Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot)
parent 37ca5a1c63
commit 60c54d6cdf

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"notifications": "Notifications",
"notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"chat-messages": "Sarunas",
"play-sound": "Play",
"incoming-message": "Incoming Message",

@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
"alert.updated-success": "Category IDs %1 successfully updated.",
"alert.upload-image": "Upload category image",
"alert.find-user": "Find a User",
"alert.user-search": "Search for a user here...",
"alert.user-search": "Meklēt lietotājus šeit",
"alert.find-group": "Find a Group",
"": "Search for a group here...",
"": "Meklēt grupas šeit...",
"collapse-all": "Collapse All",
"expand-all": "Expand All"

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"member-count": "Member Count",
"system": "System Group",
"edit": "Edit",
"search-placeholder": "Search",
"search-placeholder": "Meklēt",
"create": "Create Group",
"description-placeholder": "A short description about your group",
"create-button": "Create",
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"edit.hidden": "Paslēpts",
"edit.hidden-details": "Ja ir iespējota, šī grupa nebūs redzama grupu sarakstā un lietotāji būs jāuzaicina pašrocīgi",
"edit.add-user": "Add User to Group",
"edit.add-user-search": "Search Users",
"edit.add-user-search": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"edit.members": "Member List",
"control-panel": "Groups Control Panel",
"revert": "Revert",

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
"upload-files": "Upload Files",
"signature": "Signature",
"ban": "Bloķēt",
"search-content": "Search Content",
"search-users": "Search Users",
"search-tags": "Search Tags",
"search-content": "Meklēt saturā",
"search-users": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"search-tags": "Meklēt birkās",
"find-category": "Find Category",
"access-category": "Access Category",

@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
"none": "Your forum does not have any topics with tags yet.",
"bg-color": "Background Colour",
"text-color": "Text Colour",
"create-modify": "Create & Modify Tags",
"create-modify": "Izveidot & rediģēt birkas",
"description": "Select tags via clicking and/or dragging, use shift to select multiple.",
"create": "Create Tag",
"modify": "Modify Tags",
"rename": "Rename Tags",
"delete": "Delete Selected Tags",
"search": "Search for tags...",
"modify": "Rediģēt birkas",
"rename": "Pārdēvēt birkas",
"delete": "Izdzēst atlasītās birkas",
"search": "Meklēt birkas...",
"settings": "Click <a href=\"%1\">here</a> to visit the tag settings page.",
"name": "Tag Name",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Editing multiple tags",
"alerts.editing-multiple": "Rediģē vairākas birkas",
"alerts.editing-x": "Editing \"%1\" tag",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Do you want to delete the selected tags?",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "Vai vēlies izdzēst šīs birkas?",
"alerts.update-success": "Tag Updated!"

@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
"pills.unvalidated": "Not Validated",
"": "No Posts",
"": "Top Posters",
"": "Most Reputation",
"": "Visvairāk ranga punktu",
"pills.inactive": "Inactive",
"pills.flagged": "Visvairāk atzīmēto",
"pills.banned": "Bloķētie",
"": "User Search",
"": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"search.uid": "By User ID",
"search.uid-placeholder": "Enter a user ID to search",
"search.uid-placeholder": "Ievadi meklējamo lietotāju",
"search.username": "By User Name",
"search.username-placeholder": "Enter a username to search",
"search.username-placeholder": "Ievadi meklējamo lietotājvārdu",
"": "By Email",
"": "Enter a email to search",
"": "Ievadi meklējamo e-pasta adresi",
"search.ip": "By IP Address",
"search.ip-placeholder": "Enter an IP Address to search",
"search.ip-placeholder": "Ievadi meklējamo IP adresi",
"search.not-found": "User not found!",
"inactive.3-months": "3 months",
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"users.username": "username",
"": "email",
"users.postcount": "postcount",
"users.reputation": "reputation",
"users.reputation": "ranga punkti",
"users.flags": "atzīmes",
"users.joined": "joined",
"users.last-online": "last online",

