@ -21,12 +21,11 @@ var ajaxify = {};
window . onpopstate = function ( event ) {
// "quiet": If set to true, will not call pushState
if ( event !== null && event . state && event . state . url !== undefined ) ajaxify . go ( event . state . url , null , null , true ) ;
} ;
ajaxify . go = function ( url , callback , template , quiet ) {
// "quiet": If set to true, will not call pushState
// leave room and join global
app . enter _room ( 'global' ) ;
@ -61,9 +60,6 @@ var ajaxify = {};
jQuery ( '#content, #footer' ) . fadeIn ( 200 ) ;
} , url , template ) ;
return true ;
} else {
document . location . href = url ;
return true ;
@ -71,26 +67,20 @@ var ajaxify = {};
ajaxify . enable = function ( ) {
$ ( 'a' ) . unbind ( 'mouseup' , ajaxify . onmouseup ) . bind ( 'mouseup' , ajaxify . onmouseup ) ;
$ ( 'a' ) . unbind ( 'click' , ajaxify . onclick ) . bind ( 'click' , ajaxify . onclick ) ;
ajaxify . on mouseup = function ( ev ) {
ajaxify . on click = function ( ev ) {
if ( this . href == window . location . href + "#" ) return ;
var url = this . href . replace ( rootUrl + '/' , '' ) ;
if ( ! ev . ctrlKey && ev . which === 1 ) {
if ( ajaxify . go ( url ) ) ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} else if ( ( ev . ctrlKey && ev . which === 1 ) || ev . which === 2 ) {
window . open ( this . href , '_blank' ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( ajaxify . go ( url ) ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ajaxify . onclick = function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
$ ( 'document' ) . ready ( function ( ) {
if ( ! window . history || ! window . history . pushState ) return ; // no ajaxification for old browsers