* #10197, fix relative path urls for dashboard pages (92a249c9)
* actually, CORP is ok (df8c8ad8)
* update defaults for corp and coep to be more permissive, for now, to be reverted for v1.20.0 (4467299e)
* if no group label is selected, select no group title option (94da5026)
##### Other Changes
* remove unused require (6be330f2)
##### Performance Improvements
* increase batch size (b548083b)
##### Refactors
* update chat plcaeholder message (fbd9ba79)
* updated package-install.js exports style, new exported method 'getPackageManager' for use in cases where nconf is unreliable, fix bug where nconf was not correctly set up in cli tools, proper installation of dev dependencies based on global env value (9a169085)
* emailer.send and emailer.sendToEmail returns Boolean based on message being successfully sent (f0e32ff1)
* sorted-list .get() to be async fn (89b559a2)
##### Tests
* fix occasional test failure (2dbdd181)
* add test to verify that a sorted set is automatically deleted if its last element is removed (#10261) (60680876)
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Запазване на качените файлове на диска дори след изтриването на публикацията",
"private-extensions":"Файлови разширения, които да бъдат частни",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Въведете списък от файлови разширения, разделени със запетаи, които искате да бъдат частни (например <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Ако оставите това поле празно, всички файлове ще бъдат частни.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Преоразмеряване на изображенията, ако са по-широки от определената ширина",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Přípona souborů je soukromá",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Pro nastavení soukromí, zde zadejte seznam souborů oddělený čárkou (tj. <code>pdf, xls,doc</code>). prázdný seznam znamená, že všechny soubory jsou soukromé.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Změnit velikost obrázků, jsou-li širší než určená šířka",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Private Dateiendungen",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Gib eine Komma-Separierte Liste mit Dateiendungen an, die privatisiert werden sollen (z.B. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Eine leere Liste bedeutet, dass alle Dateien privat sind.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Bilder zu einer bestimmten Breite runterskalieren wenn sie breiter sind als die angegebene Breite.",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"private":"Hacer las subidas de archivos privadas",
"strip-exif-data":"Strip EXIF Data",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Extensiones de archivo para hacer privadas.",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Cambiar el tamaño de las imágenes si son más anchas que el ancho especificado",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"private":"Rendre privés les fichiers téléchargés",
"strip-exif-data":"Supprimer les données EXIF",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Rendre privé des extensions de fichier.",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Renseignez ici une liste d'extensions de fichiers séparées par des virgules pour les rendre privées (par exemple : <code>pdf, xls, doc</code>). Une liste vide signifie que tous les fichiers sont privés.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Redimensionner les images si elles sont plus larges que la largeur spécifiée",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"composer-help":"ההגדרות הבאות חלות על הפונקציונליות ו/או המראה של יוצר הפוסט המוצג\n\t\t\t\tלמשתמשים בעת יצירת נושאים חדשים, או מענה לנושאים קיימים.",
"composer.show-help":"הצג כרטיסיית \"עזרה\"",
"composer.enable-plugin-help":"אפשר לתוסיפים להוסיף תוכן ללשונית עזרה",
"composer.enable-plugin-help":"אפשר לתוספים להוסיף תוכן ללשונית עזרה",
"composer.custom-help":"טקסט עזרה מותאם אישית",
"backlinks.enabled":"Enable topic backlinks",
"backlinks.help":"If a post references another topic, a link back to the post will be inserted into the referenced topic at that point in time.",
"backlinks":"קישורים נכנסים",
"backlinks.enabled":"אפשר קישורים נכנסים בנושא",
"backlinks.help":"אם פוסט מפנה לנושא אחר, קישור חזרה לפוסט יתווסף לנושא אליו בוצעה ההפניה בשלב זה.",
"ip-tracking":"IP מעקב",
"ip-tracking.each-post":"מעקב אחר כתובת IP על כל הודעה",
"flags.limit-per-target-help":"כשפוסט או משתמש מסומן כמה פעמים, כל דיווח נוסף נחשב ל "דיווח" ונוסף לדיווח הראשון. הגדר את האופציה הזאת לכל מספר שהוא לא 0 כדי להגביל את כמות הדיווחים שפוסט או משתמש יכול לקבל.",
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned"
"flags.auto-resolve-on-ban":"פתור אוטומטי כל כרטיסי משתמש כאשר הוא מוחרם"
