@ -3,211 +3,213 @@
const winston = require('winston');
const async = require('async');
const utils = require('../utils');
const plugins = require('.');
module.exports = function (Plugins) {
Plugins.deprecatedHooks = {
'filter:privileges:isUserAllowedTo': 'filter:privileges:isAllowedTo', // 👋 @ 1.16.0
'filter:router.page': 'response:router.page', // 👋 @ 2.0.0
Plugins.internals = {
_register: function (data) {
Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] = Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] || [];
const hookTypeToMethod = {
filter: fireFilterHook,
action: fireActionHook,
static: fireStaticHook,
response: fireResponseHook,
`data` is an object consisting of (* is required):
`data.hook`*, the name of the NodeBB hook
`data.method`*, the method called in that plugin (can be an array of functions)
`data.priority`, the relative priority of the method when it is eventually called (default: 10)
Plugins.registerHook = function (id, data) {
if (!data.hook || !data.method) {
winston.warn('[plugins/' + id + '] registerHook called with invalid data.hook/method', data);
const Hooks = {};
module.exports = Hooks;
// `hasOwnProperty` needed for hooks with no alternative (set to null)
if (Plugins.deprecatedHooks.hasOwnProperty(data.hook)) {
const deprecated = Plugins.deprecatedHooks[data.hook];
Hooks.deprecatedHooks = {
'filter:privileges:isUserAllowedTo': 'filter:privileges:isAllowedTo', // 👋 @ 1.16.0
'filter:router.page': 'response:router.page', // 👋 @ 2.0.0
if (deprecated) {
winston.warn(`[plugins/${id}] Hook "${data.hook}" is deprecated, please use "${deprecated}" instead.`);
} else {
winston.warn(`[plugins/${id}] Hook "${data.hook}" is deprecated, there is no alternative.`);
Hooks.internals = {
_register: function (data) {
plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] = plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] || [];
data.id = id;
if (!data.priority) {
data.priority = 10;
const hookTypeToMethod = {
filter: fireFilterHook,
action: fireActionHook,
static: fireStaticHook,
response: fireResponseHook,
if (Array.isArray(data.method) && data.method.every(method => typeof method === 'function' || typeof method === 'string')) {
// Go go gadget recursion!
data.method.forEach(function (method) {
const singularData = { ...data, method: method };
Plugins.registerHook(id, singularData);
} else if (typeof data.method === 'string' && data.method.length > 0) {
const method = data.method.split('.').reduce(function (memo, prop) {
if (memo && memo[prop]) {
return memo[prop];
// Couldn't find method by path, aborting
return null;
}, Plugins.libraries[data.id]);
// Write the actual method reference to the hookObj
data.method = method;
} else if (typeof data.method === 'function') {
`data` is an object consisting of (* is required):
`data.hook`*, the name of the NodeBB hook
`data.method`*, the method called in that plugin (can be an array of functions)
`data.priority`, the relative priority of the method when it is eventually called (default: 10)
Hooks.register = function (id, data) {
if (!data.hook || !data.method) {
winston.warn('[plugins/' + id + '] registerHook called with invalid data.hook/method', data);
// `hasOwnProperty` needed for hooks with no alternative (set to null)
if (Hooks.deprecatedHooks.hasOwnProperty(data.hook)) {
const deprecated = Hooks.deprecatedHooks[data.hook];
if (deprecated) {
winston.warn(`[plugins/${id}] Hook "${data.hook}" is deprecated, please use "${deprecated}" instead.`);
} else {
winston.warn('[plugins/' + id + '] Hook method mismatch: ' + data.hook + ' => ' + data.method);
winston.warn(`[plugins/${id}] Hook "${data.hook}" is deprecated, there is no alternative.`);
Plugins.unregisterHook = function (id, hook, method) {
var hooks = Plugins.loadedHooks[hook] || [];
Plugins.loadedHooks[hook] = hooks.filter(function (hookData) {
return hookData && hookData.id !== id && hookData.method !== method;
data.id = id;
if (!data.priority) {
data.priority = 10;
if (Array.isArray(data.method) && data.method.every(method => typeof method === 'function' || typeof method === 'string')) {
// Go go gadget recursion!
