationemail:
-                          type: boolean
-                  disableEmailSubscriptions:
-                    type: number
-                  dailyDigestFreqOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  bootswatchSkinOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        value:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  upvoteNotifFreq:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                  categoryWatchState:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      watching:
-                        type: boolean
-                  disableCustomUserSkins:
-                    type: number
-                  allowUserHomePage:
-                    type: number
-                  hideFullname:
-                    type: number
-                  hideEmail:
-                    type: number
-                  inTopicSearchAvailable:
-                    type: boolean
-                  maxTopicsPerPage:
-                    type: number
-                  maxPostsPerPage:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/topics.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/topics.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6e902970..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/topics.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get a user's topics
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/uid.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/uid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0ec82b99..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/uid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user by uid
-  description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
-  parameters:
-    - name: uid
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: 1
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/posts.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/posts.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ce2da2309a..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/posts.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Export a user's posts (.csv)
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A CSV file containing a user's posts"
-      content:
-        text/csv:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/profile.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/profile.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa6b105cc..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/profile.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Export a user's profile data (.json)
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: "A JSON file containing the user profile"
-      content:
-        text/json:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/uploads.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/uploads.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f29cce6a2..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/uid/export/uploads.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Export a user's uploads (.zip)
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: Successful export of user uploads
-      content:
-        application/zip:
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/uploads.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/uploads.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d7945eb28..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/uploads.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's uploads
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  uploads:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                  privateUploads:
-                    type: boolean
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/upvoted.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/upvoted.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9565b28000..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/upvoted.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's upvoted posts
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  posts:
-                    $ref: ../../components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                    description: Translation key for message notifying user that there were no posts found
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-                required:
-                  - posts
-                  - nextStart
-                  - noItemsFoundKey
-                  - title
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/username.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/username.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2092c30451..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/username.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user by username
-  description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
-  parameters:
-    - name: username
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/user/watched.yaml b/public/openapi/api/user/watched.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 972c17bc2b..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/user/watched.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get user's watched topics
-  parameters:
-    - name: userslug
-      in: path
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      example: admin
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  aboutmeParsed:
-                    type: string
-                  age:
-                    type: number
-                  emailClass:
-                    type: string
-                  ips:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  isBlocked:
-                    type: boolean
-                  blocksCount:
-                    type: number
-                  yourid:
-                    type: number
-                  theirid:
-                    type: number
-                  isTargetAdmin:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isAdmin:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isGlobalModerator:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isModerator:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isAdminOrGlobalModerator:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isAdminOrGlobalModeratorOrModerator:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isSelfOrAdminOrGlobalModerator:
-                    type: boolean
-                  canEdit:
-                    type: boolean
-                  canBan:
-                    type: boolean
-                  canChangePassword:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isSelf:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isFollowing:
-                    type: boolean
-                  hasPrivateChat:
-                    type: number
-                  showHidden:
-                    type: boolean
-                  groups:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        slug:
-                          type: string
-                        createtime:
-                          type: number
-                        userTitle:
-                          type: string
-                        description:
-                          type: string
-                        memberCount:
-                          type: number
-                        deleted:
-                          oneOf:
-                            - type: string
-                            - type: number
-                        hidden:
-                          type: number
-                        system:
-                          type: number
-                        private:
-                          type: number
-                        ownerUid:
-                          type: number
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                        labelColor:
-                          type: string
-                        userTitleEnabled:
-                          type: number
-                        disableJoinRequests:
-                          type: number
-                        disableLeave:
-                          type: number
-                        nameEncoded:
-                          type: string
-                        displayName:
-                          type: string
-                        textColor:
-                          type: string
-                        createtimeISO:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:thumb:url:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:url:
-                          type: string
-                        cover:position:
-                          type: string
-                  disableSignatures:
-                    type: boolean
-                  reputation:disabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  downvote:disabled:
-                    type: boolean
-                  profile_links:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        id:
-                          type: string
-                        route:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        visibility:
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            self:
-                              type: boolean
-                            other:
-                              type: boolean
-                            moderator:
-                              type: boolean
-                            globalMod:
-                              type: boolean
-                            admin:
-                              type: boolean
-                            canViewInfo:
-                              type: boolean
-                        public:
-                          type: boolean
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  sso:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        associated:
-                          type: boolean
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        deauthUrl:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        icon:
-                          type: string
-                  websiteLink:
-                    type: string
-                  websiteName:
-                    type: string
-                  moderationNote:
-                    type: string
-                  username:disableEdit:
-                    type: boolean
-                  email:disableEdit:
-                    type: boolean
-                  topics:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      $ref: ../../components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
-                  nextStart:
-                    type: number
-                  noItemsFoundKey:
-                    type: string
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  showSort:
-                    type: boolean
-                  sortOptions:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        url:
-                          type: string
-                        name:
-                          type: string
-                        selected:
-                          type: boolean
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/api/users.yaml b/public/openapi/api/users.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a591bd61a5..0000000000
--- a/public/openapi/api/users.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-  tags:
-    - users
-  summary: Get users
-  parameters:
-    - in: query
-      name: section
-      schema:
-        type: string
-        enum: ['joindate', 'online', 'sort-posts', 'sort-reputation', 'banned', 'flagged']
-      required: false
-      description: Allows filtering of the user list via pre-defined sections
-      example: 'joindate'
-    - in: query
-      name: term
-      schema:
-        type: string
-      required: false
-      description: Allows for searching of user list
-      example: ''
-  responses:
-    "200":
-      description: ""
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            allOf:
-              - type: object
-                properties:
-                  users:
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        uid:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A user identifier
-                        username:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A friendly name for a given user account
-                        userslug:
-                          type: string
-                          description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
-                            removed, etc.)
-                        picture:
-                          nullable: true
-                          type: string
-                        status:
-                          type: string
-                        postcount:
-                          type: number
-                        reputation:
-                          type: number
-                        email:confirmed:
-                          type: number
-                          description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
-                        lastonline:
-                          type: number
-                        flags:
-                          nullable: true
-                        banned:
-                          type: number
-                        banned:expire:
-                          type: number
-                        joindate:
-                          type: number
-                          description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
-                            created
-                        icon:text:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
-                            auto-generated icon given to users without an
-                            avatar
-                        icon:bgColor:
-                          type: string
-                          description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
-                            value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
-                            for the user's auto-generated icon
-                          example: "#f44336"
-                        joindateISO:
-                          type: string
-                        lastonlineISO:
-                          type: string
-                        banned_until:
-                          type: number
-                        banned_until_readable:
-                          type: string
-                  userCount:
-                    type: number
-                  title:
-                    type: string
-                  isAdminOrGlobalMod:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isAdmin:
-                    type: boolean
-                  isGlobalMod:
-                    type: boolean
-                  displayUserSearch:
-                    type: boolean
-                  section_joindate:
-                    type: boolean
-                  maximumInvites:
-                    type: number
-                  inviteOnly:
-                    type: boolean
-                  adminInviteOnly:
-                    type: boolean
-                  invites:
-                    type: number
-                  showInviteButton:
-                    type: boolean
-                  reputation:disabled:
-                    type: number
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
-              - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/openapi/read.yaml b/public/openapi/read.yaml
index 9e2ddcb01a..69d9d7a3eb 100644
--- a/public/openapi/read.yaml
+++ b/public/openapi/read.yaml
@@ -58,252 +58,8351 @@ tags:
     description: Convenience and utility routes for accessing other part of the API
-    $ref: 'api/index.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - home
+      description: >
+        This route is used to populate the homepage of NodeBB. It is the main
+        access point of the forum, and shows a list of categories for navigation
+        purposes.
+      summary: Get forum index data
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                        description: The page title
+                      categories:
+                        description: A collection of category data objects
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          allOf:
+                            - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                            - type: object
+                              properties:
+                                tagWhitelist:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                unread-class:
+                                  type: string
+                                children:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    allOf:
+                                      - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                      - type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          tagWhitelist:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              type: string
+                                          unread-class:
+                                            type: string
+                                          children:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                          parent:
+                                            allOf:
+                                              - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                              - type: object
+                                                properties:
+                                                  tagWhitelist:
+                                                    type: array
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                  unread-class:
+                                                    type: string
+                                          posts:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              type: object
+                                              properties:
+                                                pid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                timestamp:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                content:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                timestampISO:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                                user:
+                                                  type: object
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    uid:
+                                                      type: number
+                                                      description: A user identifier
+                                                    username:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                                    userslug:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                                        removed, etc.)
+                                                    picture:
+                                                      nullable: true
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    icon:text:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                                        auto-generated icon given to
+                                                        users without an avatar
+                                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                                        value is used in conjunction
+                                                        with `icon:text` for the user's
+                                                        auto-generated icon
+                                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                                index:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                cid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                  description: A category identifier
+                                                parentCid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                  description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                                    ancestor of the current category
+                                                topic:
+                                                  type: object
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    slug:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    title:
+                                                      type: string
+                                          imageClass:
+                                            type: string
+                                          timesClicked:
+                                            type: number
+                                posts:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      pid:
+                                        type: number
+                                      timestamp:
+                                        type: number
+                                      content:
+                                        type: string
+                                      timestampISO:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                      user:
+                                        type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          uid:
+                                            type: number
+                                            description: A user identifier
+                                          username:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                          userslug:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                              removed, etc.)
