Baris Soner Usakli 11 years ago
commit 825c568bc1

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ First, we install our base software stack:
# apt-get install git nodejs redis-server npm build-essential imagemagick
If you want to use MongoDB instead of Redis install it from and remove 'redis-server' from the above command. [MongoDB-Setup](
If you want to use MongoDB instead of Redis install it from and remove 'redis-server' from the above command. [MongoDB-Setup](
**If your package manager only installed a version of Node.js that is less than 0.8 (e.g. Ubuntu 12.10, 13.04):**

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
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"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
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"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "تأكيد كلمة السر",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "تأكيد كلمة السر",
"register_now_button": "قم بالتسجيل الآن",
"alternative_registration": "التسجيل البديلة"
"alternative_registration": "التسجيل البديلة",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "مواضيع",
"no_topics_found": "لا توجد مواضيع !",
"profile": "ملف",
"posted_by": "رد من",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "دردشة",
"notify_me": "تنبه من ردود جديدة في هذا الموضوع",
"quote": "اقتبس",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "مشاهد الملف",
"reputation": "سمعة",
"posts": "ردود",
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"followers": "أتباع",
"following": "يتبع",
"signature": "توقيع",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "تحميل الصورة",
"upload_a_picture": "تحميل صورة",
"image_spec": "تستطيع تحميل سوى PNG، JPG، GIF تحت 256KB.",
"settings": "إعدادات",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "أظهر بريدي الإلكتروني",
"has_no_follower": "هذا المستخدم ليس لديه أي أتباع :(",
"follows_no_one": "هذا المستخدم لا يتبع أحد :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Potvrzení hesla",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Potvrďte heslo",
"register_now_button": "Zaregistrovat se",
"alternative_registration": "Jiný způsob registrace"
"alternative_registration": "Jiný způsob registrace",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Témata",
"no_topics_found": "Nebyla nalezena žádná témata!",
"profile": "Profil",
"posted_by": "odeslal",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Sledovat toto téma",
"quote": "Citovat",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Zobrazení profilu",
"reputation": "Reputace",
"posts": "Příspěvky",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Sledují ho",
"following": "Sleduje",
"signature": "Podpis",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Nahrát obrázek",
"upload_a_picture": "Nahrát obrázek",
"image_spec": "Můžete nahrávat poze obrázky ve formátu PNG, JPG, nebo GIF o velikosti menší než 256kb.",
"settings": "nastavení",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Zobrazovat můj email v profilu",
"has_no_follower": "Tohoto uživatele nikdo nesleduje :(",
"follows_no_one": "Tento uživatel nikoho nesleduje :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "Du folgst %1 nicht länger!",
"alert.follow": "Du folgst nun %1!",
"posts": "Beiträge",
"views": "Aufrufe"
"views": "Aufrufe",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Passwort bestätigen",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Passwort zur Bestätigung erneut eingeben",
"register_now_button": "Jetzt registrieren",
"alternative_registration": "Alternative Registrierung"
"alternative_registration": "Alternative Registrierung",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Themen",
"no_topics_found": "Keine passende Themen gefunden.",
"profile": "Profil",
"posted_by": "Geposted von",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Werde bei neues Antworten auf dieses Thema benachrichtigt.",
"quote": "zitieren",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profilaufrufe",
"reputation": "Reputation",
"posts": "Posts",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Follower",
"following": "Folgt",
"signature": "Signatur",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Bild hochladen",
"upload_a_picture": "Ein Bild hochladen",
"image_spec": "Du solltest nur Dateien die PNG, JPG, oder GIF kleiner als 256kb hochladen.",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Zeige meine E-Mail Adresse an.",
"has_no_follower": "Dieser User hat noch keine Follower.",
"follows_no_one": "Dieser User folgt noch niemanden.",

