fix: fallback language strings for

Julian Lam
parent 6f673f806f
commit b9c8c02fcf

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Име за полето „От“",
"from-help": "Името на изпращача, което да бъде показано в е-писмото.",
"confirmation-settings": "Потвърждение",
"confirmation.expiry": "Продължителност на давността на връзката за потвърждаване, в часове",
"smtp-transport": "Транспорт чрез SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Включване на транспорта чрез SMTP",
"smtp-transport-help": "Можете да изберете от списък от познати услуги, или да въведете такава ръчно.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Jméno od",
"from-help": "Zobrazené jméno v e-mailu v Od",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Přenos SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Ze seznamu můžete vybrat známé služby nebo zadat vlastní.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Name des Absenders",
"from-help": "Der Name des Absenders, welcher in der E-Mail angezeigt werden soll.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Konfiguration",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "SMTP-Transport aktivieren",
"smtp-transport-help": "Du kannst aus einer Liste bekannter Email-Provider auswählen, oder einen benutzerdefinierten eingeben.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Nom de lexpéditeur",
"from-help": "Le nom de lexpéditeur à afficher dans l'e-mail",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Protocole SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Activer l'envoi via SMTP",
"smtp-transport-help": "Vous pouvez sélectionner depuis une liste de services ou entrer un service personnalisé.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "מאת",
"from-help": "השם 'מאת' יוצג בדוא\"ל.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Od imena",
"from-help": "Ime prikazano u dolaznom emailu.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Feladó neve",
"from-help": "Az emailben megjelenített feladói név.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP beállítások",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Válogathatsz a jól ismert szolgáltatások listájából vagy megadhatsz sajátot.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Da Nome",
"from-help": "Il nome da visualizzare nell'email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Conferma",
"confirmation.expiry": "Ore per mantenere valido il link di conferma dell'email",
"smtp-transport": "Trasporto SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Abilita trasporto SMTP",
"smtp-transport-help": "Puoi selezionare da un elenco di servizi noti o inserirne uno personalizzato.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "名前から",
"from-help": "メールからの名前が表示されます。",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "포럼 메일 발신자 이름",
"from-help": "이메일에 표시할 발신자 이름",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "자주 사용되는 서비스 목록 중에 하나를 선택하거나 직접 입력할 수 있습니다.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Sūtītāja vārds vai nosaukums",
"from-help": "Vārds vai nosaukums, ko saņēmējs redzēs kā sūtītāju.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP transports",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Izvēlies no labi zināmu pakalpojumu saraksta vai ievadi pielāgotu pakalpojumu.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Naam",
"from-help": "De from naam om te tonen in de e-mail.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Je kunt een bekende dienst uit de lijst selecteren of vul een aangepaste dienst in.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Pole „Od”",
"from-help": "Nazwa „Od” widoczna w e-mailach",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Transport SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Możesz wybrać z listy dobrze znanych usług lub wskazać usługę niestandardową.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Por Nome (From)",
"from-help": "O nome que será mostrado em \"De\" no e-mail.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Trasporte por SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Você pode escolher entre uma lista de serviços conhecidos ou adicionar um personalizado.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "От кого",
"from-help": "Имя отправителя письма (или название форума).",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Сервис SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Выберите один из популярных сервисов или укажите свой почтовый сервер.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Meno - od",
"from-help": "Zobrazené meno v e-maily v - Od",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Prenos SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Zo zoznamu môžete vybrať známe služby alebo zadať vlastné.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Od koga",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "From Name",
"from-help": "The from name to display in the email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "SMTP Aktarımını Etkinleştir",
"smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Ім'я відправника",
"from-help": "Ім'я відправника, що буде показано в електронних листах",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Протокол SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Ви можете обрати поштовий сервіс зі списку або використати ваш власний сервіс.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "Tên Người Gửi",
"from-help": "Tên người gửi hiển thị trong email.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "Truyền Tải SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Bật truyền tải SMTP",
"smtp-transport-help": "Bạn có thể chọn từ danh sách các dịch vụ nổi bật hoặc nhập một dịch vụ tùy chỉnh.",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "发送者",
"from-help": "用于邮件中显示的发送者",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP 通信",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "启用 SMTP 通信",
"smtp-transport-help": "您可以从列表中选取一个已知的服务或自定义。",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
"from": "發送人",
"from-help": "用於郵件中顯示的發送人",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP 通信",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "您可以從列表中選取一個已知的服務或自訂。",
