@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"use strict";
var SocketIO = require('socket.io'),
socketioWildcard = require('socketio-wildcard'),
socketioWildcard = require('socketio-wildcard')(),
util = require('util'),
async = require('async'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
socketCookieParser = require('cookie-parser')(nconf.get('secret')),
cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')(nconf.get('secret')),
winston = require('winston'),
db = require('../database'),
@ -66,38 +66,17 @@ function onUserDisconnect(uid, socketid, socketCount) {
Sockets.init = function(server) {
// Default socket.io config
var config = {
log: true,
'log level': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 2 : 1,
transports: ['websocket', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling', 'flashsocket'],
'browser client minification': true,
resource: nconf.get('relative_path') + '/socket.io'
// If a redis server is configured, use it as a socket.io store, otherwise, fall back to in-memory store
// if (nconf.get('redis')) {
// var RedisStore = require('socket.io/lib/stores/redis'),
// database = require('../database/redis'),
// pub = database.connect(),
// sub = database.connect(),
// client = database.connect();
// // "redis" property needs to be passed in as referenced here: https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io/issues/808
// // Probably fixed in socket.IO 1.0
// config.store = new RedisStore({
// redis: require('redis'),
// redisPub : pub,
// redisSub : sub,
// redisClient : client
// });
// } else if (nconf.get('cluster')) {
// winston.warn('[socket.io] Clustering detected, you are advised to configure Redis as a websocket store.');
// }
transports: ['polling', 'websocket'],
path: nconf.get('relative_path') + '/socket.io'
io = new SocketIO();
//io = socketioWildcard(SocketIO).listen(server, config);
io.listen(server, config);
Sockets.server = io;
@ -115,91 +94,105 @@ Sockets.init = function(server) {
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('connection', socket.id);
var hs = socket.handshake,
sessionID, uid;
io.use(function(socket, next) {
if (!hs) {
var handshake = socket.request,
if (!handshake) {
return next(new Error('[[error:not-authorized]]'));
// Validate the session, if present
socketCookieParser(hs, {}, function(err) {
if(err) {
return winston.error(err.message);
cookieParser(handshake, {}, function(err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
sessionID = socket.handshake.signedCookies['express.sid'];
var sessionID = handshake.signedCookies['express.sid'];
db.sessionStore.get(sessionID, function(err, sessionData) {
if (!err && sessionData && sessionData.passport && sessionData.passport.user) {
uid = parseInt(sessionData.passport.user, 10);
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (sessionData && sessionData.passport && sessionData.passport.user) {
socket.uid = parseInt(sessionData.passport.user, 10);
} else {
uid = 0;
socket.uid = 0;
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('CONNECTED', socket.uid, socket.id);
socket.uid = parseInt(uid, 10);
onUserConnect(uid, socket.id);
/* If meta.config.loggerIOStatus > 0, logger.io_one will hook into this socket */
logger.io_one(socket, uid);
if (uid) {
socket.join('uid_' + uid);
user: function(next) {
user.getUserFields(uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'status'], next);
isAdmin: function(next) {
user.isAdministrator(uid, next);
}, function(err, userData) {
if (err || !userData.user) {
socket.emit('event:connect', {
status: 1,
username: userData.user.username,
userslug: userData.user.userslug,
picture: userData.user.picture,
isAdmin: userData.isAdmin,
uid: uid
socket.broadcast.emit('event:user_status_change', {uid:uid, status: userData.user.status});
logger.io_one(socket, socket.uid);
} else {
socket.emit('event:connect', {
status: 1,
username: '[[global:guest]]',
isAdmin: false,
uid: 0
if (socket.uid) {
onUserConnect(socket.uid, socket.id);
socket.join('uid_' + socket.uid);
user: function(next) {
user.getUserFields(socket.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'status'], next);
isAdmin: function(next) {
user.isAdministrator(socket.uid, next);
}, function(err, userData) {
if (err || !userData.user) {
socket.emit('event:connect', {
status: 1,
username: userData.user.username,
userslug: userData.user.userslug,
picture: userData.user.picture,
isAdmin: userData.isAdmin,
uid: socket.uid
socket.broadcast.emit('event:user_status_change', {uid: socket.uid, status: userData.user.status});
} else {
socket.emit('event:connect', {
status: 1,
username: '[[global:guest]]',
isAdmin: false,
uid: 0
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
var socketCount = Sockets.getUserSocketCount(uid);
if (uid && socketCount <= 1) {
socket.broadcast.emit('event:user_status_change', {uid: uid, status: 'offline'});
var socketCount = Sockets.getUserSocketCount(socket.uid);
console.log('DISCONNECT', socket.uid, socket.id);
if (socket.uid && socketCount <= 1) {
socket.broadcast.emit('event:user_status_change', {uid: socket.uid, status: 'offline'});
onUserDisconnect(uid, socket.id, socketCount);
onUserDisconnect(socket.uid, socket.id, socketCount);
for(var roomName in io.sockets.manager.roomClients[socket.id]) {
if (roomName.indexOf('topic') !== -1) {
io.sockets.in(roomName.slice(1)).emit('event:user_leave', socket.uid);
// for(var roomName in io.sockets.manager.roomClients[socket.id]) {
// if (roomName.indexOf('topic') !== -1) {
// io.sockets.in(roomName.slice(1)).emit('event:user_leave', socket.uid);
// }
// }
socket.on('*', function(payload, callback) {
if (!payload.name) {
socket.on('*', function(payload) {
if (!payload.data.length) {
return winston.warn('[socket.io] Empty payload');
var eventName = payload.data[0];
var params = payload.data[1];
var callback = typeof payload.data[payload.data.length - 1] === 'function' ? payload.data[payload.data.length - 1] : function() {};
if (!eventName) {
return winston.warn('[socket.io] Empty method name');
@ -208,7 +201,7 @@ Sockets.init = function(server) {
return socket.disconnect();
var parts = payload.name.toString().split('.'),
var parts = eventName.toString().split('.'),
namespace = parts[0],
methodToCall = parts.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
if (prev !== null && prev[cur]) {
@ -220,27 +213,38 @@ Sockets.init = function(server) {
if(!methodToCall) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
winston.warn('[socket.io] Unrecognized message: ' + payload.name);
winston.warn('[socket.io] Unrecognized message: ' + eventName);
if (Namespaces[namespace].before) {
Namespaces[namespace].before(socket, payload.name, function() {
callMethod(methodToCall, socket, payload, callback);
Namespaces[namespace].before(socket, eventName, function() {
callMethod(methodToCall, socket, params, callback);
} else {
callMethod(methodToCall, socket, payload, callback);
callMethod(methodToCall, socket, params, callback);
function callMethod(method, socket, payload, callback) {
method.call(null, socket, payload.args.length ? payload.args[0] : null, function(err, result) {
if (callback) {
callback(err ? {message: err.message} : null, result);
function addRedisAdapter(io) {
if (nconf.get('redis')) {
var redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
var redis = require('../database/redis');
var pub = redis.connect();
var sub = redis.connect();
io.adapter(redisAdapter({pubClient: pub, subClient: sub}));
} else {
winston.warn('[socket.io] Clustering detected, you are advised to configure Redis as a websocket store.');
function callMethod(method, socket, params, callback) {
method.call(null, socket, params, function(err, result) {
callback(err ? {message: err.message} : null, result);