"alternative_registration":"Altri metodi di registrazione",
"terms_of_use":"Termini di Utilizzo",
"agree_to_terms_of_use":"Accetto i Termini di Utilizzo",
"registration-added-to-queue":"Your registration has been added to the approval queue. You will receive an email when it is accepted by an administrator."
"registration-added-to-queue":"La tua registrazione è stata aggiunta alla coda di moderazione. Riceverai una mail quando verrà accettata da un amministratore."
"ban_account_confirm":"Do you really want to ban this user?",
"unban_account":"Unban Account",
"ban_account":"BAN dell'account",
"ban_account_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler bannare questo utente?",
"unban_account":"Togli il BAN",
"delete_account":"Elimina Account",
"delete_account_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il tuo account? <br /><strong>Questa azione è irreversibile e non potrai recuperare nessun dato</strong><br /><br />Inserisci il tuo username per confermare che vuoi eliminare questo account.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo account? <br /><strong>Questa azione è irreversibile e non potrai recuperare nessun dato</strong><br /><br />",
"fullname":"Nome e Cognome",
"website":"Sito Internet",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"followers":"Da chi è seguito",
"following":"Chi segue",
"aboutme":"About me",
"aboutme":"Su di me",
"birthday":"Data di nascita",
@ -68,21 +68,21 @@
"settings-require-reload":"Alcuni cambiamenti di impostazioni richiedono un ricaricamento. Clicca qui per ricaricare la pagina.",
"has_no_follower":"Questo utente non è seguito da nessuno :(",
"follows_no_one":"Questo utente non segue nessuno :(",
"has_no_posts":"This user hasn't posted anything yet.",
"has_no_topics":"This user hasn't posted any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"This user hasn't watched any topics yet.",
"has_no_posts":"Questo utente non ha ancora scritto niente.",
"has_no_topics":"Questo utente non ha ancora avviato discussioni.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Questo utente non sta osservando discussioni.",
"email_hidden":"Email Nascosta",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Non utilizzare lo scroll infinito per discussioni e messaggi",
"topics_per_page":"Discussioni per Pagina",
"posts_per_page":"Post per Pagina",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notification_sounds":"Riproduci un suono quando si riceve una notifica",
"browsing":"Impostazioni di Navigazione",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Apri i link web in una nuova pagina",
"enable_topic_searching":"Abilita la ricerca negli argomenti",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"topic_search_help":"Se abilitata, la ricerca negli argomenti ignorerà il comportamento predefinito del browser per consentirti di cercare all'interno delle discussioni, anziché soltanto nel contenuto visibile a schermo",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Segui le discussioni a cui hai risposto",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Segui le discussioni che hai iniziato",
"grouptitle":"Seleziona il titolo del gruppo che vorresti vedere",
"agree_to_terms_of_use":"Aš sutinku su vartojimo sąlygomis",
"registration-added-to-queue":"Your registration has been added to the approval queue. You will receive an email when it is accepted by an administrator."
"registration-added-to-queue":"Jūsų registracijos prašymas buvo pridėtas į laukiančiųjų sąrašą. Jūs gausite el.paštu laišką kada administratorius patvirtins jus"
"ban_account_confirm":"Do you really want to ban this user?",
"unban_account":"Unban Account",
"ban_account":"Užblokuoti Paskyrą",
"ban_account_confirm":"Jūs tikrai norite užblokuoti šį vartotoją?",
"unban_account":"Atblokuoti Paskyrą",
"delete_account":"Ištrinti paskyrą",
"delete_account_confirm":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo paskyrą? <br /> <strong> Šis veiksmas yra negrįžtamas, ir jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti jokių duomenų </ strong> <br /> <br /> Įveskite savo vardą, kad patvirtintumėte, jog norite panaikinti šią paskyrą.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrint šią paskyrą? <br /><strong>Šis veiksmas nebesugražinamas ir jūs nebegalėsite atgauti jokių duomenų</strong><br /><br />",
"fullname":"Vardas ir pavardė",
@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
"profile_views":"Profilio peržiūros",
"aboutme":"About me",
"aboutme":"Apie mane",
"birthday":"Gimimo diena",
"profile_update_success":"Profilis sėkmingai atnaujintas!",
"change_picture":"Pakeisti paveikslėlį",
@ -65,24 +65,24 @@
"digest_monthly":"Kas mėnesį",
"send_chat_notifications":"Jeigu gaunama nauja pokalbių žinutė ir aš neprisijungęs, siųsti el. laišką",
"send_post_notifications":"Atsiųsti el. laišką kai parašomi atsakymai į mano prenumeruojamas temas",
"settings-require-reload":"Some setting changes require a reload. Click here to reload the page.",
"settings-require-reload":"Kai kurie nustatymų pakeitimai reikalauja perkrovimo. Spauskite čia kad perkrauti puslapį",
"has_no_follower":"Šis vartotojas neturi jokių sekėjų :(",
