@ -2080,6 +2080,11 @@ describe('Topic\'s', function () {
var topic1Data ;
var topic2Data ;
async function getTopic ( tid ) {
const topicData = await topics . getTopicData ( tid ) ;
return await topics . getTopicWithPosts ( topicData , 'tid:' + topicData . tid + ':posts' , adminUid , 0 , 19 , false ) ;
before ( function ( done ) {
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
@ -2111,18 +2116,17 @@ describe('Topic\'s', function () {
} ) ;
it ( 'should error if user does not have privileges' , function ( done ) {
socketTopics . merge ( { uid : 0 } , [topic2Data . tid , topic1Data . tid ] , function ( err ) {
socketTopics . merge ( { uid : 0 } , { tids : [topic2Data . tid , topic1Data . tid ] } , function ( err ) {
assert . equal ( err . message , '[[error:no-privileges]]' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should merge 2 topics' , async function ( ) {
await socketTopics . merge ( { uid : adminUid } , [ topic2Data . tid , topic1Data . tid ] ) ;
async function getTopic ( tid ) {
const topicData = await topics . getTopicData ( tid ) ;
return await topics . getTopicWithPosts ( topicData , 'tid:' + topicData . tid + ':posts' , adminUid , 0 , 19 , false ) ;
await socketTopics . merge ( { uid : adminUid } , {
tids : [ topic2Data . tid , topic1Data . tid ] ,
} ) ;
const [ topic1 , topic2 ] = await Promise . all ( [
getTopic ( topic1Data . tid ) ,
getTopic ( topic2Data . tid ) ,
@ -2136,6 +2140,7 @@ describe('Topic\'s', function () {
assert . equal ( topic1 . posts [ 1 ] . content , 'topic 2 OP' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . posts [ 2 ] . content , 'topic 1 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . posts [ 3 ] . content , 'topic 2 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . title , 'topic 1' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should return properly for merged topic' , function ( done ) {
@ -2147,6 +2152,65 @@ describe('Topic\'s', function () {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should merge 2 topics with options mainTid' , async function ( ) {
const topic1Result = await topics . post ( { uid : uid , cid : categoryObj . cid , title : 'topic 1' , content : 'topic 1 OP' } ) ;
const topic2Result = await topics . post ( { uid : uid , cid : categoryObj . cid , title : 'topic 2' , content : 'topic 2 OP' } ) ;
await topics . reply ( { uid : uid , content : 'topic 1 reply' , tid : topic1Result . topicData . tid } ) ;
await topics . reply ( { uid : uid , content : 'topic 2 reply' , tid : topic2Result . topicData . tid } ) ;
await socketTopics . merge ( { uid : adminUid } , {
tids : [ topic2Result . topicData . tid , topic1Result . topicData . tid ] ,
options : {
mainTid : topic2Result . topicData . tid ,
} ,
} ) ;
const [ topic1 , topic2 ] = await Promise . all ( [
getTopic ( topic1Result . topicData . tid ) ,
getTopic ( topic2Result . topicData . tid ) ,
] ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . posts . length , 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts . length , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . deleted , true ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts [ 0 ] . content , 'topic 2 OP' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts [ 1 ] . content , 'topic 1 OP' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts [ 2 ] . content , 'topic 1 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts [ 3 ] . content , 'topic 2 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . title , 'topic 2' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should merge 2 topics with options newTopicTitle' , async function ( ) {
const topic1Result = await topics . post ( { uid : uid , cid : categoryObj . cid , title : 'topic 1' , content : 'topic 1 OP' } ) ;
const topic2Result = await topics . post ( { uid : uid , cid : categoryObj . cid , title : 'topic 2' , content : 'topic 2 OP' } ) ;
await topics . reply ( { uid : uid , content : 'topic 1 reply' , tid : topic1Result . topicData . tid } ) ;
await topics . reply ( { uid : uid , content : 'topic 2 reply' , tid : topic2Result . topicData . tid } ) ;
const mergeTid = await socketTopics . merge ( { uid : adminUid } , {
tids : [ topic2Result . topicData . tid , topic1Result . topicData . tid ] ,
options : {
newTopicTitle : 'new merge topic' ,
} ,
} ) ;
const [ topic1 , topic2 , topic3 ] = await Promise . all ( [
getTopic ( topic1Result . topicData . tid ) ,
getTopic ( topic2Result . topicData . tid ) ,
getTopic ( mergeTid ) ,
] ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . posts . length , 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . posts . length , 0 ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . posts . length , 4 ) ;
assert . equal ( topic1 . deleted , true ) ;
assert . equal ( topic2 . deleted , true ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . posts [ 0 ] . content , 'topic 1 OP' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . posts [ 1 ] . content , 'topic 2 OP' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . posts [ 2 ] . content , 'topic 1 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . posts [ 3 ] . content , 'topic 2 reply' ) ;
assert . equal ( topic3 . title , 'new merge topic' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'sorted topics' , function ( ) {