feat: server-side routes for handling multiple topic thumbnails

closes , requires 'topic-thumb-refactor' branch of composer-default
Julian Lam
parent 98cd9e3549
commit 7e9e08f718

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ postsAPI.edit = async function (caller, data) {
data.req = apiHelpers.buildReqObject(caller);
const editResult = await posts.edit(data);
if (editResult.topic.isMainPost) {
await topics.thumbs.commit(data.uuid, editResult.topic.tid);
if (editResult.topic.renamed) {
await events.log({
type: 'topic-rename',

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ topicsAPI.create = async function (caller, data) {
const result = await topics.post(payload);
await topics.thumbs.commit(data.uuid, result.topicData.tid);
socketHelpers.emitToUids('event:new_post', { posts: [result.postData] }, [caller.uid]);
socketHelpers.emitToUids('event:new_topic', result.topicData, [caller.uid]);

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
const validator = require('validator');
const api = require('../../api');
const topics = require('../../topics');
const helpers = require('../helpers');
const uploadsController = require('../uploads');
const Topics = module.exports;
@ -85,3 +88,33 @@ Topics.deleteTags = async (req, res) => {
await topics.deleteTopicTags(req.params.tid);
helpers.formatApiResponse(200, res);
Topics.addThumb = async (req, res) => {
// req.params.tid could be either a tid (pushing a new thumb to an existing topic) or a post UUID (a new topic being composed)
const id = req.params.tid;
const isUUID = validator.isUUID(id);
// Sanity-check the tid if it's strictly not a uuid
if (!isUUID && (isNaN(parseInt(id, 10)) || !await topics.exists(req.params.tid))) {
return helpers.formatApiResponse(404, res, new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'));
* todo test:
* - uuid
* - tid
* - number but not tid
* - random garbage
const files = await uploadsController.uploadThumb(req, res); // response is handled here, fix this?
// Add uploaded files to topic zset
await Promise.all(files.map(async (fileObj) => {
await topics.thumbs.associate(id, fileObj.path, isUUID);
Topics.deleteThumb = async (req, res) => {
await topics.thumbs.delete(req.params.tid, req.query.path);
helpers.formatApiResponse(200, res, await topics.thumbs.get(req.params.tid));

@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ Assert.topic = helpers.try(async (req, res, next) => {
Assert.topicThumb = helpers.try(async (req, res, next) => {
// thumbs are parsed out of req.query
if (!await topics.thumbs.exists(req.params.tid, req.query.path)) {
return controllerHelpers.formatApiResponse(404, res, new Error('[[error:invalid-file]]'));
Assert.post = helpers.try(async (req, res, next) => {
if (!await posts.exists(req.params.pid)) {
return controllerHelpers.formatApiResponse(404, res, new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'));

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ const setupApiRoute = routeHelpers.setupApiRoute;
module.exports = function () {
const middlewares = [middleware.authenticate];
var multipart = require('connect-multiparty');
var multipartMiddleware = multipart();
setupApiRoute(router, 'post', '/', [middleware.authenticateOrGuest, middleware.checkRequired.bind(null, ['cid', 'title', 'content'])], controllers.write.topics.create);
setupApiRoute(router, 'post', '/:tid', [middleware.authenticateOrGuest, middleware.checkRequired.bind(null, ['content']), middleware.assert.topic], controllers.write.topics.reply);
setupApiRoute(router, 'delete', '/:tid', [...middlewares], controllers.write.topics.purge);
@ -31,5 +34,8 @@ module.exports = function () {
setupApiRoute(router, 'put', '/:tid/tags', [...middlewares, middleware.checkRequired.bind(null, ['tags']), middleware.assert.topic], controllers.write.topics.addTags);
setupApiRoute(router, 'delete', '/:tid/tags', [...middlewares, middleware.assert.topic], controllers.write.topics.deleteTags);
setupApiRoute(router, 'post', '/:tid/thumbs', [multipartMiddleware, middleware.validateFiles, ...middlewares], controllers.write.topics.addThumb);
setupApiRoute(router, 'delete', '/:tid/thumbs', [...middlewares, middleware.assert.topic, middleware.assert.topicThumb], controllers.write.topics.deleteThumb);
return router;

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ var mime = require('mime');
var validator = require('validator');
var util = require('util');
const db = require('../database');
var meta = require('../meta');
var image = require('../image');
var file = require('../file');
@ -24,6 +25,49 @@ function pipeToFile(source, destination, callback) {
const pipeToFileAsync = util.promisify(pipeToFile);
Thumbs.exists = async function (tid, path) {
// TODO: tests
return db.isSortedSetMember(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, path);
Thumbs.get = async function (tid) {
const thumbs = await db.getSortedSetRange(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, 0, -1);
return thumbs.map(thumb => path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), thumb));
Thumbs.associate = async function (id, path, isDraft) {
// Associates a newly uploaded file as a thumb to the passed-in tid
const set = `${isDraft ? 'draft' : 'topic'}:${id}:thumbs`;
const numThumbs = await db.sortedSetCard(set);
path = path.replace(nconf.get('upload_path'), '');
db.sortedSetAdd(set, numThumbs, path);
Thumbs.commit = async function (uuid, tid) {
// Converts the draft thumb zset to the topic zset (combines thumbs if applicable)
const set = `draft:${uuid}:thumbs`;
const thumbs = await db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1);
await Promise.all(thumbs.map(async path => await Thumbs.associate(tid, path, false)));
await db.delete(set);
Thumbs.delete = async function (tid, relativePath) {
// TODO: tests
const set = `topic:${tid}:thumbs`;
const absolutePath = path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), relativePath);
const [associated, existsOnDisk] = await Promise.all([
db.isSortedSetMember(set, relativePath),
if (associated) {
await db.sortedSetRemove(set, relativePath);
if (existsOnDisk) {
await file.delete(absolutePath);
Thumbs.resizeAndUpload = async function (data) {
const allowedExtensions = file.allowedExtensions();
