@ -9,534 +9,506 @@ var async = require('async'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils.js'),
ALLOWED_DATABASES = ['redis', 'mongo', 'level'],
install = {
questions: [{
name: 'base_url',
description: 'URL of this installation',
'default': nconf.get('base_url') || 'http://localhost',
pattern: /^http(?:s)?:\/\//,
message: 'Base URL must begin with \'http://\' or \'https://\'',
}, {
name: 'port',
description: 'Port number of your NodeBB',
'default': nconf.get('port') || 4567,
pattern: /[0-9]{1,4}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5]/,
message: 'Please enter a value betweeen 1 and 65535'
}, {
name: 'use_port',
description: 'Use a port number to access NodeBB?',
'default': (nconf.get('use_port') !== undefined ? (nconf.get('use_port') ? 'y' : 'n') : 'y'),
pattern: /y[es]*|n[o]?/,
message: 'Please enter \'yes\' or \'no\''
}, {
name: 'secret',
description: 'Please enter a NodeBB secret',
'default': nconf.get('secret') || utils.generateUUID()
}, {
name: 'bind_address',
description: 'IP or Hostname to bind to',
'default': nconf.get('bind_address') || ''
}, {
name: 'database',
description: 'Which database to use',
'default': nconf.get('database') || 'redis'
redisQuestions : [{
name: 'redis:host',
description: 'Host IP or address of your Redis instance',
'default': nconf.get('redis:host') || ''
}, {
name: 'redis:port',
description: 'Host port of your Redis instance',
'default': nconf.get('redis:port') || 6379
}, {
name: 'redis:password',
description: 'Password of your Redis database'
}, {
name: "redis:database",
description: "Which database to use (0..n)",
'default': nconf.get('redis:database') || 0
mongoQuestions : [{
name: 'mongo:host',
description: 'Host IP or address of your MongoDB instance',
'default': nconf.get('mongo:host') || ''
}, {
name: 'mongo:port',
description: 'Host port of your MongoDB instance',
'default': nconf.get('mongo:port') || 27017
}, {
name: 'mongo:username',
description: 'MongoDB username'
}, {
name: 'mongo:password',
description: 'Password of your MongoDB database'
}, {
name: "mongo:database",
description: "Which database to use",
'default': nconf.get('mongo:database') || 0
levelQuestions : [{
name: "level:database",
description: "Enter the path to your Level database",
'default': nconf.get('level:database') || '/var/level/nodebb'
ALLOWED_DATABASES = ['redis', 'mongo', 'level'];
var install = {},
questions = {};
questions.main = [{
name: 'base_url',
description: 'URL of this installation',
'default': nconf.get('base_url') || 'http://localhost',
pattern: /^http(?:s)?:\/\//,
message: 'Base URL must begin with \'http://\' or \'https://\'',
}, {
name: 'port',
description: 'Port number of your NodeBB',
'default': nconf.get('port') || 4567,
pattern: /[0-9]{1,4}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5]/,
message: 'Please enter a value betweeen 1 and 65535'
}, {
name: 'use_port',
description: 'Use a port number to access NodeBB?',
'default': (nconf.get('use_port') !== undefined ? (nconf.get('use_port') ? 'y' : 'n') : 'y'),
pattern: /y[es]*|n[o]?/,
message: 'Please enter \'yes\' or \'no\''
}, {
name: 'secret',
description: 'Please enter a NodeBB secret',
'default': nconf.get('secret') || utils.generateUUID()
}, {
name: 'bind_address',
description: 'IP or Hostname to bind to',
'default': nconf.get('bind_address') || ''
}, {
name: 'database',
description: 'Which database to use',
'default': nconf.get('database') || 'redis'
ALLOWED_DATABASES.forEach(function(db) {
questions[db] = require('./database/' + db).questions;
install.setup = function (callback) {
function (next) {
// Check if the `--setup` flag contained values we can work with
var setupVal;
try {
setupVal = JSON.parse(nconf.get('setup'));
} catch (e) {
setupVal = undefined;
setup: function (callback) {
function (next) {
// Check if the `--setup` flag contained values we can work with
var setupVal;
try {
setupVal = JSON.parse(nconf.get('setup'));
} catch (e) {
setupVal = undefined;
if (setupVal && setupVal instanceof Object) {
if (setupVal['admin:username'] && setupVal['admin:password'] && setupVal['admin:password:confirm'] && setupVal['admin:email']) {
install.values = setupVal;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated setup:');
if (!setupVal['admin:username']) {
winston.error(' admin:username');
if (setupVal && setupVal instanceof Object) {
if (setupVal['admin:username'] && setupVal['admin:password'] && setupVal['admin:password:confirm'] && setupVal['admin:email']) {
install.values = setupVal;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated setup:');
if (!setupVal['admin:username']) {
winston.error(' admin:username');
