diff --git a/public/src/modules/settings.js b/public/src/modules/settings.js
index 177a685137..af330fc598 100644
--- a/public/src/modules/settings.js
+++ b/public/src/modules/settings.js
@@ -13,79 +13,6 @@ define(function () {
waitingJobs = 0,
- /*
- * Attributes of HTML-tags that get used by default plugins:
- * + data-key: the key to save/load the value within configuration-object
- * + data-type: highest priority type-definition to determine what kind of element it is or which plugin to hook
- * + type: normal priority type-definition
- * + data-empty: if 'false' or '0' then values that are assumed as empty turn into null. data-empty of arrays affect
- * their child-elements
- * + data-trim: if not 'false' or '0' then values will get trimmed as defined by the elements type
- * + data-split: if set and the element doesn't belong to any plugin, it's value will get split and joined by its
- * value into the input-field
- * array-elements:
- * + data-split: separator (HTML allowed) between the elements, defaults to ', '
- * + data-new: value to insert into new created elements
- * + data-attributes: an object to set the attributes of the child HTML-elements. tagName as special key will set
- * the tag-name of the child HTML-elements
- * key-fields:
- * + data-trim: if 'false' or '0' then the value will get saved as string else as object providing following
- * properties: ctrl, alt, shift, meta, code, char
- * + data-split: separator between different modifiers and the key-code of the value that gets saved
- * (only takes effect if trimming)
- * + data-short: if not 'false' or '0' then modifier-keys get saved as first uppercase character
- * (only takes effect if trimming)
- * select:
- * + data-options: an array of {"text":"Displayed Text","value":"some_value"}-like objects
- *
- * The name of the HTML-tag is lowest priority type-definition
- *
- * Examples-HTML:
- No!
- Yes!
- An array of checkboxes that are selected by default:
- A simple input-field of any common type:
- A simple textarea:
- Array of textareas:
- 2D-Array of numbers that persist even when empty (but not empty rows):
- Same with persisting empty rows, but not empty numbers, if no row is given null will get saved:
- Array of Key-shortcuts (new: Ctrl+Shift+7):
- Array of numbers (new: 42, step: 21):
- Select with dynamic options:
- Select that loads faster:
- *
- * Matching configuration:
- {
- cfg1: false,
- cfg2: true,
- cfg3: [false, false, true],
- cfg4: 'hello world',
- cfg5: 'some\nlong\ntext',
- cfg6: ['some\nlong\ntexts', 'and another one'],
- cfg7: [[]],
- cfg8: [[]],
- cfg9: [],
- cfg10: [],
- cfg11: 3,
- cfg12: 2
- }
- */
Returns the hook of given name that matches the given type or element.
@param type The type of the element to get the matching hook for, or the element itself.
@@ -404,26 +331,6 @@ define(function () {
Registers a new plugin and calls its use-hook.
- A plugin is an object containing a types-property to define its default bindings.
- A plugin may also provide the following properties of type function with [return-value] (parameters):
- use [void] - gets called when the Settings initializes the plugin.
- init [void] (element) - gets called on page-load and every time after the create-hook.
- ; element: The element to initialize.
- create [JQuery-Object] (type, tagName, data) - gets called when a new HTML-instance needs to get created.
- ; type: A string that identifies the plugin itself within this Settings-instance if set as data-type.
- ; tagName: The tag-name that gets requested.
- ; data: Additional data, plugin-dependent meaning.
- destruct [void] (element) - gets called after a HTML-instance got removed from DOM
- ; element: The element that got removed.
- set [void] (element, value, trim) - gets called when the value of the element should be set to the given value.
- ; element: The element to set its value.
- ; value: The value to set.
- ; trim: Whether the value is considered as trimmed.
- get [value] (element, trim, empty) - gets called when the value of the given instance is needed.
- ; element: The element to get its value.
- ; trim: Whether the result should be trimmed.
- ; empty: Whether considered as empty values should get saved too.
- All passed elements are JQuery-Objects.
@param service The plugin to register.
@param types The types to bind the plugin to.
diff --git a/src/settings.js b/src/settings.js
index a8d8594658..b18635d4ff 100644
--- a/src/settings.js
+++ b/src/settings.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function trim(obj1, obj2) {
function mergeSettings(cfg, defCfg) {
if (typeof cfg._settings !== typeof defCfg || typeof defCfg !== 'object') {
- return cfg._settings = defCfg;
+ cfg._settings = defCfg;
} else {
expandObjBy(cfg._settings, defCfg);
trim(cfg._settings, defCfg);
@@ -103,22 +103,6 @@ Settings.prototype.persist = function (callback) {
return this;
- Persists the settings if no settings are saved.
- @param callback Gets called when done.
- */
-Settings.prototype.persistOnEmpty = function (callback) {
- var _this = this;
- meta.settings.get(this.hash, function (err, settings) {
- if (!settings._settings) {
- _this.persist(callback);
- } else if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback.call(_this);
- }
- });
- return this;
Returns the setting of given key or default value if not set.
@param key The key of the setting to return.