+                                          picture:
+                                            nullable: true
+                                            type: string
+                                          icon:text:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                              auto-generated icon given to users
+                                              without an avatar
+                                          icon:bgColor:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                              value is used in conjunction with
+                                              `icon:text` for the user's
+                                              auto-generated icon
+                                            example: "#f44336"
+                                      index:
+                                        type: number
+                                      cid:
+                                        type: number
+                                        description: A category identifier
+                                      parentCid:
+                                        type: number
+                                        description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                          ancestor of the current category
+                                      topic:
+                                        type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          slug:
+                                            type: string
+                                          title:
+                                            type: string
+                                teaser:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    url:
+                                      type: string
+                                    timestampISO:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                    pid:
+                                      type: number
+                                    topic:
+                                      type: object
+                                      properties:
+                                        slug:
+                                          type: string
+                                        title:
+                                          type: string
+                                imageClass:
+                                  type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/dashboard.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get administrative dashboard
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: A JSON object containing dashboard data
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      version:
+                        type: string
+                      lookupFailed:
+                        type: boolean
+                      latestVersion:
+                        type: string
+                        nullable: true
+                      upgradeAvailable:
+                        type: boolean
+                        nullable: true
+                      currentPrerelease:
+                        type: boolean
+                      notices:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            done:
+                              type: boolean
+                            doneText:
+                              type: string
+                            notDoneText:
+                              type: string
+                            tooltip:
+                              type: string
+                            link:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - done
+                      stats:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            yesterday:
+                              type: number
+                            today:
+                              type: number
+                            lastweek:
+                              type: number
+                            thisweek:
+                              type: number
+                            lastmonth:
+                              type: number
+                            thismonth:
+                              type: number
+                            alltime:
+                              type: number
+                            dayIncrease:
+                              type: string
+                            dayTextClass:
+                              type: string
+                            weekIncrease:
+                              type: string
+                            weekTextClass:
+                              type: string
+                            monthIncrease:
+                              type: string
+                            monthTextClass:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                      canRestart:
+                        type: boolean
+                      lastrestart:
+                        nullable: true
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          uid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A user identifier
+                          ip:
+                            type: string
+                          timestamp:
+                            type: number
+                          user:
+                            $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
+                          timestampISO:
+                            type: string
+                            description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                      showSystemControls:
+                        type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/settings/languages.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get language settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: A JSON object containing available languages and settings
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      languages:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Localised name of the language
+                            code:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A language code (similar to ISO-639)
+                            dir:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Directionality of the language
+                              enum: [ltr, rtl]
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                              description: Denotes the currently selected default system language on the forum
+                      autoDetectLang:
+                        type: integer
+                        description: Whether the forum will attempt to guess language based on browser's `Accept-Language` header
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/settings/navigation.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get navigation bar settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: A JSON object containing navigation settings
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      enabled:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            route:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Relative URL to the page the navigation item goes to
+                            title:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Tooltip text
+                            enabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            iconClass:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A FontAwesome icon string
+                            textClass:
+                              type: string
+                              description: HTML class applied to the text label for this navigation item
+                            text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Label text for this navigation item
+                            order:
+                              type: integer
+                              description: Ordinality of this item, lower value appears earlier
+                            groups:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  displayName:
+                                    type: string
+                                  selected:
+                                    type: boolean
+                            index:
+                              type: integer
+                              description: Seemingly identical to order, but an integer instead of a string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      available:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Unique ID that will be added to the navigation element's `id` property in the DOM
+                            route:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Relative URL to the page the navigation item goes to
+                            title:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Tooltip text
+                            enabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            iconClass:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A FontAwesome icon string
+                            textClass:
+                              type: string
+                              description: HTML class applied to the text label for this navigation item
+                            text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Label text for this navigation item
+                            core:
+                              type: boolean
+                              description: Whether the navigation item is provided by core or not (a plugin)
+                            groups:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  displayName:
+                                    type: string
+                            properties:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                targetBlank:
+                                  type: boolean
+                      groups:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                      navigation:
+                        type: array
+                        description: A clone of `enabled`
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/settings/homepage.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get homepage settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      routes:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            route:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/settings/social.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get post social sharing settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing post social sharing settings"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            class:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A FontAwesome icon string
+                            activated:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/categories.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get category management settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type : object
+                    properties:
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            disabled:
+                              type: number
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            link:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            backgroundImage:
+                              type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                            children:
+                              type: array
+                              description: Array of children categories
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/categories.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get category settings
+      parameters:
+        - name: category_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      category:
+                        allOf:
+                          - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                          - type: object
+                            properties:
+                              tagWhitelist:
+                                type: array
+                                items:
+                                  type: string
+                              unread-class:
+                                type: string
+                              parent:
+                                $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - cid
+                            - name
+                            - icon
+                      selectedCategory:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          cid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A category identifier
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                          parentCid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                              ancestor of the current category
+                          color:
+                            type: string
+                          bgColor:
+                            type: string
+                          imageClass:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                      customClasses:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/categories/analytics.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get category anayltics
+      parameters:
+        - name: category_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      name:
+                        type: string
+                      analytics:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          pageviews:hourly:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                          pageviews:daily:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                          topics:daily:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                          posts:daily:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/privileges.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get category privileges
+      parameters:
+        - name: cid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      privileges:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          labels:
+                            type: object
+                            properties:
+                              users:
+                                type: array
+                                items:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    name:
+                                      type: string
+                              groups:
+                                type: array
+                                items:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    name:
+                                      type: string
+                          keys:
+                            type: object
+                            properties:
+                              users:
+                                type: array
+                                items:
+                                  type: string
+                              groups:
+                                type: array
+                                items:
+                                  type: string
+                          users:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                nameEscaped:
+                                  type: string
+                                privileges:
+                                  type: object
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                    description: Each privilege will have a key in this object
+                          groups:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                nameEscaped:
+                                  type: string
+                                privileges:
+                                  type: object
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                    description: Each privilege will have a key in this object
+                                isPrivate:
+                                  type: boolean
+                          columnCountUser:
+                            type: number
+                          columnCountUserOther:
+                            type: number
+                          columnCountGroup:
+                            type: number
+                          columnCountGroupOther:
+                            type: number
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - cid
+                            - name
+                            - icon
+                            - selected
+                      selectedCategory:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          cid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A category identifier
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                          parentCid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                              ancestor of the current category
+                          color:
+                            type: string
+                          bgColor:
+                            type: string
+                          imageClass:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                      cid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: A category identifier
+                      group:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/tags.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get tag settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing tag settings"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      tags:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                              description: The tag name
+                            score:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The number of topics containing this tag
+                            valueEscaped:
+                              type: string
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Six-character hexadecimal string (with `#` prepended)
+                              example: "#ff0000"
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Six-character hexadecimal string (with `#` prepended)
+                              example: "#ff0000"
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectACP
+                      page:
+                        type: number
+                      pageCount:
+                        type: number
+                      resultsPerPage:
+                        type: number
+                      latest:
+                        type: boolean
+                      search_display:
+                        type: string
+                      requireEmailConfirmation:
+                        type: number
+                      inviteOnly:
+                        type: boolean
+                      adminInviteOnly:
+                        type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/search.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users via search term
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      search_display:
+                        type: string
+                      matchCount:
+                        type: number
+                      query:
+                        type: string
+                      uidQuery:
+                        type: string
+                      usernameQuery:
+                        type: string
+                      emailQuery:
+                        type: string
+                      ipQuery:
+                        type: string
+                      pageCount:
+                        type: number
+                      resultsPerPage:
+                        type: number
+                      timing:
+                        type: number
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectACP
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/latest.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get latest users
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/not-validated.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get non-verified users
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/no-posts.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users with no posts
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/top-posters.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users with the most posts
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/most-reputation.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users with the most reputation
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/inactive.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get inactive users
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/flagged.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get flagged users
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/users/banned.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get banned users
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Replace this responses block with the block from /manage/users/latest"
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/registration.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get registration queue/invites
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing the registration queue and invites"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      registrationQueueCount:
+                        type: number
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                            email:
+                              type: string
+                            ip:
+                              type: string
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                            usernameEscaped:
+                              type: string
+                            ipMatch:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  username:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                  userslug:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                      removed, etc.)
+                                  picture:
+                                    type: string
+                                  uid:
+                                    type: number
+                                    description: A user identifier
+                                  icon:text:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                      auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                      an avatar
+                                  icon:bgColor:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                      value is used in conjunction with
+                                      `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                      icon
+                                    example: "#f44336"
+                            customActions:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  title:
+                                    type: string
+                                  id:
+                                    type: string
+                                  class:
+                                    type: string
+                                  icon:
+                                    type: string
+                      customHeaders:
+                        type: array
+                      invites:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                            invitations:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  email:
+                                    type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/admins-mods.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get administrators and moderators
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing administrators and moderators globally and per-category"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      admins:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
+                      globalMods:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: number
+                              example: 0
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A FontAwesome icon string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The parent category's identifier
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                            depth:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The depth of the category relative to the forum root (`0` is root level)
+                            moderators:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectSlim
+                      allPrivileges:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                          description: A simple array containing user privilege names (used client-side when giving mod privilege)
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/groups.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get user groups
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      groups:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            deleted:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: number
+                                - type: string
+                            hidden:
+                              type: number
+                            system:
+                              type: number
+                            userTitle:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            labelColor:
+                              type: string
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            createtime:
+                              type: number
+                            memberCount:
+                              type: number
+                            private:
+                              type: number
+                            cover:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:position:
+                              type: string
+                            userTitleEnabled:
+                              type: number
+                            disableJoinRequests:
+                              type: number
+                            disableLeave:
+                              type: number
+                            nameEncoded:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                            textColor:
+                              type: string
+                            createtimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:thumb:url:
+                              type: string
+                            ownerUid:
+                              type: number
+                          required:
+                            - name
+                            - description
+                            - hidden
+                            - system
+                            - userTitle
+                            - icon
+                            - labelColor
+                            - slug
+                            - createtime
+                            - memberCount
+                            - private
+                            - cover:url
+                            - cover:position
+                            - userTitleEnabled
+                            - disableJoinRequests
+                            - disableLeave
+                            - nameEncoded
+                            - displayName
+                            - textColor
+                            - createtimeISO
+                            - cover:thumb:url
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - cid
+                            - name
+                            - icon
+                      yourid:
+                        type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/groups.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get user group details
+      parameters:
+        - name: name
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: administrators
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      group:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
+                      groupNames:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            encodedName:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - cid
+                            - name
+                            - icon
+                      allowPrivateGroups:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumGroupNameLength:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumGroupTitleLength:
+                        type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/uploads.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get uploaded files
+      parameters:
+        - in: query
+          name: dir
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          description: Path of the folder, relative to `public/uploads/`
+          example: /
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing uploaded files"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      currentFolder:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Path of the folder, relative to `public/uploads/`
+                      showPids:
+                        type: boolean
+                        description: Whether or not the post identifiers should be shown (this is `true` only for `public/uploads/files/`, as that is where post uploads go)
+                      files:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Path relative to `currentFolder`
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Relative URL ready to be combined with `config.relative_path` on the client-side or templates
+                            fileCount:
+                              type: number
+                              description: For directories, the number of files inside
+                            size:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The size of the file/directory
+                            sizeHumanReadable:
+                              type: string
+                            isDirectory:
+                              type: boolean
+                            isFile:
+                              type: boolean
+                            mtime:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Last modified time of the file, down to the microsecond (expressed as a UNIX timestamp)
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/manage/digest.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get system digest info/settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing recent digest sends and settings"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      delivery:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                            picture:
+                              nullable: true
+                              type: string
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            icon:text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                avatar
+                            icon:bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
+                                for the user's auto-generated icon
+                              example: "#f44336"
+                            lastDelivery:
+                              type: string
+                            setting:
+                              type: boolean
+                      default:
+                        type: string
+                    required:
+                      - title
+                      - delivery
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/settings.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get system settings
+      parameters:
+        - name: term
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: general
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties: {}
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: object
+                      description: Most of the settings pages have their values loaded on the client-side, so the settings are not exposed server-side.
