@ -13,40 +13,30 @@ var Groups = require('../src/groups');
var Meta = require ( '../src/meta' ) ;
describe ( 'Flags' , function ( ) {
before ( function ( done ) {
let uid1 ;
let uid2 ;
let uid3 ;
let category ;
before ( async ( ) => {
// Create some stuff to flag
async . waterfall ( [
async . apply ( User . create , { username : 'testUser' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'b@c.com' } ) ,
function ( uid , next ) {
Categories . create ( {
name : 'test category' ,
} , function ( err , category ) {
if ( err ) {
return done ( err ) ;
uid1 = await User . create ( { username : 'testUser' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'b@c.com' } ) ;
Topics . post ( {
cid : category . cid ,
uid : uid ,
title : 'Topic to flag' ,
content : 'This is flaggable content' ,
} , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( topicData , next ) {
User . create ( {
username : 'testUser2' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'c@d.com' ,
} , next ) ;
} ,
function ( uid , next ) {
Groups . join ( 'administrators' , uid , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
User . create ( {
username : 'unprivileged' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'd@e.com' ,
} , next ) ;
} ,
] , done ) ;
uid2 = await User . create ( { username : 'testUser2' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'c@d.com' } ) ;
await Groups . join ( 'administrators' , uid2 ) ;
category = await Categories . create ( {
name : 'test category' ,
} ) ;
await Topics . post ( {
cid : category . cid ,
uid : uid1 ,
title : 'Topic to flag' ,
content : 'This is flaggable content' ,
} ) ;
uid3 = await User . create ( {
username : 'unprivileged' , password : 'abcdef' , email : 'd@e.com' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '.create()' , function ( ) {
@ -274,9 +264,9 @@ describe('Flags', function () {
describe ( '.update()' , function ( ) {
it ( 'should alter a flag\'s various attributes and persist them to the database' , function ( done ) {
Flags . update ( 1 , 1 , {
Flags . update ( 1 , uid2 , {
state : 'wip' ,
assignee : 1 ,
assignee : uid2 ,
} , function ( err ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
db . getObjectFields ( 'flag:1' , [ 'state' , 'assignee' ] , function ( err , data ) {
@ -286,7 +276,7 @@ describe('Flags', function () {
assert . strictEqual ( 'wip' , data . state ) ;
assert . ok ( ! isNaN ( parseInt ( data . assignee , 10 ) ) ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( 1 , parseInt ( data . assignee , 10 ) ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid2 , parseInt ( data . assignee , 10 ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -313,6 +303,65 @@ describe('Flags', function () {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow assignment if user is an admin and do nothing otherwise' , async ( ) => {
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid2 , {
assignee : uid2 ,
} ) ;
let assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid2 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid2 , {
assignee : uid3 ,
} ) ;
assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid2 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow assignment if user is a global mod and do nothing otherwise' , async ( ) => {
await Groups . join ( 'Global Moderators' , uid3 ) ;
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid3 , {
assignee : uid3 ,
} ) ;
let assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid3 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid3 , {
assignee : uid1 ,
} ) ;
assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid3 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
await Groups . leave ( 'Global Moderators' , uid3 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow assignment if user is a mod of the category, do nothing otherwise' , async ( ) => {
await Groups . join ( 'cid:' + category . cid + ':privileges:moderate' , uid3 ) ;
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid3 , {
assignee : uid3 ,
} ) ;
let assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid3 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid3 , {
assignee : uid1 ,
} ) ;
assignee = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'assignee' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( uid3 , parseInt ( assignee , 10 ) ) ;
await Groups . leave ( 'cid:' + category . cid + ':privileges:moderate' , uid3 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should do nothing when you attempt to set a bogus state' , async ( ) => {
await Flags . update ( 1 , uid2 , {
state : 'hocus pocus' ,
} ) ;
const state = await db . getObjectField ( 'flag:1' , 'state' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( 'wip' , state ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '.getTarget()' , function ( ) {