"403.message":"يبدو أنك قد تعثرت على صفحة لا تمتلك الصلاحية للدخول إليها",
"403.login":"ربما يجب عليك <a href='%1/login'>تسجل دخولك</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"لم يتم العثور",
"404.message":"الصفحة غير موجودة. العودة لـ <a href='%1/'>الرئيسية</a>",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"خطأ داخلي",
"500.message":"عفوا! يبدو وكأنه شيء ذهب على نحو خاطئ!",
"400.title":"طلب سيئ",
"400.message":"الرابط غير صحيح. رجاءًا تأكد من الرابط أو ارجع لـ <a href='%1/'>الرئيسية</a>",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Изглежда сте посетили страница, до която нямате достъп.",
"403.login":"Може би трябва да <a href='%1/login'>опитате да се впишете</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Нее намерена",
"404.message":"Изглежда сте се опитали да посетите страница, която не съществува. Върнете се към <a href='%1/'>началната страница</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Вътрешна грешка.",
"500.message":"Опа! Изглежда нещо се обърка!",
"400.title":"Грешна заявка.",
"400.message":"Тази връзка изглежда повредена. Моля, проверете я и опитайте отново. В противен случай се върнете на <a href='%1/'>началната страница</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"পাওয়া যায়নি",
"404.message":"আপনি এমন জায়গাতে যেতে চাচ্ছেন যার কোন অস্তিত্ব নাই। <a href='%1/'>প্রথম পাতায়</a> ফিরে যান ।",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"ওহো! কিছু ভুল হয়েছে মনে হচ্ছে!",
"400.title":"ভুল ঠিকানা",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Zdá se, že jste narazil/a na stránky na které nemáte přístup.",
"403.login":"Možná byste měli se <a href='%1/login'>zkusit přihlásit</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Stránka nenalezena",
"404.message":"Zdá se, že jste narazil/a na stránku která neexistuje. Vrátit se zpět na <a href='%1/'>domovskou stránku</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Interní chyba",
"500.message":"Jejda, vypadá to, že se něco pokazilo.",
"400.title":"Špatný požadavek.",
"400.message":"Zdá se, že tento odkaz není správny, prosím zkontrolujte ho a zkuste to znovu. Jinak, vraťte se na <a href='%1/'>Domácí stránku</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Det ser ud til du er stødt på en side du ikke har adgang til.",
"403.login":"Måske du skulle <a href='%1/login'>prøve og logge ind</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Ikke fundet",
"404.message":"Det ser ud til du er stødt på en side der ikke finder. Retuner til <a href='%1/'> forsiden</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Ups! Ser ud til at noget gik galt!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":" Nicht Gefunden",
"404.message":"Diese Seite existiert nicht. Zur <a href='%1/'>Homepage</a> zurückkehren.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Interner Fehler.",
"500.message":"Ups! Scheint als wäre etwas schief gelaufen!",
"400.title":"Ungültige Anforderung",
"400.message":"Es scheint als wäre dieser Link fehlerhaft, bitte überprüfe ihn und versuche es erneut oder gehe zurück zur <a href='%1/'>Startseite</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Φαίνεται πως βρέθηκες σε κάποια σελίδα στην οποία δεν έχεις πρόσβαση.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Δεν βρέθηκε",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Εσωτερικό Σφάλμα.",
"500.message":"Ουπς! Φαίνεται πως κάτι πήγε στραβά!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Not Found",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Oops! Looks like something went wrong!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"T'ere be nut'in 'ere",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Looks like we've got somethin' in th' sails.",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"No encontrado",
"404.message":"Al parecer has llegado a una página a la cual no tienes permisos para acceder. Volver a la <a href='%1/'> página de inicio </a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Error interno.",
"500.message":"¡Ooops! ¡Parece que algo salió mal! No te preocupes, ¡nuestros simios hiperinteligentes lo solucionarán!",
"400.title":"Petición incorrecta.",
"400.message":"Parece que la dirección es errónea, por favor compruébala y prueba otra vez. En caso contrario vuelve al <a href='%1/'>inicio</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Tundub, et sul pole piisvalt õigusi selle lehe vaatamiseks. ",
"403.login":"Äkki peaksid <a href='%1/login'>sisse logima</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Ei leitud",