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"header.popular": "Popular",
"header.users": "Miembros",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Notifications",
"header.notifications": "Notificaciones",
"": "Buscar",
"header.profile": "Perfil",
"notifications.loading": "Cargando Notificaciones",
@ -31,14 +31,22 @@
"motd.fork": "Fork",
"": "Me gusta",
"motd.follow": "Seguir",
"previouspage": "Previous Page",
"nextpage": "Next Page",
"alert.success": "Success",
"previouspage": "Pagina Anterior",
"nextpage": "Siguente Pagina",
"alert.success": "Exito!",
"alert.error": "Error",
"alert.banned": "Banned",
"alert.banned.message": "You are banned you will be logged out!",
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"alert.banned": "Banneado",
"alert.banned.message": "Estas banneado, seras desconectado!",
"alert.unfollow": "Ya no estas siguiendo a %1!",
"alert.follow": "Estas siguiendo a %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Visitas",
"posted": "posted",
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"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"title": "Recent",
"title": "Reciente",
"day": "Día",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mes"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Confirmar Contraseña",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Confirmar Contraseña",
"register_now_button": "Registrarme ahora",
"alternative_registration": "Otros metodos interesantes para registrarse"
"alternative_registration": "Otros metodos interesantes para registrarse",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,32 +3,32 @@
"topics": "Temas",
"no_topics_found": "No se encontraron temas!",
"profile": "Perfil",
"posted_by": "Publicado por",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Seras notificado cuando haya nuevas respuestas en este tema",
"quote": "Citar",
"reply": "Responder",
"edit": "Editar",
"delete": "Borrar",
"move": "Move",
"fork": "Fork",
"move": "Mover",
"fork": "Forkear",
"banned": "banneado",
"link": "Link",
"share": "Share",
"tools": "Tools",
"flag": "Flag",
"flag_title": "Flag this post for moderation",
"share": "Compartir",
"tools": "Herramientas",
"flag": "Reportar",
"flag_title": "Reportar este post a los moderadores",
"thread_tools.title": "Herramientas del Tema",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Mark Unread",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Marcar como no leido",
"": "Poner Sticky",
"thread_tools.lock": "Cerrar Tema",
"thread_tools.move": "Mover Tema",
"thread_tools.fork": "Fork Thread",
"thread_tools.fork": "Forkear Tema",
"thread_tools.delete": "Borrar Tema",
"load_categories": "Cargando Categorias",
"disabled_categories_note": "Las categorías deshabilidas estan en gris",
"confirm_move": "Mover",
"confirm_fork": "Fork",
"confirm_fork": "Forkear",
"favourite": "Favorito",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"favourites.not_logged_in.title": "No estas conectado :(",
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "No tienes favoritos, puedes agregar alguno y volver a verlos aqui!",
"loading_more_posts": "Cargando más posts",
"move_topic": "Mover Tema",
"move_post": "Move Post",
"fork_topic": "Fork Topic",
"move_post": "Mover post",
"fork_topic": "Forkear Tema",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Este tema sera movido a la categoría",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Click the posts you want to fork",
"fork_no_pids": "No posts selected!",
"fork_success": "Succesfully forked topic!",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Click en los posts que quieres forkear",
"fork_no_pids": "No seleccionaste posts!",
"fork_success": "Forkeado con exito!",
"reputation": "Reputación",
"posts": "Posts"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"title": "Unread",
"title": "No leeido",
"no_unread_topics": "No hay temas nuevos para leer.",
"mark_all_read": "Marcar todo como leeido",
"load_more": "Cargar más"

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
"banned": "Banneado",
"offline": "Desconectado",
"username": "User Name",
"username": "Nombre de Usuario",
"email": "Email",
"fullname": "Nombre Completo",
"website": "Website",
"location": "Ubicación",
"age": "Edad",
"joined": "Registro",
"lastonline": "Last Online",
"lastonline": "Última vez online",
"profile_views": "Visitas en su perfil",
"reputation": "Reputación",
"posts": "Posts",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "Siguiendo",
"signature": "Firma",
@ -27,10 +28,10 @@
"upload_picture": "Cargar foto",
"upload_a_picture": "Cargar una foto",
"image_spec": "Solo puedes usar PNG, JPG, o GIF hasta 256kb.",
"settings": "Opciones",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Mostrar mi Email",
"has_no_follower": "Este miembro no tiene seguidores :(",
"follows_no_one": "Este miembro no sigue a nadie, que pena :(",
"email_hidden": "Email Hidden",
"hidden": "hidden"
"email_hidden": "Email Oculto",
"hidden": "oculto"

