Merge branch 'master' into 0.7.0

Julian Lam 10 years ago
commit 77a9c7c195

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
root = true
[*.js, *.css, *.tpl, *.json]
[{*.js, *.css, *.tpl, *.json}]
indent_style = tab
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
@echo off
rem %1 action
rem %2 subaction
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
2>nul call :CASE_%1
exit /B
echo Starting NodeBB
echo "nodebb.bat stop" to stop the NodeBB server
echo "nodebb.bat log" to view server output
rem Start the loader daemon
node loader %*
call :pidexists
if %_result%==0 (
echo NodeBB is already stopped.
) else (
echo Stopping NodeBB. Goodbye!
rem Doing this forcefully is probably not the best method
taskkill /PID !_pid! /f>nul
echo Unsupported
echo Unsupported
call :pidexists
if %_result%==0 (
echo NodeBB is not running
echo "nodebb.bat start" to launch the NodeBB server
) else (
echo NodeBB Running ^(pid !_pid!^)
echo "nodebb.bat stop" to stop the NodeBB server
echo "nodebb.bat log" to view server output
echo "nodebb.bat restart" to restart NodeBB
type .\logs\output.log
call npm install
call npm i nodebb-theme-vanilla nodebb-theme-lavender nodebb-widget-essentials
node app --upgrade
copy /b package.json +,,>nul
node app --setup %*
node app --reset --%2
echo Launching NodeBB in "development" mode.
echo To run the production build of NodeBB, please use "forever".
echo More Information:
set NODE_ENV=development
node loader --no-daemon %*
echo Not supported
echo Welcome to NodeBB
echo Usage: nodebb.bat ^{start^|stop^|reload^|restart^|log^|setup^|reset^|upgrade^|dev^|watch^}
goto :EOF
if exist %~dp0pidfile (
set /p _pid=<pidfile
for /f "usebackq" %%Z in (`tasklist /nh /fi "PID eq !_pid!"`) do (
if %%Z==INFO: (
del pidfile
set _result=0
) else (
set _result=1
) else (
set _result=0

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "هناك محادثة جديدة من %1",
"": "انقر هنا لمتابعة المحادثة",
"": "تم إرسال هذا الإشعار بوجودة محادثة جديدة وفقا لخيارات تسجيلك.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "هذه رسالة تجريبية للتأكد من صحة إعدادت الرسائل الإلكترونية في منتدى NodeBB خاصتك.",
"unsub.cta": "انقر هنا لتغيير تلك الإعدادات",
"closing": "شكرًا لك!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "اسم المستخدم مأخوذ",
"email-taken": "البريد الالكتروني مأخوذ",
"email-not-confirmed": "عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني غير مفعل بعد. انقر هنا لتفعيله من فضلك.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "اسم المستخدم قصير.",
"username-too-long": "اسم المستخدم طويل",
"user-banned": "المستخدم محظور",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "لقد سبق وأضفت هذا الرد إلى المفضلة",
"already-unfavourited": "لقد سبق وحذفت هذا الرد من المفضلة",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "لايمكن حظر مدبر نظام آخر.",
"invalid-image-type": "نوع الصورة ممنوع",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "اسم المجموعة قصير",
"group-already-exists": "المجموعة موجودة مسبقا",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "لايسمح بتغيير أسماء المجموعات",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "سبق وتم حذف هذا الرد",
"post-already-restored": "سبق وتم إلغاء حذف هذا الرد",
"topic-already-deleted": "سبق وتم حذف هذا الموضوع",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "ليس لديك سمعة تكفي لإضافة صوت سلبي لهذا الموضوع",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "ليس لديك سمعة تكفي للإشعار بموضوع مخل",
"reload-failed": "المنتدى واجه مشكلة أثناء إعادة التحميل: \"%1\". سيواصل المنتدى خدمة العملاء السابقين لكن يجب عليك إلغاء أي تغيير قمت به قبل إعادة التحميل.",
"registration-error": "حدث خطأ أثناء التسجيل"
"registration-error": "حدث خطأ أثناء التسجيل",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "بحث",
"buttons.close": "أغلق",
"403.title": "غير مسموح بالدخول",
"403.message": "يبدو أنك قد تعثر على الصفحة التي لم يكن لديك الوصول إليها. ربما يجب عليك <a href='/login'> تسجيل الدخول </a> ",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "لم يتم العثور",
"404.message": "يبدو أنك قد تعثرت على صفحة غير موجودة. عودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "خطأ داخلي.",
"500.message": "عفوا! يبدو وكأنه شيء ذهب على نحو خاطئ!",
"register": "تسجيل",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "وسم",
"header.popular": "الأكثر شهرة",
"header.users": "المستخدمين",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "المحادثات",
"header.notifications": "التنبيهات",
"": "بحث",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "تم تحديث المنتدى",
"updated.message": "لقد تم تحديث المنتدى إلى آخر نسخة للتو. المرجو إعادة تحميل الصفحة.",
"privacy": "الخصوصية",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "حذف الكل"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "المجموعات",
"view_group": "معاينة المجموعة",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "تفاصيل المجموعة",
"details.members": "لائحة الأعضاء",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "أعضاء هذه المجموعة لم يضيفوا أية مشاركة",
"details.latest_posts": "آخر المشاركات"
"details.latest_posts": "آخر المشاركات",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "شهر",
"year": "سنة",
"alltime": "دائمًا",
"no_recent_topics": "لاوجود لمشاركات جديدة"
"no_recent_topics": "لاوجود لمشاركات جديدة",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 نتيجة (نتائج) موافقة ل \"%2\", (%3 ثواني)",
"no-matches": "لم يتم إيجاد أية مشاركات"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "لم تختر أي مشاركة",
"fork_success": "تم إنشاء فرع للموضوع بنجاح! إضغط هنا لمعاينة الفرع.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "أدخل عنوان موضوعك هنا...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "نبذ التغييرات",
"composer.submit": "حفظ",
"composer.replying_to": "الرد على %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "ترتيب حسب",
"oldest_to_newest": "من الأقدم إلى الأحدث",
"newest_to_oldest": "من الأحدث إلى الأقدم",
"most_votes": "الأكثر تصويتًا"
"most_votes": "الأكثر تصويتًا",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "محظور",
"offline": "ليس موجود حالياً",
"username": "إسم المستخدم",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"confirm_email": "تأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني",
"delete_account": "حذف الحساب",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "عدد مشاهدات الملف الشخصي",
"reputation": "السمعة",
"favourites": "المفضلات",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "المتابعون",
"following": "يتابع",
"signature": "توقيع",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "أسبوعيًّا",
"digest_monthly": "شهريًّا",
"send_chat_notifications": "استلام رسالة إلكترونية عند ورود محادثة وأنا غير متصل.",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "هذا المستخدم ليس لديه أي متابع :(",
"follows_no_one": "هذا المستخدم لا يتابع أحد :(",
"has_no_posts": "هذا المستخدم لم يكتب أي شيء بعد.",
"has_no_topics": "هذا المستخدم لم ينشئ أي موضوع بعد.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "البريد الإلكتروني مخفي",
"hidden": "مخفي",
"paginate_description": "عرض المواضيع والردود موزعة على صفحات عوض صفحة واحدة.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "بحث",
"enter_username": "أدخل اسم مستخدم للبحث",
"load_more": "حمل المزيد",
"users-found-search-took": "تم إيجاد %1 مستخدمـ(ين)! استغرق البحث %2 ميليثانية."