"404.message":"Tundub, et lehte mida otsid, ei eksisteeri. Mine tagasi <a href='%1/'>avalehele</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Süsteemne error.",
"500.message":"Oih! Midagi läks valesti!",
"400.title":"Vigane päring.",
"400.message":"Tundub, et see link on vigane, palun kontrolli see üle ja proovi uuesti. Võid ka minna tagasi <a href='%1/'>avalehele</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"به نظر می رسد شما به صفحه ای برخورد کرده اید که دسترسی به آن ندارید.",
"403.login":"شاید باید <a href='%1/login'>وارد شوید</a>؟",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"یافت نشد",
"404.message":"به نظر می رسد شما به صفحه ای برخورد کرده اید که وجود ندارد. بازگشت به <a href='%1/'>صفحه ی خانه</a>",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"خطای داخلی.",
"500.message":"اوه! گویا اشتباهی رخ داده!",
"400.title":"درخواست بد.",
"400.message":"به نظر میرسد که این پیوند مشکل دارد، لطفا دوباره بررسی کنید که این پیوند صحیح است و دوباره تلاش کنید، در غیر اینصورت به <a href='%1/'>صفحه اصلی</a> بازگردید.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Olet päätynyt sivulle, johon sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia.",
"403.login":"Sinun pitäisi kai <a href='%1/login'>kirjautua sisään</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Ei löydy",
"404.message":"Olet päätynyt sivulle, jota ei ole olemassa. Palaa <a href='%1/'>etusivulle</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.message":"Oho! Jotain meni pieleen!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"Näyttää siltä, että linkki on virheellinen. Tarkista vielä linkin muoton ja yritä uudestaan. Muusa tapauksessa palaa takaisin <a href='%1/'>kotisivulle</a>",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Il semble que vous ayez atteint une page à laquelle vous n'avez pas accès.",
"403.login":"Peut-être deviez vous <a href='%1/login'>essayer de vous connecter</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.message":"Il semble que vous ayez atteint une page qui n'existe pas. Retourner à la <a href='%1/'>page d'accueil</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Erreur Interne.",
"500.message":"Oops ! Il semblerait que quelque chose se soit mal passé !",
"400.title":"Requête erronée.",
"400.message":"Il semble que ce lien ne soit pas correct, merci de le vérifier. Sinon, retournez à la <a href='%1/'>page d'accueil</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Non Atopado",
"404.message":"Ao parecer, esta páxina non existe. Volver ao <a href='%1/'>Inicio</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Erro interno.",
"500.message":"Ups! Parece que algo saíu mal!",
"400.title":"Petición incorrecta",
"400.message":"Parece que a dirección é errónea. Por favor, compróbaa e proba de novo. No caso contrario, volve ó <a href='%1/'>inicio</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"הגעתם לעמוד שאין לכם הרשאת צפייה בו",
"403.login":"נסו <a href='%1/login'>להתחבר</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"לא נמצא",
"404.message":"הגעתם לעמוד שאינו קיים. חזרו <a href=\"%1/\">לעמוד הבית</a>",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"שגיאה פנימית.",
"500.message":"אופס! נראה שמשהו השתבש!",
"400.title":"בקשה שגויה",
"400.message":"לינק לא תקין, בדקו ונסו שוב. או, חזרו ל<a href='%1/'>עמוד הבית</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Pokušajte se <a href='%1/login'>prijaviti</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nije pronadjeno",
"404.message":"Ova stranica ne postoji. Vrati se na <a href='%1/'>početnu</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Interna greška.",
"500.message":"Ups! Čini se da nešto nije u redu.",
"400.title":"Krivi zahtjev.",
"400.message":"Izgleda da ovaj link nije ispravan, molimo provjerite i ponovo pokušajte. Ili se vratite na <a href='%1/'>početnu stranicu</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Úgy tűnik, hogy rábukkantál egy olyan oldalra, amihez nincs hozzáférésed.",
"403.login":"Talán próbálj meg <a href='%1/login'>belépni</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nincs találat",
"404.message":"Úgy tűnik, hogy rábukkantál egy olyan oldalra, ami nem létezik. Visszatérés a <a href='%1/'>kezdőoldalra</a>",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Belső hiba.",
"500.message":"Hoppá! Úgy tűnik, valami hiba történt!",
"400.title":"Hibás kérelem.",
"400.message":"Úgy látszik, a hivatkozás formátuma hibás, ellenőrizd és próbáld újra. Egyéb esetben térj vissza a <a href='%1/'>kezdőoldalra</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Դուք, կարծես, պատահաբար հայտնվել եք մի էջի վրա, որը դուք մուտք չունեք:",