data.method.forEach(function (method) {
const singularData = { ...data, method: method };
Hooks.register(id, singularData);
} else if (typeof data.method === 'string' && data.method.length > 0) {
const method = data.method.split('.').reduce(function (memo, prop) {
if (memo && memo[prop]) {
return memo[prop];
// Couldn't find method by path, aborting
return null;
}, plugins.libraries[data.id]);
// Write the actual method reference to the hookObj
data.method = method;
} else if (typeof data.method === 'function') {
} else {
winston.warn('[plugins/' + id + '] Hook method mismatch: ' + data.hook + ' => ' + data.method);
Plugins.fireHook = async function (hook, params) {
const hookList = Plugins.loadedHooks[hook];
const hookType = hook.split(':')[0];
if (global.env === 'development' && hook !== 'action:plugins.firehook') {
winston.verbose('[plugins/fireHook] ' + hook);
Hooks.unregister = function (id, hook, method) {
var hooks = plugins.loadedHooks[hook] || [];
plugins.loadedHooks[hook] = hooks.filter(function (hookData) {
return hookData && hookData.id !== id && hookData.method !== method;
if (!hookTypeToMethod[hookType]) {
winston.warn('[plugins] Unknown hookType: ' + hookType + ', hook : ' + hook);
const result = await hookTypeToMethod[hookType](hook, hookList, params);
Hooks.fire = async function (hook, params) {
const hookList = plugins.loadedHooks[hook];
const hookType = hook.split(':')[0];
if (global.env === 'development' && hook !== 'action:plugins.fireHook') {
winston.verbose('[plugins/fireHook] ' + hook);
if (!hookTypeToMethod[hookType]) {
winston.warn('[plugins] Unknown hookType: ' + hookType + ', hook : ' + hook);
const result = await hookTypeToMethod[hookType](hook, hookList, params);
if (hook !== 'action:plugins.fireHook') {
Hooks.fire('action:plugins.fireHook', { hook: hook, params: params });
if (result !== undefined) {
return result;
Hooks.hasListeners = function (hook) {
return !!(plugins.loadedHooks[hook] && plugins.loadedHooks[hook].length > 0);
async function fireFilterHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
return params;
if (hook !== 'action:plugins.firehook') {
Plugins.fireHook('action:plugins.firehook', { hook: hook, params: params });
return await async.reduce(hookList, params, function (params, hookObj, next) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
return next(null, params);
const returned = hookObj.method(params, next);
if (utils.isPromise(returned)) {
payload => setImmediate(next, null, payload),
err => setImmediate(next, err)
if (result !== undefined) {
return result;
async function fireActionHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
for (const hookObj of hookList) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
} else {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
await hookObj.method(params);
async function fireFilterHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
return params;
async function fireStaticHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
// don't bubble errors from these hooks, so bad plugins don't stop startup
const noErrorHooks = ['static:app.load', 'static:assets.prepare', 'static:app.preload'];
await async.each(hookList, function (hookObj, next) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
return next();
return await async.reduce(hookList, params, function (params, hookObj, next) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
return next(null, params);
let timedOut = false;
const timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
winston.warn('[plugins] Callback timed out, hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\'');
timedOut = true;
}, 5000);
const callback = (err) => {
if (err) {
winston.error('[plugins] Error executing \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\'');
if (!timedOut) {
next(noErrorHooks.includes(hook) ? null : err);
const returned = hookObj.method(params, next);
try {
const returned = hookObj.method(params, callback);
if (utils.isPromise(returned)) {
payload => setImmediate(next, null, payload),
err => setImmediate(next, err)
payload => setImmediate(callback, null, payload),
err => setImmediate(callback, err)
async function fireActionHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
for (const hookObj of hookList) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
} else {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
await hookObj.method(params);
} catch (err) {
async function fireStaticHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
async function fireResponseHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
await async.eachSeries(hookList, async (hookObj) => {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
// don't bubble errors from these hooks, so bad plugins don't stop startup
const noErrorHooks = ['static:app.load', 'static:assets.prepare', 'static:app.preload'];
await async.each(hookList, function (hookObj, next) {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
return next();
let timedOut = false;
const timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
winston.warn('[plugins] Callback timed out, hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\'');
timedOut = true;
}, 5000);
const callback = (err) => {
if (err) {
winston.error('[plugins] Error executing \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\'');
if (!timedOut) {
next(noErrorHooks.includes(hook) ? null : err);
try {
const returned = hookObj.method(params, callback);
if (utils.isPromise(returned)) {
payload => setImmediate(callback, null, payload),
err => setImmediate(callback, err)
} catch (err) {
async function fireResponseHook(hook, hookList, params) {
if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) {
// Skip remaining hooks if headers have been sent
if (params.res.headersSent) {
await async.eachSeries(hookList, async (hookObj) => {
if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') {
if (global.env === 'development') {
winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.');
// Skip remaining hooks if headers have been sent
if (params.res.headersSent) {
await hookObj.method(params);
Plugins.hasListeners = function (hook) {
return !!(Plugins.loadedHooks[hook] && Plugins.loadedHooks[hook].length > 0);
await hookObj.method(params);