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"section-manage": "Manage",
"manage/categories": "Categories",
"manage/privileges": "Privileges",
"manage/tags": "Tags",
"manage/tags": "Birkas",
"manage/users": "Users",
"manage/admins-mods": "Admins & Mods",
"manage/registration": "Reģistrāciju rinda",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"section-settings": "Settings",
"settings/general": "General",
"settings/reputation": "Reputation",
"settings/reputation": "Ranga punkti",
"settings/email": "Email",
"settings/user": "User",
"settings/group": "Group",
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
"settings/post": "Post",
"settings/chat": "Sarunāties",
"settings/pagination": "Numerācija",
"settings/tags": "Tags",
"settings/notifications": "Notifications",
"settings/tags": "Birkas",
"settings/notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"settings/cookies": "Sīkfaili",
"settings/web-crawler": "Web Crawler",
"settings/sockets": "Sockets",

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"notifications": "Notifications",
"notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"welcome-notification": "Welcome Notification",
"welcome-notification-link": "Welcome Notification Link",
"welcome-notification-uid": "Welcome Notification User (UID)",

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"": "Enabling new user restrictions will set restrictions on posts created by new users.",
"restrictions.seconds-between": "Seconds between posts",
"restrictions.seconds-between-new": "Seconds between posts for new users",
"restrictions.rep-threshold": "Reputation threshold before these restrictions are lifted",
"restrictions.rep-threshold": "Reputācijas slieksnis pirms ierobežojumu atcelšanas",
"restrictions.seconds-defore-new": "Seconds before new user can post",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds before users are allowed to edit posts after posting. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds before users are allowed to delete posts after posting. (0 disabled)",

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"reputation": "Reputation Settings",
"disable": "Disable Reputation System",
"reputation": "Ranga punktu sistēma",
"disable": "Atspējot ranga punktu sistēmu",
"disable-down-voting": "Disable Down Voting",
"votes-are-public": "All Votes Are Public",
"thresholds": "Activity Thresholds",
"min-rep-downvote": "Minimum reputation to downvote posts",
"min-rep-flag": "Minimum reputation to flag posts",
"min-rep-website": "Minimum reputation to add \"Website\" to user profile",
"min-rep-aboutme": "Minimum reputation to add \"About me\" to user profile",
"min-rep-signature": "Minimum reputation to add \"Signature\" to user profile",
"min-rep-profile-picture": "Minimum reputation to add \"Profile Picture\" to user profile",
"min-rep-cover-picture": "Minimum reputation to add \"Cover Picture\" to user profile"
"min-rep-downvote": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai balsotu pret ziņām",
"min-rep-flag": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai atzīmēt ziņas",
"min-rep-website": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai lietotāja profilma pievienotu \"Mājaslapu\"",
"min-rep-aboutme": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai lietotāja profilma pievienotu \"Par mani\"",
"min-rep-signature": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai lietotāja profilma pievienotu \"Parakstu\"",
"min-rep-profile-picture": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai lietotāja profilma pievienotu \"Profila bildi\"",
"min-rep-cover-picture": "Minimālie ranga punkti, lai lietotāja profilma pievienotu \"Vāka bildi\""

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"min-password-strength": "Minimum Password Strength",
"max-about-me-length": "Maximum About Me Length",
"terms-of-use": "Forum Terms of Use <small>(Leave blank to disable)</small>",
"user-search": "User Search",
"user-search": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"user-search-results-per-page": "Number of results to display",
"default-user-settings": "Default User Settings",
"show-email": "Rādīt e-pasta adresi",

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"chat-deleted-already": "Saruna jau ir izdzēsta.",
"chat-restored'already": "Saruna jau ir atjaunota.",
"already-voting-for-this-post": "Tu jau balsoji par šo ziņu.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Reputācijas sistēma ir atspējota.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Ranga punktu sistēma ir atspējota.",
"downvoting-disabled": "Balsošana pret ir atspējota",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Tev nepietiek ranga punktu, lai balsotu pret šo ziņu",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "Tev nepietiek ranga punktu, lai paziņot par šo ziņu",