"403.login":"Միգուցե փորձե՞ք մուտք գործել:",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Գտնված չէ",
"404.message":"Կարծես թե պատահել ես մի էջի, որը գոյություն չունի։ Վերադարձ դեպի <a href='%1/'>գլխավոր էջ</a>։",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Ներքին սխալ.",
"500.message":"Վա՜յ Կարծես ինչ-որ բան սխալ ստացվեց։",
"400.title":"Վատ խնդրանք.",
"400.message":"Կարծես թե այս հղումը սխալ ձևավորված է, խնդրում ենք կրկնակի ստուգել և նորից փորձել: Հակառակ դեպքում վերադարձեք գլխավոր էջ:",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Kamu kelihatan mengakses halaman yang kamu tidak memiliki akses",
"403.login":"Mungkin kamu harus <a href='%1/login'>mencoba untuk login</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Tidak ditemukan",
"404.message":"Kamu kelihatan mengakses halaman yang tidak ada. Kembali ke <a href='%1/'>beranda</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Kesalahan Internal.",
"500.message":"Oops! Terjadi kesalahan",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Non Trovato",
"404.message":"Sembra tu sia arrivato ad una pagina che non esiste. Torna alla <a href='%1/'>pagina iniziale</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Errore interno.",
"500.message":"Oops! Qualcosa non funziona come si deve!",
"400.title":"Richiesta non valida.",
"400.message":"Sembra che questo link non sia corretto, per favore ricontrolla e riprova. Altrimenti ritorna alla <a href='%1/'>pagina iniziale</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"<a href='%1/login'>로그인</a> 되어 있는지 확인해주세요.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"404.message":"존재하지 않는 페이지에 접근하였습니다. <a href='%1/'>홈 페이지</a>로 이동합니다.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"내부 오류",
"500.message":"이런! 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다!",
"400.title":"잘못된 요청",
"400.message":"해당 링크는 잘못된 형식입니다. 다시 한번 확인 후 시도해 주십시오. 아니면 <a href='%1/'>홈페이지</a>로 이동합니다. ",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Matosi užklupai į ta puslapį kur neturi tam tikrų teisių jį peržiūrėti",
"403.login":"Tikriausiai tu turėtum <a href='%1/login'>pabandyt prisijungt</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.message":"Pasirodo sėdi puslapyje kurio net nėra. Grįžk į <a href='%1/'>namų puslapį</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Oops! Atrodo, kad kažkas nutiko!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Šķiet, ka esi uznācis uz lapu, kurai Tev nav piekļuves.",
"403.login":"Varbūt Tev vajadzētu <a href='%1/login'>mēģināt ielogoties</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nav atrasts",
"404.message":"Šķiet, ka esi uznācis uz lapu, kura neeksistē. Atgriezies <a href='%1/'>sākumlapā</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Iekšēja kļūda.",
"500.message":"Hmm... Izskatās, ka kaut kas noticis nepareizi!",
"400.title":"Nepareizs pieprasījums.",
"400.message":"Šķiet, ka šī saite ir nepareiza, lūdzu, pārbaudi un mēģini vēlreiz. Pretējā gadījumā atgriezies <a href='%1/'>sākumlapā</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Anda tidak mempunyai kebenaran untuk melihat halaman ini",
"403.login":"Mungkin anda boleh <a href='%1/login'>cuba log masuk</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"tidak dijumpai",
"404.message":"Halaman yang diminta tidak wujud. Kembali ke <a href='%1/'>halaman utama</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Oops! Macam ada yang tidak kena",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Du har funnet en side du ikke har tilgang til.",
"403.login":"Kanskje du skal <a href='%1/login'>prøve å logge inn</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Ikke funnet",
"404.message":"Du har funnet en side som ikke eksisterer. Returner til <a href='%1'>startsiden</a>?",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Intern feil.",
"500.message":"Oops! Ser ut som noe gikk galt!",
"400.title":"Ugyldig forespørsel ",
"400.message":"Det ser ut til at denne lenken er ugyldig, vennligst dobbeltsjekk og prøv igjen. Ellers, gå tilbake til <a href='%1/'>hjemmesiden</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Het lijkt erop dat je op een pagina beland bent waar je geen toegang tot hebt.",
"403.login":"Je kan proberen <a href='%1/login'>in te loggen</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Niet gevonden",
"404.message":"Deze pagina bestaat niet. Klik hier om naar de <a href='%1/'>hoofdpagina</a> van deze website te navigeren.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Interne fout",