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/appearance.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get appearance settings
+      parameters:
+        - name: term
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: themes
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/extend/plugins.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get system plugin settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      installed:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            latest:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            updated:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            numInstalls:
+                              type: number
+                            isCompatible:
+                              type: boolean
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            installed:
+                              type: boolean
+                            active:
+                              type: boolean
+                            isTheme:
+                              type: boolean
+                            error:
+                              type: boolean
+                            version:
+                              type: string
+                            license:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                text:
+                                  type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            outdated:
+                              type: boolean
+                            settingsRoute:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                            - latest
+                            - description
+                            - name
+                            - id
+                            - installed
+                            - active
+                            - isTheme
+                            - error
+                            - version
+                            - license
+                            - outdated
+                      installedCount:
+                        type: number
+                      activeCount:
+                        type: number
+                      inactiveCount:
+                        type: number
+                      upgradeCount:
+                        type: number
+                      download:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            updated:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            latest:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            numInstalls:
+                              type: number
+                            isCompatible:
+                              type: boolean
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            installed:
+                              type: boolean
+                            active:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                            - name
+                            - updated
+                            - latest
+                            - url
+                            - numInstalls
+                            - isCompatible
+                            - id
+                            - installed
+                            - active
+                      incompatible:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            latest:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            updated:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            numInstalls:
+                              type: number
+                            isCompatible:
+                              type: boolean
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            installed:
+                              type: boolean
+                            active:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                            - name
+                            - updated
+                            - latest
+                            - url
+                            - numInstalls
+                            - isCompatible
+                            - id
+                            - installed
+                            - active
+                      trending:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            latest:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            updated:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            numInstalls:
+                              type: number
+                            isCompatible:
+                              type: boolean
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            installed:
+                              type: boolean
+                            active:
+                              type: boolean
+                            isTheme:
+                              type: boolean
+                            error:
+                              type: boolean
+                            version:
+                              type: string
+                            license:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                text:
+                                  type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            outdated:
+                              type: boolean
+                            settingsRoute:
+                              type: string
+                            downloads:
+                              type: number
+                          required:
+                            - latest
+                            - description
+                            - name
+                            - id
+                            - installed
+                            - active
+                            - downloads
+                      submitPluginUsage:
+                        type: number
+                      version:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/extend/widgets.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get widget settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      templates:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            template:
+                              type: string
+                            areas:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  location:
+                                    type: string
+                      areas:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            template:
+                              type: string
+                            location:
+                              type: string
+                            data:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  widget:
+                                    type: string
+                                  data:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      html:
+                                        type: string
+                                      cid:
+                                        type: string
+                                      title:
+                                        type: string
+                                      container:
+                                        type: string
+                                      groups:
+                                        type: array
+                                        items: {}
+                                      groupsHideFrom:
+                                        type: array
+                                        items: {}
+                                      hide-mobile:
+                                        type: string
+                                      numTags:
+                                        type: string
+                                      numUsers:
+                                        type: string
+                                      text:
+                                        type: string
+                                      parseAsPost:
+                                        type: string
+                                      numTopics:
+                                        type: string
+                      availableWidgets:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            widget:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            content:
+                              type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/extend/rewards.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get rewards settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing rewards and their settings"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      active:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            condition:
+                              type: string
+                            conditional:
+                              type: string
+                            value:
+                              type: number
+                            rid:
+                              type: string
+                            claimable:
+                              type: string
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            disabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            rewards:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                additionalProperties: {}
+                                description: Reward-specific properties
+                      conditions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            condition:
+                              type: string
+                      conditionals:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            conditional:
+                              type: string
+                      rewards:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            rid:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            inputs:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  type:
+                                    type: string
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  label:
+                                    type: string
+                                  values:
+                                    type: array
+                                    items:
+                                      type: object
+                                      properties:
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                        value:
+                                          type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/database.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get database information
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object with database status information"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                properties: {}
+                additionalProperties:
+                  type: object
+                  description: Each database configured will have an entry here with information about its runtime status
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/events.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get event log
+      parameters:
+        - in: query
+          name: type
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          description: Event name to filter by
+          example: config-change
+        - in: query
+          name: start
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          description: Start date to filter by
+          example: ''
+        - in: query
+          name: end
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          description: End date to filter by
+          example: ''
+        - in: query
+          name: perPage
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          description: Limit the number of events returned per page
+          example: 20
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing "
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      events:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            type:
+                              type: string
+                          additionalProperties:
+                            description: Each individual event as added by core/plugins can append their own metadata related to the event
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      types:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      query:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          description: An object containing the query string parameters, if any
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/hooks.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get active plugin hooks
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing all hooks with active listeners"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      hooks:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            hookName:
+                              type: string
+                              description: The name of the hook (also the name used in code)
+                            methods:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  id:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: Plugin listening to this hook
+                                  priority:
+                                    type: number
+                                    description: Priority level, lower priorities are executed earlier
+                                  method:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: Stringified method for examination
+                                  index:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: Internal counter used for DOM element ids
+                            index:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Internal counter used for DOM element ids
+                            count:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The number of listeners subscribed to this hook
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/logs.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get server-side log output
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing the server-side log"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      data:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Output of the server-side log file
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/errors.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get server-side errors
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing server-side errors"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      not-found:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Path to the requested URL that returned a 404
+                            score:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The number of times that URL was requested
+                      analytics:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          not-found:
+                            type: array
+                            description: 404 responses groups by day, from 6 days ago, to present day
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                          toobusy:
+                            type: array
+                            description: 503 responses groups by day, from 6 days ago, to present day
+                            items:
+                              type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/errors/export.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Export errors (.csv)
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A CSV file containing server-side errors"
+          content:
+            text/csv:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/admin/advanced/cache.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get system cache info
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      postCache:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          length:
+                            type: number
+                          max:
+                            type: number
+                            nullable: true
+                          itemCount:
+                            type: number
+                          percentFull:
+                            type: number
+                          avgPostSize:
+                            type: number
+                          hits:
+                            type: string
+                          misses:
+                            type: string
+                          hitRatio:
+                            type: string
+                      groupCache:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          length:
+                            type: number
+                          max:
+                            type: number
+                          itemCount:
+                            type: number
+                          percentFull:
+                            type: number
+                          hits:
+                            type: string
+                          misses:
+                            type: string
+                          hitRatio:
+                            type: string
+                      localCache:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          length:
+                            type: number
+                          max:
+                            type: number
+                          itemCount:
+                            type: number
+                          percentFull:
+                            type: number
+                          dump:
+                            type: boolean
+                          hits:
+                            type: string
+                          misses:
+                            type: string
+                          hitRatio:
+                            type: string
+                      objectCache:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          length:
+                            type: number
+                          max:
+                            type: number
+                          itemCount:
+                            type: number
+                          percentFull:
+                            type: number
+                          hits:
+                            type: string
+                          misses:
+                            type: string
+                          hitRatio:
+                            type: string
+                    required:
+                      - postCache
+                      - groupCache
+                      - localCache
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/development/logger.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get system logger settings
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/development/info.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get process/system information
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing process and system information"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      info:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            process:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  description: An array containing the port numbers configured to be used by NodeBB processes
+                                  oneOf:
+                                    - type: array
+                                      items:
+                                        oneOf:
+                                          - type: string
+                                          - type: number
+                                    - type: string
+                                    - type: number
+                                pid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: Process id
+                                title:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: Executable
+                                version:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: NodeBB version
+                                memoryUsage:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    rss:
+                                      type: number
+                                    heapTotal:
+                                      type: number
+                                    heapUsed:
+                                      type: number
+                                    external:
+                                      type: number
+                                    arrayBuffers:
+                                      type: number
+                                    humanReadable:
+                                      type: number
+                                  required:
+                                    - rss
+                                    - heapTotal
+                                    - heapUsed
+                                    - external
+                                    - humanReadable
+                                uptime:
+                                  type: number
+                                cpuUsage:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    user:
+                                      type: string
+                                    system:
+                                      type: string
+                            os:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                hostname:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                platform:
+                                  type: string
+                                arch:
+                                  type: string
+                                release:
+                                  type: string
+                                load:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: CPU load
+                            nodebb:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                isPrimary:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                isCluster:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runJobs:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                jobsDisabled:
+                                  type: boolean
+                            git:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                hash:
+                                  type: string
+                                hashShort:
+                                  type: string
+                                branch:
+                                  type: string
+                            stats:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                onlineGuestCount:
+                                  type: number
+                                onlineRegisteredCount:
+                                  type: number
+                                socketCount:
+                                  type: number
+                                users:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    categories:
+                                      type: number
+                                    recent:
+                                      type: number
+                                    unread:
+                                      type: number
+                                    topics:
+                                      type: number
+                                    category:
+                                      type: number
+                                topics:
+                                  type: array
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                      infoJSON:
+                        type: string
+                        description: "`info`, but stringified"
+                      host:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Server hostname
+                      port:
+                        description: An array containing the port numbers configured to be used by NodeBB processes
+                        oneOf:
+                          - type: array
+                            items:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: string
+                                - type: number
+                          - type: string
+                          - type: number
+                      nodeCount:
+                        type: number
+                        description: The number of NodeBB application processes currently running
+                      timeout:
+                        type: number
+                      ip:
+                        type: string
+                      loggedIn:
+                        type: boolean
+                      relative_path:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/admin/users/csv.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get users export (.csv)
+      parameters:
+        - in: header
+          name: referer
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          required: true
+          example: /admin/manage/users
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A CSV file containing all registered users"
+          content:
+            text/csv:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/admin/groups/csv.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get members of a group (.csv)
+      parameters:
+        - in: header
+          name: referer
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          required: true
+          example: /admin/manage/groups
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A CSV file containing all users in the group"
+          content:
+            text/csv:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/admin/analytics.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get site analytics
+      parameters:
+        - in: query
+          name: units
+          schema:
+            type: string
+            enum: [hours, days]
+          description: Whether to display dashboard data segmented daily or hourly
+          example: days
+        - in: query
+          name: until
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          description: A UNIX timestamp denoting the end of the analytics reporting period
+          example: ''
+        - in: query
+          name: count
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          description: The number of entries to return (e.g. if `units` is `hourly`, and `count` is `24`, the result set will contain 24 hours' worth of analytics)
+          example: 20
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing analytics data"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  query:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      description: The query string passed in
+                  result:
+                    type: object
+                    properties:
+                      uniquevisitors:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      pageviews:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      pageviews:registered:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      pageviews:bot:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      pageviews:guest:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
-    $ref: 'api/admin/category/uploadpicture.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Update category picture (via image upload)
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                cid:
+                  type: number
+                  description: Category identifier whose picture will be set after successful upload
+                  example: 1
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - cid
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadfavicon.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload favicon
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadTouchIcon.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload Touch Icon
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded logo for the Homescreen/Touch Icon to enable PWA
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadMaskableIcon.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload Maskable Icon
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded logo for the Maskable Icon entry for PWA / A2HS
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadlogo.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload site logo
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadOgImage.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload site-wide Open Graph Image
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/admin/upload/file.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload a file
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                folder:
+                  type: string
+                  description: The folder to upload the files to (relative to `public/uploads/`)
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "File uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded file for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/admin/uploadDefaultAvatar.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Upload default avatar
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
-    $ref: 'api/config.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - home
+      summary: Get forum settings
+      description: This route retrieves forum settings and user-specific settings for client-side options on the forum.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  relative_path:
+                    type: string
+                  upload_url:
+                    type: string
+                  assetBaseUrl:
+                    type: string
+                  siteTitle:
+                    type: string
+                  browserTitle:
+                    type: string
+                  titleLayout:
+                    type: string
+                  showSiteTitle:
+                    type: boolean
+                  minimumTitleLength:
+                    type: number
+                  maximumTitleLength:
+                    type: number
+                  minimumPostLength:
+                    type: number
+                  maximumPostLength:
+                    type: number
+                  minimumTagsPerTopic:
+                    type: number
+                  maximumTagsPerTopic:
+                    type: number
+                  minimumTagLength:
+                    type: number
+                  maximumTagLength:
+                    type: number
+                  useOutgoingLinksPage:
+                    type: boolean
+                  allowGuestHandles:
+                    type: boolean
+                  allowTopicsThumbnail:
+                    type: boolean
+                  usePagination:
+                    type: boolean
+                  disableChat:
+                    type: boolean
+                  disableChatMessageEditing:
+                    type: boolean
+                  maximumChatMessageLength:
+                    type: number
+                  socketioTransports:
+                    type: array
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                  socketioOrigins:
+                    type: string
+                  websocketAddress:
+                    type: string
+                  maxReconnectionAttempts:
+                    type: number
+                  reconnectionDelay:
+                    type: number
+                  topicsPerPage:
+                    type: number
+                  postsPerPage:
+                    type: number
+                  maximumFileSize:
+                    type: number
+                  theme:id:
+                    type: string
+                  theme:src:
+                    type: string
+                  defaultLang:
+                    type: string
+                  userLang:
+                    type: string
+                  loggedIn:
+                    type: boolean
+                  uid:
+                    type: number
+                    description: A user identifier
+                  cache-buster:
+                    type: string
+                  requireEmailConfirmation:
+                    type: boolean
+                  topicPostSort:
+                    type: string
+                  categoryTopicSort:
+                    type: string
+                  csrf_token:
+                    type: string
+                  searchEnabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  bootswatchSkin:
+                    type: string
+                  enablePostHistory:
+                    type: boolean
+                  timeagoCutoff:
+                    type: number
+                  timeagoCodes:
+                    type: array
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                  cookies:
+                    type: object
+                    properties:
+                      enabled:
+                        type: boolean
+                      message:
+                        type: string
+                      dismiss:
+                        type: string
+                      link:
+                        type: string
+                      link_url:
+                        type: string
+                  acpLang:
+                    type: string
+                  openOutgoingLinksInNewTab:
+                    type: boolean
+                  topicSearchEnabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  hideSubCategories:
+                    type: boolean
+                  hideCategoryLastPost:
+                    type: boolean
+                  enableQuickReply:
+                    type: boolean
-    $ref: 'api/users.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get users
+      parameters:
+        - in: query
+          name: section
+          schema:
+            type: string
+            enum: ['joindate', 'online', 'sort-posts', 'sort-reputation', 'banned', 'flagged']
+          required: false
+          description: Allows filtering of the user list via pre-defined sections
+          example: 'joindate'
+        - in: query
+          name: term
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          required: false
+          description: Allows for searching of user list
+          example: ''
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                            userslug:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                removed, etc.)
