diff --git a/public/src/modules/chat.js b/public/src/modules/chat.js
index 14bf5982c5..b294107955 100644
--- a/public/src/modules/chat.js
+++ b/public/src/modules/chat.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"use strict";
-/* globals app, config, define, socket, templates, utils, ajaxify */
+/* globals app, define, socket, templates, utils, ajaxify */
define('chat', ['components', 'taskbar', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/chats', 'translator'], function(components, taskbar, S, sounds, Chats, translator) {
@@ -90,15 +90,16 @@ define('chat', ['components', 'taskbar', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/chats', 'tra
module.loadChatsDropdown = function(chatsListEl) {
var dropdownEl;
- socket.emit('modules.chats.getRecentChats', {after: 0}, function(err, chats) {
+ socket.emit('modules.chats.getRecentChats', {after: 0}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return app.alertError(err.message);
- chats = chats.users;
+ var rooms = data.rooms;
- if (!chats.length) {
+ if (!rooms.length) {
translator.translate('[[modules:chat.no_active]]', function(str) {
@@ -108,17 +109,23 @@ define('chat', ['components', 'taskbar', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/chats', 'tra
- chats.forEach(function(userObj) {
- dropdownEl = $('')
- .attr('data-uid', userObj.uid)
- .html(''+
+ rooms.forEach(function(roomObj) {
+ function createUserImage(userObj) {
+ return '' +
(userObj.picture ?
' :
'' + userObj['icon:text'] + '
') +
' ' +
- userObj.username + '')
+ userObj.username + '';
+ }
+ dropdownEl = $('')
+ .attr('data-roomId', roomObj.roomId)
+ roomObj.users.forEach(function(userObj) {
+ dropdownEl.append(createUserImage(userObj));
+ });
dropdownEl.click(function() {
if (!ajaxify.currentPage.match(/^chats\//)) {
@@ -229,7 +236,7 @@ define('chat', ['components', 'taskbar', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/chats', 'tra
chatModal.find('.modal-header').on('dblclick', gotoChats);
chatModal.find('button[data-action="maximize"]').on('click', gotoChats);
- chatModal.on('click', function(e) {
+ chatModal.on('click', function() {
if (!dragged) {
diff --git a/src/messaging.js b/src/messaging.js
index a3d6d58fd0..63b64beca2 100644
--- a/src/messaging.js
+++ b/src/messaging.js
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
'use strict';
-var db = require('./database'),
- async = require('async'),
- nconf = require('nconf'),
+var async = require('async'),
winston = require('winston'),
S = require('string'),
+ nconf = require('nconf'),
+ db = require('./database'),
user = require('./user'),
plugins = require('./plugins'),
meta = require('./meta'),
+ emailer = require('./emailer'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils'),
notifications = require('./notifications'),
userNotifications = require('./user/notifications'),
- emailer = require('./emailer'),
sockets = require('./socket.io');
(function(Messaging) {
- require('./create')(Messaging);
- require('./delete')(Messaging);
- require('./edit')(Messaging);
- require('./rooms')(Messaging);
- require('./unread')(Messaging);
+ require('./messaging/create')(Messaging);
+ require('./messaging/delete')(Messaging);
+ require('./messaging/edit')(Messaging);
+ require('./messaging/rooms')(Messaging);
+ require('./messaging/unread')(Messaging);
Messaging.notifyQueue = {}; // Only used to notify a user of a new chat message, see Messaging.notifyUser
@@ -32,13 +33,9 @@ var db = require('./database'),
threemonths: 7776000000
- function sortUids(fromuid, touid) {
- return [fromuid, touid].sort();
- }
Messaging.getMessageField = function(mid, field, callback) {
Messaging.getMessageFields(mid, [field], function(err, fields) {
- callback(err, fields[field]);
+ callback(err, fields ? fields[field] : null);
@@ -55,22 +52,21 @@ var db = require('./database'),
Messaging.getMessages = function(params, callback) {
- var fromuid = params.fromuid,
- touid = params.touid,
+ var uid = params.uid,
+ roomId = params.roomId,
since = params.since,
isNew = params.isNew,
count = params.count || parseInt(meta.config.chatMessageInboxSize, 10) || 250,
markRead = params.markRead || true;
- var uids = sortUids(fromuid, touid),
- min = params.count ? 0 : Date.now() - (terms[since] || terms.day);