"users-found-search-took": "تم إيجاد %1 مستخدمـ(ين)! استغرق البحث %2 ميليثانية.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "%1 এর থেকে নতুন মেসেজ এসেছে।",
"": "কথপোকথন চালিয়ে যেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন",
"": "আপনার সাবস্ক্রীপশন সেটিংসের কারনে আপনার এই নোটিফিকেশন পাঠানো হয়েছে",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "আপনি সঠিকভাবে নোডবিবির জন্য মেইলার সেটাপ করেছেন কিনা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য এই টেষ্ট ইমেইল পাঠানো হয়েছে",
"unsub.cta": "সেটিংসগুলো পরিবর্তন করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন",
"closing": "ধন্যবাদ!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "ইউজারনেম আগেই ব্যবহৃত",
"email-taken": "ইমেইল আগেই ব্যবহৃত",
"email-not-confirmed": "আপনার ইমেইল এড্রেস নিশ্চিত করা হয় নি, নিশ্চিত করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "খুব ছোট ইউজারনেম",
"username-too-long": "ইউজারনেম বড় হয়ে গিয়েছে",
"user-banned": "ব্যবহারকারী নিষিদ্ধ",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "আপনি ইতিমধ্যে এই পোষ্টটি পছন্দের তালিকায় যোগ করেছেন",
"already-unfavourited": "আপনি ইতিমধ্যে এই পোষ্টটি আপনার পছন্দের তালিকা থেকে সরিয়ে ফেলেছেন",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "আপনি অন্য এ্যাডমিনদের নিষিদ্ধ করতে পারেন না!",
"invalid-image-type": "ভুল ছবির টাইপ",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "গ্রুপের নাম খুব ছোট",
"group-already-exists": "গ্রুপ ইতিমধ্যেই বিদ্যমান",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "গ্রুপের নাম পরিবর্তনের অনুমতি নেই",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "এই পোস্টটি ইতিমধ্যে ডিলিট করা হয়ে গিয়েছে",
"post-already-restored": "এই পোষ্টটি ইতিমধ্যে পুনরোদ্ধার করা হয়েছে",
"topic-already-deleted": "এই টপিকটি ইতিমধ্যে ডিলিট করা হয়েছে",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "আপনার এই পোস্ট downvote করার জন্য পর্যাপ্ত সম্মাননা নেই",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "এই পোষ্টকে ফ্লাগ করার জন্য আপনার পর্যাপ্ত সম্মাননা নেই",
"reload-failed": "\"%1\" রিলোড করতে সমস্যা হয়েছে। রিলোডের পূর্বে যা করা হয়েছিল সেটি আনডু করা সমীচীন। ",
"registration-error": "নিবন্ধন এরর!"
"registration-error": "নিবন্ধন এরর!",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "অনুসন্ধান",
"buttons.close": "বন্ধ",
"403.title": "প্রবেশাধিকার প্রত্যাখ্যাত",
"403.message": "আপনি এমন একটি পাতায় যাওয়ার চেষ্টা করছেন যেখানে আপনার প্রবেশাধিকার নেই। আপনি কি <a href='/login'>প্রবেশ করে</a> আবার চেষ্টা করবেন?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "পাওয়া যায়নি",
"404.message": "আপনি এমন একটি পাতায় যাওয়ার চেষ্টা করছেন যার অস্তিত্ব নেই। <a href='/'>নীড়পাতায়</a> ফিরে যান। ",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "অভ্যন্তরীণ ত্রুটি।",
"500.message": "ওহো! কিছু ভুল হয়েছে মনে হচ্ছে!",
"register": "নিবন্ধন",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "ট্যাগ",
"header.popular": "জনপ্রিয়",
"header.users": "ব্যবহারকারীগণ",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "কথোপকথন",
"header.notifications": "বিজ্ঞপ্তি",
"": "অনুসন্ধান",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "ফোরাম আপডেট করা হয়েছে",
"updated.message": "এই ফোরামে এইমাত্র সর্বশেষ সংস্করণে আপডেট করা হয়েছে। পৃষ্ঠাটি রিফ্রেশ করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।",
"privacy": "নিরাপত্তা",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "সব মুছে ফেলুন"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "গ্রুপসমূহ",
"view_group": "গ্রুপ দেখুন",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "গ্রুপের বিস্তারিত",
"details.members": "সদস্য তালিকা",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "এই গ্রুপের সদস্যরা এখনো কোন পোষ্ট করেন নি",
"details.latest_posts": "সর্বশেষ পোষ্টসমূহ"
"details.latest_posts": "সর্বশেষ পোষ্টসমূহ",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "মাস",
"year": "বছর",
"alltime": "সবসময় ",
"no_recent_topics": "কোন সাম্প্রতিক টপিক নেই। "
"no_recent_topics": "কোন সাম্প্রতিক টপিক নেই। ",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "\"%2\" এর সাথে মিলিয়ে %1 ফলাফল পাওয়া গেছে, ( %3 seconds সময় লেগেছে )",
"no-matches": "কোন পোষ্ট খুঁজে পাওয়া যায় নি"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "কোন পোষ্ট সিলেক্ট করা হয় নি",
"fork_success": "টপিক ফর্ক করা হয়েছে। ফর্ক করা টপিকে যেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন",
"composer.title_placeholder": "আপনার টপিকের শিরোনাম দিন",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "বাতিল",
"composer.submit": "সাবমিট",
"composer.replying_to": "%1 এর উত্তরে:",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "সাজানোর ভিত্তি:",
"oldest_to_newest": "পুরাতন থেকে নতুন",
"newest_to_oldest": "নতুন থেকে পুরাতন",
"most_votes": "সর্বোচ্চ ভোট"
"most_votes": "সর্বোচ্চ ভোট",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "নিষিদ্ধ",
"offline": "অফলাইন",
"username": "সদস্যের নাম",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "ইমেইল",
"confirm_email": "ইমেইল নিশ্চিত করুন",
"delete_account": "একাউন্ট মুছে ফেলুন",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "প্রোফাইল দেখেছেন",
"reputation": "সন্মাননা",
"favourites": "পছন্দের তালিকা",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "যাদের অনুসরণ করছেন",
"following": "যারা আপনাকে অনুসরণ করছে",
"signature": "স্বাক্ষর",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "সাপ্তাহিক",
"digest_monthly": "মাসিক",
"send_chat_notifications": "যদি আমি অনলাইনে না থাকি, সেক্ষেত্রে নতুন চ্যাট মেসেজ আসলে আমাকে ইমেইল করুন",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "এই সদস্যের কোন ফলোয়ার নেই :(",
"follows_no_one": "এই সদস্য কাউকে ফলো করছেন না :(",
"has_no_posts": "এই সদস্য এখনো কোন পোষ্ট করেন নি",
"has_no_topics": "এই সদস্য এখনো কোন টপিক পোষ্ট করেন নি",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "ইমেইল গোপন রাখা হয়েছে",
"hidden": "গোপন করা হয়েছে",
"paginate_description": "ইনফাইনাইট স্ক্রলের বদলে টপিক এবং পোষ্টের জন্য পেজিনেশন ব্যাবহার করুন",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "খুঁজুন",
"enter_username": "ইউজারনেম এর ভিত্তিতে সার্চ করুন",
"load_more": "আরো লোড করুন",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 সদস্য(দের) খুঁজে পাওয়া গিয়েছে! সময় লেগেছে %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1 সদস্য(দের) খুঁজে পাওয়া গিয়েছে! সময় লেগেছে %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "Nová zpráva z chatu od %1",
"": "Chcete-li pokračovat v konverzaci, klikněte zde.",
"": "Toto oznámení z chatu vám bylo zasláno, protože jste si to nastavili ve vašich odběrech.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "Tento testovací email slouží k ověření, že mailer je správně nastaven. NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Chcete-li změnit tyto nastavení, klikněte zde.",
"closing": "Díky!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Uživatelské jméno je již použito",
"email-taken": "Email je již použit",
"email-not-confirmed": "Vaše emailová adresa zatím nebyla potvrzena. Kliknutím zde svůj email potvrdíte.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Uživatelské jméno je příliš krátké",
"username-too-long": "Uživatelské jméno je příliš dlouhé",
"user-banned": "Uživatel byl zakázán",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Nemůžete zakazovat ostatní administrátory!",
"invalid-image-type": "Neplatný typ obrázku",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Název skupiny je příliš krátký",
"group-already-exists": "Skupina už exstuje",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Změna názvu skupiny není povolena",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "Tento příspěvek byl již vymazán",
"post-already-restored": "Tento příspěvek byl již obnoven",
"topic-already-deleted": "Toto téma bylo již vymazáno",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Chyba při registraci"
"registration-error": "Chyba při registraci",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Hledat",
"buttons.close": "Zavřít",
"403.title": "Přístup odepřen",
"403.message": "K této stránce nemáte přístup. Zkuste se <a href='/login'>přihlásit</a>?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Stránka nenalezena",
"404.message": "Tato stránka bohužel neexistuje. Vraťte se na <a href='/'>domovskou stránku</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Neznámá chyba",
"500.message": "Jejda, vypadá to, že se něco pokazilo.",
"register": "Registrovat",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tagy",
"header.popular": "Populární",
"header.users": "Uživatelé",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Oznámení",
"": "Hledat",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Fórum zaktualizováno",
"updated.message": "Toto fórum bylo právě aktualizováno na poslední verzi. Klikněte zde a obnovte tuto stránku.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Vymazat vše"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Skupiny",
"view_group": "Prohlédnout skupinu",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "podrobnosti skupiny",
"details.members": "Seznam členů",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "Členové této skupiny dosud neodeslali ani jeden příspěvek.",
"details.latest_posts": "Nejnovější příspěvky"
"details.latest_posts": "Nejnovější příspěvky",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Měsíc",
"year": "Year",
"alltime": "All Time",
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics."
