updated installation data to only create four categories by default, and altered colour to be less stark (heh, what does that mean anyway...). Also added an intro post

Julian Lam 11 years ago
parent 8468a84047
commit 62d85b0e26

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Announcements",
"description": "Announcements regarding our community",
"bgColor": "#0059B2",
"bgColor": "#fda34b",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-bullhorn",
"order": 1
@ -10,89 +10,25 @@
"name": "General Discussion",
"description": "A place to talk about whateeeever you want",
"bgColor": "#0059B2",
"bgColor": "#59b3d0",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-comment",
"icon" : "fa-comments-o",
"order": 2
"name": "NodeBB Development",
"description": "NodeBB development news and announcements",
"bgColor": "#0059B2",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-github",
"order": 3
"name": "Blogs",
"description": "Blog posts from individual members",
"bgColor": "#0059B2",
"bgColor": "#86ba4b",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-pencil",
"icon" : "fa-newspaper-o",
"order": 4
"name": "Feature Requests",
"description": "Got a feature request you'd like to see? Give us a shout here.",
"bgColor": "#ab1290",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-lightbulb-o",
"order": 5
"name": "Bug Reports",
"description": "Having trouble with NodeBB? Let us know...",
"bgColor": "#ab1290",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-cogs",
"order": 6
"name": "NodeBB Plugins",
"description": "Enhance your NodeBB with plugins!",
"bgColor": "#ab1290",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-plus-square",
"order": 7
"name": "NodeBB Link Exchange",
"description": "Link exchange",
"bgColor": "#ab1290",
"name": "Comments & Feedback",
"description": "Got a question? Ask away!",
"bgColor": "#e95c5a",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-exchange",
"order": 8
"name": "News",
"description": "News from around the world",
"bgColor": "#004C66",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-globe",
"order": 9
"name": "Movies",
"description": "Discuss the latest movies here",
"bgColor": "#004C66",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-film",
"order": 10
"name": "Games",
"description": "Discuss the latest games here",
"bgColor": "#004C66",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-crosshairs",
"order": 11
"name": "Random",
"description": "Anything and (almost) everything welcome!",
"bgColor": "#004C66",
"color": "#fff",
"icon" : "fa-beer",
"order": 12
"icon" : "fa-question",
"order": 3

@ -398,6 +398,24 @@ function createCategories(next) {
function createWelcomePost(next) {
var db = require('./database'),
Topics = require('./topics');
db.sortedSetCard('topics:tid', function(err, numTopics) {
if (numTopics === 0) {
uid: 1,
cid: 2,
title: 'Welcome to your NodeBB!',
content: '# Welcome to your brand new NodeBB forum!\n\nThis is what a topic and post looks like. As an administator, you can edit the post\'s title and content.\n\nTo customise your forum, go to the [Administrator Control Panel](../../admin). You can modify all aspects of your forum there, including installation of third-party plugins.\n\n## Additional Resources\n\n* [NodeBB Documentation](https://docs.nodebb.org)\n* [Community Support Forum](https://community.nodebb.org)\n* [Project repository](https://github.com/nodebb/nodebb)'
}, next);
} else {
function enableDefaultPlugins(next) {
var Plugins = require('./plugins');
@ -424,7 +442,7 @@ function setCopyrightWidget(next) {
install.setup = function (callback) {
async.series([checkSetupFlag, checkCIFlag, setupConfig, setupDefaultConfigs, enableDefaultTheme, createAdministrator, createCategories, enableDefaultPlugins, setCopyrightWidget,
async.series([checkSetupFlag, checkCIFlag, setupConfig, setupDefaultConfigs, enableDefaultTheme, createAdministrator, createCategories, createWelcomePost, enableDefaultPlugins, setCopyrightWidget,
function (next) {

@ -352,6 +352,11 @@ Sockets.reqFromSocket = function(socket) {
Sockets.isUserOnline = isUserOnline;
function isUserOnline(uid) {
if (!io) {
// Special handling for install script (socket.io not initialised)
return false;
return Array.isArray(io.sockets.manager.rooms['/uid_' + uid]);
