Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot) 6 years ago
parent 90b4d40e77
commit 7990597740

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"filter-type": "סוג סימון",
"filter-type-all": "כל התוכן",
"filter-type-post": "פרסום",
"filter-type-user": "User",
"filter-type-user": "משתמש",
"filter-state": "מצב",
"filter-assignee": "UID של הממונה",
"filter-cid": "קטגוריה",

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"enter_page_number": "הכנס מספר עמוד",
"upload_file": "העלה קובץ",
"upload": "העלה",
"uploads": "Uploads",
"uploads": "העלאות",
"allowed-file-types": "פורמטי הקבצים המורשים הם %1",
"unsaved-changes": "יש לך שינויים שאינם נשמרו. האם הנך בטוח שברצונך להמשיך?",
"reconnecting-message": "נראה שההתחברות שלך אל %1 אבדה, אנא המתן בזמן שהמערכת מנסה לחבר אותך מחדש",

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"at-most": "לכל היותר",
"relevance": "רלוונטיות",
"post-time": "זמן הפוסט",
"votes": "Votes",
"votes": "הצבעות",
"newer-than": "חדש מ",
"older-than": "ישן מ",
"any-date": "כל תאריך",

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"ignored": "התעלם",
"followers": "עוקבים",
"following": "עוקב אחרי",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"blocks": "חסימות",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "חסום משתמש",
"unblock_user": "בטל חסימת משתמש",