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No posts found"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Žádné příspěvky nebyly vybrány!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Enter your topic title here...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Discard",
"composer.submit": "Submit",
"composer.replying_to": "Replying to %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Sort by",
"oldest_to_newest": "Oldest to Newest",
"newest_to_oldest": "Newest to Oldest",
"most_votes": "Most votes"
"most_votes": "Most votes",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Banned",
"offline": "Offline",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Email",
"confirm_email": "Potvrdit email",
"delete_account": "Vymazat účet",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Zobrazení profilu",
"reputation": "Reputace",
"favourites": "Oblíbené",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Sledují ho",
"following": "Sleduje",
"signature": "Podpis",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Weekly",
"digest_monthly": "Monthly",
"send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "Tohoto uživatele nikdo nesleduje :(",
"follows_no_one": "Tento uživatel nikoho nesleduje :(",
"has_no_posts": "This user didn't post anything yet.",
"has_no_topics": "This user didn't post any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Skrytý email",
"hidden": "skrytý",
"paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Vyhledávat",
"enter_username": "Zadej uživatelské jméno k hledání",
"load_more": "Načíst další",
"users-found-search-took": "Nazelezeno: %1 uživetel(ů)! Vyhledání trvalo %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "Nazelezeno: %1 uživetel(ů)! Vyhledání trvalo %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "Neue Chatnachricht von %1 erhalten",
"": "Klicke hier, um die Unterhaltung fortzusetzen",
"": "Diese Chat-Benachrichtigung wurde dir aufgrund deiner Abonnement-Einstellungen gesendet.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "Dies ist eine Test-E-Mail, um zu überprüfen, ob der E-Mailer deines NodeBB korrekt eingestellt wurde.",
"unsub.cta": "Klicke hier, um diese Einstellungen zu ändern.",
"closing": "Danke!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Der Benutzername ist bereits vergeben",
"email-taken": "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits vergeben",
"email-not-confirmed": "Deine E-Mail wurde noch nicht bestätigt. Bitte klicke hier, um deine E-Mail zu bestätigen.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Benutzername ist zu kurz",
"username-too-long": "Der Benutzername ist zu lang",
"user-banned": "Der Benutzer ist gesperrt",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "Dieser Beitrag ist bereits in deinen Favoriten enthalten",
"already-unfavourited": "Du hast diesen Beitrag bereits aus deinen Favoriten entfernt",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Du kannst andere Administratoren nicht sperren!",
"invalid-image-type": "Ungültiger Bildtyp",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Gruppenname zu kurz",
"group-already-exists": "Gruppe existiert bereits",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Du kannst den Namen der Gruppe nicht ändern",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "Dieser Beitrag ist bereits gelöscht worden",
"post-already-restored": "Dieser Beitrag ist bereits wiederhergestellt worden",
"topic-already-deleted": "Dieses Thema ist bereits gelöscht worden",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Deine Reputation ist zu niedrig, um diesen Beitrag negativ zu bewerten.",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "Deine Reputation ist nicht gut genug, um diesen Beitrag zu melden",
"reload-failed": "Es ist ein Problem während des Reloads von NodeBB aufgetreten: \"%1\". NodeBB wird weiterhin clientseitige Assets bereitstellen, allerdings solltest du das, was du vor dem Reload gemacht hast, rückgängig machen.",
"registration-error": "Registrierungsfehler"
"registration-error": "Registrierungsfehler",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Suche",
"buttons.close": "Schließen",
"403.title": "Zugriff verweigert",
"403.message": "Du bist nicht dazu berechtigt, diese Seite aufzurufen. <a href='/login'>Logge dich ein</a> und versuche es erneut.",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": " Nicht Gefunden",
"404.message": "Die angeforderte Seite wurde nicht gefunden. <a href='/''>Zurück zur Übersicht</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Interner Fehler.",
"500.message": "Ups! Scheint als wäre etwas schief gelaufen!",
"register": "Registrieren",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tags",
"header.popular": "Beliebt",
"header.users": "Benutzer",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"": "Suche",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Forum aktualisiert",
"updated.message": "Dieses Forum wurde gerade auf die neueste Version aktualisiert. Klicke hier, um die Seite neuzuladen.",
"privacy": "Privatsphäre",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Alles löschen"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Gruppen",
"view_group": "Gruppe betrachten",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Gruppendetails",
"details.members": "Mitgliederliste",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "Die Mitglieder dieser Gruppe haben keine Beiträge verfasst.",
"details.latest_posts": "Aktuelle Beiträge"
"details.latest_posts": "Aktuelle Beiträge",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Monat",
"year": "Jahr",
"alltime": "Gesamter Zeitraum",
"no_recent_topics": "Es gibt keine aktuellen Themen."
"no_recent_topics": "Es gibt keine aktuellen Themen.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 Ergebniss(e) stimmen mit \"%2\" überein, (%3 Sekunden)",
"no-matches": "Keine Beiträge gefunden"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Keine Beiträge ausgewählt!",
"fork_success": "Thema erfolgreich abgespalten! Klicke hier, um zum abgespalteten Thema zu gelangen.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Hier den Titel des Themas eingeben...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Verwerfen",
"composer.submit": "Absenden",
"composer.replying_to": "Antworte auf %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Sortieren nach",
"oldest_to_newest": "Älteste zuerst",
"newest_to_oldest": "Neuster zuerst",
"most_votes": "Die meisten Stimmen"
"most_votes": "Die meisten Stimmen",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Gebannt",
"offline": "offline",
"username": "Nutzername",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "E-Mail",
"confirm_email": "E-Mail bestätigen",
"delete_account": "Konto löschen",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profilaufrufe",
"reputation": "Reputation",
"favourites": "Favoriten",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Folger",
"following": "Folgt",
"signature": "Signatur",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Wöchentlich",
"digest_monthly": "Monatlich",
"send_chat_notifications": "Sende eine E-Mail, wenn eine neue Chat-Nachricht eingeht und ich nicht online bin",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "Dieser User hat noch keine Follower.",
"follows_no_one": "Dieser User folgt noch niemandem :(",
"has_no_posts": "Dieser Nutzer hat noch nichts gepostet.",
"has_no_topics": "Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Themen gepostet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "E-Mail Adresse versteckt",
"hidden": "versteckt",
"paginate_description": "Themen und Beiträge auf Seiten aufteilen statt unendliches Scrollen verwenden.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Suchen",
"enter_username": "Benutzer durchsuchen",
"load_more": "mehr laden",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 Benutzer gefunden! Die Suche dauerte %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1 Benutzer gefunden! Die Suche dauerte %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "Νέο μήνυμα συνομιλίας από τον/την %1",
"": "Κάνε κλικ εδώ για να πας στην συνομιλία",
"": "Αυτή η ειδοποίηση για συνομιλία σου στάλθηκε λόγω των ρυθμίσεών σου. ",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "Αυτό είναι ένα δοκιμαστικό email για να επιβεβαιώσουμε ότι ο emailer έχει στηθεί σωστά για το NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Κάνε κλικ εδώ για να αλλάξεις αυτές τις ρυθμίσεις",
"closing": "Ευχαριστούμε!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πιασμένο",
"email-taken": "Το email είναι πιασμένο",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μικρό",
"username-too-long": "Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μεγάλο",
"user-banned": "Ο Χρήστης είναι αποκλεισμένος/η",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Δεν μπορείς να αποκλείσεις άλλους διαχειριστές!",
"invalid-image-type": "Άκυρος τύπος εικόνας",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Το όνομα της ομάδας είναι πολύ μικρό",
"group-already-exists": "Το όνομα της ομάδας υπάρχει ήδη",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Αλλαγή του ονόματος της ομάδας δεν επιτρέπεται",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Δεν έχεις αρκετή φήμη για να καταψηφίσεις αυτή την δημοσίευση",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "Το NodeBB συνάντησε ένα πρόβλημα καθώς γινόταν η ανανέωση: \"%1\". Το NodeBB θα συνεχίσει να προσφέρει τα στοιχεία του χρήστη, αν και θα ήταν καλή ιδέα να επαναφέρεις ότι έκανες πριν την ανανέωση.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Αναζήτηση",
"buttons.close": "Κλείσιμο",
"403.title": "Δεν επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση",
"403.message": "Φαίνεται πως βρέθηκες σε κάποια σελίδα στην οποία δεν έχεις πρόσβαση. Ίσως πρέπει να <a href='/login'>συνδεθείς</a>;",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Δεν βρέθηκε",
"404.message": "Φαίνεται πως βρέθηκες σε κάποια σελίδα στην οποία δεν έχεις πρόσβαση. Επιστροφή στην <a href='/'>κεντρική σελίδα</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα.",
"500.message": "Ουπς! Φαίνεται πως κάτι πήγε στραβά!",
"register": "Εγγραφή",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Ετικέτες",
"header.popular": "Δημοφιλή",
"header.users": "Χρήστες",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Συνομιλίες",
"header.notifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις",
"": "Αναζήτηση",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Το φόρουμ αναβαθμίστηκε",
"updated.message": "Το φόρουμ μόλις αναβαθμίστηκε στην πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση. Κάνε κλικ εδώ για να ανανεώσεις την σελίδα.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "Προβολή Ομάδας",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Λεπτομέρειες Ομάδας",
"details.members": "Λίστα Μελών",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "Τα μέλη αυτής της ομάδας δεν έχουν δημοσιεύσει τίποτα.",
"details.latest_posts": "Τελευταίες δημοσιεύσεις."