+ var min = params.count ? 0 : Date.now() - (terms[since] || terms.day);
if (since === 'recent') {
count = 49;
min = 0;
- db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1], 0, count, '+inf', min, function(err, mids) {
+ db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('uid:' + uid + ':chat:room:' + roomId + ':mids', 0, count, '+inf', min, function(err, mids) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
@@ -81,115 +77,122 @@ var db = require('./database'),
- Messaging.getMessagesData(mids, fromuid, touid, isNew, callback);
+ Messaging.getMessagesData(mids, uid, roomId, isNew, callback);
if (markRead) {
- notifications.markRead('chat_' + touid + '_' + fromuid, fromuid, function(err) {
+ notifications.markRead('chat_' + roomId + '_' + uid, uid, function(err) {
if (err) {
winston.error('[messaging] Could not mark notifications related to this chat as read: ' + err.message);
- userNotifications.pushCount(fromuid);
+ userNotifications.pushCount(uid);
- Messaging.getMessagesData = function(mids, fromuid, touid, isNew, callback) {
- user.getUsersFields([fromuid, touid], ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'status'], function(err, userData) {
- if(err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
+ Messaging.getMessagesData = function(mids, uid, roomId, isNew, callback) {
- var keys = mids.map(function(mid) {
- return 'message:' + mid;
- });
+ var keys = mids.map(function(mid) {
+ return 'message:' + mid;
+ });
- async.waterfall([
- async.apply(db.getObjects, keys),
- function(messages, next) {
- messages = messages.map(function(msg, idx) {
- if (msg) {
- msg.messageId = parseInt(mids[idx], 10);
- }
- return msg;
- }).filter(Boolean);
- async.map(messages, function(message, next) {
- var self = parseInt(message.fromuid, 10) === parseInt(fromuid, 10);
- message.fromUser = self ? userData[0] : userData[1];
- message.toUser = self ? userData[1] : userData[0];
- message.timestampISO = utils.toISOString(message.timestamp);
- message.self = self ? 1 : 0;
- message.newSet = false;
- if (message.hasOwnProperty('edited')) {
- message.editedISO = new Date(parseInt(message.edited, 10)).toISOString();
- }
+ var messages;
- Messaging.parse(message.content, message.fromuid, fromuid, userData[1], userData[0], isNew, function(result) {
- message.content = result;
- message.cleanedContent = S(result).stripTags().decodeHTMLEntities().s;
- next(null, message);
- });
- }, next);
- },
- function(messages, next) {
- if (messages.length > 1) {
- // Add a spacer in between messages with time gaps between them
- messages = messages.map(function(message, index) {
- // Compare timestamps with the previous message, and check if a spacer needs to be added
- if (index > 0 && parseInt(message.timestamp, 10) > parseInt(messages[index-1].timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)) {
- // If it's been 5 minutes, this is a new set of messages
- message.newSet = true;
- } else if (index > 0 && message.fromuid !== messages[index-1].fromuid) {
- // If the previous message was from the other person, this is also a new set
- message.newSet = true;
- }
+ async.waterfall([
+ function (next) {
+ db.getObjects(keys, next);
+ },
+ function (_messages, next) {
+ messages = _messages.map(function(msg, idx) {
+ if (msg) {
+ msg.messageId = parseInt(mids[idx], 10);
+ }
+ return msg;
+ }).filter(Boolean);
- return message;
- });
+ var uids = messages.map(function(msg) {
+ return msg && msg.fromuid;
+ });
- next(undefined, messages);
- } else {
- // For single messages, we don't know the context, so look up the previous message and compare
- var uids = [fromuid, touid].sort(function(a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : -1; });
- var key = 'messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1];
- async.waterfall([
- async.apply(db.sortedSetRank, key, messages[0].messageId),
- function(index, next) {
- // Continue only if this isn't the first message in sorted set
- if (index > 0) {
- db.getSortedSetRange(key, index-1, index-1, next);
- } else {
- messages[0].newSet = true;
- return next(undefined, messages);
- }
- },
- function(mid, next) {
- Messaging.getMessageFields(mid, ['fromuid', 'timestamp'], next);
- }
- ], function(err, fields) {
- if (err) {
- return next(err);
- }