+                            picture:
+                              nullable: true
+                              type: string
+                            status:
+                              type: string
+                            postcount:
+                              type: number
+                            reputation:
+                              type: number
+                            email:confirmed:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
+                            lastonline:
+                              type: number
+                            flags:
+                              nullable: true
+                            banned:
+                              type: number
+                            banned:expire:
+                              type: number
+                            joindate:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
+                                created
+                            icon:text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                avatar
+                            icon:bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
+                                for the user's auto-generated icon
+                              example: "#f44336"
+                            joindateISO:
+                              type: string
+                            lastonlineISO:
+                              type: string
+                            banned_until:
+                              type: number
+                            banned_until_readable:
+                              type: string
+                      userCount:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      isAdminOrGlobalMod:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isAdmin:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isGlobalMod:
+                        type: boolean
+                      displayUserSearch:
+                        type: boolean
+                      section_joindate:
+                        type: boolean
+                      maximumInvites:
+                        type: number
+                      inviteOnly:
+                        type: boolean
+                      adminInviteOnly:
+                        type: boolean
+                      invites:
+                        type: number
+                      showInviteButton:
+                        type: boolean
+                      reputation:disabled:
+                        type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/uid.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user by uid
+      description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
+      parameters:
+        - name: uid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-    $ref: 'api/user/username.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user by username
+      description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
+      parameters:
+        - name: username
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-    $ref: 'api/user/email.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user by email
+      description: This route retrieves a user's public profile data. If the calling user is the same as the profile, then it will also return data the user elected to hide (e.g. email/fullname)
+      parameters:
+        - name: email
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 'test@example.org'
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
-    $ref: 'api/user/uid/export/posts.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Export a user's posts (.csv)
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A CSV file containing a user's posts"
+          content:
+            text/csv:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/user/uid/export/uploads.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Export a user's uploads (.zip)
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: Successful export of user uploads
+          content:
+            application/zip:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/user/uid/export/profile.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Export a user's profile data (.json)
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON file containing the user profile"
+          content:
+            text/json:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                format: binary
-    $ref: 'api/post/pid.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Get post data
+      parameters:
+        - name: id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing post data"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  uid:
+                    type: number
+                  tid:
+                    type: number
+                  timestamp:
+                    type: number
+                  content:
+                    type: string
+                  pid:
+                    type: number
+                  downvotes:
+                    type: number
+                  upvotes:
+                    type: number
+                  bookmarks:
+                    type: number
+                  deleted:
+                    type: number
+                  deleterUid:
+                    type: number
+                  edited:
+                    type: number
+                  votes:
+                    type: number
+                  timestampISO:
+                    type: string
+                  editedISO:
+                    type: string
+                  upvoted:
+                    type: boolean
+                  downvoted:
+                    type: boolean
+                  flagId:
+                    type: number
+                    description: The flag identifier, if this particular post has been flagged before
+                  replies:
+                    type: number
-    $ref: 'api/topic/tid.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Get topic data
+      parameters:
+        - name: id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing topic data"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  tid:
+                    type: number
+                  uid:
+                    type: number
+                  cid:
+                    type: number
+                  mainPid:
+                    type: number
+                  teaserPid:
+                    type: number
+                    nullable: true
+                  title:
+                    type: string
+                  slug:
+                    type: string
+                  timestamp:
+                    type: number
+                  lastposttime:
+                    type: number
+                  postcount:
+                    type: number
+                  viewcount:
+                    type: number
+                  deleted:
+                    type: number
+                  locked:
+                    type: number
+                  pinned:
+                    type: number
+                  upvotes:
+                    type: number
+                  downvotes:
+                    type: number
+                  deleterUid:
+                    type: number
+                  titleRaw:
+                    type: string
+                  timestampISO:
+                    type: string
+                  lastposttimeISO:
+                    type: string
+                  votes:
+                    type: number
-    $ref: 'api/category/cid.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Get category data
+      parameters:
+        - name: id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing category data"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  cid:
+                    type: number
+                  name:
+                    type: number
+                  description:
+                    type: string
+                  descriptionParsed:
+                    type: string
+                  icon:
+                    type: string
+                  bgColor:
+                    type: string
+                  color:
+                    type: string
+                  slug:
+                    type: string
+                  parentCid:
+                    type: number
+                  topic_count:
+                    type: number
+                  post_count:
+                    type: number
+                  disabled:
+                    type: number
+                  order:
+                    type: number
+                  link:
+                    type: string
+                  numRecentReplies:
+                    type: number
+                  class:
+                    type: string
+                  imageClass:
+                    type: string
+                  isSection:
+                    type: number
+                  totalPostCount:
+                    type: number
+                  totalTopicCount:
+                    type: number
+                  minTags:
+                    type: number
+                  maxTags:
+                    type: number
-    $ref: 'api/categories.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - categories
+      summary: Get a list of categories
+      description: >
+        This route retrieve the list of categories currently available to the
+        accessing user. It doesn't necessarily mean that the user can *enter*
+        the category, as that is a separate privilege. Specifically, this route
+        will return all categories that grant the calling user the "Find
+        Category" privilege.
+        Subcategories are also returned, nested under a category's `children` property.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: A list of category objectscurrently available to the accessing user
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        description: The page title
+                        type: string
+                      categories:
+                        description: A collection of category data objects
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          allOf:
+                            - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                            - type: object
+                              properties:
+                                tagWhitelist:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                unread-class:
+                                  type: string
+                                children:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    allOf:
+                                      - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                      - type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          tagWhitelist:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              type: string
+                                          unread-class:
+                                            type: string
+                                          children:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                          parent:
+                                            allOf:
+                                              - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                                              - type: object
+                                                properties:
+                                                  tagWhitelist:
+                                                    type: array
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                  unread-class:
+                                                    type: string
+                                          posts:
+                                            type: array
+                                            items:
+                                              type: object
+                                              properties:
+                                                pid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                timestamp:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                content:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                timestampISO:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                                user:
+                                                  type: object
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    uid:
+                                                      type: number
+                                                      description: A user identifier
+                                                    username:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                                    userslug:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                                        removed, etc.)
+                                                    picture:
+                                                      nullable: true
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    icon:text:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                                        auto-generated icon given to
+                                                        users without an avatar
+                                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                                        value is used in conjunction
+                                                        with `icon:text` for the user's
+                                                        auto-generated icon
+                                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                                index:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                cid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                  description: A category identifier
+                                                parentCid:
+                                                  type: number
+                                                  description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                                    ancestor of the current category
+                                                topic:
+                                                  type: object
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    slug:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    title:
+                                                      type: string
+                                          imageClass:
+                                            type: string
+                                          timesClicked:
+                                            type: number
+                                posts:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      pid:
+                                        type: number
+                                      timestamp:
+                                        type: number
+                                      content:
+                                        type: string
+                                      timestampISO:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                      user:
+                                        type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          uid:
+                                            type: number
+                                            description: A user identifier
+                                          username:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                          userslug:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                              removed, etc.)
+                                          picture:
+                                            nullable: true
+                                            type: string
+                                          icon:text:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                              auto-generated icon given to users
+                                              without an avatar
+                                          icon:bgColor:
+                                            type: string
+                                            description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                              value is used in conjunction with
+                                              `icon:text` for the user's
+                                              auto-generated icon
+                                            example: "#f44336"
+                                      index:
+                                        type: number
+                                      cid:
+                                        type: number
+                                        description: A category identifier
+                                      parentCid:
+                                        type: number
+                                        description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                          ancestor of the current category
+                                      topic:
+                                        type: object
+                                        properties:
+                                          slug:
+                                            type: string
+                                          title:
+                                            type: string
+                                teaser:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    url:
+                                      type: string
+                                    timestampISO:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                    pid:
+                                      type: number
+                                    topic:
+                                      type: object
+                                      properties:
+                                        slug:
+                                          type: string
+                                        title:
+                                          type: string
+                                imageClass:
+                                  type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/categories/moderators.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - categories
+      summary: Get mods for a category
+      description: >
+        This route returns an array of uids that correspond to the moderators
+        for the category in question.
+      parameters:
+        - name: cid
+          description: The category identifier for the category you wish to look up
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: An array of moderators for the requested category
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  moderators:
+                    type: array
+              example:
+                moderators:
+                  - 1
+                  - 2
+                  - 3
-    $ref: 'api/topic.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get topic data
+      parameters:
+        - name: topic_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+        - name: slug
+          description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will be automatically redirected with the proper topic slug.
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: test-topic
+        - name: post_index
+          description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will presume that you want the first post. The API response is largely unaffected by this parameter, it is used client-side (to send the user to the requested post), and changes the meta/link tags in the server-side generated HTML.