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Vahvista salasana",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Vahvista salasana",
"register_now_button": "Rekisteröidy nyt",
"alternative_registration": "Vaihtoehtoiset rekisteröitymistavat"
"alternative_registration": "Vaihtoehtoiset rekisteröitymistavat",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Keskustelut",
"no_topics_found": "Keskusteluja ei löytynyt!",
"profile": "Profiili",
"posted_by": "kirjoittanut ",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Juttele",
"notify_me": "Ilmoita uusista viesteistä tässä keskustelussa",
"quote": "Lainaa",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profiilin katselukerrat",
"reputation": "Maine",
"posts": "Viestit",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Seuraajat",
"following": "Seuraa",
"signature": "Allekirjoitus",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Siirrä kuva",
"upload_a_picture": "Siirrä kuva",
"image_spec": "Voit käyttää PNG, JPG, tai GIF tiedostoja joiden koko on korkeintaan 256kb.",
"settings": "asetukset",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Näytä sähköpostiosoitteeni",
"has_no_follower": "Tällä käyttäjällä ei ole yhtään seuraaja :(",
"follows_no_one": "Tämä käyttäjä ei seuraa ketään :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "Vous ne suivez plus %1!",
"alert.follow": "Vous suivez maintenant %1!",
"posts": "Messages",
"views": "Vues"
"views": "Vues",
"posted": "posté",
"in": "dans",
"recentposts": "Messages Récents",
"online": "En ligne",
"away": "Absent",
"dnd": "Occupé",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Hors ligne"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Confirmer le Mot de passe",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Confirmer le Mot de passe",
"register_now_button": "S'enregistrer Maintenant",
"alternative_registration": "Enregistrement Alternatif"
"alternative_registration": "Enregistrement Alternatif",
"terms_of_use": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "J'accepte les Conditions d'utilisation"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Sujets",
"no_topics_found": "Aucun sujet trouvé!",
"profile": "Profile",
"posted_by": "posté par",
"posted_by": "Posté par",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Être notifié des réponses dans ce sujet",
"quote": "Citer",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Vues du Profil",
"reputation": "Réputation",
"posts": "Messages",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"followers": "Suiveurs",
"following": "Suivis",
"signature": "Signature",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Uploader une image",
"upload_a_picture": "Uploader une image",
"image_spec": "Vous pouvez uploader seulement des fichiers de types PNG, JPG, ou GIF en dessous de 256kb.",
"settings": "paramètres",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"show_email": "Révéler mon Email",
"has_no_follower": "Cet utilisateur n'a aucun suiveur :(",
"follows_no_one": "Cet utilisateur ne suit personne :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Conferma la Password",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Conferma la Password",
"register_now_button": "Registrati",
"alternative_registration": "Altri metodi di registrazione"
"alternative_registration": "Altri metodi di registrazione",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Discussioni",
"no_topics_found": "Nessuna discussione trovata!",
"profile": "Profilo",
"posted_by": "scritto da",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Ricevi notifiche di nuove risposte in questa discussione",
"quote": "Citazione",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Visite al profilo",
"reputation": "Reputazione",
"posts": "Post",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Da chi è seguito",
"following": "Chi segue",
"signature": "Firma",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Carica foto",
"upload_a_picture": "Carica una foto",
"image_spec": "È possibile caricare solo immagini in formato PNG, JPG, o GIF, non più grandi di 256kb.",
"settings": "impostazioni",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Mostra la mia Email",
"has_no_follower": "Questo utente non è seguito da nessuno :(",
"follows_no_one": "Questo utente non segue nessuno :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Confirmar Senha",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Confirmar Senha",
"register_now_button": "Cadastrar Agora",
"alternative_registration": "Você pode usar essas outras formas de cadastro"
"alternative_registration": "Você pode usar essas outras formas de cadastro",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -1,53 +1,47 @@
"topic": "Tópico",
"topics": "Tópicos",
"no_topics_found": "Nenhum tópico encontrado!",
"profile": "Profile",
"posted_by": "Postado por",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Ser notificado a cada nova resposta",
"quote": "Citar",
"reply": "Esponder",
"edit": "Editar",
"delete": "Deletar",
"move": "Mover",
"fork": "Fork",
"banned": "Banido",
"link": "Link",
"share": "Compartilho",
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"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Marcar como não lido",
"": "Fixar Thread",
"thread_tools.lock": "Travar Thread",
"thread_tools.move": "Mover Thread",
"thread_tools.fork": "Fork Thread",
"thread_tools.delete": "Deletar Thread",
"load_categories": "Carregando Categorias",
"disabled_categories_note": "Categorias desabilitadas estão em cinza",
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"favourite": "Favoritar",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"favourites.not_logged_in.title": "Não Logado",
"favourites.not_logged_in.message": "Por Favor logar para favoritar o tópico",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "Você não tem nenhum item favoritado!",
"posted_by": "postado por",
"loading_more_posts": "Carregando mais posts",
"move_topic": "Mover Tópico",
"move_post": "Mover Post",
"fork_topic": "Fork Tópico",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Este tópico será movido para categoria",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Clique nos postas que você fazer o fork",
"fork_no_pids": "Nenhum Tópico selecionado",
"fork_success": "Fork realizado com sucesso!",
"reputation": "Reputação",
"posts": "Posts"
"topic": "Tópico",
"topics": "Tópicos",
"no_topics_found": "Nenhum tópico encontrado!",
"profile": "Profile",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Ser notificado a cada nova resposta",
"quote": "Citar",
"reply": "Esponder",
"edit": "Editar",
"delete": "Deletar",
"move": "Mover",
"fork": "Fork",
"banned": "Banido",
"link": "Link",
"share": "Compartilho",
"tools": "Ferramentas",
"flag": "Flag",
"flag_title": "Flag this post for moderation",
"thread_tools.title": "Ferramentas da Thread",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Marcar como não lido",
"": "Fixar Thread",
"thread_tools.lock": "Travar Thread",
"thread_tools.move": "Mover Thread",
"thread_tools.fork": "Fork Thread",
"thread_tools.delete": "Deletar Thread",
"load_categories": "Carregando Categorias",
"disabled_categories_note": "Categorias desabilitadas estão em cinza",
"confirm_move": "Mover",
"confirm_fork": "Fork",
"favourite": "Favoritar",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"favourites.not_logged_in.title": "Não Logado",
"favourites.not_logged_in.message": "Por Favor logar para favoritar o tópico",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "Você não tem nenhum item favoritado!",
"loading_more_posts": "Carregando mais posts",
"move_topic": "Mover Tópico",
"move_post": "Mover Post",
"fork_topic": "Fork Tópico",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Este tópico será movido para categoria",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Clique nos postas que você fazer o fork",
"fork_no_pids": "Nenhum Tópico selecionado",
"fork_success": "Fork realizado com sucesso!",
"reputation": "Reputação",
"posts": "Posts"