"details.latest_posts": "Τελευταίες δημοσιεύσεις.",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Μήνας",
"year": "Έτος",
"alltime": "Όλο το Ιστορικό",
"no_recent_topics": "Δεν υπάρχουν πρόσφατα θέματα."
"no_recent_topics": "Δεν υπάρχουν πρόσφατα θέματα.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 αποτελεσμα(τα) για \"%2\", (%3 δευτερόλεπτα)",
"no-matches": "Δεν βρέθηκαν δημοσιεύσεις"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Δεν έχουν επιλεχθεί δημοσιεύσεις!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Εισαγωγή του τίτλου του θέματος εδώ...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Πέταγμα",
"composer.submit": "Υποβολή",
"composer.replying_to": "Απάντηση στο %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Ταξινόμηση κατά",
"oldest_to_newest": "Παλαιότερο προς Νεότερο",
"newest_to_oldest": "Νεότερο προς Παλαιότερο",
"most_votes": "Περισσότερες ψήφοι"
"most_votes": "Περισσότερες ψήφοι",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Αποκλεισμένος/η",
"offline": "Εκτός Σύνδεσης",
"username": "Όνομα Χρήστη",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Emai",
"confirm_email": "Επιβεβαίωση Email",
"delete_account": "Διαγραφή Λογαριασμού",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Views του προφίλ",
"reputation": "Φήμη",
"favourites": "Αγαπημένα",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Ακόλουθοι",
"following": "Ακολουθά",
"signature": "Υπογραφή",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Εβδομαδιαίως",
"digest_monthly": "Μηνιαία",
"send_chat_notifications": "Αποστολή email αν μου έρθει μήνυμα συνομιλίας και δεν είμαι συνδεδεμένος",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "Αυτός ο χρήστης δεν έχει κανέναν ακόλουθο :(",
"follows_no_one": "Αυτός ο χρήστης δεν ακολουθεί κανέναν :(",
"has_no_posts": "Αυτός ο χρήστης δεν έχει δημοσιεύσει τίποτα ακόμη.",
"has_no_topics": "Αυτός ο χρήστης δεν έχει δημοσιεύσει κανένα θέμα ακόμη.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Κρυμμένο Emai",
"hidden": "κρυμμένο",
"paginate_description": "Σελιδοποίηση των θεμάτων και των δημοσιεύσεων αντί για χρήση άπειρου scroll.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Αναζήτηση",
"enter_username": "Γράψε ένα όνομα χρήστη προς αναζήτηση",
"load_more": "Φόρτωση περισσότερων",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 χρήστης(ες) βρέθηκαν! Η αναζήτηση πήρε %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1 χρήστης(ες) βρέθηκαν! Η αναζήτηση πήρε %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "Click here to continue the conversation",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Click here to alter those settings",
"closing": "Thanks!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Username taken",
"email-taken": "Email taken",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Username too short",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"user-banned": "User banned",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "You can't ban other admins!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Group name too short",
"group-already-exists": "Group already exists",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Group name change not allowed",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Finderer",
"buttons.close": "Shoot down",
"403.title": "Not Enough Booty Power",
"403.message": "Ye seem to have stumbled upon a page that ye do not have access to. Perhaps ye <a href='/login'>give a go' loggin' in</a>?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "T'ere be nut'in 'ere",
"404.message": "Ye seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to th' <a href='/'>home page</a>",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Broken beam.",
"500.message": "Looks like we've got somethin' in th' sails.",
"register": "Register",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tags",
"header.popular": "Famous",
"header.users": "Mates",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Yik-Yaks",
"header.notifications": "Parrot Calls",
"": "Finderer",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Forum Updated",
"updated.message": "This forum has just been updated to the latest version. Click here to refresh the page.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year",
"alltime": "All Time",
"no_recent_topics": "There be no recent topics."
"no_recent_topics": "There be no recent topics.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No posts found"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "No posts selected!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Enter your topic title here...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Discard",
"composer.submit": "Submit",
"composer.replying_to": "Replying to %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Sort by",
"oldest_to_newest": "Oldest to Newest",
"newest_to_oldest": "Newest to Oldest",
"most_votes": "Most votes"
"most_votes": "Most votes",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Blackmarked",
"offline": "Asleep at the wheel",
"username": "User Name",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Email",
"confirm_email": "Confirm Email",
"delete_account": "Delete Account",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profile views",
"reputation": "Reputation",
"favourites": "Favourites",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Following",
"signature": "Signature",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Weekly",
"digest_monthly": "Monthly",
"send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "This user doesn't have any followers :(",
"follows_no_one": "This user isn't following anyone :(",
"has_no_posts": "This user didn't post anything yet.",
"has_no_topics": "This user didn't post any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Email Hidden",
"hidden": "hidden",
"paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Search",
"enter_username": "Gimme y'er handle",
"load_more": "Load More",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "Click here to continue the conversation",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Click here to alter those settings",
"closing": "Thanks!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Username taken",
"email-taken": "Email taken",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Username too short",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"user-banned": "User banned",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "You can't ban other admins!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Group name too short",
"group-already-exists": "Group already exists",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Group name change not allowed",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Search",
"buttons.close": "Close",
"403.title": "Access Denied",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to. Perhaps you should <a href='/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Not Found",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='/'>home page</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Internal error.",
"500.message": "Oops! Looks like something went wrong!",
"register": "Register",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tags",
"header.popular": "Popular",
"header.users": "Users",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Notifications",
"": "Search",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Forum Updated",
"updated.message": "This forum has just been updated to the latest version. Click here to refresh the page.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year",
"alltime": "All Time",
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics."
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No posts found"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "No posts selected!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Enter your topic title here...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Discard",
"composer.submit": "Submit",
"composer.replying_to": "Replying to %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Sort by",
"oldest_to_newest": "Oldest to Newest",
"newest_to_oldest": "Newest to Oldest",
"most_votes": "Most votes"
"most_votes": "Most votes",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Banned",
"offline": "Offline",
"username": "User Name",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Email",
"confirm_email": "Confirm Email",
"delete_account": "Delete Account",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Profile views",
"reputation": "Reputation",
"favourites": "Favorites",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Following",
"signature": "Signature",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Weekly",
"digest_monthly": "Monthly",
"send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "This user doesn't have any followers :(",
"follows_no_one": "This user isn't following anyone :(",
"has_no_posts": "This user didn't post anything yet.",
"has_no_topics": "This user didn't post any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Email Hidden",
"hidden": "hidden",
"paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Search",
"enter_username": "Enter a username to search",
"load_more": "Load More",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "Nuevo mensaje de chat recibido de %1",
"": "Haz click aquí para continuar la conversación",
"": "Esta notificación de chat se te envió debido a tus ajustes de suscripción.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "Este es un email de prueba para verificar que el envío de email está ajustado correctamente para tu NodeBB",
"unsub.cta": "Haz click aquí para modificar los ajustes.",
"closing": "¡Gracias!"