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"has_no_posts": "このユーザーはまだ一つも投稿していません",
"has_no_topics": "このユーザーはまだ一つもスレッドを作っていません",
"has_no_watched_topics": "このユーザーはまだ一つもスレッドをウォッチしていません",
"has_no_ignored_topics": "This user hasn't ignored any topics yet.",
"has_no_ignored_topics": "この利用者はまだトピックを無視していません。",
"has_no_upvoted_posts": "このユーザーはまだ一つも投稿に高評価を付けていません。",
"has_no_downvoted_posts": "このユーザーはまだ一つも投稿に低評価を付けていません。",
"has_no_voted_posts": "このユーザーは投稿を評価していません。",
@ -99,21 +99,21 @@
"paginate_description": "無限スクロールの代わりに、投稿やスレッドをページ別で切り替える。",
"topics_per_page": "ページごとのスレッド数",
"posts_per_page": "ページごとの投稿数",
"max_items_per_page": "Maximum %1",
"acp_language": "Admin Page Language",
"max_items_per_page": "最大 %1",
"acp_language": "ページ言語の管理",
"notification_sounds": "通知の時に音を鳴らします",
"notifications_and_sounds": "通知 & サウンド",
"incoming-message-sound": "受信メッセージの音",
"outgoing-message-sound": "送信メッセージの音",
"notification-sound": "通知音",
"no-sound": "無音",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq": "投票の通知頻度",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "すべての高評価",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "はじめの投稿",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "10の投票数",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "無効",
"browsing": "ブラウジングの設定",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "外部リンクを新しいタブで開く",
"enable_topic_searching": "スレッド内検索を有効にする",
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
"sso.title": "シングルサインオンサービス",
"sso.associated": "関連付けられています",
"sso.not-associated": "ここを押して、関連付けられています",
"sso.dissociate": "Dissociate",
"sso.dissociate-confirm-title": "Confirm Dissociation",
"sso.dissociate-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to dissociate your account from %1?",
"sso.dissociate": "離脱する",
"sso.dissociate-confirm-title": "離脱の際に確認する",
"sso.dissociate-confirm": "アカウントと %1 の関連付けを解除しますか?",
"info.latest-flags": "最近のフラグ",
"": "フラグのついた投稿はありません",
"info.ban-history": "最近停止した履歴",
@ -148,25 +148,25 @@
"info.moderation-note": "モデレーションノート",
"info.moderation-note.success": "モデレーションは保存されませんでした",
"info.moderation-note.add": "ノートに追加",
"sessions.description": "This page allows you to view any active sessions on this forum and revoke them if necessary. You can revoke your own session by logging out of your account.",
"consent.title": "Your Rights & Consent",
"consent.lead": "This community forum collects and processes your personal information.",
"sessions.description": "このページでは、このフォーラムでアクティブなセッションを表示し、必要に応じてそれらを取り消すことができます。あなたのアカウントからログアウトすることによって自分のセッションを取り消すことができます。",
"consent.title": "あなたの権利& 同意",
"consent.lead": "このコミュニティフォーラムはあなたの個人情報を収集し処理します。",
"consent.intro": "We use this information strictly to personalise your experience in this community, as well as to associate the posts you make to your user account. During the registration step you were asked to provide a username and email address, you can also optionally provide additional information to complete your user profile on this website.<br /><br />We retain this information for the life of your user account, and you are able to withdraw consent at any time by deleting your account. At any time you may request a copy of your contribution to this website, via your Rights &amp; Consent page.<br /><br />If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to this forum's administrative team.",
"consent.email_intro": "Occasionally, we may send emails to your registered email address in order to provide updates and/or to notify you of new activity that is pertinent to you. You can customise the frequency of the community digest (including disabling it outright), as well as select which types of notifications to receive via email, via your user settings page.",
"consent.digest_frequency": "Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community delivers email digests every %1.",
"consent.digest_off": "Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community does not send out email digests",
"consent.received": "You have provided consent for this website to collect and process your information. No additional action is required.",
"consent.not_received": "You have not provided consent for data collection and processing. At any time this website&apos;s administration may elect to delete your account in order to become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.",
"consent.give": "Give consent",
"consent.right_of_access": "You have the Right of Access",
"consent.give": "同意を与える",
"consent.right_of_access": "あなたにはアクセス権があります",
"consent.right_of_access_description": "You have the right to access any data collected by this website upon request. You can retrieve a copy of this data by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.right_to_rectification": "You have the Right to Rectification",
"consent.right_to_rectification": "あなたには矯正の権利があります",
"consent.right_to_rectification_description": "You have the right to change or update any inaccurate data provided to us. Your profile can be updated by editing your profile, and post content can always be edited. If this is not the case, please contact this site&apos;s administrative team.",
"consent.right_to_erasure": "You have the Right to Erasure",
"consent.right_to_erasure_description": "At any time, you are able to revoke your consent to data collection and/or processing by deleting your account. Your individual profile can be deleted, although your posted content will remain. If you wish to delete both your account <strong>and</strong> your content, please contact the administrative team for this website.",
"consent.right_to_data_portability": "You have the Right to Data Portability",
"consent.right_to_data_portability_description": "You may request from us a machine-readable export of any collected data about you and your account. You can do so by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.export_profile": "Export Profile (.csv)",
"consent.export_uploads": "Export Uploaded Content (.zip)",
"consent.export_posts": "Export Posts (.csv)"
"consent.export_profile": "プロファイルをエクスポート(.csv)",
"consent.export_uploads": "アップデートしたコンテンツをエクスポート(.zip)",
"consent.export_posts": "投稿をエクスポート (.csv)"

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"disable-down-voting": "비추천 비활성화",
"votes-are-public": "모든 투표는 공개적입니다.",
"thresholds": "포럼 활동 기준선",
"min-rep-downvote": "평판이 낮아 이 게시물을 다운보트할 수 없습니다.",
"min-rep-downvote": "평판이 낮아 이 게시물을 다운로드 할 수 없습니다.",
"min-rep-flag": "평판이 낮아 이 게시물을 신고할 수 없습니다.",
"min-rep-website": "Minimum reputation to add \"Website\" to user profile",
"min-rep-aboutme": "Minimum reputation to add \"About me\" to user profile",

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"watch": "關注",
"ignore": "忽略",
"watching": "關注",
"not-watching": "Not Watching",
"not-watching": "未關注",
"ignoring": "忽略",
"watching.description": "Show topics in unread and recent",
"not-watching.description": "Do not show topics in unread, show in recent",

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"welcome_back": "歡迎回來!",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "你已成功登入!",
"save_changes": "儲存變更",
"save": "Save",
"save": "儲存",
"close": "關閉",
"pagination": "分頁",
"pagination.out_of": "%1 於 %2",