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Visualizações de Profile",
"reputation": "Reputação",
"posts": "Posts",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "Seguindo",
"signature": "Assinatura",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Carregar Foto",
"upload_a_picture": "Carregar Foto",
"image_spec": "Somente arquivos jpg, png e gif com no maximo 256kb.",
"settings": "Configurações",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Mostrar meu email",
"has_no_follower": "Ninguém está seguindo esse usuário...",
"follows_no_one": "Este usuário não está seguindo ninguem...",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "Už nenasleduješ %!",
"alert.follow": "Nasleduješ %1!",
"posts": "Príspevkov",
"views": "Zhliadnutí"
"views": "Zhliadnutí",
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@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Potvrdenie hesla",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Potvrdťe heslo",
"register_now_button": "Zaregistrovať sa",
"alternative_registration": "Iný spôsob registrácie"
"alternative_registration": "Iný spôsob registrácie",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Témy",
"no_topics_found": "Neboli nájdené žiadne témy!",
"profile": "Profil",
"posted_by": "odoslal",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Sledovať túto tému",
"quote": "Citovať",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Zobrazenie profilu",
"reputation": "Reputácia",
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"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Nasledujú ho",
"following": "Nasleduje",
"signature": "Podpis",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Nahrať obrázok",
"upload_a_picture": "Nahrať obrázok",
"image_spec": "Môžete nahrávať iba obrázky vo formáte PNG, JPG, alebo GIF o veľkosti menšej než 256kb.",
"settings": "nastavenia",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Zobrazovať môj email v profile",
"has_no_follower": "Tohoto užívatela nikto nesleduje :(",
"follows_no_one": "Tento užívateľ nikoho nesleduje :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "Du följer inte längre %1!",
"alert.follow": "Du följer nu %1!",
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"views": "Visningar",
"posted": "posted",
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"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
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"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
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"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "Bekräfta lösenord",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "Bekräfta lösenord",
"register_now_button": "Registrera nu",
"alternative_registration": "Alternativ registrering"
"alternative_registration": "Alternativ registrering",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "Ämnen",
"no_topics_found": "Inga ämnen hittades!",
"profile": "Profil",
"posted_by": "skapad av",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "Chatt",
"notify_me": "Få notiser om nya svar i detta ämne",
"quote": "Citera",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profil-visningar",
"reputation": "Rykte",
"posts": "Inlägg",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "Följare",
"following": "Följer",
"signature": "Signatur",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "Ladda upp bild",
"upload_a_picture": "Ladda upp en bild",
"image_spec": "Du får endast ladda upp PNG, JPG, eller GIF-filer mindre än 256kb.",
"settings": "inställningar",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "Visa min epost",
"has_no_follower": "Denna användare har inga följare :(",
"follows_no_one": "Denna användare följer ingen :(",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
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"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
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"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "确认密码",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "再次输入密码",
"register_now_button": "现在注册",
"alternative_registration": "其他方式注册"
"alternative_registration": "其他方式注册",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "主题",
"no_topics_found": "没有找到主题!",
"profile": "资料",
"posted_by": "发布",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "聊天",
"notify_me": "该主题有新回复时通知我",
"quote": "引用",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "资料被查看",
"reputation": "声望",
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"followers": "被关注",
"following": "关注",
"signature": "签名",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "上传头像",
"upload_a_picture": "上传一张照片",
"image_spec": "你可以上传PNGJPG或GIF格式的图像文件小于256kb。",
"settings": "设置",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "显示我的邮箱",
"has_no_follower": "该用户还没有被任何人关注。",
"follows_no_one": "该用户还没有关注过任何人。",