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      tid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: A topic identifier
+                      uid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: A user identifier
+                      cid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: A category identifier
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      slug:
+                        type: string
+                      timestamp:
+                        type: number
+                      lastposttime:
+                        type: number
+                      postcount:
+                        type: number
+                      viewcount:
+                        type: number
+                      posterCount:
+                        type: number
+                        description: The number of unique users who made a post in this topic
+                      mainPid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
+                          "original post")
+                      teaserPid:
+                        type: number
+                        nullable: true
+                      upvotes:
+                        type: number
+                      downvotes:
+                        type: number
+                      deleted:
+                        type: number
+                      locked:
+                        type: number
+                      pinned:
+                        type: number
+                        description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
+                          category
+                      deleterUid:
+                        type: number
+                      titleRaw:
+                        type: string
+                      timestampISO:
+                        type: string
+                        description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                      lastposttimeISO:
+                        type: string
+                      votes:
+                        type: number
+                      tags:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            valueEscaped:
+                              type: string
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            score:
+                              type: number
+                      posts:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            pid:
+                              type: number
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            tid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A topic identifier
+                            content:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            votes:
+                              type: number
+                            deleted:
+                              type: number
+                            upvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            downvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            bookmarks:
+                              type: number
+                            deleterUid:
+                              type: number
+                            edited:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                            editedISO:
+                              type: string
+                            index:
+                              type: number
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                reputation:
+                                  type: number
+                                postcount:
+                                  type: number
+                                topiccount:
+                                  type: number
+                                picture:
+                                  type: string
+                                  nullable: true
+                                signature:
+                                  type: string
+                                banned:
+                                  type: number
+                                banned:expire:
+                                  type: number
+                                status:
+                                  type: string
+                                lastonline:
+                                  type: number
+                                groupTitle:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                groupTitleArray:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                                lastonlineISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                banned_until:
+                                  type: number
+                                banned_until_readable:
+                                  type: string
+                                selectedGroups:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      slug:
+                                        type: string
+                                      labelColor:
+                                        type: string
+                                      textColor:
+                                        type: string
+                                      icon:
+                                        type: string
+                                      userTitle:
+                                        type: string
+                                custom_profile_info:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      content:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: HTML that is injected into `topic.tpl` of themes that support custom profile info
+                            editor:
+                              nullable: true
+                            bookmarked:
+                              type: boolean
+                            upvoted:
+                              type: boolean
+                            downvoted:
+                              type: boolean
+                            replies:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                hasMore:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                users:
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    type: object
+                                    properties:
+                                      username:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                      userslug:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                          removed, etc.)
+                                      picture:
+                                        type: string
+                                      uid:
+                                        type: number
+                                        description: A user identifier
+                                      icon:text:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                          auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                          an avatar
+                                      icon:bgColor:
+                                        type: string
+                                        description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                          value is used in conjunction with
+                                          `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                          icon
+                                        example: "#f44336"
+                                      administrator:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                text:
+                                  type: string
+                                count:
+                                  type: number
+                            selfPost:
+                              type: boolean
+                            display_edit_tools:
+                              type: boolean
+                            display_delete_tools:
+                              type: boolean
+                            display_moderator_tools:
+                              type: boolean
+                            display_move_tools:
+                              type: boolean
+                            display_post_menu:
+                              type: boolean
+                            flagId:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The flag identifier, if this particular post has been flagged before
+                      category:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                      tagWhitelist:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                      minTags:
+                        type: number
+                      maxTags:
+                        type: number
+                      thread_tools:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            class:
+                              type: string
+                            title:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      isFollowing:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isNotFollowing:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isIgnoring:
+                        type: boolean
+                      bookmark:
+                        nullable: true
+                      postSharing:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            class:
+                              type: string
+                            activated:
+                              type: boolean
+                      deleter:
+                        nullable: true
+                      merger:
+                        nullable: true
+                      related:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      unreplied:
+                        type: boolean
+                      icons:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                          description: HTML that is rendered by the theme
+                      privileges:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          topics:reply:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topics:read:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topics:tag:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topics:delete:
+                            type: boolean
+                          posts:edit:
+                            type: boolean
+                          posts:history:
+                            type: boolean
+                          posts:delete:
+                            type: boolean
+                          posts:view_deleted:
+                            type: boolean
+                          read:
+                            type: boolean
+                          purge:
+                            type: boolean
+                          view_thread_tools:
+                            type: boolean
+                          editable:
+                            type: boolean
+                          deletable:
+                            type: boolean
+                          view_deleted:
+                            type: boolean
+                          isAdminOrMod:
+                            type: boolean
+                          disabled:
+                            type: number
+                          tid:
+                            type: string
+                          uid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A user identifier
+                      topicStaleDays:
+                        type: number
+                      reputation:disabled:
+                        type: number
+                      downvote:disabled:
+                        type: number
+                      feeds:disableRSS:
+                        type: number
+                      bookmarkThreshold:
+                        type: number
+                      necroThreshold:
+                        type: number
+                      postEditDuration:
+                        type: number
+                      postDeleteDuration:
+                        type: number
+                      scrollToMyPost:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowMultipleBadges:
+                        type: boolean
+                      privateUploads:
+                        type: boolean
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      postIndex:
+                        type: number
+                      loggedInUser:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/recent.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get recent topics
+      description: Returns a list of topics sorted by timestamp.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: An array of topic objects sorted by timestamp.
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      topicCount:
+                        type: number
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      tids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      canPost:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showSelect:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showTopicTools:
+                        type: boolean
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      allCategoriesUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      selectedCategory:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          bgColor:
+                            type: string
+                        nullable: true
+                      selectedCids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      feeds:disableRSS:
+                        type: number
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      filters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedFilter:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          filter:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                      terms:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            term:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedTerm:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          term:
+                            type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/recent/posts.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - posts
+      summary: Get recent posts
+      parameters:
+        - name: term
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: daily
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-    $ref: 'api/unread.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get unread topics
+      description: Returns a list of the current user's unread topics, sorted by the
+        last post's timestamp.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: An array of unread topic objects sorted by the last post's timestamp.
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      showSelect:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showTopicTools:
+                        type: boolean
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            tid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A topic identifier
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            mainPid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
+                                "original post")
+                            title:
+                              type: string
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            lastposttime:
+                              type: number
+                            postcount:
+                              type: number
+                            viewcount:
+                              type: number
+                            teaserPid:
+                              type: number
+                            upvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            downvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            deleted:
+                              type: number
+                            locked:
+                              type: number
+                            pinned:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
+                                category
+                            titleRaw:
+                              type: string
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                            lastposttimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            votes:
+                              type: number
+                            category:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                cid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A category identifier
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                slug:
+                                  type: string
+                                icon:
+                                  type: string
+                                image:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                imageClass:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                color:
+                                  type: string
+                                disabled:
+                                  type: number
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                fullname:
+                                  type: string
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                reputation:
+                                  type: number
+                                postcount:
+                                  type: number
+                                picture:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                signature:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                banned:
+                                  type: number
+                                status:
+                                  type: string
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                                banned_until_readable:
+                                  type: string
+                            teaser:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                pid:
+                                  type: number
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                timestamp:
+                                  type: number
+                                tid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A topic identifier
+                                content:
+                                  type: string
+                                timestampISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                user:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    username:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                    userslug:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                        removed, etc.)
+                                    picture:
+                                      nullable: true
+                                      type: string
+                                    icon:text:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                        auto-generated icon given to users
+                                        without an avatar
+                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                        value is used in conjunction with
+                                        `icon:text` for the user's
+                                        auto-generated icon
+                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                index:
+                                  type: number
+                            tags:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  value:
+                                    type: string
+                                  valueEscaped:
+                                    type: string
+                                  color:
+                                    type: string
+                                  bgColor:
+                                    type: string
+                                  score:
+                                    type: number
+                            isOwner:
+                              type: boolean
+                            ignored:
+                              type: boolean
+                            unread:
+                              type: boolean
+                            bookmark:
+                              nullable: true
+                            unreplied:
+                              type: boolean
+                            icons:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                            index:
+                              type: number
+                            isQuestion:
+                              nullable: true
+                      topicCount:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      pageCount:
+                        type: number
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      allCategoriesUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      selectedCids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      filters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedFilter:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          filter:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/unread/total.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get number of unread topics
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Success"
+          content:
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: number
-    $ref: 'api/topic/teaser.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get a topic's teaser post
+      parameters:
+        - name: topic_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing the teaser post for a topic"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
-    $ref: 'api/topic/pagination.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get topic pagination data
+      description: This route retrieves pagination data for a given topic. It is used mainly client-side, as it return data necessary to update a pagination block client-side.
+      parameters:
+        - name: topic_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
-    $ref: 'api/post/upload.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - posts
+      summary: Upload a file to a specific post
+      description: Provided by NodeBB core and used mainly by the composer, this route allows you to upload an image or file to a post.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: object
+                  properties:
+                    name:
+                      type: string
+                    url:
+                      type: string
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: object
+                  properties:
+                    name:
+                      type: string
+                    url:
+                      type: string
+        "403":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                example: Forbidden
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                example: Forbidden
+        "500":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  path:
+                    type: string
+                  error:
+                    type: string
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  path:
+                    type: string
+                  error:
+                    type: string
-    $ref: 'api/topic/thumb/upload.yaml'
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Upload topic thumb
+      requestBody:
+        required: true
+        content:
+          multipart/form-data:
+            schema:
+              type: object
+              properties:
+                files:
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+                    format: binary
+              required:
+                - files
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Image uploaded"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                    description: The filename
+                  url:
+                    type: string
+                    description: URL of the uploaded image for use client-side
+                  path:
+                    type: string
+                    description: Path to the file in the local file system
-    $ref: 'api/login.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - authentication
+      summary: /api/login
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      loginFormEntry:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            label:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A label for the added block
+                            html:
+                              type: string
+                              description: HTML to render on the login page
+                            styleName:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Custom identifier (value is added to `input[id]` and `label[for]`)
+                      alternate_logins:
+                        type: boolean
+                      authentication:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            callbackURL:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            scope:
+                              type: string
+                            prompt:
+                              type: string
+                      allowRegistration:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowLoginWith:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      allowPasswordReset:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowLocalLogin:
+                        type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/register.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - authentication
+      summary: /api/register
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      register_window:spansize:
+                        type: string
+                      alternate_logins:
+                        type: boolean
+                      authentication:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            callbackURL:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            scope:
+                              type: string
+                            prompt:
+                              type: string
+                      minimumUsernameLength:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumUsernameLength:
+                        type: number
+                      minimumPasswordLength:
+                        type: number
+                      minimumPasswordStrength:
+                        type: number
+                      regFormEntry:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            label:
+                              type: string
+                            html:
+                              type: string
+                            styleName:
+                              type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
+  # /api/register/complete:
+  #   get:
+  #     tags:
+  #       - authentication
+  #     summary: /api/register/complete
+  #     responses:
+  #       "200":
+  #         description: ""
+  #         content:
+  #           application/json:
+  #             schema:
+  #               allOf:
+  #                 - type: object
+  #                   properties:
+  #                     title:
+  #                       type: string
+  #                     errors:
+  #                       type: array
+  #                       items: {}
+  #                     sections:
+  #                       type: array
+  #                       items:
+  #                         type: string
+  #                 - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/search.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - search
+      summary: Get search results
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      matchCount:
+                        type: number
+                      pageCount:
+                        type: number
+                      time:
+                        type: string
+                      multiplePages:
+                        type: boolean
+                      search_query:
+                        type: string
+                      term:
+                        type: string
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: string
+                                - type: number
+                            text:
+                              type: string
+                      categoriesCount:
+                        type: number
+                      expandSearch:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showAsPosts:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showAsTopics:
+                        type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      searchDefaultSortBy:
+                        type: string
+                      privileges:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          search:users:
+                            type: boolean
+                          search:content:
+                            type: boolean
+                          search:tags:
+                            type: boolean
+                    required:
+                      - posts
+                      - matchCount
+                      - pageCount
+                      - time
+                      - multiplePages
+                      - search_query
+                      - categories
+                      - categoriesCount
+                      - expandSearch
+                      - showAsPosts
+                      - showAsTopics
+                      - title
+                      - searchDefaultSortBy
+                      - permissions
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/reset.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - authentication
+      summary: Get user password reset (step 1)
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing the 1st step of the user password reset flow"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      code:
+                        type: string
+                        nullable: true
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/reset.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - authentication
+      summary: Get user password reset (step 2)
+      parameters:
+        - name: code
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: testCode
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "A JSON object containing the 2nd step of the user password reset flow"
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      valid:
+                        type: boolean
+                      code:
+                        type: string
+                      minimumPasswordLength:
+                        type: number
+                      minimumPasswordStrength:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/email/unsubscribe.yaml'
+    # TODO: Need GET route here as well
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - emails
+      summary: Unsubscribe user from email type
+      parameters:
+        - name: token
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: testToken
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Successfully unsubscribed"
+        "500":
+          description: "Server-side error (likely token verification failure)"
-    $ref: 'api/post.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access a specific post
+      description: This route comes in handy when all you have is the `pid`, and you want to redirect users to the canonical URL for the topic, with the appropriate topic slug and post index.
