@ -76,48 +76,32 @@ module.exports = function (module) {
async function intersectSingle(params) {
const objects = module.client.collection('objects');
const sortSet = params.sets[params.weights.indexOf(1)];
if (sortSet === params.counts.smallestSet) {
return await intersectBatch(params);
let items = await objects.find({ _key: params.counts.smallestSet }, {
projection: { _id: 0, value: 1 },
const sortSet = params.sets[params.weights.indexOf(1)];
const otherSets = params.sets.filter(s => s !== params.counts.smallestSet);
const project = { _id: 0, value: 1 };
if (params.withScores) {
project.score = 1;
if (sortSet !== params.counts.smallestSet) {
// move sortSet to the end of array
otherSets.push(otherSets.splice(otherSets.indexOf(sortSet), 1)[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < otherSets.length; i++) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const cursor = objects.find({ _key: otherSets[i], value: { $in: items.map(i => i.value) } });
// at the last step sort by sortSet
if (i === otherSets.length - 1) {
cursor.project(project).sort({ score: params.sort }).skip(params.start).limit(params.limit);
} else {
cursor.project({ _id: 0, value: 1 });
items = await cursor.toArray();
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < otherSets.length; i++) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
items = await module.client.collection('objects').find({
_key: otherSets[i], value: { $in: items.map(i => i.value) },
}, { projection: { _id: 0, value: 1 } }).toArray();
if (!items.length) {
return [];
const otherSets = params.sets.filter(s => s !== params.counts.smallestSet);
// move sortSet to the end of array
otherSets.push(otherSets.splice(otherSets.indexOf(sortSet), 1)[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < otherSets.length; i++) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const cursor = objects.find({ _key: otherSets[i], value: { $in: items.map(i => i.value) } });
// at the last step sort by sortSet
if (i === otherSets.length - 1) {
cursor.project(project).sort({ score: params.sort }).skip(params.start).limit(params.limit);
} else {
cursor.project({ _id: 0, value: 1 });
items = await objects.find({ _key: sortSet, value: { $in: items.map(i => i.value) } })
.sort({ score: params.sort })
items = await cursor.toArray();
if (!params.withScores) {
items = items.map(i => i.value);