@ -10,58 +10,63 @@
"invalid-username": "Nombre de usuario no válido",
"invalid-email": "Correo electrónico no válido",
"invalid-title": "¡Título no válido!",
"invalid-user-data": "Datos de Usuario no válidos",
"invalid-user-data": "Datos de usuario no válidos",
"invalid-password": "Contraseña no válida",
"invalid-username-or-password": "Por favor especifica tanto un usuario como contraseña",
"invalid-search-term": "Término de búsqueda inválido",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Valor de paginación no válido.",
"username-taken": "Nombre de usuario ya escogido",
"email-taken": "El correo electrónico ya está escogido.",
"username-taken": "Nombre de usuario ocupado",
"email-taken": "Correo electrónico ocupado",
"email-not-confirmed": "Su cuenta de correo electrónico no ha sido confirmada aún, por favor haga click aquí para confirmarla.",
"username-too-short": "El nombre de usuario es demasiado corto",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Nombre de usuario es demasiado corto",
"username-too-long": "Nombre de usuario demasiado largo",
"user-banned": "Usuario expulsado",
"user-too-new": "Lo sentimos, es necesario que espere %1 segudos antes de que pueda hacer su primera publicación",
"user-banned": "Usuario baneado",
"user-too-new": "Lo sentimos, es necesario que esperes %1 segudos antes poder hacer tu primera publicación",
"no-category": "La categoría no existe",
"no-topic": "El tema no existe",
"no-post": "La publicación no existe",
"no-group": "El grupo no existe",
"no-user": "El usuario no existe",
"no-teaser": "El resumen no existe",
"no-privileges": "No tiene suficientes privilegios para realizar esta acción.",
"no-emailers-configured": "Ningún plugin para email fue cargado, así que no se pudo enviar email de prueba.",
"category-disabled": "Categoría deshabilitada.",
"topic-locked": "Tema bloqueado.",
"no-privileges": "No tienes suficientes privilegios para realizar esta acción.",
"no-emailers-configured": "No se ha cargado ningún plugin de email, así que no se pudo enviar el email de prueba.",
"category-disabled": "Categoría deshabilitada",
"topic-locked": "Tema bloqueado",
"still-uploading": "Por favor, espera a que terminen las subidas.",
"content-too-short": "Por favor introduzca una publicación más larga. Las publicaciones deben contener al menos %1 caracteres.",
"title-too-short": "Por favor introduzca un título más largo. Los títulos deben contener al menos %1 caracteres.",
"title-too-long": "Por favor, introduce un título más corto, que no sobrepase los %1 caracteres.",
"too-many-posts": "Solo puede publicar una vez cada %1 segundos - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"too-many-posts-newbie": "Como nuevo usuario, usted solo puede publicar una vez cada %1 segundos hasta que haya ganada una reputación de %2 - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"file-too-big": "El tamaño de fichero máximo es de %1 kbs - por favor cargue un fichero más pequeño",
"too-many-posts": "Solo puedes publicar una vez cada %1 segundos - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"too-many-posts-newbie": "Como nuevo usuario, solo puedes publicar una vez cada %1 segundos hasta hayas ganado una reputación de %2 - por favor espere antes de volver a publicar",
"file-too-big": "El tamaño de fichero máximo es de %1 kbs - por favor, suba un fichero más pequeño",
"cant-vote-self-post": "No puedes votar tus propios posts",
"already-favourited": "Ya ha marcado esta publicación como favorita",
"already-unfavourited": "Ya ha desmarcado esta publicación como favorita",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "No puedes expulsar a otros administradores!",
"invalid-image-type": "Tipo de imagen no válido.",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "¡No puedes expulsar a otros administradores!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Nombre del grupo es demasiado corto.",
"group-already-exists": "El grupo ya existe.",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "El nombre del grupo deseado no está permitido.",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "Este publicación ya ha sido borrada",
"post-already-restored": "Esta publicación ya ha sido restaurada",
"topic-already-deleted": "Este tema ya ha sido borrado",
"topic-already-restored": "Este tema ya ha sido restaurado",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Las miniaturas de los temas están deshabilitadas.",
"invalid-file": "Archivo no válido.",
"invalid-file": "Archivo no válido",
"uploads-are-disabled": "Las subidas están deshabilitadas.",
"upload-error": "Error de subida: %1",
"signature-too-long": "Lo sentimos, su firma no puede ser más larga de %1 caracteres",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "No puedes conversar contigo mismo!",
"chat-restricted": "Este usuario tiene restringidos los mensajes de chat. Los usuarios deben seguirle antes de que pueda charlar con ellos",
"signature-too-long": "Lo sentimos, pero tu firma no puede ser más larga de %1 caracteres.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "¡No puedes conversar contigo mismo!",
"chat-restricted": "Este usuario tiene restringidos los mensajes de chat. Los usuarios deben seguirte antes de que pueda charlar con ellos",
"reputation-system-disabled": "El sistema de reputación está deshabilitado.",
"downvoting-disabled": "La votación negativa está deshabilitada.",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "No tienes suficiente reputación para votar negativo este post",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "No tiene suficiente reputación para poner una bandera a esta publicación",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "No tiene suficiente reputación para poner reportar esta publicación",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encontró un problema al refrescar: \"%1\". NodeBB intentará cargar el resto de contenido, aunque deberías deshacer lo que hiciste justo antes.",
"registration-error": "Error de registro"
"registration-error": "Error de registro",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,44 +3,46 @@
"search": "Buscar",
"buttons.close": "Cerrar",
"403.title": "Acceso denegado",
"403.message": "Al parecer no tienes premisos necesarios para estar en este lugar. ¿Tal vez quieras <a href='/login'>intentar conectarte</a>?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "No encontrado",
"404.message": "Al parecer lo que estas buscando no existe. <a href='/''>Volver a la página principal</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Error Interno.",
"500.message": "¡Ooops! ¡Parece que algo salió mal! No te preocupes, ¡nuestros simios hiperinteligentes lo solucionarán!",
"register": "Registrarse",
"login": "Conectarse",
"please_log_in": "Por favor conectate.",
"please_log_in": "Por favor, identifíquese.",
"logout": "Salir",
"posting_restriction_info": "Para publicar debes ser miembro, registrate o conectate.",
"welcome_back": "Bienvenido de nuevo!",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "Te has conectado!",
"save_changes": "Guardar Cambios",
"posting_restriction_info": "Publicar requiere ser usuario registrado, conéctate o regístrate.",
"welcome_back": "¡Bienvenido de nuevo!",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "Identificado satisfactoriamente",
"save_changes": "Guardar cambios",
"close": "Cerrar",
"pagination": "Paginación",
"pagination.out_of": "%1 de %2",
"pagination.enter_index": "Ingrese índice",
"pagination.enter_index": "Introduzca el número",
"header.admin": "Administración",
"header.recent": "Recientes",
"header.unread": "No leídos",
"header.tags": "Etiquetas",
"header.popular": "Popular",
"header.users": "Miembros",
"header.users": "Usuarios",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Notificaciones",
"": "Buscar",
"header.profile": "Perfil",
"notifications.loading": "Cargando Notificaciones",
"chats.loading": "Cargando Chats",
"notifications.loading": "Cargando notificaciones",
"chats.loading": "Cargando chats",
"motd.welcome": "Bienvenido a NodeBB, la plataforma de debate del el futuro.",
"previouspage": "Página Anterior",
"nextpage": "Siguente Página",
"alert.success": "Éxito!",
"previouspage": "Página anterior",
"nextpage": "Página siguiente",
"alert.success": "¡Éxito!",
"alert.error": "Error",
"alert.banned": "Baneado",
"alert.banned.message": "Acabas de ser expulsado, a continuación tu sesión se desconectará.",
"alert.banned.message": "Has sido expulsado y se procederá a tu desconexión.",
"alert.unfollow": "Ya no estás siguiendo a %1!",
"alert.follow": "Estás siguiendo a %1!",
"alert.follow": "Ahora sigues a %1!",
"online": "Conectado",
"users": "Usuarios",
"topics": "Temas",
@ -49,29 +51,31 @@
"reputation": "Reputación",
"read_more": "leer más",
"posted_ago_by_guest": "publicado %1 por Invitado",
"posted_ago_by": "publicado hace %1 por %2",
"posted_ago": "publicado hace %1",
"posted_ago_by": "publicado %1 por %2",
"posted_ago": "publicado %1",
"posted_in_ago_by_guest": "publicado en %1 %2 por",
"posted_in_ago_by": "publicado en %1 hace %2 por %3",
"posted_in_ago": "publicado en %1 hace %2",
"replied_ago": "contestado hace %1",
"posted_in_ago_by": "publicado en %1 %2 por %3",
"posted_in_ago": "publicado en %1 %2",
"replied_ago": "contestado %1",
"user_posted_ago": "%1 publicó %2",
"guest_posted_ago": "Invitado publicó %1",
"last_edited_by_ago": "última edición por %1 el %2",
"last_edited_by_ago": "última edición por %1 %2",
"norecentposts": "No hay publicaciones recientes",
"norecenttopics": "No hay temas recientes",
"recentposts": "Publicaciones Recientes",
"recentips": "Conexions recientes de estas IP's",
"away": "No disponible",
"recentposts": "Publicaciones recientes",
"recentips": "IP's conectadas recientemente",
"away": "Ausente",
"dnd": "No molestar",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Desconectado",
"email": "Email",
"language": "Lenguaje",
"language": "Idioma",
"guest": "Invitado",
"guests": "Invitados",
"updated.title": "Foro actualizado",
"updated.message": "El foro acaba de ser actualizado a la última versión. Haz click aquí para refrescar la página.",
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"delete_all": "Borrar todo"
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Eliminar todo"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Grupos",
"view_group": "Ver Grupo",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Detalles de Grupo",
"details.members": "Lista de Miembros",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "Los miembros de este grupo no han hecho ninguna publicación.",
"details.latest_posts": "Últimas Publicaciones"
"details.latest_posts": "Últimas Publicaciones",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
"no_notifs": "No tiene nuevas notificaciones",
"see_all": "Ver todas las notificaciones",
"back_to_home": "Volver a %1",
"outgoing_link": "Enlace Externo",
"outgoing_link_message": "Ahora estás saliendo %1.",
"outgoing_link": "Enlace externo",
"outgoing_link_message": "Ahora estás saliendo de %1.",
"continue_to": "Continuar a %1",
"return_to": "Regresar a %1",
"new_notification": "Nueva Notificación",
"new_notification": "Nueva notificación",
"you_have_unread_notifications": "Tienes notificaciones sin leer.",
"new_message_from": "Nuevo mensaje de <strong>%1</strong>",
"upvoted_your_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> ha votado como relevante tu respuesta en <strong>%2</strong>.",
"moved_your_post": "<strong>%1</strong> ha movido su publicación.",
"upvoted_your_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> ha votado positivamente tu respuesta en <strong>%2</strong>.",
"moved_your_post": "<strong>%1</strong> ha movido su mensaje.",
"moved_your_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> ha movido su tema.",
"favourited_your_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> ha marcado como favorito su publicación en <strong>%2</strong>.",
"user_flagged_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> ha marcado como indebida una respuesta en <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_to": "<strong>%1</strong> ha publicado una respuesta a: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_flagged_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> ha reportado una respuesta en <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_to": "<strong>%1</strong> ha respondido a: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> ha publicado un nuevo tema: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_mentioned_you_in": "<strong>%1</strong> te mencionó en <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_started_following_you": "<strong>%1</strong> comenzó a seguirte.",
"email-confirmed": "Correo electrónico confirmado",
"email-confirmed-message": "Gracias por validar tu correo electrónico. Tu cuenta ya está completamente activa.",
"email-confirm-error": "Un error ocurrió...",
"email-confirm-error-message": "Hubo un problema al validar tu cuenta de correo electrónico. Quizá el código era erróneo o expiró.",
"email-confirm-error": "Ha ocurrido un error...",
"email-confirm-error-message": "Hubo un problema al validar tu cuenta de correo electrónico. Quizá el código era erróneo o expiró...",
"email-confirm-sent": "Correo de confirmación enviado."