"follows_no_one":"Šis vartotojas nieko neseka :(",
"has_no_posts":"This user hasn't posted anything yet.",
"has_no_topics":"This user hasn't posted any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"This user hasn't watched any topics yet.",
"has_no_posts":"Šis vartotojas pakolkas neparašė jokių pranešimų",
"has_no_topics":"Šis vartotojas pakolkas nesukūrė jokių temų",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Šis vartotojas pakolkas nestebėjo jokių temų",
"email_hidden":"El. paštas paslėptas",
"paginate_description":"Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll",
"paginate_description":"Puslapiavimas temų ir pranešimų, vietoj kad naudoti judėjimą su pelytė į viršų ir į apačia",
"topics_per_page":"Temų puslapyje",
"posts_per_page":"Pranešimų puslapyje",
"notification_sounds":"Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notification_sounds":"Paleisti garsą kai jūs gaunate pranešimą",
"browsing":"Naršymo nustatymai",
"open_links_in_new_tab":"Open outgoing links in new tab",
"topic_search_help":"If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Follow topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Follow topics you create",
"grouptitle":"Select the group title you would like to display",
"topic_search_help":"Jeigu įjungtas, temų ieškojimas, nepaisys naršyklės puslapio ieškojimo, ir pradės ieškoti tik toje temoje kuri bus rodoma ekrane",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to":"Sekti tas temas kur atrašai tu",
"follow_topics_you_create":"Sekti tas temas kurias sukuri tu",
"grouptitle":"Pasirinkite grupės pavadinimą kurį norėtumėte kad atvaizduotu",
"registration-added-to-queue":"Your registration has been added to the approval queue. You will receive an email when it is accepted by an administrator."
"registration-added-to-queue":"Din registrering har lagts till i kön. Du kommer att få ett mail när den accepteras av en administratör."
"ban_account_confirm":"Do you really want to ban this user?",
"unban_account":"Unban Account",
"ban_account":"Bannlys konto",
"ban_account_confirm":"Vill du verkligen bannlysa den här användaren?",
"unban_account":"Ta bort bannlysning",
"delete_account":"Ta bort ämne",
"delete_account_confirm":"Är du säker på att du vill radera ditt konto?<br /><strong>Denna åtgärd går inte att ångra och du kommer inte kunna återställa ditt konto</strong><br /><br />Skriv in ditt användarnamn för att bekräfta att du vill radera ditt konto.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta konto? <br /><strong>Detta går ej att ångra - data går förlorad för alltid</strong><br /><br />",
"fullname":"Hela namnet",
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
"settings-require-reload":"Vissa inställningar som ändrades kräver att sidan laddas om. Klicka här för att ladda om sidan.",
"has_no_follower":"Denna användare har inga följare :(",
"follows_no_one":"Denna användare följer ingen :(",
"has_no_posts":"This user hasn't posted anything yet.",
"has_no_topics":"This user hasn't posted any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"This user hasn't watched any topics yet.",
"has_no_posts":"Användaren har inte skrivit några inlägg ännu",
"has_no_topics":"Användaren har inte skrivit några ämnen ännu",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Användaren har inte bevakat några ämnen ännu",
"email_hidden":"Epost dold",
"paginate_description":"Gör så att ämnen och inlägg visas som sidor istället för oändlig skroll",
"agree_to_terms_of_use":"Kullanım Şartlarını kabul ediyorum",
"registration-added-to-queue":"Your registration has been added to the approval queue. You will receive an email when it is accepted by an administrator."
"registration-added-to-queue":"Kayıt olma isteğiniz kabul listesine eklenmiştir. Yönetici tarafından kabul edildiğinizde mail alacaksınız."
"delete_account_confirm":"Hesabınızı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?<br/><strong> Bu işlem geri çevrilemez ve tüm verileriniz sistemden silinecek.</strong><br/><br/> Eğer hesabınızı silmek istiyorsanız lütfen kullanıcı isminizi girerek işlemi onaylayın.",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_this_account_confirm":"Bu hesabı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? <br /><strong>Bu işlem geri döndürülemez ve hiç bir veriyi kurtaramazsınız</strong><br /><br />",
"fullname":"Tam Ad",
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
"settings-require-reload":"Bazı ayar değişiklikleri sayfayı tekrar yüklemenizi gerektirir. Buraya tıklayarak sayfayı tekrar yükleyebilirsiniz.",
"has_no_follower":"Bu kullanıcının hiç takipçisi yok :(",
"follows_no_one":"Bu kullanıcı kimseyi takip etmiyor :(",
"has_no_posts":"This user hasn't posted anything yet.",
"has_no_topics":"This user hasn't posted any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"This user hasn't watched any topics yet.",
"has_no_posts":"Bu kullanıcı henüz herhangi bir ileti yazmamış.",
"has_no_topics":"Bu kullanıcı henüz hiç bir başlık açmamış.",
"has_no_watched_topics":"Bu kullanıcı henüz hiç bir başlık okumamış.",
"email_hidden":"E-posta gizli",
"paginate_description":"Sonsuz yükleme yerine konu ve iletileri sayfalara böl",