diff --git a/src/upgrade.js b/src/upgrade.js
index 47fd8badc0..d41c963a73 100644
--- a/src/upgrade.js
+++ b/src/upgrade.js
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ var db = require('./database'),
 	Upgrade = {},
-	minSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 9, 22),		// This value gets updated every new MINOR version
+	minSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 1, 8),		// This value gets updated every new MINOR version
 	schemaDate, thisSchemaDate,
@@ -72,757 +72,6 @@ Upgrade.upgrade = function(callback) {
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 9, 31);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/10/31] Applying newbiePostDelay values');
-				async.series([
-					async.apply(Meta.configs.setOnEmpty, 'newbiePostDelay', '120'),
-					async.apply(Meta.configs.setOnEmpty, 'newbiePostDelayThreshold', '3')
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/10/31] Error encountered while Applying newbiePostDelay values');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/10/31] Applying newbiePostDelay values done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/10/31] Applying newbiePostDelay values skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 10, 6, 18, 30);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/11/6] Updating topic authorship sorted set');
-				async.waterfall([
-					async.apply(db.getObjectField, 'global', 'nextTid'),
-					function(nextTid, next) {
-						var tids = [];
-						for(var x=1,numTids=nextTid-1;x<numTids;x++) {
-							tids.push(x);
-						}
-						async.filter(tids, function(tid, next) {
-							db.exists('topic:' + tid, function(err, exists) {
-								next(exists);
-							});
-						}, function(tids) {
-							next(null, tids);
-						});
-					},
-					function(tids, next) {
-						async.eachLimit(tids, 100, function(tid, next) {
-							Topics.getTopicFields(tid, ['uid', 'cid', 'tid', 'timestamp'], function(err, data) {
-								if (!err && (data.cid && data.uid && data.timestamp && data.tid)) {
-									db.sortedSetAdd('cid:' + data.cid + ':uid:' + data.uid + ':tid', data.timestamp, data.tid, next);
-								} else {
-									// Post was probably purged, skip record
-									next();
-								}
-							});
-						}, next);
-					}
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/11/6] Error encountered while Updating topic authorship sorted set');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/11/6] Updating topic authorship sorted set done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/11/6] Updating topic authorship sorted set skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 10, 7);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/11/7] Renaming sorted set names');
-				async.waterfall([
-					function(next) {
-						async.parallel({
-							cids: function(next) {
-								db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, next);
-							},
-							uids: function(next) {
-								db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, next);
-							}
-						}, next);
-					},
-					function(results, next) {
-						async.eachLimit(results.cids, 50, function(cid, next) {
-							async.parallel([
-								function(next) {
-									db.exists('categories:' + cid + ':tid', function(err, exists) {
-										if (err || !exists) {
-											return next(err);
-										}
-										db.rename('categories:' + cid + ':tid', 'cid:' + cid + ':tids', next);
-									});
-								},
-								function(next) {
-									db.exists('categories:recent_posts:cid:' + cid, function(err, exists) {
-										if (err || !exists) {
-											return next(err);
-										}
-										db.rename('categories:recent_posts:cid:' + cid, 'cid:' + cid + ':pids', next);
-									});
-								},
-								function(next) {
-									async.eachLimit(results.uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-										db.exists('cid:' + cid + ':uid:' + uid + ':tid', function(err, exists) {
-											if (err || !exists) {
-												return next(err);
-											}
-											db.rename('cid:' + cid + ':uid:' + uid + ':tid', 'cid:' + cid + ':uid:' + uid + ':tids', next);
-										});
-									}, next);
-								}
-							], next);
-						}, next);
-					}