if (!setupVal['admin:password']) {
winston.error(' admin:password');
if (!setupVal['admin:password:confirm']) {
winston.error(' admin:password:confirm');
if (!setupVal['admin:email']) {
winston.error(' admin:email');
} else {
if (!setupVal['admin:password']) {
winston.error(' admin:password');
function (next) {
// Check if the `--ci` flag contained values we can work with
var ciVals;
try {
ciVals = JSON.parse(nconf.get('ci'));
} catch (e) {
ciVals = undefined;
if (!setupVal['admin:password:confirm']) {
winston.error(' admin:password:confirm');
if (!setupVal['admin:email']) {
winston.error(' admin:email');
if (ciVals && ciVals instanceof Object) {
if (ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
install.ciVals = ciVals;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated CI integration:');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host')) {
winston.error(' host');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port')) {
winston.error(' port');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
winston.error(' database');
} else {
function (next) {
// Check if the `--ci` flag contained values we can work with
var ciVals;
try {
ciVals = JSON.parse(nconf.get('ci'));
} catch (e) {
ciVals = undefined;
} else {
if (ciVals && ciVals instanceof Object) {
if (ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
install.ciVals = ciVals;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated CI integration:');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host')) {
winston.error(' host');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port')) {
winston.error(' port');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
winston.error(' database');
function (next) {
var success = function (err, config, callback) {
if (!config) {
return next(new Error('aborted'));
var database = (config.redis || config.mongo || config.level) ? config.secondary_database : config.database;
var dbQuestionsSuccess = function (err, databaseConfig) {
if (!databaseConfig) {
return next(new Error('aborted'));
} else {
function (next) {
var success = function (err, config, callback) {
if (!config) {
return next(new Error('aborted'));
// Translate redis properties into redis object
if(database === 'redis') {
config.redis = {
host: databaseConfig['redis:host'],
port: databaseConfig['redis:port'],
password: databaseConfig['redis:password'],
database: databaseConfig['redis:database']
if (config.redis.host.slice(0, 1) === '/') {
delete config.redis.port;
} else if (database === 'mongo') {
config.mongo = {
host: databaseConfig['mongo:host'],
port: databaseConfig['mongo:port'],
username: databaseConfig['mongo:username'],
password: databaseConfig['mongo:password'],
database: databaseConfig['mongo:database']
} else if (database === 'level') {
config.level = {
database: databaseConfig['level:database']
} else {
return next(new Error('unknown database : ' + database));
var database = (config.redis || config.mongo || config.level) ? config.secondary_database : config.database;
var allQuestions = install.redisQuestions.concat(install.mongoQuestions.concat(install.levelQuestions));
for(var x=0;x<allQuestions.length;x++) {
delete config[allQuestions[x].name];
var dbQuestionsSuccess = function (err, databaseConfig) {
if (!databaseConfig) {
return next(new Error('aborted'));
callback(err, config);
// Translate redis properties into redis object
if(database === 'redis') {
config.redis = {
host: databaseConfig['redis:host'],
port: databaseConfig['redis:port'],
password: databaseConfig['redis:password'],
database: databaseConfig['redis:database']
// Add CI object
if (install.ciVals) {
config.test_database = {};
for(var prop in install.ciVals) {
if (install.ciVals.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
config.test_database[prop] = install.ciVals[prop];
if (config.redis.host.slice(0, 1) === '/') {
delete config.redis.port;
if(database === 'redis') {
if (config['redis:host'] && config['redis:port']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(install.redisQuestions, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else if(database === 'mongo') {
if (config['mongo:host'] && config['mongo:port']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(install.mongoQuestions, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else if(database === 'level') {
if (config['level:database']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(install.levelQuestions, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else {
return next(new Error('unknown database : ' + database));
// prompt prepends "prompt: " to questions, let's clear that.