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"סיומות קובצים להפוך לפרטיים",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"הכנס כאן רשימה של פורמטי הקבצים, מופרדים בפסיק, כדי להפוך אותם לפרטיים (לדוגמא <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). שורה ריקה פירושו שכל הקבצים פרטיים.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"שנה גודל תמונות אם הם רחבים יותר מהרוחב המוגדר",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Privát kiterjesztések",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Add meg vesszővel elválasztva a privát kiterjesztések listáját (pl.: <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>) Az üres lista azt jelenti, hogy minden fájl privát.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Képek átméretezése, ha szélesebbek, mint a megadott szélesség",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Mantieni i file caricati su disco dopo l'eliminazione di un post",
"private-extensions":"Estensione dei file da rendere privata",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Inserisci la lista di estensioni separati da virgola quì (es. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Una lista vuota significa che tutti i file sono privati.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Ridimensiona le immagini se sono più grandi della larghezza specificata",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"private":"Iestatīt augšupielādētos failus kā privātus",
"strip-exif-data":"Strip EXIF Data",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Failu paplašīnājumi, kurus turēt privātus",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Ievadīt ar komatu atdalītu failu paplašinājumu sarakstu, kurus turēt privātus (piemērām <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Tukšais saraksts nozīmē, ka visi faili ir privāti.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Samazināt blides izmērus, ja ir plašāka par noteikto platumu",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"private":"Oznaczaj wysyłane pliki jako prywatne",
"strip-exif-data":"Usuń dane EXIF",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Rozszerzenia plików, które mają być prywatne",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Tutaj wpisz oddzielone przecinkami rozszerzenia plików, które mają być prywatne (np. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Jeśli lista jest pusta, wszystkie pliki są prywatne.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Zmień rozmiar obrazów, jeśli są szersze niż określona szerokość",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Extensões de arquivo para tornar privado",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Digite uma lista, separada por vírgulas, de extensões de arquivos para torná-las privadas aqui (por exemplo: <code>pdf, xls, doc</code>). Uma lista vazia sinigica que todos os arquivos são privado.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Redimensionar imagens se a largura dela for maior do que a largura especificada",
"private":"Tornar os ficheiros enviados privados",
"strip-exif-data":"Strip EXIF Data",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Типы файлов, которые следует скрывать от гостей",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Укажите через запятую список расширений файлов, например <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>. Оставьте поле пустым, чтобы все загрузки были недоступны гостям.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Уменьшать изображения, когда ширина превышает",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Prípona súborov je súkromná",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Pre nastavenie súkromia, zadajte sem zoznam súborov oddelených čiarkou (napr.: <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Prázdny zoznam znamená, že všetky súbory sú súkromné.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Gizli yapılacak dosya uzantıları",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Buraya gizli yapılacak dosya uzantıları listesini virgülle ayırarak giriniz. (ör. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Boş bırakmak, tüm dosyaların gizli olacağı anlamına gelir.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Belirtilen genişlikten daha genişse görüntüleri yeniden boyutlandırın",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"File extensions to make private",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Enter comma-separated list of file extensions to make private here (e.g. <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). An empty list means all files are private.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Resize images if they are wider than specified width",
"preserve-orphaned-uploads":"Keep uploaded files on disk after a post is purged",
"private-extensions":"Phần mở rộng tệp để đặt ở chế độ riêng tư",
"private-uploads-extensions-help":"Nhập danh sách phần mở rộng tệp tại đây phân tách bằng dấu phẩy để đặt ở chế độ riêng tư (VD: <code>pdf,xls,doc</code>). Để trống có nghĩa là mọi tệp đều riêng tư.",
"resize-image-width-threshold":"Chỉnh kích cỡ ảnh nếu chúng rộng hơn chiều rộng đã đặt",