+      parameters:
+        - name: pid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Canonical URL of topic"
+          content:
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: string
-    $ref: 'api/flags.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - flags
+      summary: Get flags list
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      flags:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            state:
+                              type: string
+                            heat:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The number of reports that make up this flag
+                            flagId:
+                              type: number
+                            type:
+                              type: string
+                            targetId:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: string
+                                - type: number
+                            targetUid:
+                              type: number
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            labelClass:
+                              type: string
+                            target_readable:
+                              type: string
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            assignee:
+                              type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                      analytics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      categories:
+                        type: object
+                        properties: {}
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          type: string
+                          description: All categories will be listed here, with the `cid` as the key, and the category name as the value
+                      hasFilter:
+                        type: boolean
+                      filters:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          page:
+                            type: number
+                          perPage:
+                            type: number
+                      sort:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/flags.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - flags
+      summary: /api/flags/{flagId}
+      parameters:
+        - name: flagId
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      state:
+                        type: string
+                      flagId:
+                        type: number
+                      type:
+                        type: string
+                      targetId:
+                        type: number
+                      targetUid:
+                        type: number
+                      datetime:
+                        type: number
+                      datetimeISO:
+                        type: string
+                      target_readable:
+                        type: string
+                      target:
+                        type: object
+                        properties: {}
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          description: Properties change depending on the target type (user, post, etc.)
+                      assignee:
+                        type: number
+                        nullable: true
+                      history:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            fields:
+                              type: object
+                              additionalProperties: {}
+                            meta:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  value:
+                                    type: string
+                                  labelClass:
+                                    type: string
+                                    enum: ['default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'danger']
+                                required:
+                                  - key
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                          required:
+                            - uid
+                            - datetime
+                            - datetimeISO
+                            - user
+                      notes:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                            content:
+                              type: string
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  type: string
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                      reports:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                            reporter:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                reputation:
+                                  type: number
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                    avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with `icon:text` for
+                                    the user's auto-generated icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                      type_path:
+                        type: string
+                      assignees:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
+                      type_bool:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          post:
+                            type: boolean
+                          user:
+                            type: boolean
+                          empty:
+                            type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      categories:
+                        type: object
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          type: string
+                      filters:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          page:
+                            type: number
+                          perPage:
+                            type: number
+                      privileges:
+                        type: object
+                        properties: {}
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          description: "A list of global and admin privileges, and whether the calling user has (or has inherited) them"
+                          type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/post-queue.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get flag data
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      allCategories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            disabled:
+                              type: number
+                            disabledClass:
+                              type: boolean
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            link:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                      posts:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          allOf:
+                            - type: object
+                              properties:
+                                id:
+                                  type: string
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                data:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    title:
+                                      type: string
+                                    content:
+                                      type: string
+                                    thumb:
+                                      type: string
+                                    cid:
+                                      oneOf:
+                                        - type: number
+                                        - type: string
+                                    tags:
+                                      type: array
+                                      items: {}
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    req:
+                                      type: object
+                                      properties:
+                                        uid:
+                                          type: number
+                                          description: A user identifier
+                                        ip:
+                                          type: string
+                                        host:
+                                          type: string
+                                        protocol:
+                                          type: string
+                                        secure:
+                                          type: boolean
+                                        url:
+                                          type: string
+                                        path:
+                                          type: string
+                                        headers:
+                                          type: object
+                                          properties:
+                                            x-real-ip:
+                                              type: string
+                                            x-forwarded-for:
+                                              type: string
+                                            x-forwarded-proto:
+                                              type: string
+                                            host:
+                                              type: string
+                                            x-nginx-proxy:
+                                              type: string
+                                            connection:
+                                              type: string
+                                            accept:
+                                              type: string
+                                            user-agent:
+                                              type: string
+                                            sec-fetch-site:
+                                              type: string
+                                            sec-fetch-mode:
+                                              type: string
+                                            referer:
+                                              type: string
+                                            accept-encoding:
+                                              type: string
+                                            accept-language:
+                                              type: string
+                                            cookie:
+                                              type: string
+                                    timestamp:
+                                      type: number
+                                    fromQueue:
+                                      type: boolean
+                                    timestampISO:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                    rawContent:
+                                      type: string
+                                    tid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A topic identifier
+                                    toPid:
+                                      nullable: true
+                                user:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    username:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                    userslug:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                        removed, etc.)
+                                    picture:
+                                      nullable: true
+                                      type: string
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    icon:text:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                        auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                        an avatar
+                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                        value is used in conjunction with
+                                        `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                        icon
+                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                topic:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    cid:
+                                      type: number
+                                    title:
+                                      type: string
+                                    titleRaw:
+                                      type: string
+                            - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/ip-blacklist.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get IP blacklist settings
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Copy response from corresponding admin route"
-    $ref: 'api/registration-queue.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - admin
+      summary: Get registration queue
+      responses:
+        "418":
+          description: "TODO: A proper response needs to be added. It is not really a teapot | Copy response from corresponding admin route"
-    $ref: 'api/tags.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - tags
+      summary: Get tags
+      description: Returns a list of tags sorted by the most topics
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      tags:
+                        type: array
+                        description: An array of tags sorted by the most topics
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                              description: The raw tag
+                            score:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Number of topics tagged by this tag
+                            valueEscaped:
+                              type: string
+                              description: This is the escaped tag value, equal to validator.escape(value)
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                      displayTagSearch:
+                        type: boolean
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/tags.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - tags
+      summary: Get tag data
+      description: Returns a list of topics that are tagged with {tag}
+      parameters:
+        - name: tag
+          description: The tag used to retrieve the topics
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: test
+        - name: page
+          description: Page number used in pagination
+          in: query
+          required: false
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          example: ''
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        description: An array of topics that are all tagged with {tag}
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            tid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A topic identifier
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            mainPid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the
+                                "original post")
+                            title:
+                              type: string
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            lastposttime:
+                              type: number
+                            postcount:
+                              type: number
+                            viewcount:
+                              type: number
+                            teaserPid:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: number
+                                - type: string
+                            deleted:
+                              type: number
+                            locked:
+                              type: number
+                            pinned:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the
+                                category
+                            upvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            downvotes:
+                              type: number
+                            titleRaw:
+                              type: string
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                            lastposttimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            votes:
+                              type: number
+                            category:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                cid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A category identifier
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                slug:
+                                  type: string
+                                icon:
+                                  type: string
+                                image:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                imageClass:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                color:
+                                  type: string
+                                disabled:
+                                  type: number
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                reputation:
+                                  type: number
+                                postcount:
+                                  type: number
+                                picture:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                signature:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                banned:
+                                  type: number
+                                status:
+                                  type: string
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                                banned_until_readable:
+                                  type: string
+                                fullname:
+                                  type: string
+                            teaser:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                pid:
+                                  type: number
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                timestamp:
+                                  type: number
+                                tid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A topic identifier
+                                content:
+                                  type: string
+                                timestampISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                user:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    username:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                    userslug:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                        removed, etc.)
+                                    picture:
+                                      nullable: true
+                                      type: string
+                                    icon:text:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                        auto-generated icon given to users
+                                        without an avatar
+                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                        value is used in conjunction with
+                                        `icon:text` for the user's
+                                        auto-generated icon
+                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                index:
+                                  type: number
+                            tags:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  value:
+                                    type: string
+                                  valueEscaped:
+                                    type: string
+                                  color:
+                                    type: string
+                                  bgColor:
+                                    type: string
+                                  score:
+                                    type: number
+                            isOwner:
+                              type: boolean
+                            ignored:
+                              type: boolean
+                            unread:
+                              type: boolean
+                            bookmark:
+                              nullable: true
+                            unreplied:
+                              type: boolean
+                            icons:
+                              type: array
+                              items: {}
+                            index:
+                              type: number
+                            thumb:
+                              type: string
+                            isQuestion:
+                              nullable: true
+                              type: number
+                            isSolved:
+                              type: number
+                      tag:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                    required:
+                      - topics
+                      - tag
+                      - title
+                      - categories
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/popular.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get popular topics
+      description: Returns a list of topics sorted by most replies. In an event of a
+        tie breaker, the topic with the most views. Can be filtered by All Time,
+        Day, Week, or Month.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: An array of topic objects sorted by most replies and views.
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      topicCount:
+                        type: number
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      tids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      canPost:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showSelect:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showTopicTools:
+                        type: boolean
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      allCategoriesUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      selectedCategory:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          bgColor:
+                            type: string
+                        nullable: true
+                      selectedCids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      feeds:disableRSS:
+                        type: number
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      filters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedFilter:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          filter:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                      terms:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            term:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedTerm:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          term:
+                            type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/top.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - topics
+      summary: Get top topics
+      description: Returns a list of topics sorted by most upvotes.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: An array of topic objects sorted by most upvotes.
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      topicCount:
+                        type: number
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      tids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      canPost:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showSelect:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showTopicTools:
+                        type: boolean
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      allCategoriesUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      selectedCategory:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          cid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A category identifier
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                          parentCid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                              ancestor of the current category
+                          color:
+                            type: string
+                          bgColor:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                        nullable: true
+                      selectedCids:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: number
+                      feeds:disableRSS:
+                        type: number
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      filters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedFilter:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          filter:
+                            type: string
+                          icon:
+                            type: string
+                      terms:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                            term:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedTerm:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          url:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                          term:
+                            type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/category.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - categories
+      summary: Get a single category
+      description: This route retrieves a single category's data, along with its children and the topics created inside of the category.
