@ -6,7 +6,18 @@ const cproc = require('child_process');
const { paths , pluginNamePattern } = require ( '../constants' ) ;
function updatePackageFile ( ) {
const pkgInstall = module . exports ;
function sortDependencies ( dependencies ) {
return Object . entries ( dependencies )
. sort ( ( a , b ) => ( a < b ? - 1 : 1 ) )
. reduce ( ( memo , pkg ) => {
memo [ pkg [ 0 ] ] = pkg [ 1 ] ;
return memo ;
} , { } ) ;
pkgInstall . updatePackageFile = ( ) => {
let oldPackageContents = { } ;
try {
@ -32,45 +43,58 @@ function updatePackageFile() {
const packageContents = { ... oldPackageContents , ... defaultPackageContents , dependencies : dependencies } ;
fs . writeFileSync ( paths . currentPackage , JSON . stringify ( packageContents , null , 2 ) ) ;
exports . updatePackageFile = updatePackageFile ;
} ;
exports . supportedPackageManager = [
pkgInstall . supportedPackageManager = [
'npm' ,
'cnpm' ,
'pnpm' ,
'yarn' ,
] ;
function installAll ( ) {
const prod = global . env !== 'development' ;
let command = 'npm install' ;
pkgInstall . getPackageManager = ( ) => {
// Use this method if you can't reliably require('nconf') directly
try {
// Quick & dirty nconf setup
fs . accessSync ( path . join ( paths . nodeModules , 'nconf/package.json' ) , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
const supportedPackageManagerList = exports . supportedPackageManager ; // load config from src/cli/package-install.js
const packageManager = require ( 'nconf' ) . get ( 'package_manager' ) ;
if ( supportedPackageManagerList . indexOf ( packageManager ) >= 0 ) {
switch ( packageManager ) {
case 'yarn' :
command = 'yarn' ;
break ;
case 'pnpm' :
command = 'pnpm install' ;
break ;
case 'cnpm' :
command = 'cnpm install' ;
break ;
default :
break ;
const nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ;
const configFile = path . resolve ( _ _dirname , '../../' , nconf . any ( [ 'config' , 'CONFIG' ] ) || 'config.json' ) ;
nconf . env ( ) . file ( { // not sure why adding .argv() causes the process to terminate
file : configFile ,
} ) ;
return nconf . get ( 'package_manager' ) || 'npm' ;
} catch ( e ) {
// No error handling is required here.
// If nconf is not installed, regular package installation via npm is carried out.
// nconf not install or other unexpected error/exception
return 'npm' ;
} ;
pkgInstall . installAll = ( ) => {
const prod = process . env . NODE _ENV !== 'development' ;
let command = 'npm install' ;
const supportedPackageManagerList = exports . supportedPackageManager ; // load config from src/cli/package-install.js
const packageManager = pkgInstall . getPackageManager ( ) ;
if ( supportedPackageManagerList . indexOf ( packageManager ) >= 0 ) {
switch ( packageManager ) {
case 'yarn' :
command = ` yarn ${ prod ? ' --production' : '' } ` ;
break ;
case 'pnpm' :
command = 'pnpm install' ; // pnpm checks NODE_ENV
break ;
case 'cnpm' :
command = ` cnpm install ${ prod ? ' --production' : '' } ` ;
break ;
default :
command += prod ? ' --production' : '' ;
break ;
try {
cproc . execSync ( command + ( prod ? ' --production' : '' ) , {
cproc . execSync ( command , {
cwd : path . join ( _ _dirname , '../../' ) ,
stdio : [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] ,
} ) ;
@ -81,11 +105,9 @@ function installAll() {
console . log ( ` stderr: ${ e . stderr } ` ) ;
throw e ;
} ;
exports . installAll = installAll ;
function preserveExtraneousPlugins ( ) {
pkgInstall . preserveExtraneousPlugins = ( ) => {
// Skip if `node_modules/` is not found or inaccessible
try {
fs . accessSync ( paths . nodeModules , fs . constants . R _OK ) ;
@ -117,15 +139,4 @@ function preserveExtraneousPlugins() {
packageContents . dependencies = sortDependencies ( { ... packageContents . dependencies , ... extraneous } ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( paths . currentPackage , JSON . stringify ( packageContents , null , 2 ) ) ;
function sortDependencies ( dependencies ) {
return Object . entries ( dependencies )
. sort ( ( a , b ) => ( a < b ? - 1 : 1 ) )
. reduce ( ( memo , pkg ) => {
memo [ pkg [ 0 ] ] = pkg [ 1 ] ;
return memo ;
} , { } ) ;
exports . preserveExtraneousPlugins = preserveExtraneousPlugins ;
} ;