"description":"The default language determines the language settings for all users who are visiting your forum. <br />Individual users can override the default language on their account settings page.",
"default-language":"Default Language",
"auto-detect":"Auto Detect Language Setting for Guests"
"language-settings":"언어 설정",
"description":"기본 언어 설정은 사이트를 방문하는 모든 사용자들에게 적용됩니다. <br />하지만 사용자들이 직접 본인의 계정 설정 페이지에서 언어 설정을 바꿀 수 있습니다.",
"description":"There are no users in the registration queue. <br> To enable this feature, go to <a href=\"%1\">Settings → User → User Registration</a> and set <strong>Registration Type</strong> to \"Admin Approval\".",
"description":"가입 대기 큐에 사용자가 없습니다. <br>이 기능을 사용하려면, <a href=\"%1\">설정 → 사용자 → 사용자 가입</a>으로 가서, <strong>가입 종류</strong>를 \"관리자 승인\"으로 바꾸세요.",
"invitations.description":"Below is a complete list of invitations sent. Use ctrl-f to search through the list by email or username. <br><br>The username will be displayed to the right of the emails for users who have redeemed their invitations.",
"maintenance-mode.help":"When the forum is in maintenance mode, all requests will be redirected to a static holding page. Administrators are exempt from this redirection, and are able to access the site normally.",
"maintenance-mode.message":"Maintenance Message",
"maintenance-mode":"점검 모드",
"maintenance-mode.help":"포럼이 점검 모드일 경우 모든 요청은 정적 페이지로 라다이렉트될 것입니다. 관리자는 이 리다이렉션의 예외가 되고 사이트에 접속하는 것이 가능합니다.",
"maintenance-mode.message":"점검 메세지",
"headers.allow-from":"Set ALLOW-FROM to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.powered-by":"Customise the \"Powered By\" header sent by NodeBB",
"address-help":"The following email address refers to the email that the recipient will see in the \"From\" and \"Reply To\" fields.",
"from":"From Name",
"from-help":"The from name to display in the email.",
"gmail-routing":"Gmail Routing",
"gmail-routing-help1":"There have been reports of Gmail Routing not working on accounts with heightened security. In those scenarios, you will have to <a href=\"https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps\">configure your GMail account to allow less secure apps</a>.",
"email-settings":"이메일 설정",
"address":"이메일 주소",
"address-help":"아래 이메일 주소는 수신인의 \"보낸 사람\"과 \"답장하기\" 항목에서 보이게 됩니다.",
"from":"보낸 사람 이름",
"from-help":"이메일에 표시할 보낸 사람 이름",
"gmail-routing":"Gmail 라우팅",
"gmail-routing-help1":"보안 설정이 강화된 Google 계정의 경우에는 Gmail 라우팅이 작동하지 않는다는 보고가 있었습니다. 그러한 경우에는, Gmail에서 <a href=\"https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps\">보안 수준이 낮은 앱 허용</a>을 사용해야 합니다.",
"gmail-routing-help2":"For more information about this workaround, <a href=\"https://nodemailer.com/using-gmail/\">please consult this NodeMailer article on the issue.</a> An alternative would be to utilise a third-party emailer plugin such as SendGrid, Mailgun, etc. <a href=\"{config.relative_path}/admin/extend/plugins\">Browse available plugins here</a>.",
"gmail-transport":"Route emails through a Gmail/Google Apps account",
"handles.enabled-help":"This option exposes a new field that allows guests to pick a name to associate with each post they make. If disabled, they will simply be called \"Guest\"",
"privileges":"Guest Privileges",
"handles.enabled-help":"이 옵션은 게스트들이 포스트를 작성할 때 이름을 적는 공간을 제공합니다. 이 옵션이 비활성화 돼있다면 \"Guest\" 라고 표시될 것입니다.",
"privileges":"게스트 권한",
"privileges.can-search":"Allow guests to search without logging in",
"privileges.can-search-users":"Allow guests to search users without logging in"
"disable-user-skins":"Prevent users from choosing a custom skin",