prompt.message = '';
prompt.delimiter = '';
if (!install.values) {
prompt.get(install.questions, function(err, config) {
if (nconf.get('advanced')) {
name: 'secondary_database',
description: 'Select secondary database',
'default': nconf.get('secondary_database') || 'none'
}, function(err, dbConfig) {
config.secondary_database = dbConfig.secondary_database;
configureDatabases(err, config);
} else {
configureDatabases(err, config);
} else if (database === 'mongo') {
config.mongo = {
host: databaseConfig['mongo:host'],
port: databaseConfig['mongo:port'],
username: databaseConfig['mongo:username'],
password: databaseConfig['mongo:password'],
database: databaseConfig['mongo:database']
} else if (database === 'level') {
config.level = {
database: databaseConfig['level:database']
} else {
// Use provided values, fall back to defaults
var config = {},
question, x, numQ, allQuestions = install.questions.concat(install.redisQuestions).concat(install.mongoQuestions.concat(install.levelQuestions));
for(x=0,numQ=allQuestions.length;x<numQ;x++) {
question = allQuestions[x];
config[question.name] = install.values[question.name] || question['default'] || '';
return next(new Error('unknown database : ' + database));
var allQuestions = questions.redis.concat(questions.mongo.concat(questions.level));
for(var x=0;x<allQuestions.length;x++) {
delete config[allQuestions[x].name];
callback(err, config);
// Add CI object
if (install.ciVals) {
config.test_database = {};
for(var prop in install.ciVals) {
if (install.ciVals.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
config.test_database[prop] = install.ciVals[prop];
success(null, config, completeConfigSetup);
if(database === 'redis') {
if (config['redis:host'] && config['redis:port']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(questions.redis, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else if(database === 'mongo') {
if (config['mongo:host'] && config['mongo:port']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(questions.mongo, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else if(database === 'level') {
if (config['level:database']) {
dbQuestionsSuccess(null, config);
} else {
prompt.get(questions.level, dbQuestionsSuccess);
} else {
return next(new Error('unknown database : ' + database));
// prompt prepends "prompt: " to questions, let's clear that.
prompt.message = '';
prompt.delimiter = '';
function getSecondaryDatabaseModules(config, next) {
if (!install.values) {
prompt.get(questions.main, function(err, config) {
if (nconf.get('advanced')) {
"name": "secondary_db_modules",
"description": "Which database modules should " + config.secondary_database + " store?",
"default": nconf.get('secondary_db_modules') || "hash, list, sets, sorted"
}, function(err, db) {
config.secondary_db_modules = db.secondary_db_modules;
success(err, config, next);
name: 'secondary_database',
description: 'Select secondary database',
'default': nconf.get('secondary_database') || 'none'
}, function(err, dbConfig) {
config.secondary_database = dbConfig.secondary_database;
configureDatabases(err, config);
} else {
configureDatabases(err, config);
} else {
// Use provided values, fall back to defaults
var config = {},
question, x, numQ, allQuestions = questions.main.concat(questions.redis).concat(questions.mongo.concat(questions.level));
for(x=0,numQ=allQuestions.length;x<numQ;x++) {
question = allQuestions[x];
config[question.name] = install.values[question.name] || question['default'] || '';
function configureDatabases(err, config) {
function(next) {
winston.info('Now configuring ' + config.database + ' database:');
success(err, config, next);
function(config, next) {
winston.info('Now configuring ' + config.secondary_database + ' database:');
if (config.secondary_database && ALLOWED_DATABASES.indexOf(config.secondary_database) !== -1) {
getSecondaryDatabaseModules(config, next);
} else {
next(err, config);
], completeConfigSetup);
success(null, config, completeConfigSetup);
function getSecondaryDatabaseModules(config, next) {
"name": "secondary_db_modules",
"description": "Which database modules should " + config.secondary_database + " store?",
"default": nconf.get('secondary_db_modules') || "hash, list, sets, sorted"
}, function(err, db) {
config.secondary_db_modules = db.secondary_db_modules;
success(err, config, next);
function configureDatabases(err, config) {
function(next) {
winston.info('Now configuring ' + config.database + ' database:');
success(err, config, next);
function(config, next) {
winston.info('Now configuring ' + config.secondary_database + ' database:');
