"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Забраняване на поставянето на връзки в подписите",
"signature.no-images":"Забраняване на поставянето на изображения в подписите",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Максимална дължина на подписите",
"composer":"Настройки за съставянето",
"composer-help":"Следващите настройки определят функционалностите и/или вида на елемента за съставяне на\n\\t\\t\\t\\tпубликация, който се използва от потребителите, когато те създават нови теми или отговорят в съществуващи.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Zakázat odkazy v podpisech",
"signature.no-images":"Zakázat obrázky v podpisech",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Maximální délka podpisu",
"composer":"Nastavení kompozice",
"composer-help":"Následující nastavení kontroluje funkčnost a/nebo vzhled zobrazených příspěvků\n\t\t\t\tpro uživatele, kteří vytvoří nové téma nebo odpovídají na existující téma.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Links in signaturen deaktivieren",
"signature.no-images":"Bilder in Signaturen deaktivieren",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Maximale Signaturlänge",
"composer":"Editor Einstellungen",
"composer-help":"Die folgenden Einstellungen bestimmen die funktionalität und/oder das Aussehen des Beitragseditors, der Nutzern angezeigt wird, webb sie neue Themen erstellen, oder bereits existierenden Antworten.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\\t\\t\\t\\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Desactivar enlaces en firmas",
"signature.no-images":"Desactivar imágenes en firmas",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Longitud Máxima de Firma",
"composer":"Configuración del Editor de Texto",
"composer-help":"LAs configuraciones siguientes gobiernan la funcionalidad y/o apariencia del editor de entradas mostrado\n\t\t\t\ta los usuarios cuando crean nuevos temas, o responden a temas existentes.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Désactiver les liens en signature",
"signature.no-images":"Désactiver les images en signature ",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Longueur maximum des signatures",
"composer":"Paramètres Composer",
"composer-help":"Les réglages suivants permettent de choisir les fonctionnalités et/ou l'apparence du composeur de message affiché\n\t\t\t\ttaux utilisateurs quand ils créent de nouveaux sujets ou répondent à des sujets existants.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"אורך חתימה מרבי",
"composer":"הגדרות יצירת פוסט",
"composer-help":"ההגדרות הבאות חלות על הפונקציונליות ו/או המראה של יוצר הפוסט המוצג\n\t\t\t\tלמשתמשים בעת יצירת נושאים חדשים, או מענה לנושאים קיימים.",
"signature.no-links":"Onemogući odlazne poveznice u potpisima ",
"signature.no-images":"Onemogući slike u potpisima",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Minimalna dužina potpisa",
"composer":"Postavke Composer-a",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Linkek letiltása az aláírásokban",
"signature.no-images":"Képek letiltása az aláírásokban",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Aláírás maximális hossza",
"composer":"Szövegszerkesztő beállításai",
"composer-help":"Az alábbi beállítások a felhasználóknak megjelenített szövegszerkesztő (témakör, hozzászólás vagy válasz írásánál)\n\t\t\t\tfunkcióit és/vagy megjelenését szabályozzák.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Disabilita i collegamenti nelle firme",
"signature.no-images":"Disabilita le immagini nelle firme",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Lunghezza massima della firma",
"composer":"Impostazioni del compositore",
"composer-help":"Le seguenti impostazioni regolano la funzionalità e/o l'aspetto del post compositore mostrato\n\t\t\t\tagli utenti quando creano nuove discussioni o rispondono a discussioni esistenti.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"Tālāk norādītie iestatījumi nosaka funkcionalitāti un izskatu no raksta redaktoru, ko lieto jaunus tematus izveidojot, vai atbildot jau eksistējošiem tematiem.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"Følgende innstillinger styrer funksjonaliteten og/ eller utseendet til skriveverktøyet vist\n\t\t\t\ttil brukere når de lager nye tråder, eller svarer på eksisterende tråder.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Wyłącz odnośniki w sygnaturach",
"signature.no-images":"Wyłącz obrazy w sygnaturach",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Maksymalna długość sygnatury",
"composer":"Ustawienia okna pisania",
"composer-help":"Następujące ustawienia zarządzają funkcjonalnością oraz/lub wyglądem okna pisania postów wyświetlanego\n\t\t\t\tużytkownikom, gdy tworzą nowe tematy lub odpowiadają w istniejących.",
"signature.no-links":"Desabilitar links em assinaturas",
"signature.no-images":"Desabilitar imagens em assinaturas",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Tamanho Máximo de Assinatura",
"composer":"Configurações do Compositor",
"composer-help":"As seguintes configurações diz respeito à funcionalidade e/ou à aparência do compositor de postagem mostrado\n\t\t\t\taos usuários quando eles criam novos tópicos ou respondem a tópicos existentes.",
"signature.no-links":"Desativar links nas assinaturas",
"signature.no-images":"Desativar imagens nas assinaturas",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Comprimento Máximo da Assinatura",
"composer":"Definições do Editor",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Zakázať odkazy v podpisoch",
"signature.no-images":"Zakázať obrázky v podpisoch",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Maximálna dĺžka podpisu",
"composer":"Nastavenia kompozície",
"composer-help":"Nasledujúce nastavenia kontroluje funkčnosť a/alebo vzhľad zobrazených príspevkov\n\t\t\t\tpre používateľov, ktorí vytvoria novú tému alebo odpovedajú na existujúcu tému.",
"signature.no-links":"Onemogoči povezave v podpisih",
"signature.no-images":"Onemogoči slike v podpisih",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Največja dolžina podpisa",
"composer":"Nastavitve sestavljalnika",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"Onemogući linkove u potpisima",
"signature.no-images":"Onemogući slike u potpisima",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Minimum karaktera u Potpisu",
"composer":"Podešavanje Composer-a",
"composer-help":"Sledeća podešavanja upravljaju funkcionalnošću i/ili izgledom prikazanom kompozera post-a\n\t\t\t\tprema korisnicima kada prave nove teme, ili odgovaraju na postojeće.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer-help":"The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"signature.no-links":"İmzalarda linkleri devre dışı bırak",
"signature.no-images":"İmzalarda resimleri devre dışı bırak",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Maksimum İmza Uzunluğu",
"composer":"Editör Ayarları",
"composer-help":"Aşağıdaki ayarlar, yeni konular oluşturduklarında veya mevcut konulara cevap verdiklerinde kullanıcıların \n\t\t\t\tyazı alanının işlevselliğini ve / veya görünümünü yönetmelerini sağlar.",
"signature.no-links":"Вимкнути посилання в підписах",
"signature.no-images":"Вимкнути зображення в підписах",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Максимальна довжина підпису",
"composer":"Налаштування редактора",
"composer-help":"Ці налаштування керують функціональністю та виглядом редактору постів для користувачів коли вони створюють нові теми або відповідають на існуючі.",
"signature.hide-duplicates":"Hide duplicate signatures in topics",
"signature.max-length":"Chữ Ký Dài Tối Đa",
"composer":"Cài Đặt Trình Biên Soạn",
"composer-help":"Các cài đặt sau chi phối chức năng và / hoặc giao diện hiển thị của trình soạn bài\n\t\t\t\tngười dùng khi họ tạo chủ đề mới hoặc trả lời các chủ đề hiện có.",