"account-protection":"Account Protection",
"login-attempts":"Login attempts per hour",
"login-attempts-help":"If login attempts to a user's account exceeds this threshold, that account will be locked for a pre-configured amount of time",
"email-confirm-interval":"유저는 인증 이메일을 전송할 수 없습니다:",
"email-confirm-email2":"분 후",
"allow-login-with":"로그인 허용 수단",
"allow-login-with.username-email":"사용자명 또는 이메일",
"account-settings":"계정 관리",
"disable-username-changes":"사용자명 변경 비활성화",
"disable-email-changes":"이메일 주소 변경 비활성화",
"disable-password-changes":"패스워드 변경 비활성화",
"allow-account-deletion":"계정 삭제 허용",
"user-info-private":"사용자 정보를 개인만 볼수 있게 바꿉니다.",
"disable-user-skins":"일반 사용자가 스킨 지정 금지",
"account-protection":"계정 보호",
"login-attempts":"시간당 가능한 로그인 시도 횟수",
"login-attempts-help":"사용자의 로그인 시도가 이 횟수제한을 초과하면 정해진 시간만큼 해당 계정이 잠깁니다.",
"lockout-duration":"계정 잠금 기간 (분)",
"login-days":"사용자 로그인 세션 유지 기간 (일)",
"password-expiry-days":"주기적으로 패스워드 리셋",
"registration":"사용자 등록",
"registration-type":"등록 유형",
"registration-type.admin-approval":"관리자 승인",
"registration-type.admin-approval-ip":"관리자 IP 승인",
"registration-type.invite-only":"사용자 초대",
"registration-type.admin-invite-only":"관리자 초대",
"registration-type.disabled":"신규 가입 불가",
"registration-type.help":"Normal - Users can register from the /register page.<br/>\nAdmin Approval - User registrations are placed in an <a href=\"%1/admin/manage/registration\">approval queue</a> for administrators.<br/>\nAdmin Approval for IPs - Normal for new users, Admin Approval for IP addresses that already have an account.<br/>\nInvite Only - Users can invite others from the <a href=\"%1/users\" target=\"_blank\">users</a> page.<br/>\nAdmin Invite Only - Only administrators can invite others from <a href=\"%1/users\" target=\"_blank\">users</a> and <a href=\"%1/admin/manage/users\">admin/manage/users</a> pages.<br/>\nNo registration - No user registration.<br/>",
"registration.max-invites":"Maximum Invitations per User",
"max-invites":"Maximum Invitations per User",
"max-invites-help":"0 for no restriction. Admins get infinite invitations<br>Only applicable for \"Invite Only\"",
"invite-expiration":"Invite expiration",
"invite-expiration-help":"# of days invitations expire in.",
"description":"The default language determines the language settings for all users who are visiting your forum. <br />Individual users can override the default language on their account settings page.",
"default-language":"Default Language",
"auto-detect":"Auto Detect Language Setting for Guests"
"default-language":"Varsayılan Dil",
"auto-detect":"Ziyaretçiler için dili otomatik tespit et"
"optional-clone-settings":"(Optional) Clone Settings From Category",
"purge":"Purge Category",
"purge":"Kategoriyi Temizle",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"privileges.warning":"<strong>Note</strong>: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"alert.create-success":"Kategori başarıyla yaratıldı!",
"alert.none-active":"You have no active categories.",
"alert.create":"Bir Kategori Yarat",
"alert.confirm-moderate":"<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
"alert.confirm-purge":"<p class=\"lead\">Do you really want to purge this category \"%1\"?</p><h5><strong class=\"text-danger\">Warning!</strong> All topics and posts in this category will be purged!</h5> <p class=\"help-block\">Purging a category will remove all topics and posts, and delete the category from the database. If you want to remove a category <em>temporarily</em>, you'll want to \"disable\" the category instead.</p>",