if (config.secondary_database && ALLOWED_DATABASES.indexOf(config.secondary_database) !== -1) {
getSecondaryDatabaseModules(config, next);
} else {
next(err, config);
], completeConfigSetup);
function completeConfigSetup(err, config) {
config.bcrypt_rounds = 12;
config.upload_path = '/public/uploads';
config.use_port = config.use_port.slice(0, 1) === 'y';
function completeConfigSetup(err, config) {
config.bcrypt_rounds = 12;
config.upload_path = '/public/uploads';
config.use_port = config.use_port.slice(0, 1) === 'y';
var urlObject = url.parse(config.base_url),
relative_path = (urlObject.pathname && urlObject.pathname.length > 1) ? urlObject.pathname : '',
host = urlObject.host,
protocol = urlObject.protocol,
server_conf = config;
var urlObject = url.parse(config.base_url),
relative_path = (urlObject.pathname && urlObject.pathname.length > 1) ? urlObject.pathname : '',
host = urlObject.host,
protocol = urlObject.protocol,
server_conf = config;
server_conf.base_url = protocol + '//' + host;
server_conf.relative_path = relative_path;
server_conf.base_url = protocol + '//' + host;
server_conf.relative_path = relative_path;
install.save(server_conf, function(err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
install.save(server_conf, function(err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
function (next) {
// Applying default database configs
winston.info('Populating database with default configs, if not already set...');
var meta = require('./meta');
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/defaults.json'), function (err, defaults) {
async.each(defaults, function (configObj, next) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty(configObj.field, configObj.value, next);
}, function (err) {
if (install.values) {
if (install.values['social:twitter:key'] && install.values['social:twitter:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:twitter:key', install.values['social:twitter:key']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:twitter:secret', install.values['social:twitter:secret']);
function (next) {
// Applying default database configs
winston.info('Populating database with default configs, if not already set...');
var meta = require('./meta');
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/defaults.json'), function (err, defaults) {
async.each(defaults, function (configObj, next) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty(configObj.field, configObj.value, next);
}, function (err) {
if (install.values['social:google:id'] && install.values['social:google:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:google:id', install.values['social:google:id']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:google:secret', install.values['social:google:secret']);
if (install.values['social:facebook:key'] && install.values['social:facebook:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:facebook:app_id', install.values['social:facebook:app_id']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:facebook:secret', install.values['social:facebook:secret']);
function(next) {
var meta = require('./meta');
winston.info('Enabling default theme: Lavender');
type: 'local',
id: 'nodebb-theme-lavender'
}, next);
function (next) {
// Check if an administrator needs to be created
var Groups = require('./groups');
Groups.get('administrators', {}, function (err, groupObj) {
if (!err && groupObj && groupObj.memberCount > 0) {
winston.info('Administrator found, skipping Admin setup');
} else {
function (next) {
// Categories
var Categories = require('./categories');
if (install.values) {
if (install.values['social:twitter:key'] && install.values['social:twitter:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:twitter:key', install.values['social:twitter:key']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:twitter:secret', install.values['social:twitter:secret']);
if (install.values['social:google:id'] && install.values['social:google:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:google:id', install.values['social:google:id']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:google:secret', install.values['social:google:secret']);
if (install.values['social:facebook:key'] && install.values['social:facebook:secret']) {
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:facebook:app_id', install.values['social:facebook:app_id']);
meta.configs.setOnEmpty('social:facebook:secret', install.values['social:facebook:secret']);
function(next) {
var meta = require('./meta');