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
"flagged-content": "Atzīmētais saturs",
"ip-blacklist": "IP adrešu melnais saraksts",
"post-queue": "Ziņu rinda",
"users/online": "Online Users",
"users/latest": "Latest Users",
"users/online": "Lietotāji tiešsaistē",
"users/latest": "Jaunākie lietotāji",
"users/sort-posts": "Lietotāji ar visvairāk ziņu",
"users/sort-reputation": "Users with the most reputation",
"users/sort-reputation": "Lietotāji ar visvairāk ranga punktu",
"users/banned": "Bloķētie lietotāji",
"users/most-flags": "Visvairāk atzīmēto lietotāju",
"users/search": "User Search",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"tags": "Tags",
"users/search": "Meklēt lietotājus",
"notifications": "Paziņojumi",
"tags": "Birkas",
"tag": "Topics tagged under &quot;%1&quot;",
"register": "Register an account",
"registration-complete": "Reģistrācija ir pabeigta",

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"advanced-search": "Advanced Search",
"advanced-search": "Meklēt izvērsti",
"in": "In",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"posted-by": "Posted by",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"has-tags": "Has tags",
"has-tags": "Ir birkas",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"no_tag_topics": "There are no topics with this tag.",
"tags": "Tags",
"tags": "Birkas",
"enter_tags_here": "Enter tags here, between %1 and %2 characters each.",
"enter_tags_here_short": "Enter tags...",
"no_tags": "There are no tags yet."
"enter_tags_here_short": "Ievadi birkas...",
"no_tags": "Birku vēl nav"

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"lastonline": "Last Online",
"profile": "Profile",
"profile_views": "Profile views",
"reputation": "Reputation",
"reputation": "Ranga punkti",
"bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"watched": "Watched",
"ignored": "Ignored",
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"max_items_per_page": "Maximum %1",
"acp_language": "Admin Page Language",
"notification_sounds": "Play a sound when you receive a notification",
"notifications_and_sounds": "Notifications & Sounds",
"notifications_and_sounds": "Paziņojumi & skaņas",
"incoming-message-sound": "Incoming message sound",
"outgoing-message-sound": "Outgoing message sound",
"notification-sound": "Notification sound",

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"latest_users": "Latest Users",
"top_posters": "Top Posters",
"most_reputation": "Most Reputation",
"most_reputation": "Visvairāk ranga punktu",
"most_flags": "Visvairāk atzīmju",
"search": "Search",
"enter_username": "Enter a username to search",
"search": "Meklēt",
"enter_username": "Ievadi meklējamo lietotājvārdu",
"load_more": "Load More",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 seconds.",
"users-found-search-took": "Atrasti %1 lietotājs(-i)! Meklēšana ilga %2 sekundes.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"online-only": "Online only",
"invite": "Uzaicināt",
@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
"popular_topics": "Populārās tēmas",
"unread_topics": "Nelasītie temati",
"categories": "Categories",
"tags": "Tags",
"tags": "Birkas",
"no-users-found": "No users found!"

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "严格安全传输HSTS",
"hsts.enabled": "Enabled HSTS (recommended)",
"hsts.enabled": "启用HSTS推荐",
"hsts.subdomains": "HSTS头信息包含的域名",
"hsts.preload": "允许在HSTS头信息中预加载preloading",
"": "If enabled, an HSTS header will be set for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. <a href=\"%1\">More information <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"": "如果启用此项站点将会向浏览器发送HSTS头信息。您可以设置是否为子域名开启HSTS以及HSTS头信息中是否包含预加载标志preload参数如果您不了解HSTS可以忽略此项设置。<a href=\"%1\">了解详情 <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a>",
"traffic-management": "流量管理",
"": "NodeBB 拥有在高流量情况下自动拒绝请求的模块。尽管默认值就很棒,但您可以在这里调整这些设置。",
"traffic.enable": "启用流量管理",

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"still-uploading": "请等待上传完成",
"file-too-big": "上传文件的大小限制为 %1 KB - 请缩减文件大小",
"guest-upload-disabled": "未登录用户不允许上传",
"cors-error": "Unable to upload image due to misconfigured CORS",
"cors-error": "由于CORS配置错误无法上传图片。",
"already-bookmarked": "您已将此贴存为了书签",
"already-unbookmarked": "您已取消了此贴的书签",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "您不能封禁其他管理员!",

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"language": "语言",
"guest": "游客",
"guests": "游客",
"former_user": "A Former User",
"former_user": "老用户",
"updated.title": "论坛已更新",
"updated.message": "论坛已更新。请点这里刷新页面。",
"privacy": "隐私",