+ user.getUsersFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'status'], next);
+ },
+ function (users, next) {
+ messages.forEach(function(message, index) {
+ message.fromUser = users[index];
+ var self = parseInt(message.fromuid, 10) === parseInt(uid, 10);
+ message.self = self ? 1 : 0;
+ message.timestampISO = utils.toISOString(message.timestamp);
+ message.newSet = false;
+ if (message.hasOwnProperty('edited')) {
+ message.editedISO = new Date(parseInt(message.edited, 10)).toISOString();
+ }
+ });
- if (
- (parseInt(messages[0].timestamp, 10) > parseInt(fields.timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)) ||
- (parseInt(messages[0].fromuid, 10) !== parseInt(fields.fromuid, 10))
- ) {
- // If it's been 5 minutes, this is a new set of messages
+ async.map(messages, function(message, next) {
+ Messaging.parse(message.content, message.fromuid, uid, roomId, isNew, function(result) {
+ message.content = result;
+ message.cleanedContent = S(result).stripTags().decodeHTMLEntities().s;
+ next(null, message);
+ });
+ }, next);
+ },
+ function(messages, next) {
+ if (messages.length > 1) {
+ // Add a spacer in between messages with time gaps between them
+ messages = messages.map(function(message, index) {
+ // Compare timestamps with the previous message, and check if a spacer needs to be added
+ if (index > 0 && parseInt(message.timestamp, 10) > parseInt(messages[index-1].timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)) {
+ // If it's been 5 minutes, this is a new set of messages
+ message.newSet = true;
+ } else if (index > 0 && message.fromuid !== messages[index-1].fromuid) {
+ // If the previous message was from the other person, this is also a new set
+ message.newSet = true;
+ }
+ return message;
+ });
+ next(undefined, messages);
+ } else {
+ // For single messages, we don't know the context, so look up the previous message and compare
+ var key = 'uid:' + uid + ':chat:room:' + roomId + ':mids';
+ async.waterfall([
+ async.apply(db.sortedSetRank, key, messages[0].messageId),
+ function(index, next) {
+ // Continue only if this isn't the first message in sorted set
+ if (index > 0) {
+ db.getSortedSetRange(key, index-1, index-1, next);
+ } else {
messages[0].newSet = true;
+ return next(undefined, messages);
+ },
+ function(mid, next) {
+ Messaging.getMessageFields(mid, ['fromuid', 'timestamp'], next);
+ }
+ ], function(err, fields) {
+ if (err) {
+ return next(err);
+ }
- next(undefined, messages);
- });
- }
+ if (
+ (parseInt(messages[0].timestamp, 10) > parseInt(fields.timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)) ||
+ (parseInt(messages[0].fromuid, 10) !== parseInt(fields.fromuid, 10))
+ ) {
+ // If it's been 5 minutes, this is a new set of messages
+ messages[0].newSet = true;
+ }
+ next(undefined, messages);
+ });
- ], callback);
- });
+ }
+ ], callback);
- Messaging.parse = function (message, fromuid, myuid, toUserData, myUserData, isNew, callback) {
+ Messaging.parse = function (message, fromuid, uid, roomId, isNew, callback) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:parse.raw', message, function(err, parsed) {
if (err) {
return callback(message);
@@ -199,9 +202,8 @@ var db = require('./database'),
message: message,
parsed: parsed,
fromuid: fromuid,
- myuid: myuid,
- toUserData: toUserData,
- myUserData: myUserData,
+ uid: uid,
+ roomId: roomId,
isNew: isNew,
parsedMessage: parsed
@@ -212,15 +214,14 @@ var db = require('./database'),
- Messaging.isNewSet = function(fromuid, touid, mid, callback) {
- var uids = sortUids(fromuid, touid),
- setKey = 'messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1];
+ Messaging.isNewSet = function(uid, roomId, mid, callback) {
+ var setKey = 'uid:' + uid + ':chat:room:' + roomId + ':mids';
async.apply(db.sortedSetRank, setKey, mid),
function(index, next) {
if (index > 0) {
- db.getSortedSetRange(setKey, index-1, index, next);
+ db.getSortedSetRange(setKey, index - 1, index, next);
} else {
next(null, true);
@@ -244,23 +245,33 @@ var db = require('./database'),
Messaging.getRecentChats = function(uid, start, stop, callback) {
- db.getSortedSetRevRange('uid:' + uid + ':chats', start, stop, function(err, uids) {
+ db.getSortedSetRevRange('uid:' + uid + ':chat:rooms', start, stop, function(err, roomIds) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