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/11/7] Error encountered while renaming sorted sets');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/11/7] Renaming sorted sets done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/11/7] Renaming sorted sets skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 10, 11);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/11/11] Upgrading permissions');
-				async.waterfall([
-					function(next) {
-						db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, next);
-					},
-					function(cids, next) {
-						function categoryHasPrivilegesSet(cid, privilege, next) {
-							async.parallel({
-								userPrivExists: function(next) {
-									Groups.getMemberCount('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:' + privilege, next);
-								},
-								groupPrivExists: function(next) {
-									Groups.getMemberCount('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:groups:' + privilege, next);
-								}
-							}, function(err, results) {
-								if (err) {
-									return next(err);
-								}
-								next(null, results.userPrivExists || results.groupPrivExists);
-							});
-						}
-						function upgradePrivileges(cid, groups, next) {
-							var privs = ['find', 'read', 'topics:reply', 'topics:create'];
-							async.each(privs, function(priv, next) {
-								categoryHasPrivilegesSet(cid, priv, function(err, privilegesSet) {
-									if (err || privilegesSet) {
-										return next(err);
-									}
-									async.eachLimit(groups, 50, function(group, next) {
-										if (group) {
-											if (group === 'guests' && (priv === 'topics:reply' || priv === 'topics:create')) {
-												return next();
-											}
-											Groups.join('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:groups:' + priv, group, next);
-										} else {
-											next();
-										}
-									}, next);
-								});
-							}, next);
-						}
-						async.waterfall([
-							async.apply(db.getSetMembers, 'groups'),
-							function(groups, next) {
-								async.filter(groups, function(group, next) {
-									db.getObjectField('group:' + group, 'hidden', function(err, hidden) {
-										next(!parseInt(hidden, 10));
-									}, next);
-								}, function(groups) {
-									next(null, groups);
-								});
-							}
-						], function(err, groups) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							groups.push('administrators', 'registered-users');
-							async.eachLimit(cids, 50, function(cid, next) {
-								upgradePrivileges(cid, groups, next);
-							}, next);
-						});
-					}
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/11/11] Error encountered while upgrading permissions');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/11/11] Upgrading permissions done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/11/11] Upgrading permissions skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 10, 17, 13);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/11/17] Updating user email digest settings');
-				async.waterfall([
-					async.apply(db.getSortedSetRange, 'users:joindate', 0, -1),
-					function(uids, next) {
-						async.filter(uids, function(uid, next) {
-							db.getObjectField('user:' + uid + ':settings', 'dailyDigestFreq', function(err, freq) {
-								next(freq === 'daily');
-							});
-						}, function(uids) {
-							next(null, uids);
-						});
-					},
-					function(uids, next) {
-						async.each(uids, function(uid, next) {
-							db.setObjectField('user:' + uid + ':settings', 'dailyDigestFreq', 'day', next);
-						}, next);
-					}
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/11/17] Error encountered while updating user email digest settings');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/11/17] Updating user email digest settings done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/11/17] Updating user email digest settings skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 10, 29, 22);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/11/29] Updating config.json to new format');
-				var configPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config.json');
-				async.waterfall([
-					async.apply(fs.readFile, configPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }),
-					function(config, next) {
-						try {
-							config = JSON.parse(config);
-							// If the config contains "url", it has already been updated, abort.