"500.message":"Oeps! Ziet er naar uit dat iets fout ging!",
"400.title":"Foutief verzoek",
"400.message":"Het lijkt erop dat de link onjuist is. Kijk het nog eens na en probeer het opnieuw. Of ga terug naar de <a href='%1/'>startpagina</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Wygląda na to, że trafiłeś na stronę, do której nie masz dostępu.",
"403.login":"Może powinieneś się <a href='%1/login'>zalogować</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nie znaleziono",
"404.message":"Wygląda na to, że trafiłeś na stronę, która nie istnieje. Wróć do <a href='%1/'>strony startowej</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Wewnętrzny błąd.",
"500.message":"Ups! Coś poszło nie tak.",
"400.title":"Złe zapytanie.",
"400.message":"Zdaje się, że ten odnośnik jest nieprawidłowy. Sprawdź odnośnik i spróbuj ponownie albo wróć na <a href='%1/'>stronę startową</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Parece que você chegou à uma página à qual você não tem acesso.",
"403.login":"Talvez você deveria <a href='%1/login'>tentar fazer login</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Não Encontrado",
"404.message":"Parece que você chegou à uma página que não existe. Voltar para a <a href='%1/'>página inicial</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Erro Interno.",
"500.message":"Oops! Parece que algo deu errado!",
"400.title":"Solicitação Inválida.",
"400.message":"Parece que este link está incorreto. Por favor, verifique e tente novamente. Caso contrário, volte para a <a href='%1/'>página inicial</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Não encontrado",
"404.message":"Parece que encontraste uma página que não existe. Regressa à <a href='%1/'>página principal</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Erro interno.",
"500.message":"Oops! Parece que algo correu mal!",
"400.title":"O pedido não correu bem.",
"400.message":"Parece que este link está mal formado. Por favor volta a confirma-lo e tenta novamente ou então retorna à <a href='%1/'>página principal</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Se pare că ai ajuns pe o pagină la care nu ai acces",
"403.login":"Poate ar trebui să te <a href='%1/login'>autentifici</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nu a fost găsit",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Oops! Se pare că ceva a mers greșit!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Вы пытаетесь перейти на страницу, к которой у вас нет доступа.",
"403.login":"Возможно вам следует <a href='%1/login'>войти под своей учётной записью</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Страница не найдена",
"404.message":"Вы пытаетесь перейти на страницу, которой не существует. Начните с <a href='%1/'>главной страницы</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Внутренняя ошибка.",
"500.message":"Упс! Похоже, что-то пошло не так!",
"400.title":"Неверный запрос.",
"400.message":"Похоже, эта ссылка имеет неправильный формат. Пожалуйста, проверьте её и повторите попытку или вернитесь на <a href='%1/'>главную страницу</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"please_log_in":"Пожалуйста, войдите под своей учётной записью",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.message":"Biragaragara ko wageze kuri paji itariho ikintu. Subira <a href='%1/'>Imbere</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Ye baba we! Ntibikunze!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"No Agatadu",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internal Error.",
"500.message":"Oops! Paret chi carchi cosa est andada male!",
"400.title":"Bad Request.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Zdá sa, že ste narazili/a na stránku, na ktorú nemáte prístup.",
"403.login":"Možno by ste mali <a href='%1/login'> skúste sa prihlásiť </a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Stránka nenájdená",
"404.message":"Zdá sa že ste narazili na stránku, ktorá už neexistuje. Vráťte sa na <a href='%1/'>domovskú stránku</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Vnútorná chyba.",
"500.message":"Och! Vyzerá to tak, že sa niečo pokazilo!",
"400.title":"Nesprávna požiadavka.",
"400.message":"Vyzerá to tak, že tento odkaz je poškodený, prosím skontrolujte ho a skúste to znova. V opačnom prípade sa vráťte na <a href='%1/'>domovskú stránku</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Kaže, da ste naleteli na stran, za katero nimate dovoljenja.",
