@ -1,15 +1,113 @@
#### v2.5.2 (2022-09-04)
##### Chores
* incrementing version number - v2.5.1 (ce3aa950)
* update changelog for v2.5.1 (2b2fd4f3)
##### Bug Fixes
* registration regression, closes #10875 (f6f37dc1)
##### Other Changes
* fix lint error (b45e2413)
##### Tests
* disable nbbpm test temporarily (1dc79d76)
#### v2.5.1 (2022-09-02)
##### Chores
* incrementing version number - v2.5.0 (01d276cb)
* update changelog for v2.5.0 (1076285d)
##### Bug Fixes
* missing escape on ACP category backgroundImage property (67cb7035)
* **deps:** temporarily add back old textcomplete dependencies so emoji plugin can import them (61d1e9e0)
#### v2.5.0 (2022-09-01)
##### Breaking Changes
* reduce nodebb.min.js size by around 800kb (b7addffc)
##### Chores
* **i18n:**
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-settings-reputation (e20433ec)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-settings-post (fcbbb4d6)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-advanced-cache (90fc50e1)
* move @textcomplete and its modules to composer-default (3cbb7a3d)
* remove client-side js file for tpl that no longer exists (bc2ea860)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.5 (dd3e1a28)
* update changelog for v2.4.5 (d505cc47)
* **deps:**
* update dependency eslint to v8.22.0 (#10835) (8fce68d3)
* update mongo docker tag to v3.7 (8afaed22)
* update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v2 (4aecf399)
* update redis docker tag to v2.8.23 (#10811) (269382e0)
* update redis docker tag to v2.8.23 (#10811) (59fd0efe)
##### Documentation Changes
* **openapi:** v3 spec for new user export routes (70652ad4)
##### New Features
* remove visibilityjs (#10870) (19207325)
* introduce ACP defined option to rescind notif or do nothing on flag resolve/reject (15b1561f)
* allow v3 api to handle 202 and 204 response codes as well. (0cda5aa3)
* don't show signatures again in pagination mode in same topic (0a6900fc)
* setting to show signatures only once in topics, closes #10071 (aba420a3)
* add event type to topic event component (bcb94ede)
* allow plugins to add to admin cache list (#10833) (a9bbb586)
##### Bug Fixes
* **deps:**
* update dependency compare-versions to v4.1.4 (884d4075)
* update dependency mongodb to v4.9.0 (e51004e2)
* update dependency lru-cache to v7.14.0 (d8a52f81)
* bump composer-default to v9 (81f8d84f)
* remove textcomplete in favour of @textcomplete/core (same package, just refactored) (b7bcc367)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v12.1.1 (#10838) (444b4d57)
* update dependency ace-builds to v1.9.5 (4c44d125)
* update dependency lru-cache to v7.13.2 (4ddc0c7a)
* update dependency nodemailer to v6.7.8 (dd385184)
* pin dependency @isaacs/ttlcache to 1.2.0 (150a7488)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v8.0.1 (#10819) (9a7dd3a3)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v8.0.1 (#10819) (69c87c2c)
* empty thread tools container on open (a088eb19)
* add dropup handler to thread tools menu, updated how post tools menu adds dropup handler (c1936e87)
* empty thread tools container on open (df36d967)
* add dropup handler to thread tools menu, updated how post tools menu adds dropup handler (3dd3cd82)
* removing duplicate session rerolling code (as it is in passport@^0.6 now) (65b3996a)
* don't crash if post is undefined (e06e526e)
* return at least one in sizeCalculation (#10832) (3975fa2e)
##### Refactors
* remove console.log (a2d0cd16)
* move export generation logic to v3 controller, GET/HEAD routes for exports (d0570518)
* use group.slug on acp group urls closes #8277 (14c79763)
##### Tests
* have some build tests not pollute build folder (7c5a915d)
* User.hidePrivateData (b424ba46)
* passport0.6 (#10638) (33458701)
#### v2.4.5 (2022-08-22)
##### Chores
* incrementing version number - v2.4.4 (d5525c87)
* update changelog for v2.4.4 (77e492b8)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.3 (9c647c6c)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.2 (3aa7b855)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.1 (60cbd148)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.0 (4834cde3)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
##### Bug Fixes
@ -22,11 +120,6 @@
* incrementing version number - v2.4.3 (9c647c6c)
* update changelog for v2.4.3 (06da15a5)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.2 (3aa7b855)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.1 (60cbd148)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.0 (4834cde3)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
##### Bug Fixes
@ -38,10 +131,6 @@
* incrementing version number - v2.4.2 (3aa7b855)
* update changelog for v2.4.2 (ba7a3466)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.1 (60cbd148)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.0 (4834cde3)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
##### Bug Fixes
@ -53,9 +142,6 @@
* incrementing version number - v2.4.1 (60cbd148)
* update changelog for v2.4.1 (4b6baabb)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.0 (4834cde3)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
##### Documentation Changes
@ -80,8 +166,6 @@
* update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v2 (371ac032)
* incrementing version number - v2.4.0 (4834cde3)
* update changelog for v2.4.0 (c4714ff7)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
##### Bug Fixes
@ -99,7 +183,6 @@
* opt-out of dependabot, due to conflicts with renovate (70d60289)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.1 (d2425942)
* update changelog for v2.3.1 (2f487175)
* incrementing version number - v2.3.0 (046ea120)
* **i18n:**
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-settings-email (cdaa8f21)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-settings-email (3e56c547)