-							if (config.hasOwnProperty('url')) {
-								return next();
-							}
-							config.url = config.base_url + (config.use_port ? ':' + config.port : '') + config.relative_path;
-							if (config.port == '4567') {
-								delete config.port;
-							}
-							if (config.bcrypt_rounds == 12) {
-								delete config.bcrypt_rounds;
-							}
-							if (config.upload_path === '/public/uploads') {
-								delete config.upload_path;
-							}
-							if (config.bind_address === '') {
-								delete config.bind_address;
-							}
-							delete config.base_url;
-							delete config.use_port;
-							delete config.relative_path;
-							fs.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4), next);
-						} catch (err) {
-							return next(err);
-						}
-					}
-				], function(err) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/11/29] Error encountered while updating config.json to new format');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					winston.info('[2014/11/29] Updating config.json to new format done');
-					Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/11/29] Updating config.json to new format skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 11, 2);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/12/2] Removing register user fields');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) {
-					if (err) {
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var fieldsToDelete = [
-						'password-confirm',
-						'recaptcha_challenge_field',
-						'_csrf',
-						'recaptcha_response_field',
-						'referrer'
-					];
-					async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-						async.each(fieldsToDelete, function(field, next) {
-							db.deleteObjectField('user:' + uid, field, next);
-						}, next);
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2014/12/2] Error encountered while deleting user fields');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2014/12/2] Removing register user fields done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/12/2] Removing register user fields skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 11, 12);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/12/12] Updating teasers');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) {
-					if (err) {
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					async.eachLimit(tids, 50, function(tid, next) {
-						Topics.updateTeaser(tid, next);
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2014/12/12] Error encountered while updating teasers');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2014/12/12] Updating teasers done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/12/12] Updating teasers skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 11, 20);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2014/12/20] Updating digest settings');
-				async.waterfall([
-					async.apply(db.getSortedSetRange, 'users:joindate', 0, -1),
-					async.apply(User.getMultipleUserSettings)
-				], function(err, userSettings) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/12/20] Error encountered while updating digest settings');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.eachLimit(userSettings, 50, function(setting, next) {
-						if (setting.dailyDigestFreq !== 'off') {
-							db.sortedSetAdd('digest:' + setting.dailyDigestFreq + ':uids', now, setting.uid, next);
-						} else {
-							setImmediate(next);
-						}
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2014/12/20] Error encountered while updating digest settings');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2014/12/20] Updating digest settings done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2014/12/20] Updating digest settings skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 8);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/08] Updating category topics sorted sets');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2015/01/08] Error encountered while Updating category topics sorted sets');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.eachLimit(tids, 50, function(tid, next) {
-						db.getObjectFields('topic:' + tid, ['cid', 'postcount'], function(err, topicData) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							if (Utils.isNumber(topicData.postcount) && topicData.cid) {
-								db.sortedSetAdd('cid:' + topicData.cid + ':tids:posts', topicData.postcount, tid, next);
-							} else {
-								next();
-							}
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/08] Error encountered while Updating category topics sorted sets');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/08] Updating category topics sorted sets done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/08] Updating category topics sorted sets skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 9);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/09] Creating fullname:uid hash');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/01/09] Error encountered while Creating fullname:uid hash');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-						db.getObjectFields('user:' + uid, ['fullname'], function(err, userData) {
-							if (err || !userData || !userData.fullname) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							db.setObjectField('fullname:uid', userData.fullname, uid, next);
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/09] Error encountered while Creating fullname:uid hash');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/09] Creating fullname:uid hash done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/09] Creating fullname:uid hash skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 13);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/13] Creating uid:followed_tids sorted set');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/01/13] Error encountered while Creating uid:followed_tids sorted set');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.eachLimit(tids, 50, function(tid, next) {
-						db.getSetMembers('tid:' + tid + ':followers', function(err, uids) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-								if (parseInt(uid, 10)) {
-									db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + uid + ':followed_tids', now, tid, next);
-								} else {
-									next();
-								}
-							}, next);
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/13] Error encountered while Creating uid:followed_tids sorted set');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/13] Creating uid:followed_tids sorted set done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/13] Creating uid:followed_tids sorted set skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 14);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/14] Upgrading follow sets to sorted sets');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2014/01/14] Error encountered while Upgrading follow sets to sorted sets');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-						async.parallel({