+      parameters:
+        - name: category_id
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+        - name: slug
+          description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will be automatically redirected with the proper category slug.
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: test
+        - name: topic_index
+          description: This parameter is not required. If omitted, the request will presume that you want the first post. The API response is largely unaffected by this parameter, it is used client-side (to send the user to the requested post), and changes the meta/link tags in the server-side generated HTML.
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      tagWhitelist:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                      unread-class:
+                        type: string
+                      children:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/CategoryObject.yaml#/CategoryObject
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      isWatched:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isNotWatched:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isIgnored:
+                        type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      privileges:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          topics:create:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topics:read:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topics:tag:
+                            type: boolean
+                          read:
+                            type: boolean
+                          cid:
+                            type: string
+                          uid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A user identifier
+                          editable:
+                            type: boolean
+                          view_deleted:
+                            type: boolean
+                          isAdminOrMod:
+                            type: boolean
+                      showSelect:
+                        type: boolean
+                      showTopicTools:
+                        type: boolean
+                      topicIndex:
+                        type: number
+                      rssFeedUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      feeds:disableRSS:
+                        type: number
+                      reputation:disabled:
+                        type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/self.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access your profile data
+      description: This shorthand returns the data for the logged in user, identical to the data returned at this route /user/<userslug>
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
-    $ref: 'api/me.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access your own profile page
+      description: >-
+        This shorthand is useful if you want to link to account profile, but do not want (or have) the `userslug`. It is also especially useful as a
+        means to instruct users on how to do things, as you can easily redirect them to their own profile pages.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Canonical URL to your requested profile page"
-    $ref: 'api/me.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access your own profile's sub-pages
+      description: >-
+        This shorthand is useful if you want to link to pages in your own account profile, but do not want (or have) the `userslug`. It is also especially useful as a
+        means to instruct users on how to do things, as you can easily redirect them to their own profile pages.
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Canonical URL to your requested profile page"
-    $ref: 'api/uid.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access a user's profile pages
+      description: >-
+        This particular shorthand is useful if you are looking to redirect to a user's profile (or other associated pages), but do not know or want to retrieve their userslug,
+        which is part of the canonical url.
+        For example, to go to `uid` 15's list of topics made, you can navigate to `/api/uid/15/topics`, which will send you to the appropriate canonical URL for that user's topics.
+      parameters:
+        - name: uid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Canonical URL of user profile page"
-    $ref: 'api/user.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user profile
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      latestPosts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      bestPosts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      hasPrivateChat:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      allowCoverPicture:
+                        type: boolean
+                      selectedGroup:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            createtime:
+                              type: number
+                            userTitle:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            memberCount:
+                              type: number
+                            deleted:
+                              type: string
+                            hidden:
+                              type: number
+                            system:
+                              type: number
+                            private:
+                              type: number
+                            ownerUid:
+                              type: number
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            labelColor:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:position:
+                              type: string
+                            userTitleEnabled:
+                              type: number
+                            disableJoinRequests:
+                              type: number
+                            disableLeave:
+                              type: number
+                            nameEncoded:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                            textColor:
+                              type: string
+                            createtimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:thumb:url:
+                              type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/following.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get followed users
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+        - name: page
+          in: query
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          example: ''
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                            userslug:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                removed, etc.)
+                            picture:
+                              nullable: true
+                              type: string
+                            status:
+                              type: string
+                            postcount:
+                              type: number
+                            reputation:
+                              type: number
+                            email:confirmed:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
+                            lastonline:
+                              type: number
+                            flags:
+                              nullable: true
+                            banned:
+                              type: number
+                            banned:expire:
+                              type: number
+                            joindate:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
+                                created
+                            icon:text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                avatar
+                            icon:bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
+                                for the user's auto-generated icon
+                              example: "#f44336"
+                            joindateISO:
+                              type: string
+                            lastonlineISO:
+                              type: string
+                            banned_until:
+                              type: number
+                            banned_until_readable:
+                              type: string
+                            administrator:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/followers.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get followers
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+        - name: page
+          in: query
+          schema:
+            type: number
+          example: ''
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                            userslug:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                removed, etc.)
+                            picture:
+                              nullable: true
+                              type: string
+                            status:
+                              type: string
+                            postcount:
+                              type: number
+                            reputation:
+                              type: number
+                            email:confirmed:
+                              type: number
+                              description: Whether the user has confirmed their email address or not
+                            lastonline:
+                              type: number
+                            flags:
+                              nullable: true
+                            banned:
+                              type: number
+                            banned:expire:
+                              type: number
+                            joindate:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A UNIX timestamp representing the moment the user's account was
+                                created
+                            icon:text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                avatar
+                            icon:bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
+                                for the user's auto-generated icon
+                              example: "#f44336"
+                            joindateISO:
+                              type: string
+                            lastonlineISO:
+                              type: string
+                            banned_until:
+                              type: number
+                            banned_until_readable:
+                              type: string
+                            administrator:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/categories.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's watched categories
+      description: This route retrieves the list of categories and their watch states
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      categories:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            cid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A category identifier
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            level:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            parentCid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate
+                                ancestor of the current category
+                            color:
+                              type: string
+                            bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                            descriptionParsed:
+                              type: string
+                            depth:
+                              type: number
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            isIgnored:
+                              type: boolean
+                            isWatched:
+                              type: boolean
+                            isNotWatched:
+                              type: boolean
+                            imageClass:
+                              type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/posts.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get a user's posts
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/topics.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get a user's topics
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/best.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get a user's best performing topics
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/groups.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's groups
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      template:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          account/groups:
+                            type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/bookmarks.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's bookmarks
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/watched.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's watched topics
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObject
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      aboutmeParsed:
+                        type: string
+                      age:
+                        type: number
+                      emailClass:
+                        type: string
+                      ips:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                      isBlocked:
+                        type: boolean
+                      blocksCount:
+                        type: number
+                      yourid:
+                        type: number
+                      theirid:
+                        type: number
+                      isTargetAdmin:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isAdmin:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isGlobalModerator:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isModerator:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isAdminOrGlobalModerator:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isAdminOrGlobalModeratorOrModerator:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isSelfOrAdminOrGlobalModerator:
+                        type: boolean
+                      canEdit:
+                        type: boolean
+                      canBan:
+                        type: boolean
+                      canChangePassword:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isSelf:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isFollowing:
+                        type: boolean
+                      hasPrivateChat:
+                        type: number
+                      showHidden:
+                        type: boolean
+                      groups:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            createtime:
+                              type: number
+                            userTitle:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            memberCount:
+                              type: number
+                            deleted:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: string
+                                - type: number
+                            hidden:
+                              type: number
+                            system:
+                              type: number
+                            private:
+                              type: number
+                            ownerUid:
+                              type: number
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            labelColor:
+                              type: string
+                            userTitleEnabled:
+                              type: number
+                            disableJoinRequests:
+                              type: number
+                            disableLeave:
+                              type: number
+                            nameEncoded:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                            textColor:
+                              type: string
+                            createtimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:thumb:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:position:
+                              type: string
+                      disableSignatures:
+                        type: boolean
+                      reputation:disabled:
+                        type: boolean
+                      downvote:disabled:
+                        type: boolean
+                      profile_links:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            id:
+                              type: string
+                            route:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            visibility:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                self:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                other:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                moderator:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                globalMod:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                admin:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                canViewInfo:
+                                  type: boolean
+                            public:
+                              type: boolean
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      sso:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            associated:
+                              type: boolean
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            deauthUrl:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                      websiteLink:
+                        type: string
+                      websiteName:
+                        type: string
+                      moderationNote:
+                        type: string
+                      username:disableEdit:
+                        type: boolean
+                      email:disableEdit:
+                        type: boolean
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/ignored.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's ignored topics
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      topics:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/TopicObject.yaml#/TopicObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/upvoted.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's upvoted posts
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Translation key for message notifying user that there were no posts found
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                    required:
+                      - posts
+                      - nextStart
+                      - noItemsFoundKey
+                      - title
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/downvoted.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's downvoted posts
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      noItemsFoundKey:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Translation key for message notifying user that there were no posts found
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      showSort:
+                        type: boolean
+                      sortOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                    required:
+                      - posts
+                      - nextStart
+                      - noItemsFoundKey
+                      - title
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/edit.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user profile for editing
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      maximumSignatureLength:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumAboutMeLength:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumProfileImageSize:
+                        type: number
+                      allowProfilePicture:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowCoverPicture:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowProfileImageUploads:
+                        type: number
+                      allowedProfileImageExtensios:
+                        type: string
+                      allowMultipleBadges:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowAccountDelete:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowWebsite:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowAboutMe:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowSignature:
+                        type: boolean
+                      profileImageDimension:
+                        type: number
+                      defaultAvatar:
+                        type: string
+                      groupSelectSize:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      editButtons:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            link:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A relative path to the page linked to
+                            text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: Button label
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/edit/username.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get configs for username editing
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      hasPassword:
+                        type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/edit/email.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get configs for email editing
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      hasPassword:
+                        type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/edit/password.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get configs for password editing
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      hasPassword:
+                        type: boolean
+                      minimumPasswordLength:
+                        type: number
+                      minimumPasswordStrength:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/info.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user moderation info
+      description: Administrators and Global Moderators get access to the `/info` page, which shows some backend data that is useful from a moderation point-of-view (such as IP addresses, recent bans, moderation history, etc).
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      history:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          flags:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                pid:
+                                  type: number
+                                timestamp:
+                                  type: number
+                                timestampISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                timestampReadable:
+                                  type: string
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                description: Contextual data is added to this object (such as topic data, etc.)
+                          bans:
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                timestamp:
+                                  type: number
+                                expire:
+                                  type: number
+                                fromUid:
+                                  type: number
+                                user:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    username:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                    userslug:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                        removed, etc.)
