@ -246,27 +246,48 @@ marked.setOptions({
Posts.favourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
Posts.favourite = function(pid, room_id, uid, socket) {
if (uid === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
alert_id: 'post_favourite',
title: 'Not Logged In',
message: 'Please log in in order to favourite this post',
type: 'error',
timeout: 5000
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) {
Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) {
if (hasFavourited == false) {
RDB.sadd('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', 1);
RDB.incr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (uid !== uid_of_poster) user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', 1);
if (room_id) {
io.sockets.in(room_id).emit('event:rep_up', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
io.sockets.in(room_id).emit('event:rep_up', {uid: uid !== uid_of_poster ? uid_of_poster : 0, pid: pid});
Posts.unfavourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
Posts.unfavourite = function(pid, room_id, uid, socket) {
if (uid === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
alert_id: 'post_favourite',
title: 'Not Logged In',
message: 'Please log in in order to favourite this post',
type: 'error',
timeout: 5000
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) {
@ -274,11 +295,12 @@ marked.setOptions({
if (hasFavourited == true) {
RDB.srem('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', -1);
RDB.decr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (uid !== uid_of_poster) user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', -1);
if (room_id) {
io.sockets.in(room_id).emit('event:rep_down', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
io.sockets.in(room_id).emit('event:rep_down', {uid: uid !== uid_of_poster ? uid_of_poster : 0, pid: pid});