"403.login":"Morda bi se raje <a href='%1/login'>prijavili</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Tega ni bilo mogoče najti.",
"404.message":"Kaže, da ste naleteli na stran, ki ne obstaja. Vrnite se na <a href='%1/'>začetno stran</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Interna napaka",
"500.message":"Ups! Nekaj je šlo narobe!",
"400.title":"Napačna zahteva",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Ju duket se keni arritur në një faqe në të cilën nuk keni akses.",
"403.login":"Ndoshta duhet të <a href='%1/login'>provoni të regjistroheni</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Nuk u gjet",
"404.message":"Ju duket se keni ngelur në një faqe që nuk ekziston. Kthehu në <a href='%1/'>faqen kryesore</a>. ",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Gabim i brendshëm.",
"500.message":"Ups! Diçka nuk shkoi mirë!",
"400.title":"Kërkesë e pasaktë.",
"400.message":"Me sa duket kjo lidhje është jo e sigurt, ju lutemi kontrolloni dhe provoni përsëri. Përndryshe, kthehuni <a href='%1/'>në faqen kryesore</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Изгледа да сте набасали на страницу на којој немате дозвољен приступ.",
"403.login":"Можда би требало да се <a href='%1/login'>пријавите</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Не постоји",
"404.message":"Изгледа да сте наишли на страницу која не постоји. Вратите се на <a href='%1/'>матичну страницу.</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Унутрашња грешка.",
"500.message":"Упс! Изгледа да нешто није како треба!",
"400.title":"Неисправан захтев.",
"400.message":"Изгледа да је веза погрешно уобличена, проверите и пробајте поново. У супротном, вратите се на <a href='%1/'>матичну страницу</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Du verkar ha ramlat in på en sida du ej har tillgång till.",
"403.login":"Du kanske bör <a href='%1/login'>försöka logga in</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Sidan saknas",
"404.message":"Du verkar ha ramlat in på en sida som inte finns. Återgå till <a href='%1/'>första sidan</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Internt fel.",
"500.message":"Hoppsan! Något verkar ha gått fel!",
"400.title":"Felaktig förfrågan.",
"400.message":"Det ser ut som länken är felaktig, vänligen dubbelkolla och försök igen. Annars återvänd till <a href='%1/'>hemsidan</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Erişim izniniz olmayan bir sayfaya denk gelmiş gibisiniz.",
"403.login":"Belki tekrar <a href='%1/login'>giriş</a> yapmalısınız?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.message":"Erişim izniniz olmayan bir sayfaya denk gelmiş gibisiniz. <a href='%1/'>Anasayfa</a>'ya geri dönün.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Dahili hata.",
"500.message":"Ups! Bir şeyler ters gitti sanki!",
"400.title":"Geçersiz istek.",
"400.message":"Bu bağlantı bozuk gibi gözüküyor, lütfen bir kez daha kontrol edin. Aksi taktirde <a href='%1/'>anasayfaya</a> geri dönün.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Здається ви натрапили на сторінку до якої не маєте доступу.",
"403.login":"Можливо вам потрібно <a href='%1/login'>увійти</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Не знайдено",
"404.message":"Здається ви натрапили на сторінку якої не існує. Поверніться на <a href='%1/'>початкову сторінку</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Внутрішня помилка.",
"500.message":"Ой! Здається щось пішло не так!",
"400.title":"Помилковий запит.",
"400.message":"Схоже, що посилання сформовано невірно, перевірте його і спробуйте ще раз. Інакше, поверніться на <a href='%1/'>початкову сторінку</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"403.message":"Dường như bạn đã tình cờ gặp một trang mà bạn không có quyền truy cập.",
"403.login":"Có lẽ bạn nên <a href='%1/login'>thử đăng nhập</a>?",
"403.login":"Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title":"Không Tìm Thấy",
"404.message":"Có vẻ như bạn đã tình cờ gặp một trang không tồn tại. Hãy trở lại <a href='%1/'>trang chủ</a>.",
"404.message":"You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title":"Lỗi Bên Trong.",
"500.message":"Úi chà! Có vẻ như đã xảy ra sự cố!",
"400.title":"Yêu Cầu Không Hợp Lệ.",
"400.message":"Có vẻ như liên kết này không đúng định dạng, vui lòng kiểm tra kỹ và thử lại. Nếu không, hãy quay về <a href='%1/'>trang chủ</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"400.message":"It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/'>home page</a>.",