@ -421,6 +421,22 @@ describe('Categories', () => {
assert.equal(data.icon, updateData[cid].icon);
it('should properly order categories', async () => {
const p1 = await Categories.create({ name: 'p1', description: 'd', parentCid: 0, order: 1 });
const c1 = await Categories.create({ name: 'c1', description: 'd1', parentCid: p1.cid, order: 1 });
const c2 = await Categories.create({ name: 'c2', description: 'd2', parentCid: p1.cid, order: 2 });
const c3 = await Categories.create({ name: 'c3', description: 'd3', parentCid: p1.cid, order: 3 });
// move c1 to second place
await apiCategories.update({ uid: adminUid }, { [c1.cid]: { order: 2 } });
let cids = await db.getSortedSetRange(`cid:${p1.cid}:children`, 0, -1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(cids.map(Number), [c2.cid, c1.cid, c3.cid]);
// move c3 to front
await apiCategories.update({ uid: adminUid }, { [c3.cid]: { order: 1 } });
cids = await db.getSortedSetRange(`cid:${p1.cid}:children`, 0, -1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(cids.map(Number), [c3.cid, c2.cid, c1.cid]);
it('should not remove category from parent if parent is set again to same category', async () => {
const parentCat = await Categories.create({ name: 'parent', description: 'poor parent' });
const updateData = {};