feat(topic-events): work in progress topic events logic and client-side implementation
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
'use strict';
const db = require('../database');
const plugins = require('../plugins');
const Events = module.exports;
Events._types = {
pin: {
icon: 'fa-thumb-tack',
text: '[[topic:pinned]]',
pin_expiry: {
icon: 'fa-thumb-tack',
text: '[[topic:pinned-with-expiry]]',
unpin: {
icon: 'fa-thumb-tack',
text: '[[topic:unpinned]]',
lock: {
icon: 'fa-lock',
text: '[[topic:locked]]',
unlock: {
icon: 'fa-unlock',
text: '[[topic:unlocked]]',
delete: {
icon: 'fa-trash',
text: '[[topic:deleted]]',
restore: {
icon: 'fa-trash-o',
text: '[[topic:restored]]',
Events._ready = false;
Events.init = async () => {
if (!Events._ready) {
// Allow plugins to define additional topic event types
const { types } = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:topicEvents.init', { types: Events._types });
Events._types = types;
Events._ready = true;
Events.get = async (tid) => {
await Events.init();
const topics = require('.');
if (!await topics.exists(tid)) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-topic]]');
const eventIds = await db.getSortedSetRangeWithScores(`topic:${tid}:events`, 0, -1);
const keys = eventIds.map(obj => `topicEvent:${obj.value}`);
const timestamps = eventIds.map(obj => obj.score);
const events = await db.getObjects(keys);
events.forEach((event, idx) => {
event.id = parseInt(eventIds[idx].value, 10);
event.timestamp = timestamps[idx];
event.timestampISO = new Date(timestamps[idx]).toISOString();
Object.assign(event, Events._types[event.type]);
return events;
Events.log = async (tid, payload) => {
await Events.init();
const topics = require('.');
const { type } = payload;
const now = Date.now();
if (!Events._types.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error(`[[error:topic-event-unrecognized, ${type}]]`);
} else if (!await topics.exists(tid)) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-topic]]');
const eventId = await db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextTopicEventId');
await Promise.all([
db.setObject(`topicEvent:${eventId}`, payload),
db.sortedSetAdd(`topic:${tid}:events`, now, eventId),
Reference in New Issue