winston.info('Enabling default theme: Lavender');
type: 'local',
id: 'nodebb-theme-lavender'
}, next);
function (next) {
// Check if an administrator needs to be created
var Groups = require('./groups');
Groups.get('administrators', {}, function (err, groupObj) {
if (!err && groupObj && groupObj.memberCount > 0) {
winston.info('Administrator found, skipping Admin setup');
} else {
function (next) {
// Categories
var Categories = require('./categories');
Categories.getAllCategories(0, function (err, data) {
if (data.categories.length === 0) {
winston.warn('No categories found, populating instance with default categories');
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/categories.json'), function (err, default_categories) {
default_categories = JSON.parse(default_categories);
async.eachSeries(default_categories, function (category, next) {
Categories.create(category, next);
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
} else {
winston.error('Could not set up categories');
} else {
winston.info('Categories OK. Found ' + data.categories.length + ' categories.');
function (next) {
// Default plugins
var Plugins = require('./plugins');
winston.info('Enabling default plugins');
var defaultEnabled = [
'nodebb-plugin-markdown', 'nodebb-plugin-mentions', 'nodebb-widget-essentials'
async.each(defaultEnabled, function (pluginId, next) {
Plugins.isActive(pluginId, function (err, active) {
if (!active) {
Plugins.toggleActive(pluginId, function () {
} else {
Categories.getAllCategories(0, function (err, data) {
if (data.categories.length === 0) {
winston.warn('No categories found, populating instance with default categories');
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/categories.json'), function (err, default_categories) {
default_categories = JSON.parse(default_categories);
async.eachSeries(default_categories, function (category, next) {
Categories.create(category, next);
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
} else {
winston.error('Could not set up categories');
}, next);
function (next) {
var db = require('./database.js');
db.init(function(err) {
if (!err) {
db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'footer', "[{\"widget\":\"html\",\"data\":{\"html\":\"<footer id=\\\"footer\\\" class=\\\"container footer\\\">\\r\\n\\t<div class=\\\"copyright\\\">\\r\\n\\t\\tCopyright © 2014 <a target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\"https://www.nodebb.com\\\">NodeBB Forums</a> | <a target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\"//github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB/graphs/contributors\\\">Contributors</a>\\r\\n\\t</div>\\r\\n</footer>\",\"title\":\"\",\"container\":\"\"}}]", next);
function (next) {
], function (err) {
if (err) {
winston.warn('NodeBB Setup Aborted. ' + err.message);
} else {
winston.info('Categories OK. Found ' + data.categories.length + ' categories.');
createAdmin: function (callback) {
var User = require('./user'),
Groups = require('./groups');
winston.warn('No administrators have been detected, running initial user setup');
var questions = [{
name: 'username',
description: 'Administrator username',
required: true,
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'email',
description: 'Administrator email address',
pattern: /.+@.+/,
required: true
passwordQuestions = [{
name: 'password',
description: 'Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'password:confirm',
description: 'Confirm Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string'
success = function(err, results) {
if (!results) {
return callback(new Error('aborted'));
function (next) {
// Default plugins
var Plugins = require('./plugins');
if (results['password:confirm'] !== results.password) {
winston.warn("Passwords did not match, please try again");
return retryPassword(results);
winston.info('Enabling default plugins');
nconf.set('bcrypt_rounds', 12);
User.create({username: results.username, password: results.password, email: results.email}, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
winston.warn(err.message + ' Please try again.');
return callback(new Error('invalid-values'));
var defaultEnabled = [
'nodebb-plugin-markdown', 'nodebb-plugin-mentions', 'nodebb-widget-essentials'
Groups.join('administrators', uid, callback);
retryPassword = function (originalResults) {
// Ask only the password questions
prompt.get(passwordQuestions, function (err, results) {
if (!results) {
return callback(new Error('aborted'));
async.each(defaultEnabled, function (pluginId, next) {
Plugins.isActive(pluginId, function (err, active) {