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"home": "Inicio",
"unread": "Temas No Leídos",
"popular": "Temas Populares",
"recent": "Temas Recientes",
"users": "Usuarios Registrado",
"unread": "Temas no leídos",
"popular": "Temas populares",
"recent": "Temas recientes",
"users": "Usuarios registrados",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"tags": "Temas etiquetados bajo \"%1\"",
"user.edit": "Editando \"%1\"",
"user.following": "Gente que sigue %1 ",
"user.followers": "Seguidores de %1",
"user.posts": "Posteos de %1",
"user.posts": "Mensajes de %1",
"user.topics": "Temas creados por %1",
"user.favourites": "Publicaciones favoritas de %1 ",
"user.settings": "Preferencias del Usuario",
"user.settings": "Preferencias de usuario",
"maintenance.text": "%1 está en mantenimiento actualmente. Por favor vuelva en otro momento.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Adicionalmente, el administrador ha dejado este mensaje:"
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Adicionalmente, la administración ha dejado este mensaje:"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Mes",
"year": "Año",
"alltime": "Siempre",
"no_recent_topics": "No hay publicaciones recientes."
"no_recent_topics": "No hay publicaciones recientes.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 resuldado(s) coinciden con \"%2\". (%3 segundos)",
"no-matches": "No se encontraron publicaciones"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"no_tag_topics": "No hay temas con esta etiqueta.",
"tags": "Etiquetas",
"enter_tags_here": "Introduce las etiquetas aquí. Pulsa intro desde de cada una.",
"enter_tags_here_short": "Introduzca etiquetas...",
"enter_tags_here": "Introduce las etiquetas aquí. Pulsa Intro después de introducir cada una.",
"enter_tags_here_short": "Introduzca las etiquetas...",
"no_tags": "Aún no hay etiquetas."

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"topic": "Tema",
"topic_id": "ID de Tema",
"topic_id_placeholder": "Introducir ID del tema",
"no_topics_found": "No se encontraron temas!",
"no_topics_found": "¡No se encontraron temas!",
"no_posts_found": "¡No se encontraron publicaciones!",
"post_is_deleted": "¡Esta publicación está eliminada!",
"profile": "Perfil",
@ -17,72 +17,73 @@
"purge": "Purgar",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"move": "Mover",
"fork": "Bifurcar",
"fork": "Dividir",
"link": "Link",
"share": "Compartir",
"tools": "Herramientas",
"flag": "Reportar",
"locked": "Cerrado",
"bookmark_instructions": "Haz click aquí para volver al último post que viste o ciérralo para ocultarlo.",
"flag_title": "Reportar esta publicación a los moderadores",
"flag_confirm": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres marcar como indebido este mensaje?",
"flag_success": "Este mensaje ha sido marcado para la moderación.",
"flag_title": "Reportar este mensaje",
"flag_confirm": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres reportar este mensaje?",
"flag_success": "Este mensaje ha sido reportado para moderación.",
"deleted_message": "Este tema ha sido borrado. Solo los usuarios que tengan privilegios de administración de temas pueden verlo.",
"following_topic.message": "Ahora recibiras notificaciones cuando alguien publique en este tema.",
"not_following_topic.message": "No recibiras notificaciones de este tema.",
"login_to_subscribe": "Por favor, conectate para subscribirte a este tema.",
"login_to_subscribe": "Por favor, conéctate para subscribirte a este tema.",
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "Publicación marcada como no leída para todos.",
"watch": "Seguir",
"unwatch": "Dejar de seguir",
"watch.title": "Serás notificado cuando haya nuevas respuestas en este tema",
"unwatch.title": "Dejar de seguir este tema",
"share_this_post": "Compartir este post",
"thread_tools.title": "Herramientas para Temas",
"thread_tools.title": "Herramientas del tema",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Marcar como no leído",
"": "Tema Importante",
"thread_tools.unpin": "Quitar Importante",
"thread_tools.lock": "Cerrar Tema",
"thread_tools.unlock": "Abrir Tema",
"thread_tools.move": "Mover Tema",
"": "Adherir tema",
"thread_tools.unpin": "Despegar tema",
"thread_tools.lock": "Cerrar tema",
"thread_tools.unlock": "Reabrir tema",
"thread_tools.move": "Mover tema",
"thread_tools.move_all": "Mover todo",
"thread_tools.fork": "Bifurcar Tema",
"thread_tools.delete": "Borrar Tema",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este tema?",
"thread_tools.restore": "Restaurar Tema",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "¿Está seguro que desea restaurar este tema?",
"thread_tools.purge": "Purgar publicación",
"thread_tools.fork": "Dividir tema",
"thread_tools.delete": "Borrar tema",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "¿Estás seguro que deseas eliminar este tema?",
"thread_tools.restore": "Restaurar tema",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "¿Estás seguro que deseas restaurar este tema?",
"thread_tools.purge": "Purgar tema",
"thread_tools.purge_confirm": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar definitivamente (purgar) este tema?",
"topic_move_success": "El tema ha sido movido correctamente a %1",
"post_delete_confirm": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta respuesta?",
"post_restore_confirm": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres restaurar esta respuesta?",
"post_purge_confirm": "Estás seguro de que quieres limpiar esta publicación?",
"load_categories": "Cargando Categorías",
"disabled_categories_note": "Las categorías deshabilitadas estan en gris",
"post_purge_confirm": "¡Estás seguro de que quieres purgar esta publicación?",
"load_categories": "Cargando categorías",
"disabled_categories_note": "Las categorías deshabilitadas están en gris",
"confirm_move": "Mover",
"confirm_fork": "Bifurcar",
"confirm_fork": "Dividir",
"favourite": "Favorito",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "No tienes favoritos, puedes agregar alguno y volver a verlos aquí!",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "No tienes favoritos, ¡puedes agregar alguno y volver a verlos aquí!",
"loading_more_posts": "Cargando más publicaciones",
"move_topic": "Mover Tema",
"move_topics": "Mover Temas",
"move_post": "Mover Publicación",
"move_topic": "Mover tema",
"move_topics": "Mover temas",
"move_post": "Mover publicación",
"post_moved": "¡Publicación movida correctamente!",
"fork_topic": "Bifurcar Tema",
"fork_topic": "Dividir tema",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Este tema será movido a la categoría",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Click en las publicaciones que quieres bifurcar",
"fork_no_pids": "¡No seleccionaste publicaciones!",
"fork_success": "¡Se ha creado un nuevo tema a partir del tema padre! Haga click aquí para ir al nuevo tema.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Ingresa el titulo de tu tema",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Pulsa en los mensajes que quieres dividir",
"fork_no_pids": "¡No has seleccionado ningún mensaje!",
"fork_success": "¡Se ha creado un nuevo tema a partir del original! Haz click aquí para ir al nuevo tema.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Ingresa el título de tu tema...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Descartar",
"composer.submit": "Enviar",
"composer.replying_to": "En respuesta a %1",
"composer.new_topic": "Nuevo Tema",
"composer.new_topic": "Nuevo tema",
"composer.uploading": "subiendo...",
"composer.thumb_url_label": "Agregar imagen destacada a este tema",
"composer.thumb_url_label": "Agrega una URL de miniatura para el hilo",
"composer.thumb_title": "Agregar miniatura a este tema",
"composer.thumb_url_placeholder": "",
"composer.thumb_file_label": "Subir un fichero",
"composer.thumb_url_placeholder": "",
"composer.thumb_file_label": "O subir un fichero",
"composer.thumb_remove": "Limpiar campos",
"composer.drag_and_drop_images": "Arrastra las imagenes aqui",
"more_users_and_guests": "%1 usuario(s) y %2 invitado(s) más",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Ordenar por",
"oldest_to_newest": "Más antiguo a más nuevo",
"newest_to_oldest": "Más nuevo a más antiguo",
"most_votes": "Mayor número de votos"
"most_votes": "Mayor número de votos",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
"banned": "Baneado",
"offline": "Desconectado",
"username": "Nombre de usuario",
"email": "Correo Electrónico",
"confirm_email": "Repetir correo electrónico",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"confirm_email": "Confirmar correo electrónico",
"delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta",
"delete_account_confirm": "Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar tu cuenta? <br /><strong>Esta acción es irreversible y no podrás recuperar tus datos</strong><br /><br />Introduce tu nombre de usuario para confirmar la eliminación de la cuenta.",
"delete_account_confirm": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar tu cuenta? <br /><strong>Esta acción es irreversible y no podrás recuperar ninguno de tus datos.</strong><br /><br />Introduce tu nombre de usuario para confirmar la eliminación de la cuenta.",
"fullname": "Nombre completo",
"website": "Sitio Web",
"website": "Sitio web",
"location": "Ubicación",
"age": "Edad",
"joined": "Registrado",
@ -16,60 +18,63 @@
"profile_views": "Visitas",
"reputation": "Reputación",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "Sigue",
"following": "Siguiendo",
"signature": "Firma",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"birthday": "Cumpleaños",
"chat": "Chat!",
"chat": "Chat",
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Dejar de Seguir",
"profile_update_success": "El perfil ha sido actualizado correctamente!",
"change_picture": "Cambiar Foto",
"unfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
"profile_update_success": "¡El perfil ha sido actualizado correctamente!",
"change_picture": "Cambiar imágen",
"edit": "Editar",
"uploaded_picture": "Fotos subidas",
"upload_new_picture": "Subir Nueva Foto",
"upload_new_picture_from_url": "Cargar Nueva Imagen desde una URL",
"uploaded_picture": "Imágen subida",
"upload_new_picture": "Subir nueva imágen",
"upload_new_picture_from_url": "Cargar imágen desde una URL",
"current_password": "Contraseña actual",
"change_password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
"change_password_error": "Contraseña no válida!",
"change_password_error_wrong_current": "Su contraseña actual no es correcta!",
"change_password_error_length": "La contraseña es demasiado corta!",
"change_password_error_match": "Las contraseñas deben coincidir!",
"change_password": "Cambiar contraseña",
"change_password_error": "¡Contraseña no válida!",
"change_password_error_wrong_current": "¡Su contraseña actual no es correcta!",
"change_password_error_length": "¡La contraseña es demasiado corta!",
"change_password_error_match": "¡Las contraseñas deben coincidir!",
"change_password_error_privileges": "No tienes los permisos suficientes para cambiar esta contraseña.",
"change_password_success": "La contraseña ha sido actualizada correctamente!",
"confirm_password": "Confirmar Contraseña",
"change_password_success": "¡Tu contraseña ha sido actualizada!",
"confirm_password": "Confirmar contraseña",
"password": "Contraseña",
"username_taken_workaround": "El nombre de usuario que has solicitada ya está escogido, por tanto lo hemos alterado ligeramente. Ahora eres conocido como <strong>%1</strong>",
"username_taken_workaround": "El nombre de usuario que has solicitada ya está siendo usado, por tanto lo hemos alterado ligeramente. Ahora eres conocido como <strong>%1</strong>.",
"upload_picture": "Subir foto",
"upload_a_picture": "Subir una foto",
"image_spec": "Sólo puedes subir imágenes en formato PNG, JPG o GIF.",
"max": "máx.",
"settings": "Opciones",
"show_email": "Mostrar mi Correo electrónico",
"show_fullname": "Mostrar Mi Nombre Completo",
"restrict_chats": "Permitir mensajes de chat sólo de usuarios a los que sigo",
"digest_label": "Suscribirse a Resumen",
"show_email": "Mostrar mi correo electrónico",
"show_fullname": "Mostrar mi nombre completo",
"restrict_chats": "Solo permitir mensajes de chat de usuarios a los que sigo",
"digest_label": "Suscribirse al resumen",
"digest_description": "Suscribirse a actualizaciones por correo electrónico a este foro (nuevas notificaciones y temas) de acuerdo a una recurrencia definida",
"digest_off": "Apagado",
"digest_daily": "Diariamente",
"digest_weekly": "Semanalmente",
"digest_monthly": "Mensualmente",
"send_chat_notifications": "Envía un correo electrónico si recibes un mensaje de chat cuando no estás en línea.",
"has_no_follower": "Este miembro no tiene seguidores. :(",
"follows_no_one": "Este miembro no sigue a nadie. :(",
"send_chat_notifications": "Enviar un email si recibo un mensaje de chat cuando no esté en línea.",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "Este usuario no tiene seguidores :(",
"follows_no_one": "Este miembro no sigue a nadie :(",
"has_no_posts": "Este usuario aún no ha publicado nada.",
"has_no_topics": "Este usuario aún no ha publicado nada.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Correo electrónico oculto",
"hidden": "oculto",
"paginate_description": "La paginación de los temas no es por página, ya que tiene scroll infinito.",
"paginate_description": "Paginar hilos y mensajes en lugar de usar desplazamiento infinito.",
"topics_per_page": "Temas por página",
"posts_per_page": "Post por página",
"notification_sounds": "Reproducir un sonido al recibir una notificación",
"notification_sounds": "Reproducir un sonido al recibir una notificación.",
"browsing": "Preferencias de navegación.",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "Abrir los enlaces externos en una nueva pestaña?",
"enable_topic_searching": "Activar la búsqueda \"In-Topic\"",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "¿Abrir los enlaces externos en una nueva pestaña?",
"enable_topic_searching": "Activar la búsqueda \"in-topic\"",
"topic_search_help": "Si está activada, la búsqueda 'in-topic' invalidará el comportamiento por defecto del navegador de buscar sólo en la página mostrada y le permitirá entonces buscar en el tema al completo, en vez de hacer una búsqueda únicamente sobre el contenido de la pantalla.",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Seguir publicaciones en las que respondes.",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Seguir los temas en las que respondes.",
"follow_topics_you_create": "Seguir publicaciones que creas."

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Buscar",
"enter_username": "Ingresa el nombre de usuario que quieres buscar",
"load_more": "Cargar más",
"users-found-search-took": "¡%1 usuario(s) encontrados! La búsqueda tardó %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "¡%1 usuario(s) encontrados! La búsqueda tardó %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "Click here to continue the conversation",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Click here to alter those settings",
"closing": "Thanks!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Kasutajanimi on juba võetud",
"email-taken": "Email on võetud",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Kasutajanimi on liiga lühike",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"user-banned": "Kasutaja bannitud",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Sa ei saa bannida teisi administraatoreid!",
"invalid-image-type": "Vigane pildi formaat",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Grupi nimi liiga lühike",
"group-already-exists": "Grupp juba eksisteerib",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Grupi nimevahetus ei ole lubatud",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Sul ei ole piisavalt reputatsiooni, et anda negatiivset hinnangut sellele postitusele.",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Otsi",
"buttons.close": "Sulge",
"403.title": "Ligipääs puudub",
"403.message": "Tundub, et sul pole piisvalt õigusi selle lehe vaatamiseks. Äkki peaksid <a href='/login'>sisse logima</a>?",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Ei leitud",
"404.message": "Tundub, et lehte mida otsid, ei eksisteeri. Mine tagasi <a href='/'>avalehele</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Süsteemi viga",
"500.message": "Oih! Midagi läks valesti!",
"register": "Registreeri",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Märksõnad",
"header.popular": "Populaarne",
"header.users": "Kasutajad",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Vestlused",
"header.notifications": "Teated",
"": "Otsi",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Foorum on uuendatud",
"updated.message": "See foorum uuendati just kõige uuemale versioonile. Vajuta siia et värskendada veebilehte.",
"privacy": "Privaatsus",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Kustuta kõik"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Kuu",
"year": "Aasta",
"alltime": "Kogu aja vältel",
"no_recent_topics": "Hetkel ei ole hiljutisi teemasid."
