@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
assert.strictEqual(messages[0].system, true);
assert.strictEqual(messages[0].content, 'user-join');
const { statusCode, body: body2 } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/${messages[0].messageId}`, {
const { statusCode, body: body2 } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${messages[0].messageId}`, {
message: 'test',
}, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
@ -607,33 +607,33 @@ describe('Messaging Library', () => {
it('should fail to edit message with invalid data', async () => {
let { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/1/10000`, { message: 'foo' }, 'foo');
let { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/1/messages/10000`, { message: 'foo' }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:invalid-mid]]'));
({ statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/${mid}`, {}, 'foo'));
({ statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${mid}`, {}, 'foo'));
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:invalid-chat-message]]'));
it('should fail to edit message if new content is empty string', async () => {
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/${mid}`, { message: ' ' }, 'foo');
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${mid}`, { message: ' ' }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:invalid-chat-message]]'));
it('should fail to edit message if not own message', async () => {
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/${mid}`, { message: 'message edited' }, 'herp');
const { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${mid}`, { message: 'message edited' }, 'herp');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, await translator.translate('[[error:cant-edit-chat-message]]'));
it('should edit message', async () => {
let { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/${mid}`, { message: 'message edited' }, 'foo');
let { statusCode, body } = await callv3API('put', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${mid}`, { message: 'message edited' }, 'foo');
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 200);
assert.strictEqual(body.response.content, 'message edited');
({ statusCode, body } = await callv3API('get', `/chats/${roomId}/${mid}`, {}, 'foo'));
({ statusCode, body } = await callv3API('get', `/chats/${roomId}/messages/${mid}`, {}, 'foo'));
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 200);
assert.strictEqual(body.response.content, 'message edited');