diff --git a/public/src/forum/footer.js b/public/src/forum/footer.js
index 04b08013ef..99c7d8aad7 100644
--- a/public/src/forum/footer.js
+++ b/public/src/forum/footer.js
@@ -1,202 +1,17 @@
-(function() {
+define(['notifications', 'chat'], function(Notifications, Chat) {
socket.emit('api:meta.updateHeader', {
fields: ['username', 'picture', 'userslug']
}, app.updateHeader);
- // Notifications dropdown
- var notifContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('notifications')[0],
- notifTrigger = notifContainer.querySelector('a'),
- notifList = document.getElementById('notif-list'),
- notifIcon = $('.notifications a');
- notifTrigger.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (notifContainer.className.indexOf('open') === -1) {
- socket.emit('api:notifications.get', null, function(data) {
- var notifFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
- notifEl = document.createElement('li'),
- numRead = data.read.length,
- numUnread = data.unread.length,
- x;
- notifList.innerHTML = '';
- if ((data.read.length + data.unread.length) > 0) {
- for (x = 0; x < numUnread; x++) {
- notifEl.setAttribute('data-nid', data.unread[x].nid);
- notifEl.className = 'unread';
- notifEl.innerHTML = '' + utils.relativeTime(data.unread[x].datetime, true) + '' + data.unread[x].text + '';
- notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
- }
- for (x = 0; x < numRead; x++) {
- notifEl.setAttribute('data-nid', data.read[x].nid);
- notifEl.className = '';
- notifEl.innerHTML = '' + utils.relativeTime(data.read[x].datetime, true) + '' + data.read[x].text + '';
- notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
- }
- } else {
- notifEl.className = 'no-notifs';
- notifEl.innerHTML = 'You have no notifications';
- notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
- }
- // Add dedicated link to /notifications
- notifEl.removeAttribute('data-nid');
- notifEl.className = 'pagelink';
- notifEl.innerHTML = 'See all Notifications';
- notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
- notifList.appendChild(notifFrag);
- if (data.unread.length > 0) {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
- } else {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
- }
- socket.emit('api:modules.notifications.mark_all_read', null, function() {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
- app.refreshTitle();
- // Update favicon + local count
- Tinycon.setBubble(0);
- localStorage.setItem('notifications:count', 0);
- });
- });
- }
- });
- notifList.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- var target;
- switch (e.target.nodeName) {
- case 'SPAN':
- target = e.target.parentNode.parentNode;
- break;
- case 'A':
- target = e.target.parentNode;
- break;
- case 'li':
- target = e.target;
- break;
- }
- if (target) {
- var nid = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-nid'));
- if (nid > 0) socket.emit('api:modules.notifications.mark_read', nid);
- }
- });
- var updateNotifCount = function(count) {
- // Update notification icon, if necessary
- if (count > 0) {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
- } else {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
- }
- // Update the favicon + saved local count
- Tinycon.setBubble(count);
- localStorage.setItem('notifications:count', count);
- };
- socket.emit('api:notifications.getCount', function(err, count) {
- if (!err) {
- updateNotifCount(count);
- } else {
- updateNotifCount(0);
- }
- });
- socket.on('event:new_notification', function() {
- notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
- app.alert({
- alert_id: 'new_notif',
- title: 'New notification',
- message: 'You have unread notifications.',
- type: 'warning',
- timeout: 2000
- });
- app.refreshTitle();
- if (ajaxify.currentPage === 'notifications') {
- ajaxify.refresh();
- }
- // Update the favicon + local storage
- var savedCount = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('notifications:count'),10) || 0;
- updateNotifCount(savedCount+1);
- });
- socket.on('event:notifications.updateCount', function(count) {