@ -40,5 +40,13 @@
"alert.unfollow": "You are no longer following %1!",
"alert.follow": "You are now following %1!",
"posts": "Posts",
"views": "Views"
"views": "Views",
"posted": "posted",
"in": "in",
"recentposts": "Recent Posts",
"online": "Online",
"away": "Away",
"dnd": "Do not Disturb",
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"offline": "Offline"

@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
"confirm_password": "確認密碼",
"confirm_password_placeholder": "再次輸入密碼",
"register_now_button": "現在注冊",
"alternative_registration": "其他方式注冊"
"alternative_registration": "其他方式注冊",
"terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "I agree to the Terms of Use"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"topics": "主題",
"no_topics_found": "沒有找到主題!",
"profile": "資料",
"posted_by": "發布",
"posted_by": "Posted by",
"chat": "聊天",
"notify_me": "該主題有新回復時通知我",
"quote": "引用",

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"profile_views": "資料被查看",
"reputation": "聲望",
"posts": "發帖數",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"followers": "被關注",
"following": "關注",
"signature": "簽名",
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"upload_picture": "上傳頭像",
"upload_a_picture": "上傳一張照片",
"image_spec": "你可以上傳PNGJPG或GIF格式的圖像文件小於256kb。",
"settings": "設置",
"settings": "Settings",
"show_email": "顯示我的郵箱",
"has_no_follower": "該用戶還沒有被任何人關注。",
"follows_no_one": "該用戶還沒有關注過任何人。",