+                                    picture:
+                                      type: string
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    icon:text:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                        auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                        an avatar
+                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                        value is used in conjunction with
+                                        `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                        icon
+                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                until:
+                                  type: number
+                                untilReadable:
+                                  type: string
+                                timestampReadable:
+                                  type: string
+                                timestampISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                reason:
+                                  type: string
+                      sessions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            ip:
+                              type: string
+                            uuid:
+                              type: string
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            platform:
+                              type: string
+                            browser:
+                              type: string
+                            version:
+                              type: string
+                            current:
+                              type: boolean
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                      usernames:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                      emails:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                      moderationNotes:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                            note:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  type: string
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/settings.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's settings
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      settings:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          showemail:
+                            type: boolean
+                          usePagination:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topicsPerPage:
+                            type: number
+                          postsPerPage:
+                            type: number
+                          topicPostSort:
+                            type: string
+                          openOutgoingLinksInNewTab:
+                            type: boolean
+                          dailyDigestFreq:
+                            type: string
+                          showfullname:
+                            type: boolean
+                          followTopicsOnCreate:
+                            type: boolean
+                          followTopicsOnReply:
+                            type: boolean
+                          restrictChat:
+                            type: boolean
+                          topicSearchEnabled:
+                            type: boolean
+                          categoryTopicSort:
+                            type: string
+                          userLang:
+                            type: string
+                          bootswatchSkin:
+                            type: string
+                          homePageRoute:
+                            type: string
+                          scrollToMyPost:
+                            type: boolean
+                          notificationType_new-chat:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_new-reply:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_post-edit:
+                            type: string
+                          sendChatNotifications:
+                            nullable: true
+                          sendPostNotifications:
+                            nullable: true
+                          notificationType_upvote:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_new-topic:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_follow:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_group-invite:
+                            type: string
+                          upvoteNotifFreq:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_mention:
+                            type: string
+                          acpLang:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_new-register:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_post-queue:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_new-post-flag:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_new-user-flag:
+                            type: string
+                          categoryWatchState:
+                            type: string
+                          notificationType_group-request-membership:
+                            type: string
+                          uid:
+                            type: number
+                            description: A user identifier
+                        required:
+                          - showemail
+                          - usePagination
+                          - topicsPerPage
+                          - postsPerPage
+                          - topicPostSort
+                          - openOutgoingLinksInNewTab
+                          - dailyDigestFreq
+                          - showfullname
+                          - followTopicsOnCreate
+                          - followTopicsOnReply
+                          - restrictChat
+                          - topicSearchEnabled
+                          - categoryTopicSort
+                          - userLang
+                          - bootswatchSkin
+                          - homePageRoute
+                          - scrollToMyPost
+                          - notificationType_new-chat
+                          - notificationType_new-reply
+                          - notificationType_upvote
+                          - notificationType_new-topic
+                          - notificationType_follow
+                          - notificationType_group-invite
+                          - upvoteNotifFreq
+                          - acpLang
+                          - notificationType_new-register
+                          - notificationType_post-queue
+                          - notificationType_new-post-flag
+                          - notificationType_new-user-flag
+                          - categoryWatchState
+                          - notificationType_group-request-membership
+                          - uid
+                      languages:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            code:
+                              type: string
+                            dir:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      acpLanguages:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            code:
+                              type: string
+                            dir:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      customSettings:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties: {}
+                          additionalProperties: {}
+                      homePageRoutes:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            route:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      notificationSettings:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            label:
+                              type: string
+                            none:
+                              type: boolean
+                            notification:
+                              type: boolean
+                            email:
+                              type: boolean
+                            notificationemail:
+                              type: boolean
+                      disableEmailSubscriptions:
+                        type: number
+                      dailyDigestFreqOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      bootswatchSkinOptions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      upvoteNotifFreq:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                      categoryWatchState:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          watching:
+                            type: boolean
+                      disableCustomUserSkins:
+                        type: number
+                      allowUserHomePage:
+                        type: number
+                      hideFullname:
+                        type: number
+                      hideEmail:
+                        type: number
+                      inTopicSearchAvailable:
+                        type: boolean
+                      maxTopicsPerPage:
+                        type: number
+                      maxPostsPerPage:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/uploads.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's uploads
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      uploads:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            url:
+                              type: string
+                      privateUploads:
+                        type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/consent.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's GDPR consent settings
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      gdpr_consent:
+                        type: boolean
+                      digest:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          frequency:
+                            type: string
+                          enabled:
+                            type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/blocks.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's blocks
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectSlim
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/sessions.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get user's active sessions
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/UserObject.yaml#/UserObjectFull
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      sessions:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            ip:
+                              type: string
+                            uuid:
+                              type: string
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            platform:
+                              type: string
+                            browser:
+                              type: string
+                            version:
+                              type: string
+                            current:
+                              type: boolean
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/session.yaml'
+    delete:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Revoke a user session
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+        - name: uuid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: testuuid
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: User session revoked
-    $ref: 'api/notifications.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - notifications
+      summary: Get notifications
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      notifications:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            bodyShort:
+                              type: string
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            nid:
+                              type: string
+                            from:
+                              type: number
+                            importance:
+                              type: number
+                            datetime:
+                              type: number
+                            datetimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  type: string
+                                  nullable: true
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                            image:
+                              type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            read:
+                              type: boolean
+                            readClass:
+                              type: string
+                      filters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          additionalProperties: {}
+                      regularFilters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                            selected:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                            - name
+                            - filter
+                      moderatorFilters:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            filter:
+                              type: string
+                      selectedFilter:
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          name:
+                            type: string
+                          filter:
+                            type: string
+                          selected:
+                            type: boolean
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/user/chats.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - users
+      summary: Get chat room
+      parameters:
+        - name: userslug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: admin
+        - name: roomid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      owner:
+                        type: number
+                      roomId:
+                        type: number
+                      roomName:
+                        type: string
+                      messages:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            content:
+                              type: string
+                            timestamp:
+                              type: number
+                            fromuid:
+                              type: number
+                            roomId:
+                              type: string
+                            deleted:
+                              type: boolean
+                            system:
+                              type: boolean
+                            edited:
+                              type: number
+                            timestampISO:
+                              type: string
+                              description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                            editedISO:
+                              type: string
+                            messageId:
+                              type: number
+                            fromUser:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  type: string
+                                  nullable: true
+                                status:
+                                  type: string
+                                banned:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                                banned_until_readable:
+                                  type: string
+                                deleted:
+                                  type: boolean
+                            self:
+                              type: number
+                            newSet:
+                              type: boolean
+                            index:
+                              type: number
+                            cleanedContent:
+                              type: string
+                            isOwner:
+                              type: boolean
+                      isOwner:
+                        type: boolean
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            uid:
+                              type: number
+                              description: A user identifier
+                            username:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                            picture:
+                              type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            status:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:text:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                auto-generated icon given to users without an
+                                avatar
+                            icon:bgColor:
+                              type: string
+                              description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                value is used in conjunction with `icon:text`
+                                for the user's auto-generated icon
+                              example: "#f44336"
+                            isOwner:
+                              type: boolean
+                      canReply:
+                        type: boolean
+                      groupChat:
+                        type: boolean
+                      usernames:
+                        type: string
+                      maximumUsersInChatRoom:
+                        type: number
+                      maximumChatMessageLength:
+                        type: number
+                      showUserInput:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isAdminOrGlobalMod:
+                        type: boolean
+                      rooms:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            owner:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: number
+                                - type: string
+                            roomId:
+                              type: number
+                            roomName:
+                              type: string
+                            users:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  uid:
+                                    type: number
+                                    description: A user identifier
+                                  username:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                  userslug:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                      removed, etc.)
+                                  picture:
+                                    nullable: true
+                                    type: string
+                                  status:
+                                    type: string
+                                  lastonline:
+                                    type: number
+                                  icon:text:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                      auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                      an avatar
+                                  icon:bgColor:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                      value is used in conjunction with
+                                      `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                      icon
+                                    example: "#f44336"
+                                  lastonlineISO:
+                                    type: string
+                            groupChat:
+                              type: boolean
+                            unread:
+                              type: boolean
+                            teaser:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                fromuid:
+                                  type: number
+                                content:
+                                  type: string
+                                timestamp:
+                                  type: number
+                                timestampISO:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`)
+                                user:
+                                  type: object
+                                  properties:
+                                    uid:
+                                      type: number
+                                      description: A user identifier
+                                    username:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                    userslug:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                        removed, etc.)
+                                    picture:
+                                      nullable: true
+                                      type: string
+                                    status:
+                                      type: string
+                                    lastonline:
+                                      type: number
+                                    icon:text:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                        auto-generated icon given to users
+                                        without an avatar
+                                    icon:bgColor:
+                                      type: string
+                                      description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                        value is used in conjunction with
+                                        `icon:text` for the user's
+                                        auto-generated icon
+                                      example: "#f44336"
+                                    lastonlineISO:
+                                      type: string
+                              nullable: true
+                            lastUser:
+                              type: object
+                              properties:
+                                uid:
+                                  type: number
+                                  description: A user identifier
+                                username:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                userslug:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                    removed, etc.)
+                                picture:
+                                  nullable: true
+                                  type: string
+                                status:
+                                  type: string
+                                lastonline:
+                                  type: number
+                                icon:text:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                    auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                    an avatar
+                                icon:bgColor:
+                                  type: string
+                                  description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                    value is used in conjunction with
+                                    `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                    icon
+                                  example: "#f44336"
+                                lastonlineISO:
+                                  type: string
+                            usernames:
+                              type: string
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      uid:
+                        type: number
+                        description: A user identifier
+                      userslug:
+                        type: string
+                        description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                          removed, etc.)
+                      canViewInfo:
+                        type: boolean
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/chats.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - shorthand
+      summary: Access a chat room
+      description: Redirects a request to the proper chat page URL
+      parameters:
+        - name: roomid
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: 1
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: "Chat identifier resolved"
+          content:
+            text/plain:
+              schema:
+                type: string
+                description: A relative path to the canonical URL for that chat page
-    $ref: 'api/groups.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - groups
+      summary: Get user groups
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      groups:
+                        type: array
+                        items:
+                          type: object
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            description:
+                              type: string
+                            deleted:
+                              oneOf:
+                                - type: number
+                                - type: string
+                            hidden:
+                              type: number
+                            system:
+                              type: number
+                            userTitle:
+                              type: string
+                            icon:
+                              type: string
+                            labelColor:
+                              type: string
+                            createtime:
+                              type: number
+                            slug:
+                              type: string
+                            memberCount:
+                              type: number
+                            private:
+                              type: number
+                            userTitleEnabled:
+                              type: number
+                            disableJoinRequests:
+                              type: number
+                            disableLeave:
+                              type: number
+                            nameEncoded:
+                              type: string
+                            displayName:
+                              type: string
+                            textColor:
+                              type: string
+                            createtimeISO:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:thumb:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:url:
+                              type: string
+                            cover:position:
+                              type: string
+                            members:
+                              type: array
+                              items:
+                                type: object
+                                properties:
+                                  uid:
+                                    type: number
+                                    description: A user identifier
+                                  username:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A friendly name for a given user account
+                                  picture:
+                                    nullable: true
+                                    type: string
+                                  userslug:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces
+                                      removed, etc.)
+                                  icon:text:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the
+                                      auto-generated icon given to users without
+                                      an avatar
+                                  icon:bgColor:
+                                    type: string
+                                    description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This
+                                      value is used in conjunction with
+                                      `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated
+                                      icon
+                                    example: "#f44336"
+                            truncated:
+                              type: boolean
+                            ownerUid:
+                              type: number
+                      allowGroupCreation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      nextStart:
+                        type: number
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/groups.yaml'
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - groups
+      summary: Get user group details
+      parameters:
+        - name: slug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: administrators
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      title:
+                        type: string
+                      group:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/GroupObject.yaml#/GroupFullObject
+                      posts:
+                        $ref: components/schemas/PostsObject.yaml#/PostsObject
+                      isAdmin:
+                        type: boolean
+                      isGlobalMod:
+                        type: boolean
+                      allowPrivateGroups:
+                        type: number
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps
-    $ref: 'api/groups/members.yaml'
\ No newline at end of file
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - groups
+      summary: Get user group members
+      parameters:
+        - name: slug
+          in: path
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+          example: administrators
+      responses:
+        "200":
+          description: ""
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                allOf:
+                  - type: object
+                    properties:
+                      users:
+                        type: array
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs
+                  - $ref: components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps