Barış Soner Uşaklı 4 years ago
commit 3bf8ee10d3

@ -151,10 +151,10 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@apidevtools/swagger-parser": "10.0.2",
"@commitlint/cli": "11.0.0",
"@commitlint/config-angular": "11.0.0",
"@commitlint/cli": "12.0.1",
"@commitlint/config-angular": "12.0.1",
"coveralls": "3.1.0",
"eslint": "7.20.0",
"eslint": "7.21.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "14.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.22.1",
"grunt": "1.3.0",

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"forum-traffic": "Forum Traffic",
"page-views": "Seitenaufrufe",
"unique-visitors": "Individuelle Besucher",
"logins": "Logins",
"logins": "Anmeldungen",
"new-users": "Neue nutzende Person",
"posts": "Beiträge",
"topics": "Themen",
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
"page-views-custom-help": "Gib eine Zeitspanne an, in dem du die Besichtigungszahlen ansehen willst. Sollte keine Kalenderauswahl verfügbar sein ist das akzeptierte format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-error": "Bitte gib eine gültige Zeitspanne im Format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> an",
"stats.yesterday": "Yesterday",
"stats.today": "Today",
"stats.last-week": "Last Week",
"stats.this-week": "This Week",
"stats.last-month": "Last Month",
"stats.this-month": "This Month",
"stats.yesterday": "Gestern",
"stats.today": "Heute",
"stats.last-week": "Letzte Woche",
"stats.this-week": "Diese Woche",
"stats.last-month": "Letzter Monat",
"stats.this-month": "Dieser Monat",
"stats.all": "Alle",
"updates": "Updates",
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
"last-restarted-by": "Zuletzt Neugestartet von: ",
"no-users-browsing": "Keine aktiven Benutzer",
"back-to-dashboard": "Back to Dashboard",
"details.no-users": "No users have joined within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-topics": "No topics have been posted within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-logins": "No logins have been recorded within the selected timeframe",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB only saves session data for %1 days, and so this table below will only show the most recently active sessions",
"details.logins-login-time": "Login Time"
"back-to-dashboard": "Zurück zur Übersicht",
"details.no-users": "Keine Benutzer sind im gewählten Zeitraum beigetreten",
"details.no-topics": "Keine Themen wurden im gewählten Zeitraum beigetreten",
"details.no-logins": "Keine Logins wurden im gewählten Zeitraum festgestellt",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB speichert Sitzungsdaten nur für %1 Tage, deshalb zeigt die untere Tabelle nur die neuesten, aktiven Sitzungen",
"details.logins-login-time": "Anmelde Zeit"

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"global": "Global",
"admin": "Admin",
"group-privileges": "Group Privileges",
"user-privileges": "User Privileges",
"edit-privileges": "Edit Privileges",
"select-clear-all": "Select/Clear All",
"admin": "Administrator",
"group-privileges": "Gruppen Rechte",
"user-privileges": "Benutzer Rechte",
"edit-privileges": "Rechte bearbeiten",
"select-clear-all": "Alle Aus-/Abwählen",
"chat": "Chat",
"upload-images": "Bilder hochladen",
"upload-files": "Dateien hochladen",
"signature": "Signatur",
"ban": "Bannen",
"invite": "Invite",
"invite": "Einladen",
"search-content": "Inhalt durchsuchen",
"search-users": "Benutzersuche",
"search-tags": "Tags suchen",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"view-groups": "Gruppen ansehen",
"allow-local-login": "Lokaler Login",
"allow-group-creation": "Gruppen erstellen",
"view-users-info": "View Users Info",
"view-users-info": "Benutzerinfo anzeigen",
"find-category": "Kategorie finden",
"access-category": "Kategoriezutritt",
"access-topics": "Themenzutritt",
@ -35,25 +35,25 @@
"delete-topics": "Themen entfernen",
"purge": "Endgültig löschen",
"moderate": "Moderieren",
"admin-dashboard": "Dashboard",
"admin-categories": "Categories",
"admin-privileges": "Privileges",
"admin-dashboard": "Übersicht",
"admin-categories": "Kategorien",
"admin-privileges": "Rechte",
"admin-users": "Nutzende Personen",
"admin-admins-mods": "Admins &amp; Mods",
"admin-groups": "Groups",
"admin-tags": "Tags",
"admin-admins-mods": "Administratoren & Moderatoren",
"admin-groups": "Gruppen",
"admin-tags": "Schlagworte",
"admin-settings": "Einstellungen",
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
"alert.confirm-admins-mods": "<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the &quot;Admins &amp; Mods&quot; privilege to this user/group?</strong> Users with this privilege are able to promote and demote other users into privileged positions, <em>including super administrator</em>",
"alert.confirm-save": "Please confirm your intention to save these privileges",
"alert.saved": "Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded": "Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.no-undo": "<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning": "Administrators implicitly get all privileges"
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Bist Du sicher, dass du dieser Gruppe das Moderationsrecht gewähren möchtest?</strong> Diese Gruppe ist öffentlich, und alle Benutzer können nach Belieben beitreten.",
"alert.confirm-admins-mods": "<strong>Bist Du sicher, dass du \"Administrator & Moderator\" Rechte zu dieser Gruppe hinzufügen willst?</strong>Benutzer mit diesen Rechten können andere Benutzer in privilegierte Positionen heraufstufen und herabstufen, <em>super Administrator eingeschlossen!</em>",
"alert.confirm-save": "Bitte bestätige Deine Absicht, diese Rechte zu speichern",
"alert.saved": "Änderungen an Rechten gespeichert und angewendet",
"alert.confirm-discard": "Bist du sicher, dass du die Änderungen an den Rechten verwerfen möchtest?",
"alert.discarded": "Änderungen an Rechten verworfen",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Rechte auf <strong>alle Kategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Bist Du sicher, dass Du die Rechte dieser Gruppe auf <strong>alle Kategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Rechte auf <strong>alle Unterkategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Bist Du sicher, dass Du die Rechte dieser Gruppe auf <strong>alle Unterkategorien</strong> anwenden möchtest?",
"alert.no-undo": "<em>Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.</em>",
"alert.admin-warning": "Administratoren erhalten implizit alle Berechtigungen"

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"last-restarted-by": "Redémarré par",
"no-users-browsing": "Aucun utilisateur connecté",
"back-to-dashboard": "Back to Dashboard",
"back-to-dashboard": "Retour au Tableau de bord",
"details.no-users": "No users have joined within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-topics": "No topics have been posted within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-logins": "No logins have been recorded within the selected timeframe",

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"section-dashboard": "Dashboards",
"dashboard/overview": "Overview",
"dashboard/logins": "Logins",
"dashboard/users": "Users",
"dashboard/topics": "Topics",
"section-dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
"dashboard/overview": "Aperçu",
"dashboard/logins": "Connexions",
"dashboard/users": "Utilisateurs",
"dashboard/topics": "Sujets",
"section-general": "Général",
"section-manage": "Gestion",

@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
"last-restarted-by": "Ultimo riavvio di",
"no-users-browsing": "Nessun utente sta navigando",
"back-to-dashboard": "Back to Dashboard",
"details.no-users": "No users have joined within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-topics": "No topics have been posted within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-logins": "No logins have been recorded within the selected timeframe",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB only saves session data for %1 days, and so this table below will only show the most recently active sessions",
"details.logins-login-time": "Login Time"
"back-to-dashboard": "Torna alla dashboard",
"details.no-users": "Nessun utente si è iscritto nell'arco di tempo selezionato",
"details.no-topics": "Nessuna discussione è stata postata nell'arco di tempo selezionato",
"details.no-logins": "Non sono stati registrati accessi nell'arco di tempo selezionato",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB salva solo i dati di sessione per %1 giorni, quindi la tabella qui sotto mostrerà solo le sessioni attive più recenti",
"details.logins-login-time": "Tempo di accesso"

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"section-dashboard": "Dashboards",
"dashboard/overview": "Overview",
"dashboard/logins": "Logins",
"dashboard/users": "Users",
"dashboard/topics": "Topics",
"section-dashboard": "Dashboard",
"dashboard/overview": "Panoramica",
"dashboard/logins": "Accessi",
"dashboard/users": "Utenti",
"dashboard/topics": "Discussioni",
"section-general": "Generale",
"section-manage": "Gestisci",
