@ -318,43 +318,43 @@ Flags.create = async function (type, id, uid, reason, timestamp) {
const batched = [];
db.setObject.bind(db, 'flag:' + flagId, {
db.setObject('flag:' + flagId, {
flagId: flagId,
type: type,
targetId: id,
datetime: timestamp,
Flags.addReport.bind(Flags, flagId, uid, reason, timestamp),
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:datetime', timestamp, flagId), // by time, the default
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byType:' + type, timestamp, flagId), // by flag type
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:hash', flagId, [type, id, uid].join(':')), // save zset for duplicate checking
db.sortedSetIncrBy.bind(db, 'flags:byTarget', 1, [type, id].join(':')), // by flag target (score is count)
analytics.increment.bind(analytics, 'flags') // some fancy analytics
Flags.addReport(flagId, uid, reason, timestamp),
db.sortedSetAdd('flags:datetime', timestamp, flagId), // by time, the default
db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byType:' + type, timestamp, flagId), // by flag type
db.sortedSetAdd('flags:hash', flagId, [type, id, uid].join(':')), // save zset for duplicate checking
db.sortedSetIncrBy('flags:byTarget', 1, [type, id].join(':')), // by flag target (score is count)
analytics.increment('flags') // some fancy analytics
if (targetUid) {
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byTargetUid:' + targetUid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target uid
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byTargetUid:' + targetUid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target uid
if (targetCid) {
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byCid:' + targetCid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target cid
batched.push(db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byCid:' + targetCid, timestamp, flagId)); // by target cid
if (type === 'post') {
db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db, 'flags:byPid:' + id, timestamp, flagId), // by target pid
posts.setPostField.bind(posts, id, 'flagId', flagId)
db.sortedSetAdd('flags:byPid:' + id, timestamp, flagId), // by target pid
posts.setPostField(id, 'flagId', flagId)
if (targetUid) {
batched.push(user.incrementUserFlagsBy.bind(user, targetUid, 1));
batched.push(user.incrementUserFlagsBy(targetUid, 1));
} else if (type === 'user') {
batched.push(user.setUserField.bind(user, id, 'flagId', flagId));
batched.push(user.setUserField(id, 'flagId', flagId));
// Run all the database calls in one single batched call...
await Promise.all(batched.map(async method => await method()));
await Promise.all(batched);
if (doHistoryAppend) {
Flags.update(flagId, uid, { state: 'open' });