"no_recent_topics": "Hetkel ei ole hiljutisi teemasid.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 tulemus(t) mis vastavad otsingule \"%2\", (%3 sekundit)",
"no-matches": "Postitusi ei leitud"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Sa ei ole postitusi valinud!",
"fork_success": "Edukalt ''forkisid'' teema! Vajuta siia, et vaadata loodud teemat.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Sisesta teema pealkiri siia...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "Katkesta",
"composer.submit": "Postita",
"composer.replying_to": "Vastad %1'le",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "Sorteeri",
"oldest_to_newest": "Vanematest uuemateni",
"newest_to_oldest": "Uuematest vanemateni",
"most_votes": "Kõige rohkem hääli"
"most_votes": "Kõige rohkem hääli",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "Banned",
"offline": "Väljas",
"username": "Kasutajanimi",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "Email",
"confirm_email": "Kinnita email",
"delete_account": "Kustuta kasutaja",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "Vaatamisi",
"reputation": "Reputatsioon",
"favourites": "Lemmikud",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "Jälgijad",
"following": "Jälgimised",
"signature": "Allkiri",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "Iga nädal",
"digest_monthly": "Iga kuu",
"send_chat_notifications": "Saada mulle email kui mulle saabub uus sõnum ja ma ei ole antud hetkel online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "Sellel kasutajal pole ühtegi jälgijat :(",
"follows_no_one": "See kasutaja ei jälgi kedagi :(",
"has_no_posts": "See kasutaja pole midagi postitanud veel.",
"has_no_topics": "See kasutaja pole vele ühtegi teemat postitanud.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Peidetud email",
"hidden": "peidetud",
"paginate_description": "Nummerda leheküljed ja postitused ning ära kasuta ''lõputut scrolli''.",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "Otsi",
"enter_username": "Sisesta kasutajanimi, keda soovid otsida",
"load_more": "Lae veel",
"users-found-search-took": "%1kasutaja(t) leiti! Otsing kestis %2 ms."
"users-found-search-took": "%1kasutaja(t) leiti! Otsing kestis %2 ms.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "برای ادامه‌ی گفتگو اینجا کلیک کنید",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "برای ویرایش آن تنظیمات اینجا کلیک کنید",
"closing": "سپاس!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "این نام کاربری گرفته شده است.",
"email-taken": "این رایانامه گرفته شده است.",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "نام کاربری خیلی کوتاه است.",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"user-banned": "کاربر محروم شد.",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "شما نمی‌توانید دیگر مدیران را محروم کنید!",
"invalid-image-type": "نوع تصویر نامعتبر است.",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "نام گروه خیلی کوتاه است.",
"group-already-exists": "این گروه از پیش وجود دارد.",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "تغیر نام گروه نیاز به دسترسی دارد.",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "شما اعتبار کافی برای دادن رای منفی به این دیدگاه را ندارید.",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "جستجو",
"buttons.close": "بستن",
"403.title": "دسترسی ندارید",
"403.message": "شما برگه‌ای را فراخوانده‌اید که دسترسی به آن ندارید. شاید باید <a href='/login'>به درون بیایید</a>؟",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "یافت نشد",
"404.message": "شما برگه‌ای را فراخوانده‌اید که وجود ندارد. به <a href='/'>برگهٔ خانه</a> برگردید.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "خطای درونی.",
"500.message": "اوه! گویا اشتباهی رخ داده!",
"register": "نام‌نویسی",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "برچسب‌ها",
"header.popular": "دوست‌داشتنی‌ها",
"header.users": "کاربران",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "گفتگوها",
"header.notifications": "آگاه‌سازی‌ها",
"": "جستجو",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "انجمن بروزرسانی شد",
"updated.message": "این انجمن به آخرین نسخه بروزرسانی شد. برای بارگزاری مجدد صفحه اینجا کلیک کنید.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "ماه",
"year": "سال",
"alltime": "All Time",
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics."
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No posts found"
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"posted-by": "Posted by"

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "هیچ دیدگاهی انتخاب نشده!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "سرنویس جستارتان را اینجا بنویسید...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.discard": "دور بیانداز",
"composer.submit": "بفرست",
"composer.replying_to": "پاسخ به %1",
@ -92,5 +93,6 @@
"sort_by": "مرتب‌سازی بر اساس",
"oldest_to_newest": "قدیمی‌ترین به جدید‌ترین",
"newest_to_oldest": "جدید‌ترین به قدیمی‌ترین",
"most_votes": "بیشترین رای‌ها"
"most_votes": "بیشترین رای‌ها",
"most_posts": "Most posts"

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
"banned": "مسدود",
"offline": "آفلاین",
"username": "نام کاربری",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"email": "رایانامه",
"confirm_email": "تأیید رایانامه",
"delete_account": "Delete Account",
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "بازدیدهای نمایه",
"reputation": "اعتبار",
"favourites": "پسندها",
"watched": "Watched",
"followers": "دنبال‌کننده‌ها",
"following": "دنبال‌شونده‌ها",
"signature": "امضا",
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "هفتگی",
"digest_monthly": "ماهانه",
"send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"has_no_follower": "این کاربر هیچ دنبال‌کننده‌ای ندارد :(",
"follows_no_one": "این کاربر هیچ کسی را دنبال نمی‌کند :(",
"has_no_posts": "این کاربر هنوز هیچ دیدگاهی نگذاشته است.",
"has_no_topics": "این کاربر هنوز هیچ جستاری نفرستاده است.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "رایانامه پنهان شده",
"hidden": "پنهان",
"paginate_description": "محدود کردن شمار جستارها و دیدگاه‌ها در هر برگه به جای مرور بی‌پایان برگه‌ها",

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"search": "جستجو",
"enter_username": "یک نام کاربری برای جستجو وارد کنید",
"load_more": "بارگذاری بیش‌تر",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 کاربر() در مدت زمان %2 میلی ثانیه یافت شد!"
"users-found-search-took": "%1 کاربر() در مدت زمان %2 میلی ثانیه یافت شد!",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "Click here to continue the conversation",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Click here to alter those settings",
"closing": "Thanks!"

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"username-taken": "Käyttäjänimi varattu",
"email-taken": "Sähköpostiosoite varattu",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"username-too-short": "Käyttäjänimi on liian lyhyt",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"user-banned": "Käyttäjä on estetty",
@ -43,10 +44,13 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Et voi estää muita ylläpitäjiä!",
"invalid-image-type": "Virheellinen kuvatiedosto",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"group-name-too-short": "Ryhmän nimi on liian lyhyt",
"group-already-exists": "Ryhmä on jo olemassa",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Et voi vaihtaa ryhmän nimeä",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
@ -63,5 +67,6 @@
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error"
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response"

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
"search": "Hae",
"buttons.close": "Sulje",
"403.title": "Pääsy kielletty",
"403.message": "Olet päätynyt sivulle, johon sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia. Sinun pitäisi kai <a href='/login'>kirjautua sisään</a>.",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Ei löydy",
"404.message": "Olet päätynyt sivulle, jota ei ole olemassa. Palaa <a href='/'>etusivulle</a>.",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Sisäinen virhe.",
"500.message": "Oho! Jotain meni pieleen!",
"register": "Rekisteröidy",
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Tags",
"header.popular": "Suositut",
"header.users": "Käyttäjät",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.chats": "Keskustelut",
"header.notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"": "Hae",
@ -73,5 +75,7 @@
"updated.title": "Foorumi päivitetty",
"updated.message": "Tämä foorumi on juuri päivitetty uusimpaan versioon. Paina tästä päivittääksesi sivun.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"

@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts"
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private Group",
"details.public": "Public Group",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -5,5 +5,14 @@
"month": "Kuukausi",
"year": "Year",
"alltime": "All Time",
"no_recent_topics": "Ei viimeisimpiä aiheita."
"no_recent_topics": "Ei viimeisimpiä aiheita.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
