"registration-added-to-queue":"Your registration has been added to the approval queue. You will receive an email when it is accepted by an administrator.",
"registration-queue-average-time":"Our average time for approving memberships is %1 hours %2 minutes.",
"registration-queue-auto-approve-time":"Your membership to this forum will be fully activated in up to %1 hours.",
"interstitial.intro":"We require some additional information before we can create your account.",
"interstitial.intro":"We'd like some additional information in order to update your account…",
"interstitial.intro-new":"We'd like some additional information before we can create your account…",
"interstitial.errors-found":"We could not complete your registration:",
"gdpr_agree_data":"I consent to the collection and processing of my personal information on this website.",
"gdpr_agree_email":"I consent to receive digest and notification emails from this website.",