- updateNotifCount(count);
- });
- // Chats Dropdown
- var chatsToggleEl = $('#chat_dropdown'),
- chatsListEl = $('#chat-list'),
- chatDropdownEl = chatsToggleEl.parent();
- chatsToggleEl.on('click', function() {
- if (chatDropdownEl.hasClass('open')) {
- return;
- }
- socket.emit('api:modules.chats.list', function(chats) {
- var chatsFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
- chatEl = document.createElement('li'),
- numChats = chats.length,
- x, userObj;
- if (numChats > 0) {
- for(x=0;x' + userObj.username + '';
- chatsFrag.appendChild(chatEl.cloneNode(true));
- }
- chatsListEl.empty();
- chatsListEl.html(chatsFrag);
- } else {
- translator.get('modules:chat.no_active', function(str) {
- chatEl.innerHTML = '' + str + '';
- chatsFrag.appendChild(chatEl.cloneNode(true));
- chatsListEl.empty();
- chatsListEl.html(chatsFrag);
- });
- }
- });
- });
- socket.on('event:chats.receive', function(data) {
- require(['chat'], function(chat) {
- if (chat.modalExists(data.fromuid)) {
- var modal = chat.getModal(data.fromuid);
- chat.appendChatMessage(modal, data.message, data.timestamp);
- if (modal.is(":visible")) {
- chat.load(modal.attr('UUID'));
- } else {
- chat.toggleNew(modal.attr('UUID'), true);
- }
- if (!modal.is(":visible") || !app.isFocused) {
- app.alternatingTitle(data.username + ' has messaged you');
- }
- } else {
- chat.createModal(data.username, data.fromuid, function(modal) {
- chat.toggleNew(modal.attr('UUID'), true);
- app.alternatingTitle(data.username + ' has messaged you');
- });
- }
- });
- });
+ Notifications.prepareDOM();
+ Chat.prepareDOM();
function updateUnreadCount(count) {
$('#unread-count').toggleClass('unread-count', count > 0);
$('#unread-count').attr('data-content', count > 20 ? '20+' : count);
socket.on('event:unread.updateCount', updateUnreadCount);
socket.emit('api:user.getUnreadCount', updateUnreadCount);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/src/modules/chat.js b/public/src/modules/chat.js
index 21475fe39d..d0f5dec0cd 100644
--- a/public/src/modules/chat.js
+++ b/public/src/modules/chat.js
@@ -2,6 +2,70 @@ define(['taskbar', 'string'], function(taskbar, S) {
var module = {};
+ module.prepareDOM = function() {
+ // Chats Dropdown
+ var chatsToggleEl = $('#chat_dropdown'),
+ chatsListEl = $('#chat-list'),
+ chatDropdownEl = chatsToggleEl.parent();
+ chatsToggleEl.on('click', function() {
+ if (chatDropdownEl.hasClass('open')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ socket.emit('api:modules.chats.list', function(chats) {
+ var chatsFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
+ chatEl = document.createElement('li'),
+ numChats = chats.length,
+ x, userObj;
+ if (numChats > 0) {
+ for(x=0;x' + userObj.username + '';
+ chatsFrag.appendChild(chatEl.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ chatsListEl.empty();
+ chatsListEl.html(chatsFrag);
+ } else {
+ translator.get('modules:chat.no_active', function(str) {
+ chatEl.innerHTML = '' + str + '';
+ chatsFrag.appendChild(chatEl.cloneNode(true));
+ chatsListEl.empty();
+ chatsListEl.html(chatsFrag);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ socket.on('event:chats.receive', function(data) {
+ require(['chat'], function(chat) {
+ if (chat.modalExists(data.fromuid)) {
+ var modal = chat.getModal(data.fromuid);
+ chat.appendChatMessage(modal, data.message, data.timestamp);
+ if (modal.is(":visible")) {
+ chat.load(modal.attr('UUID'));
+ } else {
+ chat.toggleNew(modal.attr('UUID'), true);
+ }
+ if (!modal.is(":visible") || !app.isFocused) {
+ app.alternatingTitle(data.username + ' has messaged you');
+ }
+ } else {
+ chat.createModal(data.username, data.fromuid, function(modal) {
+ chat.toggleNew(modal.attr('UUID'), true);
+ app.alternatingTitle(data.username + ' has messaged you');
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
module.bringModalToTop = function(chatModal) {
var topZ = 0;
$('.chat-modal').each(function() {