unread: function(next) {
- db.isSortedSetMembers('uid:' + uid + ':chats:unread', uids, next);
+ db.isSortedSetMembers('uid:' + uid + ':chat:rooms:unread', roomIds, next);
users: function(next) {
- user.getUsersFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'picture', 'status', 'lastonline'] , next);
+ async.map(roomIds, function(roomId, next) {
+ db.getSortedSetRevRange('chat:room:' + roomId + ':uids', 0, 3, function(err, uids) {
+ if (err) {
+ return next(err);
+ }
+ uids = uids.filter(function(value, index, array) {
+ return value && parseInt(value, 10) !== parseInt(uid, 10);
+ });
+ user.getUsersFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'picture', 'status', 'lastonline'] , next);
+ });
+ }, next);
teasers: function(next) {
- async.map(uids, function(fromuid, next) {
+ async.map(roomIds, function(roomId, next) {
- fromuid: fromuid,
- touid: uid,
+ uid: uid,
+ roomId: roomId,
isNew: false,
count: 1,
markRead: false
@@ -275,20 +286,25 @@ var db = require('./database'),
if (err) {
return callback(err);
- results.users.forEach(function(userData, index) {
- if (userData && parseInt(userData.uid, 10)) {
- userData.unread = results.unread[index];
- userData.status = user.getStatus(userData);
- userData.teaser = results.teasers[index];
- }
- });
- results.users = results.users.filter(function(user) {
- return user && parseInt(user.uid, 10);
+ var rooms = results.users.map(function(users, index) {
+ var data = {
+ users: users,
+ unread: results.unread[index],
+ roomId: roomIds[index],
+ teaser: results.teasers[index]
+ };
+ data.users.forEach(function(userData) {
+ if (userData && parseInt(userData.uid, 10)) {
+ userData.status = user.getStatus(userData);
+ }
+ });
+ data.users = data.users.filter(function(user) {
+ return user && parseInt(user.uid, 10);
+ });
+ return data;
- callback(null, {users: results.users, nextStart: stop + 1});
+ callback(null, {rooms: rooms, nextStart: stop + 1});
diff --git a/src/messaging/create.js b/src/messaging/create.js
index b14b8d9868..9389ee6188 100644
--- a/src/messaging/create.js
+++ b/src/messaging/create.js
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module.exports = function(Messaging) {
], next);
function (results, next) {
- getMessages([mid], fromuid, touid, true, next);
+ Messaging.getMessagesData([mid], fromuid, touid, true, next);
function (messages, next) {
Messaging.isNewSet(fromuid, touid, mid, next);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module.exports = function(Messaging) {
var keys = uids.map(function(uid) {
return 'uid:' + uid + ':chat:rooms';
- db.sortedSetsAdd(keys, timestamp, roomId, next);
+ db.sortedSetsAdd(keys, timestamp, roomId, callback);
Messaging.addMessageToUsers = function(roomId, uids, mid, timestamp, callback) {
diff --git a/src/messaging/rooms.js b/src/messaging/rooms.js
index e94a696b5c..9f13994b0e 100644
--- a/src/messaging/rooms.js
+++ b/src/messaging/rooms.js
@@ -43,4 +43,5 @@ module.exports = function(Messaging) {
Messaging.getUidsInRoom = function(roomId, start, stop, callback) {
db.getSortedSetRange('chat:room:' + roomId + ':uids', start, stop, callback);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/routes/debug.js b/src/routes/debug.js
index b81938ccc9..0e4691b4d6 100644
--- a/src/routes/debug.js
+++ b/src/routes/debug.js
@@ -57,7 +57,12 @@ module.exports = function(app, middleware, controllers) {
router.get('/test', function(req, res) {
- res.redirect(404);
+ //res.redirect(404);
+ var messaging = require('../messaging');
+ messaging.getRecentChats(1, 0, 9, function(err, data) {
+ res.json(data);
+ })
app.use(nconf.get('relative_path') + '/debug', router);
diff --git a/src/socket.io/modules.js b/src/socket.io/modules.js
index 701975dcce..599d57ec15 100644
--- a/src/socket.io/modules.js
+++ b/src/socket.io/modules.js
@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ SocketModules.chats.get = function(socket, data, callback) {
- fromuid: socket.uid,
- touid: data.touid,
+ uid: socket.uid,
+ roomId: data.roomId,
since: data.since,
isNew: false
}, callback);
- // Mark chat as read
- Messaging.markRead(socket.uid, data.touid);
+ Messaging.markRead(socket.uid, data.roomId);
SocketModules.chats.getRaw = function(socket, data, callback) {