if (!active) {
Plugins.toggleActive(pluginId, function () {
} else {
}, next);
function (next) {
var db = require('./database.js');
// Update the original data with newly collected password
originalResults.password = results.password;
originalResults['password:confirm'] = results['password:confirm'];
db.init(function(err) {
if (!err) {
db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'footer', "[{\"widget\":\"html\",\"data\":{\"html\":\"<footer id=\\\"footer\\\" class=\\\"container footer\\\">\\r\\n\\t<div class=\\\"copyright\\\">\\r\\n\\t\\tCopyright © 2014 <a target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\"https://www.nodebb.com\\\">NodeBB Forums</a> | <a target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\"//github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB/graphs/contributors\\\">Contributors</a>\\r\\n\\t</div>\\r\\n</footer>\",\"title\":\"\",\"container\":\"\"}}]", next);
function (next) {
], function (err) {
if (err) {
winston.warn('NodeBB Setup Aborted. ' + err.message);
} else {
// Send back to success to handle
success(err, originalResults);
install.createAdmin = function(callback) {
var User = require('./user'),
Groups = require('./groups');
// Add the password questions
questions = questions.concat(passwordQuestions);
winston.warn('No administrators have been detected, running initial user setup');
if (!install.values) {
prompt.get(questions, success);
} else {
var results = {
username: install.values['admin:username'],
email: install.values['admin:email'],
password: install.values['admin:password'],
'password:confirm': install.values['admin:password:confirm']
success(null, results);
var questions = [{
name: 'username',
description: 'Administrator username',
required: true,
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'email',
description: 'Administrator email address',
pattern: /.+@.+/,
required: true
passwordQuestions = [{
name: 'password',
description: 'Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'password:confirm',
description: 'Confirm Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string'
success = function(err, results) {
if (!results) {
return callback(new Error('aborted'));
save: function (server_conf, callback) {
var serverConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config.json');
if (nconf.get('config')) {
serverConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../', nconf.get('config'));
if (results['password:confirm'] !== results.password) {
winston.warn("Passwords did not match, please try again");
return retryPassword(results);
fs.writeFile(serverConfigPath, JSON.stringify(server_conf, null, 4), function (err) {
nconf.set('bcrypt_rounds', 12);
User.create({username: results.username, password: results.password, email: results.email}, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error saving server configuration! ' + err.message);
return callback(err);
winston.warn(err.message + ' Please try again.');
return callback(new Error('invalid-values'));
winston.info('Configuration Saved OK');
Groups.join('administrators', uid, callback);
retryPassword = function (originalResults) {
// Ask only the password questions
prompt.get(passwordQuestions, function (err, results) {
if (!results) {
return callback(new Error('aborted'));
file: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config.json')
// Update the original data with newly collected password
originalResults.password = results.password;
originalResults['password:confirm'] = results['password:confirm'];
// Send back to success to handle
success(err, originalResults);
// Add the password questions
questions = questions.concat(passwordQuestions);
if (!install.values) {
prompt.get(questions, success);
} else {
var results = {
username: install.values['admin:username'],
email: install.values['admin:email'],
password: install.values['admin:password'],
'password:confirm': install.values['admin:password:confirm']
success(null, results);
install.save = function (server_conf, callback) {
var serverConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config.json');
if (nconf.get('config')) {
serverConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../', nconf.get('config'));
fs.writeFile(serverConfigPath, JSON.stringify(server_conf, null, 4), function (err) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error saving server configuration! ' + err.message);
return callback(err);
winston.info('Configuration Saved OK');
file: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config.json')
module.exports = install;