diff --git a/public/src/modules/notifications.js b/public/src/modules/notifications.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..250bf6e77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/src/modules/notifications.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+define(function() {
+ var Notifications = {};
+ Notifications.prepareDOM = function() {
+ // Notifications dropdown
+ var notifContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('notifications')[0],
+ notifTrigger = notifContainer.querySelector('a'),
+ notifList = document.getElementById('notif-list'),
+ notifIcon = $('.notifications a');
+ notifTrigger.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (notifContainer.className.indexOf('open') === -1) {
+ socket.emit('api:notifications.get', null, function(data) {
+ var notifFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
+ notifEl = document.createElement('li'),
+ numRead = data.read.length,
+ numUnread = data.unread.length,
+ x;
+ notifList.innerHTML = '';
+ if ((data.read.length + data.unread.length) > 0) {
+ for (x = 0; x < numUnread; x++) {
+ notifEl.setAttribute('data-nid', data.unread[x].nid);
+ notifEl.className = 'unread';
+ notifEl.innerHTML = '' + utils.relativeTime(data.unread[x].datetime, true) + '' + data.unread[x].text + '';
+ notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < numRead; x++) {
+ notifEl.setAttribute('data-nid', data.read[x].nid);
+ notifEl.className = '';
+ notifEl.innerHTML = '' + utils.relativeTime(data.read[x].datetime, true) + '' + data.read[x].text + '';
+ notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ } else {
+ notifEl.className = 'no-notifs';
+ notifEl.innerHTML = 'You have no notifications';
+ notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ // Add dedicated link to /notifications
+ notifEl.removeAttribute('data-nid');
+ notifEl.className = 'pagelink';
+ notifEl.innerHTML = 'See all Notifications';
+ notifFrag.appendChild(notifEl.cloneNode(true));
+ notifList.appendChild(notifFrag);
+ if (data.unread.length > 0) {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
+ } else {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
+ }
+ socket.emit('api:modules.notifications.mark_all_read', null, function() {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
+ app.refreshTitle();
+ // Update favicon + local count
+ Tinycon.setBubble(0);
+ localStorage.setItem('notifications:count', 0);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ notifList.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ var target;
+ switch (e.target.nodeName) {
+ case 'SPAN':
+ target = e.target.parentNode.parentNode;
+ break;
+ case 'A':
+ target = e.target.parentNode;
+ break;
+ case 'li':
+ target = e.target;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ var nid = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-nid'));
+ if (nid > 0) socket.emit('api:modules.notifications.mark_read', nid);
+ }
+ });
+ var updateNotifCount = function(count) {
+ // Update notification icon, if necessary
+ if (count > 0) {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
+ } else {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', false);
+ }
+ // Update the favicon + saved local count
+ Tinycon.setBubble(count);
+ localStorage.setItem('notifications:count', count);
+ };
+ socket.emit('api:notifications.getCount', function(err, count) {
+ if (!err) {
+ updateNotifCount(count);
+ } else {
+ updateNotifCount(0);
+ }
+ });
+ socket.on('event:new_notification', function() {
+ notifIcon.toggleClass('active', true);
+ app.alert({
+ alert_id: 'new_notif',
+ title: 'New notification',
+ message: 'You have unread notifications.',
+ type: 'warning',
+ timeout: 2000
+ });
+ app.refreshTitle();
+ if (ajaxify.currentPage === 'notifications') {
+ ajaxify.refresh();
+ }
+ // Update the favicon + local storage
+ var savedCount = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('notifications:count'),10) || 0;
+ updateNotifCount(savedCount+1);
+ });
+ socket.on('event:notifications.updateCount', function(count) {
+ updateNotifCount(count);
+ });
+ };
+ return Notifications;
\ No newline at end of file