@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var async = require('async'),
if (!group) {
return false;
if (group.deleted || (group.hidden && !group.system && !group.isMember) || (!options.showSystemGroups && group.system)) {
if (group.deleted || (group.hidden && !group.system && !group.isMember && !options.isAdmin) || (!options.showSystemGroups && group.system)) {
return false;
} else if (options.removeEphemeralGroups && ephemeralGroups.indexOf(group.name) !== -1) {
return false;
@ -62,15 +62,7 @@ var async = require('async'),
return groups;
applyWithName: function(method, args) {
// This method takes a slug and reapplies the passed-in call with the proper group name
Groups.getGroupNameByGroupSlug(args[0], function(err, groupName) { // Assuming slug is the first argument
// As there is no good way of determining whether the last argument is the callback,
// if getGroupNameByGroupSlug fails, we continue assuming the group name is the same as the slug
if (!err) { Array.prototype.splice.call(args, 0, 1, groupName); }
method.apply(Groups, args);
isPrivilegeGroup: /^cid:\d+:privileges:[\w:]+$/
Groups.list = function(options, callback) {
@ -80,10 +72,17 @@ var async = require('async'),
groupNames = groupNames.concat(ephemeralGroups);
async.map(groupNames, function (groupName, next) {
Groups.get(groupName, options, next);
}, function (err, groups) {
callback(err, internals.filterGroups(groups, options));
groups: async.apply(async.map, groupNames, function (groupName, next) {
Groups.get(groupName, options, next);
isAdmin: function(next) {
if (!options.uid || parseInt(options.uid, 10) === 0) { return next(null, false); }
user.isAdministrator(parseInt(options.uid, 10), next);
}, function (err, data) {
options.isAdmin = options.isAdmin || data.isAdmin;
callback(err, internals.filterGroups(data.groups, options));
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ var async = require('async'),
return callback(new Error('[[error:group-name-too-short]]'));
if (data.name === 'administrators' || data.name === 'registered-users') {
if (data.name === 'administrators' || data.name === 'registered-users' || internals.isPrivilegeGroup.test(data.name)) {
var system = true;