Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty Release Bot 3 years ago
parent b124370b92
commit 5017b1a3a8

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"administrators": "Amministratori",
"global-moderators": "Moderatori Globali",
"moderators": "Moderators",
"moderators": "Moderatori",
"no-global-moderators": "Nessun Moderatore Globale",
"no-sub-categories": "No subcategories",
"subcategories": "%1 subcategories",
"no-sub-categories": "Nessuna sottocategoria",
"subcategories": "%1 sottocategorie",
"no-moderators": "Nessun Moderatore",
"add-administrator": "Aggiungi Amministratore",
"add-global-moderator": "Aggiungi Moderatore Globale",

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"banned": "Bannato",
"muted": "Muted",
"muted": "Silenziato",
"offline": "Non in linea",
"deleted": "Eliminato",
"username": "Nome Utente",
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@
"info.banned-permanently": "Bannato permanentemente",
"info.banned-reason-label": "Motivo",
"info.banned-no-reason": "Non è stata data nessuna motivazione.",
"info.mute-history": "Recent Mute History",
"": "This user has never been muted",
"info.muted-until": "Muted until %1",
"info.muted-expiry": "Expiry",
"info.mute-history": "Cronologia recente Silenziato",
"": "Questo utente non è mai stato silenziato",
"info.muted-until": "Silenziato fino a %1",
"info.muted-expiry": "Scadenza",
"info.muted-no-reason": "Nessuna motivazione fornita.",
"info.username-history": "Storico del nome utente",
"": "Storico dell'Email",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"no-events": "暂无事件",
"control-panel": "事件控制面板",
"delete-events": "删除事件",
"confirm-delete-all-events": "Are you sure you want to delete all logged events?",
"confirm-delete-all-events": "您确定要删除所有记录的事件吗?",
"filters": "过滤器",
"filters-apply": "应用过滤器",
"filter-type": "事件类型",

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"": "全部",
"active-users.connections": "连接",
"guest-registered-users": "Guest vs Registered Users",
"guest": "Guest",
"guest-registered-users": "游客 vs 注册用户",
"guest": "游客",
"registered": "已注册",
"user-presence": "用户光临",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"unread": "未读",
"high-presence-topics": "热门话题",
"popular-searches": "Popular Searches",
"popular-searches": "热门搜索",
"": "页面浏览量",
"": "注册用户页面浏览量",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"": "爬虫页面浏览量",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "单一访客",
"graphs.registered-users": "已注册用户",
"graphs.guest-users": "Guest Users",
"graphs.guest-users": "游客",
"last-restarted-by": "上次重启管理员/时间",
"no-users-browsing": "没有用户正在浏览",

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
"confirm-delete": "您确定要删除此文件吗?",
"filecount": "%1 文件",
"new-folder": "新建文件夹",
"name-new-folder": "Enter a name for new the folder"
"name-new-folder": "输入新文件夹的名称"

@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"subscriptions.disable": "禁用电子邮件摘要",
"subscriptions.hour": "摘要小时",
"subscriptions.hour-help": "请输入一个代表小时的数字来发送计划的电子邮件摘要 (例如,对于午夜,<code>0</code>对于下午5:00<code>17</code>)。 请记住,这是根据服务器本身的时间,可能与您的系统时钟不完全匹配。<br />服务器的大致时间为:<span id =\"serverTime\"></ span><br /> 下一个每日摘要被计划在<span id =\"nextDigestTime\"></span>发送",
"notifications.remove-images": "Remove images from email notifications",
"notifications.remove-images": "从电子邮件通知中删除图像",
"require-email-address": "要求新用户指定电子邮箱地址",
"require-email-address-warning": "By default, users can opt-out of entering an email address by leaving the field blank. Enabling this option means they have to enter an email address in order to proceed with registration. <strong>It does not ensure user will enter a real email address, nor even an address they own.</strong>",
"send-validation-email": "Send validation emails when an email is added or changed",
"require-email-address-warning": "默认情况下,用户可以通过将该字段留空来选择不输入电子邮件地址。启用此选项意味着他们必须输入电子邮件地址才能继续注册。<strong>它不能确保用户输入真实的电子邮件地址,甚至也不能确保他们拥有该地址。</strong>",
"send-validation-email": "添加或更改电子邮件时发送验证电子邮件",
"include-unverified-emails": "向尚未明验证其电子邮箱的人发送电子邮件",
"include-unverified-warning": "By default, users with emails associated with their account have already been verified, but there are situations where this is not the case (e.g. SSO logins, grandfathered users, etc). <strong>Enable this setting at your own risk</strong> &ndash; sending emails to unverified addresses may be a violation of regional anti-spam laws.",
"prompt": "提示用户输入或验证他们的电子邮箱地址",
"prompt-help": "如果用户没有设置电子邮箱,或者他们的电子邮件未被验证,页面上将会显示警告。",
"sendEmailToBanned": "Send emails to users even if they have been banned"
"sendEmailToBanned": "即使用户已被封禁也发送电子邮件"

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
"disable-down-voting": "禁用 踩",
"votes-are-public": "公开所有投票",
"thresholds": "操作限制",
"min-rep-upvote": "Minimum reputation to upvote posts",
"upvotes-per-day": "Upvotes per day (set to 0 for unlimited upvotes)",
"upvotes-per-user-per-day": "Upvotes per user per day (set to 0 for unlimited upvotes)",
"min-rep-upvote": "顶帖子 需要的最低声望",
"upvotes-per-day": "每天顶的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"upvotes-per-user-per-day": "每位用户每天顶的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"min-rep-downvote": "踩帖子 需要的最低声望",
"downvotes-per-day": "每天踩的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"downvotes-per-user-per-day": "每位用户每天踩的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"min-rep-chat": "Minimum reputation to send chat messages",
"min-rep-chat": "发送聊天消息 需要的最低声望",
"min-rep-flag": "举报帖子 需要的最低声望",
"min-rep-website": "添加 个人网站 需要的最低声望",
"min-rep-aboutme": "添加 个人 “关于我”页 需要的最低声望",
