"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Когато публикация или потребител бъде докладван няколко пъти, това се добавя към един общ доклад. Задайте на тази настройка стойност по-голяма от нула, за да ограничите броя на докладванията, които могат да бъдат натрупани към една публикация или потребител.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Автоматично премахване на всички доклади за потребител, когато той бъде блокиран"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Wenn ein Beitrag oder ein Benutzer mehrfach markiert wird, wird jede zusätzliche Markierung als "Nachricht" betrachtet und zur ursprünglichen Markierung hinzugezählt. Setzen Sie diese Option auf eine andere Zahl als Null, um die Anzahl der Nachricht, die ein Artikel erhalten kann, zu begrenzen.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatisches Beenden aller Tickets eines Benutzers, wenn dieser gesperrt wird"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target":"Nombre maximum de fois qu'un élément peut être signalé",
"flags.limit-per-target-placeholder":"Défaut: 0",
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Lorsqu'un message ou un utilisateur a été signalé plusieurs fois, chaque indicateur supplémentaire est considéré comme un \"rapport\". et ajouté au signalement d'origine. Définissez cette option sur un nombre autre que zéro pour limiter le nombre de rapports qu'un signalement peut admettre.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Résoudre automatiquement tous les tickets d'un utilisateur lorsqu'il est banni"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"כשפוסט או משתמש מסומן כמה פעמים, כל דיווח נוסף נחשב ל "דיווח" ונוסף לדיווח הראשון. הגדר את האופציה הזאת לכל מספר שהוא לא 0 כדי להגביל את כמות הדיווחים שפוסט או משתמש יכול לקבל.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"פתור אוטומטי כל כרטיסי משתמש כאשר הוא מוחרם"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Amikor egy hozzászólás vagy felhasználó több megjelölést kap, akkor minden megjelölés "jelentésnek" számít és hozzáadódik az eredeti megjelöléshez. Adj meg 0-tól eltérő értéket egy maximális jelölési szám beállításához.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"A felhasználó összes megjelölésének feloldása, amikor kitiltásra kerül"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Quando un post o un utente viene segnalato più volte, ogni segnalazione aggiuntiva è considerata una "report" e aggiunto alla segnalazione originale. Imposta questa opzione su un numero diverso da zero per limitare il numero di rapporti che un elemento può ricevere.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Risolvi automaticamente tutti i ticket di un utente quando vengono bannati"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target":"Número máximo de vezes que algo pode ser sinalizado",
"flags.limit-per-target-placeholder":"Padrão: 0",
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Quando uma postagem ou usuário é sinalizado várias vezes, cada sinalizador adicional é considerado uma 'reportagem' e adicionado ao sinalizador original. Defina esta opção com um número diferente de zero para limitar o número de relatórios que um item pode receber.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Resolver automaticamente todos os tickets de um usuário quando eles são banidos"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Ko je objava ali uporabnik večkrat označen z zastavico, se vsaka dodatna zastavica šteje za & quot;poročilo" in dodana prvotni zastavici. To možnost nastavite na število, različno od nič, da omejite število poročil, ki jih element lahko prejme.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Bir gönderi veya kullanıcı birden çok kez işaretlendiğinde, her ek işaret bir \"rapor\" olarak kabul edilir ve orijinal bayrağa eklenir. Bir öğenin alabileceği rapor sayısını sınırlamak için bu seçeneği sıfırdan farklı bir sayıya ayarlayın.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Bir kullanıcı forumdan yasaklandığında otomatik olarak şikayetlerini çözülmüş say"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"Khi một bài đăng hoặc người dùng bị gắn cờ nhiều lần, mỗi cờ bổ sung được coi là một "báo cáo" và được thêm vào cờ gốc. Đặt tùy chọn này thành một số khác 0 để giới hạn số lượng báo cáo mà một mục có thể nhận được.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Tự động giải quyết tất cả các vé của người dùng khi họ bị cấm"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.",
"flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold":"Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"