-							following: function(next) {
-								db.getSetMembers('following:' + uid, next);
-							},
-							followers: function(next) {
-								db.getSetMembers('followers:' + uid, next);
-							}
-						}, function(err, results) {
-							function updateToSortedSet(set, uids, callback) {
-								async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-									if (parseInt(uid, 10)) {
-										db.sortedSetAdd(set, now, uid, next);
-									} else {
-										next();
-									}
-								}, callback);
-							}
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							async.parallel([
-								async.apply(db.delete, 'following:' + uid),
-								async.apply(db.delete, 'followers:' + uid)
-							], function(err) {
-								if (err) {
-									return next(err);
-								}
-								async.parallel([
-									async.apply(updateToSortedSet, 'following:' + uid, results.following),
-									async.apply(updateToSortedSet, 'followers:' + uid, results.followers),
-									async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'user:' + uid, 'followingCount', results.following.length),
-									async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'user:' + uid, 'followerCount', results.followers.length),
-								], next);
-							});
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/14] Error encountered while Upgrading follow sets to sorted sets');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/14] Upgrading follow sets to sorted sets done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/14] Upgrading follow sets to sorted sets skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 15);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/15] Creating topiccount for users');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) {
-					if (err) {
-						winston.error('[2015/01/15] Error encountered while Creating topiccount for users');
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) {
-						db.sortedSetCard('uid:' + uid + ':topics', function(err, count) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							if (parseInt(count, 10)) {
-								db.setObjectField('user:' + uid, 'topiccount', count, next);
-							} else {
-								next();
-							}
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/15] Error encountered while Creating topiccount for users');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/15] Creating topiccount for users done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/15] Creating topiccount for users skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 19);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/19] Generating group slugs');
-				async.waterfall([
-					async.apply(db.getSetMembers, 'groups'),
-					function(groups, next) {
-						async.filter(groups, function(groupName, next) {
-							db.getObjectField('group:' + groupName, 'hidden', function(err, hidden) {
-								next((err || parseInt(hidden, 10)) ? false : true);
-							});
-						}, function(groups) {
-							next(null, groups);
-						});
-					}
-				], function(err, groups) {
-					var tasks = [];
-					groups.forEach(function(groupName) {
-						tasks.push(async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'group:' + groupName, 'slug', Utils.slugify(groupName)));
-						tasks.push(async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'groupslug:groupname', Utils.slugify(groupName), groupName));
-					});
-					// Administrator group
-					tasks.push(async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'group:administrators', 'slug', 'administrators'));
-					tasks.push(async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'groupslug:groupname', 'administrators', 'administrators'));
-					async.parallel(tasks, function(err) {
-						if (err) {
-							winston.error('[2015/01/19] Error encountered while Generating group slugs');
-							return next(err);
-						}
-						winston.info('[2015/01/19] Generating group slugs done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/19] Generating group slugs skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 21);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/21] Upgrading groups to sorted set');
-				db.getSetMembers('groups', function(err, groupNames) {
-					if (err) {
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.each(groupNames, function(groupName, next) {
-						db.getSetMembers('group:' + groupName + ':members', function(err, members) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							async.series([
-								function(next) {
-									if (members && members.length) {
-										db.delete('group:' + groupName + ':members', function(err) {
-											if (err) {
-												return next(err);
-											}
-											var scores = members.map(function() {
-												return now;
-											});
-											db.sortedSetAdd('group:' + groupName + ':members', scores, members, next);
-										});
-									} else {
-										next();
-									}
-								},
-								async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'groups:createtime', now, groupName),
-								async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'group:' + groupName, 'createtime', now)
-							], next);
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						winston.info('[2015/01/21] Upgrading groups to sorted set done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/21] Upgrading groups to sorted set skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
-		function(next) {
-			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 0, 30);
-			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {
-				updatesMade = true;
-				winston.info('[2015/01/30] Adding group member counts');
-				db.getSortedSetRange('groups:createtime', 0, -1, function(err, groupNames) {
-					if (err) {
-						return next(err);
-					}
-					var now = Date.now();
-					async.each(groupNames, function(groupName, next) {
-						db.sortedSetCard('group:' + groupName + ':members', function(err, memberCount) {
-							if (err) {
-								return next(err);
-							}
-							if (parseInt(memberCount, 10)) {
-								db.setObjectField('group:' + groupName, 'memberCount', memberCount, next);
-							} else {
-								next();
-							}
-						});
-					}, function(err) {
-						winston.info('[2015/01/30] Adding group member counts done');
-						Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next);
-					});
-				});
-			} else {
-				winston.info('[2015/01/30] Adding group member counts skipped');
-				next();
-			}
-		},
 		function(next) {
 			thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 1, 8);
 			if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) {